How to filter multiple object types (here, the swamp, Google, and the docs) and have come up empty handed. I have code that filters out everything except for blocks (INSERT) with a few additional parameters to exclude blocks of a certain name, but I also need to include MULTILEADERS in the selection filter.
Here is the code I have for the INSERT filter:
acTypValAr = New TypedValue() {New TypedValue(DxfCode.Start, "INSERT"), New TypedValue(-4, "<NOT"), _ New TypedValue(2, "BLOCKA,BLOCKB,BLOCKC,BLOCKD"), _ New TypedValue(-4, "NOT>")}
How to add MULTILEADERS to this selection filter as well?
I'm having trouble with the Extract filter being grayed out/disabled in some types of seems like I can't use it on TIFF files, but I can if it's a JPEG.
Is it possible to export only certain types of objects using mapexport? I know you can use EntTypes of "All" or Types" in the MapExport.ini file, but can you specify lines and points? I have experimented to no avail. I have searched for explanations for each entry in the MapExport.ini file in the documentation ...also to no avail.
I am trying to import thousands of pictures into Lightroom as I have a mess of pictures do to a long story...But basically I have probably 30,000 pictures in a bunch of folders that I want to import.
One issue I have found is that I don't want to import TIFF, BMP, GIF, or things like PNG. I really only want jpg files or jpeg files unless I stumble across others in another format I haven't found yet.
Can I set something during the import? I have searched the forums and internet, but haven't found anything that mentions this.
How to clean up a mess like this where I have 30,000 pictures but probably only need 10,000 as there are duplicates upon duplicates due to having to move the pictures around in a hurry as I had a mess in my basement during a storm a couple years ago.
Illustrator can make graphs with lines and bars / columns, for example from the docs: [URL] .....
However, when I create a graph like this, I seem to lose the ability to manually set the value axis using "override calculated values".
To reproduce this problem: Create a graph like the example, with bars and an axis on the left, lines and an axis on the right. Unlike the example, don't fix the numbers so the lines match up neatly - have one side go up to just under 20, one up to just under 250, so there are mismatched markers and numbers of divisions on each side.Try to make the markers and numbers of divisions match up, so the side that goes up to 20 actually goes up to 25 and has the same number of divisions as the other side.Everything I've tried doesn't work:
If I select the whole graph and go to 'Graph Type', I can't set Value Axis options. In earlier versions it's greyed out, in CS6 I can access it but clicking 'Okay' does nothing.If I select the whole graph and chose one graph type, I can set the Value Axis options, but that selected graph type then applies to the whole chart,If I use the Group Selection tool to select one of the series, and open 'Graph Type' options, changing the Value Axis options has no effectIf I use the Group Selection tool to select all series that share an axis and open 'Graph Type' options, changing the Value Axis options still has no effectIf I use the Group Selection tool to select the axis ticks group itself, or the axis line and axis ticks groups themselves, or the axis labels, axis line and axis ticks, or the axis labels, axis line, axis ticks and associated data series, etc, changing the Value Axis options also has no effect
It seems like this feature is broken and it seems like the example in the manual was carefully chosen to use a rare combination of numbers where it would actually look right.
I am attempting to do a macro that will allow me to select multiple objects and then move them in only ONE axis. For example, If I want to move a wall, the door and the window in the Y axis to align with another wall across the hall. I have attempted to do this in a button macro, but so far its limited. Here is the macro
This will allow me to click the customized button, then select ONE object by a displacement, and it will only move it in the Y axis and allows me to choose the point with a mouse click of the final location.
When I try to select more than one object, it kicks me ahead in the commands and prompts for (needs Y). how I can figure out the correct macro?
I'm going to connect my AI file to After effect. So I had to create lots of layers in order to edit them seperatly in After effects. But it seems like my amount of layers are too large because AE always crashes (not responding -> Force quit)
So I wanna break some stuff down in multiple AI files, but I don't wanna go and select every layer and delete it. That would take too much time. Is there a way to select the multiple objects in Illustrator and delete that but also its layer its in?
I have a logo that I am working with and I need to make it a 3D object for what I'm doing in After Effects. I am trying to make it 3D so I can edit it in repousse because all I really need to do is extrude it.
I've tried the different options in the 3D drop down menu but none of them bring me to edit in repousse.
Also, I know that I can make it 3D in After Effects my making multiples of it and what not but I don't want to go about it that way. Also, I'm working with CS5.5 and the 3D renderer plugin in After Effects is only available in CS6.
I often work on drawings which have multiple xrefs, each having up to 100 Layers or more, so the layer manager can be a bit difficult to trawl through to find a local layer to select.
I know how to create a local layer filter using the code ~*|* from the new filter area in layer manager.
Ideally all I want to have to type in is: LOCAL and then the local layer filter would be created, with the filter name being Local-Layers (or similar).
Got a problem here with the map to object filter, or maybe it's just a case of it can't do what I want it to. I thought it best to ask here to find out for sure.
s.xcf (Size: 146.5 KB / Downloads: 30)
The circle at the top and in the foreground is the one that I want to map to a cylinder, but no matter what I do I can't seem to get ride of the other two circles, the one at the bottom and the one in the background. I can erase them after the mapping's finished but I was hoping to find a way to prevent them appear in the first place.
I made a video clip which has hundreds of png images with little white dots (a lighting issue). Can apply an effect or filter to a multiple files to get rid of the dots in my video?
