AutoCAD Map 3D :: Insert Block With Attributes - Fill From Object Data Assigned To Polylines
Jan 31, 2012
Running a Query that inserts a block with attributes filled with text derived from a file that has a large set of polylines with object data (text)? Is it easier just to insert this object data as text with a query. Or can I place this object data (text) into a block that inserts?
- You have land locations defined within the object data assigned to a set of closed polylines. (Large subdivision)
- Field name for object data on each closed polyline is "LAND_LOC"
- Now, I'd like to label these locations with a block that inserts to a central point within the closed polyline.
- Block Attributes with "get" the information from the polyline / object data and place this value in the block attribute.
- I have 1 drawing file that has closed polylines with object data assigned to them.
- What is the best method for this? I'd like a block with attributes to insert and pull the object data / field and place it into the block with a defined attribute, that is central to each of the closed polylines. (LAND_LOC)
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Nov 4, 2011
I am using 2008 and I have a dynamic block with attributes that I want to insert with the below program and have the attritute values filled in automatically. I have done this with other programs in the past and they worked great with literally no problems. They were not dynamic blocks may be the reason this does not work. Why the block will not fill in the attributes like it should. Occasionally in my testing I see a message about "units" when I am inserting the block but I have my insunits set to 0. I have attached one of the blocks I want to use. I am thinking either you cannot do this because it is a dynamic block or there is a new variable that won't let it work.
(setq upisosym "L:/AcadUtilsJack/Programs/InsertIsoSymbols/ELL90BW_Flip_01" isosym "rat")
(setq upod "3" upsch "sched" upmatl "matl" uprat "400")
I found these two new variables and turn them off or 0 thinking they might be the problem???
(defun c:JD ()
(setvar "attdia" 0)
(setvar "attreq" 1)
[Code] .....
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Jun 9, 2011
We need to take polylines from AutoCAD Map 3D to 3ds Max and rename each polyline to have a name of something like "Building Number-Room Number", both of which are defined in our properties for each polyline. Because none of this data is kept on import to Max, we need to do this all in Map 3D, which we are not experienced with. Is there a way to do this, and if so what? We are importing the .dwg files in Max with polylines as splines.
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Apr 24, 2013
I have this one file .txt with this features:
Point North East Z Description
1 8618063,68 312415,09 75,87 T1
2 8618138,38 312428,89 70,57 B_RIO SECO
3 8618132,23 312427,75 71,90 ARENAL
4 8618126,23 312426,64 72,50 ARENAL
5 8618112,22 312424,06 73,77 ARENAL
6 8618099,78 312421,76 75,35 ARENAL
7 8618089,51 312419,86 75,84 ARENAL
8 8618132,23 312427,75 71,94 J
9 8618112,23 312424,06 73,88 J
10 8618099,82 312421,78 75,36 ARENAL
11 8618089,48 312419,87 75,85 E_1
And I generated this code for read this file and insert one block with attributes for each line of text…..
If txtPath.Text() = "" Then
MsgBox("Select DB .txt.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
End If
On Error GoTo ControlErroresBD
Dim AcadDocPt As Document =
[Code] ....
‘To the end of this line I can insert the block,,,,,,, but I don’t know how to write the attributes…… I tried with the next code but it doesn’t work…. My bloque has 3 attributes and every tag named with “PN”, “CD” and “CT”
Dim AcadObj As Entity
For Each acObjId As ObjectId In AcadBlockRef.AttributeCollection
AcadObj = AcadTransPt.GetObject(acObjId, OpenMode.ForWrite)
Dim acAttDef As AttributeDefinition = TryCast(AcadObj, AttributeDefinition)
[Code] .....
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Apr 21, 2013
I created one code to insert one Block and this block has 3 attributes
Dim AcadDocPt AsDocument = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim AcadCurrentDBPt AsDatabase = AcadDocPt.Database
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Nov 26, 2012
I have the following code that Inserts a Block with Attributes by using an empty database and
ReadDwgFile. But I seem to be missing something because it has caused memory errors that lead to Exception Errors in Autocad, which then bombs out. Is there something in addition to the db.CloseInput(true) and db.Dispose() that I need to fully release the unseen instance of Autocad?
