AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Insert Object (pdf) Into Ipt
Feb 25, 2011
I have a part (ipt) and I want to attach a pdf to this file. From the manage tab, Insert panel, I pick Insert Object and then browse to the pdf file. Pick the file and then OK.
Instead of it placing the pdf in my browser, I get an error "Could not Insert Object".
I have a requirement to insert PDF files via an OLE object link into a large number of .iam and .ipt files. Is there iLogic code out there that will perform this feat? The plan would be to gather all file names and associated pdfs in an excel spreadsheet and run the iLogic against that.
i7-2720QM Dell Precision M6600, Win 7 Pro 64-bit, 8GB RAM Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013 Autodesk Vault Professional 2013
I am wondering is it posible to insert object, building in surface? I draw object with box and gave it z coordinate. the goal is that it shows in profile. also, can feature line with greading be shawn in profile?
I want to insert a word document with several pages in autocad by the OLE OBJECT function. The problem is the insert only the first page. How to follow the other pages?
When using the 'space generate' option when inserting a space, the tool automatically turns off 'object snap' and then of course it doesn't turn it back on at the end of the operation. I tend to need to switch back and forth from auto generate to polygonal insertion and having to reset object snap every time.
I have created a leader from a block and I need to have that leader automatically insert data from an object. I have tried several attempts with a the FIELD command, but to no avail.
Running a Query that inserts a block with attributes filled with text derived from a file that has a large set of polylines with object data (text)? Is it easier just to insert this object data as text with a query. Or can I place this object data (text) into a block that inserts?
- You have land locations defined within the object data assigned to a set of closed polylines. (Large subdivision) - Field name for object data on each closed polyline is "LAND_LOC" - Now, I'd like to label these locations with a block that inserts to a central point within the closed polyline. - Block Attributes with "get" the information from the polyline / object data and place this value in the block attribute. - I have 1 drawing file that has closed polylines with object data assigned to them. - What is the best method for this? I'd like a block with attributes to insert and pull the object data / field and place it into the block with a defined attribute, that is central to each of the closed polylines. (LAND_LOC)
I've been using photoshop for a while with no problems, but last night I tried and failed to cut a picture of me (snowboarding down a small slope) from photo 1, and paste this into another photo 2 (a picture of a pro jumping through the air).
After removing the professional snowboarder from the photo, using the clone tool, I pasted my picture onto the photo. Thereby making myself look like a pro. (long story about me and a competetive friend).
Alas I was massive compared to photo 2. I was bigger than the ski-slope itself. I tried to shrink myself, but my picture changed resolution, my photo wasn't cut properly, and so many other problems.
I looked through the helpfiles and found stuff about layers, but nothing about cropping, pasting, resizing.
I write a program, this program needs to insert some standard illustrations. I made these standard illustrations into different blocks. And I store these blocks in a dwg file. Everytime I need to insert some illustrations, I just click the mouse on the current drawing, I want the illustration inserted. These means the following points:
(1) Import the blocks to the current drawing, if the blocks have already been imported, then do nothing.
(2) Specify the insert point by clicking the mouse, and I want the block's insert point to coincide with the mouse clicking point.
I am trying to insert OS Tiles into a drawing using the insert x-ref command. I have managed to insert 192 tiles but still need to add 29 more tiles to complete. When I try to insert another x reference AutoCAD just goes into a continual loop. Have to force AutoCAD to crash after ten minutes.
I am using AutoCAD 2014 MAP and have just had a new system built (i5 processor, 8GB RAM).
I am currently looking into the API for Inventor 2012 in order to try and automate a few processes that we do within our comapany.
What I am trying to do is access the functionality that the "Insert Frame" or Frame Generator function brings to Inventor by using the API. The basic functionality that I am looking for is to be able to draw a steel beam from Inventors library by using the API, similar to the way the "Insert Frame" command handles it. Is this possible? I have looked into the API documentation but cannot find anything.
I want to add our company logos to a few drawings. I added a small thumbnail to the title block a while ago. In the sketch tab, Insert, Image, I can drop in bmp's. However, when I'm trying to ad it directly to the sheet nest to a text box or part view, I don't know how to. If I create a new sketch, the Image icon in the sketch tab is grayed out.
For some reason I cannot insert a file into an idw. It tells me "cannot modify the library file" "edits not allowed". I even opened an existing and tried to add it in the same idw with the same message.
Is it possible to have an idw file of a part as the master idw and insert that idw into a new idw or a few different idw files and the secondary idw files that were inserted update when the master idw file is edted or updated?
I am using the same ipt in multiple assemblies and i would only like to update one idw file. I do need to have as many as eight different idw files related to the single part and i would like to only update the master idw file.
My issue is the lack of speed and responsiveness in Inventor when I insert a (piece of an) autocad dwg. I had this issue on several machines the last couple 'o years.
Inventor 2012 lastest service pack RAM: 24GB DDR3 / CPU: Intel Xeon W3690 @3.47Ghz Video: NVidia GeForce 680/ HDD: 15.7K Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
Can I unfold a 3d object to get a 2d object. Example" If i have a cone with the top chopped off, can i get the 2d plan view unwrapped in this software ?
When inserting parts from CC, by default As Standard is chosen, but I always need As Custom, so I can choose where to place the files. Is it possible to make As Custom default option?
I have listbox that shows ipartname of one ipartfactory it would like and me that when selecting one of them it could send to the assembly ipart selected hear show code.
Dim InvApp As Inventor.ApplicationSet InvApp = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application") Dim IpartSeleccion As ipartMemberSet IpartSeleccion = listbox1.Value Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocumentSet oDoc = InvApp.ActiveDocument Dim oOccs As ComponentOccurrencesSet oOccs = oDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
I want to insert arrows into an idw. I usually use 'Leader Text' then leave the text blank.
The only problem with this method is it leaves a small horizontal or vertical line at the 'text' end of the arrow. Is there a way to get rid of this or is there an alternative way of inserting an arrow?
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011 Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit
I need to make a Template.idw file with my company logo. and i did that by using insert image options. Then i saved it as template file and when i try to use that tempate file for new drawing, it shows a message that the reference file path is not the part of active project. So there is any option availabe like copy image and paste in template in place of insert image with link option?
I'm creating a small simple mould tool where my customer wants to machine the core and cavity directly into the die set itself (no physical inserts). I've created the core and cavity and placed a die set around them. I know that you can combine inserts, but can you conbine the inserts to the die set?
I'm trying to place some pictures (.jpeg, bitmap, whatever) onto an inventor drawing but it won't let me. I see when you create a sketch in a drawing there is an "image" option in the insert tab, however this option is always grayed out for me no matter what I try.
The way I insert pictures on a drawing now is just to create a part, put the image as a decal on that part and create a view in a drawing with a shaded view. However with this option the lighting shows up and kills the image quality and it seems too complicated to be the correct way.
It works great for my purpose BUT it doesn't auto constrain the endpoints, which is essential as I need to extrude /sweep after it has inserted.
There is an option to constrain end points when you manually do the import, but the command manager mustn't have any access to options ? So two questions I guess
1. Is there an API to insert an ACAD file into a sketch ? 2. If there isn't, is there another way to constrain the end points to make a loop after the insert?