Here's the situation: I've liquified a smart object but I did all the liquifying at the wrong size - the smart object is not at 100% size (my fault for not opening the smart and dragging it back out at 100%). I need to retain the liquifying (and any warping) exactly as it is, and size up the smart object to 100%. Is there any way to do this accurately? It doesn't matter if it's a big/long workaround, as long as it doesn't involve me redoing the liquify, which will never get me the exact same shape.
I'm trying to get text to scroll across the screen full height coming from the right to left, scroll across the screen at certain times of the video. I saw some animation presets there for text but not what I'm looking for. What I'm trying to do: along with a song, every time the name of the song comes up in the chorus, I'd like to scroll those words across the full height of the video as an overlay. And if it was just a graphic instead of text going across, what would I use to achieve that?
I am currently trying to cut out a word from another word in Illustrator. I have managed to do this several times before but both options I have used in the past simply are not working for me today.
As you can see from the attached image, I have 'cut out' the word 'I'm' from the word 'hungry'. (You can see straight through to what ever colour, fabric etc is underneath the logo).
Today I am trying to update my logo and the usual methods aren't working for me.
1. Type > Create Outlines > Divide 2. Object >Compound Path > Make
Usually I can simply delete the 'cut out' text from the image but I keep receiving an error messages that I don't understand.
1. "The filter cannot complete because more than one object is selected" 2. "Can't make a compound path. All objects in a compound path must be paths, and they cannot be brushed or part of an object."
I am a complete novice and I have never encountered these errors before. What used to be a simple 3 step cut out command is now a nightmare. I must be doing something wrong, maybe I have missed a step and not realised?
I have not been able to find why multiple identical images are displaying in gridview when filters are applied. There is only one image in the folder. This obviously makes it difficult to apply images to keywords.
Lightroom 4.3 version. All updates applied. Windows 7 64 bit. Single hardrive used. No problems on disk. Memory 8 gig. Speed 3 MHZ. OK
Here is how I use filters. Select folders/SE:ECT drive letter where it shows number of images/turn on filters/select metadata/ use flat or hierarcy does not matter, select a date. No problem, all the images from the entire drive relating to a day display.
PROBLEM - multiple images are displayed in grid or filmstrip. Search of the hard drive reveals those multiple images do not exist. Now what is the solution ? Metadata status ALWAYS displays image changed always. Status responds correctly when images are displayed - no problem there.
When Catalog is selected as above, same results are obtained. Does not matter - raw data or processed images into JPEG.
I can't express this problem any better - all the details are there. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? I need the metadata filter to use dates.
Is it possible to convert a layer to a smart object, and then (if desired) have each smart filter have its own filter mask?In the past, I've gotten around this by embedding smart objects within one another, but I'm wondering if there's been any progress made on this issue since CS3.
I am using Lightroom 4.3 on Windows 7 pc. I have a collection with approximately 650 images. I was working in the collection and had all the images selected. Somehow I inadvertently must have hit a keyboard shortcut that effected all the images. All of the images are negatively effected and they now look terrible. When I go to the History Panel, all the images have "blue filter" as their most recent entry. If I select one image and go back to the step before the "blue filter" everything looks fine again. My problem is I have this effect in 650 images. When I try and do the change in one image and then synch to the rest, I don't know what box to check to remove this "blue filter" that has been added to all the images. I know I can do them one by one, but with 650 images, it's a long and tedious process. Any way I can remove the "blue filter" from multiple images in a collection?
Is there a way to make multiple object flip on themselves? I would like to find a way to rotate multiple objects, but in actuality I want tmen to stay where they are but just rotate 180 and not based on a base point
Just wondering whether there is a way to add an object to multiple layers. For example, if I have 2 layers circles and geometries - I would like to add a circle to both these layers such that if I turned either of them on the circle would be visible.
Additionally, is it possible to Group multiple layers into a single layer, for example the above 2 layers circles and geometries and into a third or fourth layer.
Trying to find out how to copy an object multiple times in a curve. I've used microstation and it does it easily and just wandering is AC has the same type funtion without going throught 6-8 steps for each copy.
Is there a way to create a 3D object such as a motor, by using 2D sections from multiple view points? For instance, I have a side view, front view, and rear view of a motor in 2D but I would like the motor in 3D. Besides cutting one of the views in half and revolving around it or push/pulling an enclosed area a certain distance for each individual feature of the motor or extruding many faces is there a QUICK and SIMPLE way to do this?
we use Civil 3D as a design tool, and sometimes in the finished (plotted) product. We use STB (named) plot styles and layer settings to control object display.
I have a situation where I have received a drawing that is populated with Civil 3D styles already. However, in the Display tab, all the object Plot Styles are set to ByBlock. That does not seem to work properly with .STB plot style management, because the individual objects (contours, points, etc.) pick up the plot styles of their parent objects. So instead of a contour on layer V-TOPO-MAJR plotting with the layer settings of V-TOPO-MAJR, it follows the layer settings of C-TOPO, which is the layer containing the parent surface.
Is there a way to programmatically step through styles for surfaces, profile views, etc. and change the "ByBlock" setting to "ByLayer" in all styles?
Mainly, I would like to find it the "Multiple Object Select Ribbon" in the CUI editor, and change its "CONTEXTUAL DISPLAY TYPE" from FULL to MERGED, if this is possible.