CommandMethod("InsertDetailCallOut", CommandFlags.Session)> _
PublicSharedSub InsertDetailCallOut(ByVal BlockPath AsString, ByVal thePoint AsPoint3d, ByVal BlockName AsString, ByVal dblscale AsDouble, _
ByVal Detail_Number AsInteger, ByVal Detail_Name AsString, ByVal Detail_Qty AsInteger, _
ByVal Detail_Material AsString, ByVal Detail_Stock AsString, ByVal Detail_Notes AsString)
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Jun 26, 2012
I'm creating a routine to fill in my terminal strips. This routine worked perfectly in Vba but I'm now rewriting it for .NET...The problem is that I want to insert a block with attributes into different cells.The tables already exists. Below my function, I'm stuck on this part
Dim lonReturnedIds = FunBlockId() ' Calls the function FunBlockID to get the ID's of the attributes
' 0 = BlockID
' 1 = AttributeID of KleurB
' 2 = AttributeID of KleurO
TS.Cells(i, intPosition).Contents.Add()
TS.Cells(i, intPosition).Contents(0).BlockTableRecordId = lonReturnedIds(0)
TS.Cells(i, intPosition).SetBlockAttributeValue(lonReturnedIds(1), strCableConductor2WriteFirst)
Public Function Fun_StripUp(ByVal Po3dXY As Point3d, ByVal str_CableName As String, ByVal Str_CableConductor As String, ByVal strCable Conductor 2 Write As String, ByVal strCableConductor2WriteFirst As String, ByVal intPosition As Integer) As StringDim tAcadDoc As ApplicationServices.Document = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentDim myDB As.
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May 17, 2011
I have polylines that when selected, under properties it lists Object Data for the selected polyline. There are like 10 categories. This drawing is actually creeks in a county and they have object data connected to them where some are "a" some are "b" classification and I want to select all of the "a" polylines and put on a diffrent layer.
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Sep 15, 2011
is there any possiblity to convert the Polylines containing object data to a 3D Solid so that the object are also copied?
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Feb 12, 2012
2010 how can we obtain the block automatically insert the attributes as shown in red
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Jun 19, 2012
I have some soil boring data captured, in the field, to an Excel spreadsheet; basically, a bore site ID and coordinates.
I'd like to be able to have the coordinate attributes of blocks inserted into my bore site plans populate automatically, perhaps based off of the value of a bore site ID attribute which is manually entered for each bore site.
Alternatively, if there were a way to insert the bore site blocks based off the actual Excel records, populating all attributes and locating the block by the actual X,Y,Z coordinate, that might be even better.
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May 21, 2013
I am testing de new version of autocad 2014 and i have a problem with lisp.
when i use (command "_insert" "block1" pt1 "" "" "" obj1 ).
The block is inserted but without value. In the old version work.Some variable that has to change?
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Oct 2, 2013
2014. In help, it says to "Click Insert tab-Block Definition panel-Manage Attributes" In my display, when clicking the Insert tab, I only have a "Block" panel, not a "Block Definition" panel. Trying to get to the Sync command.
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Jul 15, 2011
I want to make a price list, using attributes in block and then extracting them to cell matching some cells with excel
While in data extr wizard for some reason I cant get the size column to set in ascending order.. Why does size 10 brake the logic?
Can I edit the extracted data without launching data extr wizard?
Data extr wizard brings a data in one table what if I want the table to display other types of attribute ( example see pic for instance instead of EL i have SS no problem until now, but my matched data link in excel is for EL and not for SS)
Its hard to explain Basicly i selected the column in excel for one type of attribute "EL" and I want fo a different name of same attribute different cell matching.
See pic:
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Jul 7, 2011
I've got a block with multiple attributes. This is not a problem to redefine the blocks attributes.
Some of the attributes contains dynamic fields (blockplace holder x y z parameters) When i insert a block with such atributes that includes the blockplaceholder dynamic fields i get
X: InsertionPoint => It is recognized as an Dynamic field but displays InsertionPoint. and does not update the value.
