AutoCad :: How To Make Heavy Xrefs Easier On System
Feb 3, 2013
Sometimes I get xrefs that just seem to drag the system down - also on high end systems. This especially happens if I start throwing the view-cube around. Have you got any tricks on how to make such xrefs more "easy" on the system?
I'm using Mac 10.4.11, PhotoShop 8, Epson Stylus Photo RX600 (and InDesign CS v3.1). The printer can do beautiful work when it all works together, but that is rare.
Will upgrading PhotoShop provide smoother color management tools? Other than that I have no problems with my configuration?
I want to view folders in library to make sorting easier but my template of folders (created in Finder) will not show. Before I cull my images, I'd like to be able to sort/shove specific images into specific folders before culling. It appears that the only way to see these folders is to have an image in them.
I have got a problem by modeling a roof. The first picture attached shows it right at the moment. I want to keep the star one can see in the center of the picture but the edges look at bit problematic because it consist of 3 former independent cubes. The edges are shown in the second picture.
My question is if it is possible to make the star consist of squares to model it a bit easier. I use maya 2012 education.
i have a large number of drawings that need xrefs detached and re-attached with the latest model xrefs, any way to do them in bulk rather than opening each individual drawing? the problem started a while back, when opening drawings, ACAD is not loading the latest 'saved' model when opening drawings...
If i make a Inventor DWG and insert one Assembly with lets say 7 subassemblies i want to color the Edges differend color i the DWG ( by right clicking on the subassembly and properties).
This takes a lot of time especially when i have differend wievs to bloon all of the subassemblies, i have to open the assemblies in the three on by one and change the edge color.
quick/easier way of creating three-line diagrams? I'm working on a map of our main feeder lines and the boss wants three-phase lines done as three-lines, but there's a heck of a lot of it and it doesn't necessarily keep to the orthoganals.
I am in the process of building new machine and have a pro seat that for some reason is not showing the standard IV Icons.I have already built this machine and authorized all the softwares so I do not want to go through rebuilding to fix something so to make the system show the correct icons for all the IV file types.
I am running two networked computers and a networked Designjet 510 plotter. One computer runs LT2013 and the other LT2014.
I am having an issue with the LT2013 machine in that it plots much darker than it should (uses a heavier lineweight). I have checked the plotter set up and plot style and both appear the same.
I am finding that my DWF files sent to the plotter are plotting with the linework being heavier than the same file sent directly to our plotter. These are just lines that should plot with a narrow width (ie walls on a floor plan) but they seem to be about twice the width and hence look "darker". Is there a setting that I am missing or some other way to get the lines to plot out thinner? Also, TTF fonts plot thicker in DWF. I've tried the various options in the DWF viewer when sending to the plotter, but none seem to work.
I have a drawing with several views from the VIEWBASE command that turned out great. I ended up having to use a viewport for one of my views because certain features wouldn't show in a base view. The problem is, the lineweight of the viewport looks quite a bit heavier and more pixelated than the base views. I tried it with my own plotstyle and several of the generic autocad ones.
How can I make the viewport look as crisp and clean as everything else?
We have all of our job files stored on our network. If you open a sheetset from one of those network folders, it will open normally, you can view and scroll thru it normally, but the second you select / right click anything, it locks up cad (grey screen) and shows us the hourglass for 3-6 minutes, and then allows you to work with it, but with a 10-20 second delay on anything you try to do. If you copy the same job folder to the C Drive, and re-open the sheetset, it operates perfectly. Running a constant ping to our server returns a <0ms return with no lost packets.
I am trying to generate bolted connections using the heavy hex bolts - this family does not appear when trying to select - I only get Cap Screws and standard Hex Bolts (amont the slotted varieties) - why no heavy hex hd. structural bolts?
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014 Vault Professional 2014 Windows 7 Pro SP1 HP-Z400: 2.67 GHz 12 Gb Ram Nvidia Quadro FX1800 driver 276.42
NO, I don't have any problem with making a helical hand rail along the circumference of a spiral stairway (or helical stair stringer)!
My only problem is that the method which gives the best visual results (viz. extrude or sweep circle or region along spline) will give a "HEAVY" solid model that HINDERS the performance of AUTOCAD.
Therefore I mostly use the extrusion along a 3D-polyline that gives a a lighter model but less nice visual results (especially when using flatshot for 2D model "representation").
Can I set some system parameters that increase the performance when extrude or sweep along a spline ?
Standard I use a lot of blocks to increase the 3D perfomance of AUTOCAD, this however is not possible when a visual continuous hand rail is preferred.
When I'm editing in a 100 +photo folder from a sports event it takes alot of time moving from one photo to the next. I was hoping that there is a short cut or some keyboard short I can use to save time.
Let me be specific what I am refering to : I open folder 9 year old baseball which has 150 photos in it. I open jpeg 122 in photoshop and make my modifications and then save it. NOW, I have to go back into photoshop, open the folder again, either scrool down with the slider bar or by using the arrows to get to jpeg 123 to begin the next modification. This process becomes a pain and takes alot of time. Is there a way to avoid going back to the folder and using the vertical slide bar or arrows, maybe theres a way to use a keyboard shortcut to advance from jpeg 122 to jpeg 123?
The resolution of my monitor is set to the recommended resolution of 1920 x 1080. The default text size of 100% is too small. One of the preset options is to set the text at 125%. That works find in Revit Architecture 2012. BUT, I need the text to be a tad larger. If I set the text to 130% with a custom text size, something weird happens in Revit. The "status" bar at the bottom of the editing screen distorts the text. Some other weird things happen as well. Is text size in Revit hardwired?
I work in Max 2012 on a mesh who explode at some point when my stack is heavy, it can occur while I'm working on it or if I open the max scene. I had that problem in old version like 4.2 or 5 but apparently it's back.
I experience heavy slowdowns and increased CPU usage of mutliple background processes (Chrome, Task Manager, Explorer, DWM and Photoshop for example) when clicking on a menu item which opens the drop-down list. The more images I have open the worse it gets.
This is on a laptop with a i7-2640M CPU, 8GB memory, SSD and NVidia GT520M videocard.
how to improve Illustrator (CS6) performance on a photo-heavy document.
The document is best described as a "catalog" style piece. It contains 2 artboards (front and back) with approximately 30 item images on each side.
When I work on this document, after every click, tool selection, or almost any action, Illustrator "sticks" and goes to "Not Responding" temporarily, then becomes stable again for me to perform a function - then it will stick again (and repeat).
We are working in revit server with two clients . recently we installed one more Lacal server and i checked the speed and all but whenever i try to open heavy file ( 300 Mb file ) from revit server it giving error after some time that server not responding and not open the file . but i checked 15 to 30 mb file it working in same server . Is their any size limitation in revit server . My internet speed is ok that time . So i think its related to revit server
When i try to copy paste some drawing entities from a heavy drawing file to any other file, the program blocks and says 'not responding', endlessly. So i always have to shutdown the program. I experience the same problem using the designcenter: when I try to copy a layout into another drawing, my computer gets stuck.
Another annoying problem with these files is that they are so heavy, while in fact they shouldn't be. I tried the aectoacad file command. In result the file id half as big, but after I open it and save it, again is the original size.