How can i update the fielddata from
Part of the code I use (where i think the problem is)
For Each attid As ObjectId In refbtr attent = tr.GetObject(attid, OpenMode.ForRead) If TypeOf attent Is AttributeDefinition Then Dim attdef As AttributeDefinition = attent Dim attref As New AttributeReference() attref.SetAttributeFromBlock(attdef, myBlockRef.BlockTransform) Dim attrefid As ObjectId = myBlockRef.AttributeCollection.AppendAttribute(attref) tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(attref, True) End IfNext
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Jan 26, 2012
I have created a leader from a block and I need to have that leader automatically insert data from an object. I have tried several attempts with a the FIELD command, but to no avail.
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Jul 14, 2013
I am having some trouble with a file in Illustrator CS6. Within a layer, when I add a fill to an object, the fill doesn't block out the object paths beneath. For instance, say I have a square object overlapping a circle object in Layer 1. The square object is above the circle in the layer. When I add a fill to the square, the circle stroke still shows through the square even though the overlapped part should be blocked out by the fill. The square is set to normal visibility, and I have made sure that there are no duplicate paths that would account for what I am seeing. (I.e., it's not a case where there's a second identical circle path that is on top of the square, so that it remains visible in spite of the fill.)
Other details:
- I'm mainly working with a white fill, but the problem is the same with fills of any color
- When there's a fill color in the circle path as well, the circle's fill color *is* blocked out—just not its stroke.
- I have restarted Illustrator and restarted my computer and these have not changed anything.
- There are other layers within the same document where the normal layering rules work.
- I tried copy/pasting some of the problem objects into a new document, and in the new document, the fill works properly.
- If I move the problem objects to another layer, then the fill works as it should. But as I'm dealing with a number of paths, it doesn't make sense to create a layer for each to solve the problem.
I can't tell if it's a matter of working in too large or complex a file.
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Sep 28, 2013
What is the best way to insert a c3d point with assigned values. For example, I want to insert a point with the style curb stop, on a certain layer with a certain label. Going through thr insert point tool is not very user friendly for users looking to add points, not assign properties. Can this operation be added to the tool palettes? I am not familar with creating my own.
C3D 2012 or 2014
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
C3D 2014 SP1
Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram
Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
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Jan 6, 2014
I would like to assign attributes to polylines so when I draw out a wiring diagram I can label the wire without having to type it out every time. I was thinking maybe a linked table or something not sure.
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Jan 23, 2012
From the attached image you can see what I'm talking about.
(left=original, middle=ROTATE, right=PROPERTIES)
When I rotate blocks using ROTATE command everything is fine, but when I rotate blocks using PROPERTIES my attributes get messed.
I need to rotate several blocks at once with PROPERTIES, because I don't have time to rotate each one separately.
The same thing happens when scaling blocks, but this was resolved using the command BSCALE in the command line.
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Dec 17, 2013
I've tried this several times, but it doesn't work. Lightroom CC will import metadata and even star ratings, but it won't import the color label data assigned to the images from within Bridge. How can I get that information to be imported?
In other words, working in Bridge CC I assigned star ratings and color labels to a folder full of JPG files. When I import those files into Lightroom CC, the images, metadata and the star ratings are imported, but no color label data was imported. None of the images have color labels when viewed in LR. They still retain the color labels when I view the files in Bridge CC, but they don't appear in LR.
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Feb 11, 2009
ACAD 2008. Just noticed all my polylines with width have lost their fill, got outlines only. What have I done?
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Apr 2, 2013
I write a program, this program needs to insert some standard illustrations. I made these standard illustrations into different blocks. And I store these blocks in a dwg file. Everytime I need to insert some illustrations, I just click the mouse on the current drawing, I want the illustration inserted. These means the following points:
(1) Import the blocks to the current drawing, if the blocks have already been imported, then do nothing.
(2) Specify the insert point by clicking the mouse, and I want the block's insert point to coincide with the mouse clicking point.
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Oct 24, 2012
I have a problem with plotting 3D drawings. I have certain perameters I have to follow!
1. I have to use our company standard CTB files because our plots include 2D drawings that use color to define line thickness.
2. I have to use viewports, we use "carrier" sheets (paper space) to hold xrefs of all details, plans, etc...
3. I have to use Arial font and filled arrows.
The proceedure I use - I create 3D solids, then rotate them to the view I prefere (typically an isometric view), then I put text with arrows etc.. in. Once the Isometric (3D) is done I xref it into the model space of my "carrier" sheet. I then create a viewport and set it to plot "Legacy Hidden" as this allows me to plot the drawing to the correct line weights and so on using our CTB files.
The problem is that when I use the "Legacy Hidden" setting, all of the text, arrows, polylines and hatch are not filled. I have tried all of the other settings for plotting and they just do not do what I need - Hidden plots as a color image and on the black and white plotter is gray and not black, others give unsatisfactory results as well!
I have found a workaround but that won't cut it with our CAD committee, I am tring to get them to "allow" us to use 3D as a proper way to do isometrics and perspectives. This is my drawback!
One work around uses 2 viewports (one a copy of the other with the plot settings changed and the layers turned off/on then place one directly over the other to properly plot), the second is more reasonable but I have not tried it yet, it would involve creating a 3D drawing, then xrefing it into another drawing file that would contain the viewport and all of the text, polylines and so on).
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Mar 1, 2014
Without using scripts, is there any way to have rectangles or textboxes act on values coming from a data file? For examplle if the value in a textbox was greater than 10 coming from a data record, could the textbox change color, or any other attribute to make it change from record to recortd as it is being viewed or printed?
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Feb 14, 2013
Is there a way to create a block with attributtes that automatically complete x, y, z, lat, long for the insertion point of the block?
I am trying to complete text in paperspace that will automatically fill in the lat long of a point in model space without using a table. I have tried field insertion with reference to a cogo point, but it doesn't give options for position on a cogo point. If I pick a block with attributes, it will let me pick any attributes, and x,y position for the block.
Cogo points show all the information I need to propagate in the properties....but how do I get that to translate into the text using fields or some other method?
Dell Precision T3600 - Windows 7 64-bit
NVIDIA Quadro 600
Intel(R) Xenon(R) CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz
8 GB ram - Two 1TB raid
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Jun 9, 2011
After installing SP2 for 3ds Max 2011 (Windows 7, 64-bit), whenever I create a new object, the colour swatch in the 'Name and Color' rollout is always white, however, the actual colour assigned to each newly created object is not white, but is the same for all objects created (seems to be a different choice of colour after each restart of Max). If I click the colour swatch, 'Assign Random Colors' is checked and I can manually assign a different colour to the object I've just created and the colour swatch is updated to reflect my choice. If I continue creating new objects, the same colour as initially applied is assigned and the colour swatch is again white. If I uncheck 'Assign Random Colors' and create new objects, the colour swatch is again white and the same colour as initially applied is used.
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Oct 26, 2012
When the block is in a drawing and I click it, it takes me to block editor.
However if I go to it in block editor and test block it allows me to change the attributes.
Why does clicking the block go to block editor and not allow me to change its attributes as it does when I test block.
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Oct 31, 2013
I would like to change sub block from a visibility after setting it. Here an example of code to get the right visibility, I don't really know how to update a sub block by name or by handle(seems to change inside dynamic block).
Dim Block As AcadBlock
Dim BlockRef As AcadBlockReference
Dim DynEntBlock As AcadEntity
Dim DynObjRefH As IAcadBlockReference
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Feb 15, 2013
I want to create a road map using the survey data. Iv'e got some examples attached below.
How to create such type of drawings in autocad civil 3d.
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Apr 26, 2013
I would like an VB application that from within autocad can open an excel file,from there select 2 columns containing x,y co-ordinates. Which when selected will draw a polyline in the acad drawing.
I usually do this the long way, but it seems I'm doing it more and more so would like to have it fairly automated.New to VBA and stuck at even opening the excel file....nevermind the actual selecting columns and drawing of the polyline!!!
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