AutoCad :: How To Make Inserted PDF Opaque So Objects Behind It Don't Show
Sep 30, 2013
I inserted a scanned PDF xref and now I can't get it to plot in a viewport. Is there a way to make the inserted PDF opaque so that objects behind it don't show.
I have two PDFs slightly overlapped, and for some reason all of the areas that are transparent in the PDF print with grey outlines in a PDF, but not when sent to a hard copy printer.
I need to create pattern using a simple shape and a background colour – the catch is they both need to be exactly the same colour.
For example ideally I would like to lower the transparency of the shape to around 30% so it’s lighter. Then put down a completely opaque background colour and move the shape onto the background. Logically I understand that making the shape transparent means it won’t show up on a background that is opaque... The only other option I've found is adjusting the colour saturation however this seems to have the same affect as it being transparent. There must be an adjustment option that I don't know about?
Flipping the idea vice versa seems to be no problem, having a 30% transparency on the background colour and an opaque shape works well however this isn’t what I’m trying to do.
I know it’s possible as I’m trying to replicate a pattern background we already use. Unfortunately I only have the screen shot jpeg of the background that has been OK to use on small designs in the past. Now I’m attempting to re-create it properly as a vector so I can blow it up to 2metres x 1metre for an exhibition stand without worrying about pixelating.
We have just installed a new server and transferred all the information accross. Since this point, all my inserted graphics (company logo etc. in *.jpg format) have disappeard. Instead of the graphic, a little box appears with text stating the path where the original graphic was stored on the old server.
Since then I have tried to recreate a drawing block which works until I then insert that block into my drawings and they disappear again. I have given the new blocks different names, I have delieted all the old blocks from the drawing and purged, but every time I insert the block into the drawing, the graphics disappear. I have even tried inserted them into the drawing individually from the original jpeg stored on the new server which also doesn't work.
I have attached both files.Is there a way to rectify this or is there a different way to create a drawing title block
Using CSS, I want to put a semi-transparent image over another image (by semi-transparent I mean a GIF in which alternating pixels are transparent - see attachment).
I drew this image basically pixel-by-pixel (via copy/paste), and it's ok as far as it goes, but what I REALLY want is for the density of opaque pixels to increase from left to right, so the effect when laid over an image is essentially that of a gradient. I DON'T want to have to draw this image pixel by pixel!
Whenever I try and accomplish this in Photoshop, it uses semi-transparent pixels which then become opaque when optimized. If I could figure out how to tell photoshop to build a gradient using only 1 color and no semi-transparent pixels (or barring that, white and another color and then I could delete the white...),
as you can see I was able to make the background transparent by 'select by color' + 'add alpha channel' + 'remove selected area' but I also need to remove the white behind the 50% opaque reddish orange flames as well, i cannot select the white by 'select by color' or 'magic wand select' or any of the selection tools because of the issues of the white / reddish orange mix of opacity, so I need removing this white behind the part opacity color.
see attached block. I would like the current date be present, instead of typing in the date for this block. When I insert "IFC" block, I would like todays date to be inserted automatically. I guess I am asking if you can make smart blocks in autocad 2009? Let me know if I'm not asking this question correctly.
Is it possible to have a dynamic block with text which, when inserted into a drawing, will show the text orientation matched to the layout? I have a non-dynamic block which is simply a donut and a piece of text. When I insert it into a drawing, the text orientation will change to suit the orientation of the layout. I created another block with the same entities but I also added a couple of lines extending out from the center of the donut. I added stretch and rotation actions in order to rotate and stretch the lines. I also gave the block visibility states so that either one or two lines would appear (the block is a utility pole,by the way, with the lines representing guy wires). When I insert the dynamic block into a drawing, I cannot get the text to match the orientation of the viewport. I've tried changing different combinations of settings but the text won't appear horizontal.
The two blocks I mentioned above are inserted into one file with a number of other blocks. When I check the properties of the non-dynamic block, the "match orientation" is set to YES. I cannot, however, change the "match to orientation" setting to YES on the dynamic block. Is this simply because it is a dynamic block or am I missing something? I don't create a lot of dynamic blocks and therefore I am not a wizard at it so I am assuming I am doing something wrong.
How does one remedy this Adobe error message? "Can't scale the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too small to use." This one always gets me. I'll spend more time trying to find the object in question. This has happened in almost al versions, but this time it's CS5.
I still trying to get 2012 to configured like our previous version. Howcver, I noticed something odd. In several of our drawings I covered some objects with a wipeout. I then sent to the dwg to pdf driver, then printed the pdf. On screen the objects are covered, in the pdf on screen the objects are covered, but in the actual print from the pdf some of the objects are faintly visible. with the previous 2010 version of AC we used. The files are the same and the printer is the same.
I have a floor plan xreffed into model space, visretain=1 and i can see the room numbers. I switch to paperspace and go to layer properties and highlight all layers and then turn on all layers in he drawing and thaw in all three columns and still the room numbers do not show. The layer listed in model space is on and thawed. Why won't it show?
how to edit revit objects in 3dsMax. How do I separate objects to make them individual objects? In other words, when I try to select the roof, I get ALL objects that are "dimensional lumber" i.e. I joists, roof, fascia, etc.
I tried selecting a roof polygon and making a copy and editing it but still when I apply materials to this polygon they apply to all of the dimensional lumber. Probably because I made a copy as a clone but it didn't give me the "copy" option.
how make a cylinder to show like without cross -line? See attachment for detail. I use AutoCAD 2012. I just need to show parallel line on the face of cylinder.
What I'm aiming to do is make my blocks (the components in pink) opaque, so that the DIN rail (yellow) which the components are mounted on cannot be seen. Preferably without using the hatch tool because it gets a bit messy and makes the computer run slowly, unless there's a sneaky feature of it I'm not aware of.
What I've been doing so far is just trimming the DIN rail to the right length, but because I very often have to alter the position, add or remove components I have to replace the DIN rail each time.
I was wondering if there is a way to make an exported PDF to show up clear on the compurter screen. I have changed the settings. I have found Bullzip PDF which expoerts out a great copy that a customer is able to look at without having to zoom in on the pdf. But the issue with this program is you can put them in one file but it is very tedious. Is there a way to make the AutoCAD pdf export any clearer without having to zoom in on the PDF to read for example dimensions.
I am trying to figure out how I can make a block that will show up in a dwf file but not in a pdf file. We issue dwf files with a "Not For Construction" note on them. To print our drawings in house we generate a pdf file. That note should not show up on our hard copies.
Created some pulldowns and icons to go along with the new commands. Put the cui files on the server for everyone. Question is ... How/Can I make the icons go with them. Are they associated with the CUI automatically. Guy at work is running MEP and everyone else is running plan old cad. They are not showing up on his. Is there a way I can fix this?
Am trying to use millimeters for the first time. In model space, I set UNITS to millimeters. I draw a 5 unit line. No problem. I go to a layout tab and the viewport shows a 5" line, using a 1:1 scale. How do I make the viewport show a true 5mm line? If I choose inches as my units, the viewport scale is true 1:1 scale
In printing a top view of a stacked assembly. How can you set it up so the top part is opaque to the part underneath it.
Example: I have a cylinder actuator on actuator layer on top of that I have mounted a switch box on switch box layer. When I print I want to see the top of the switch box and only see the areas of the actuator that are not covered by the switch box.
there is already a style set from the file i'm using, when i am trying to get the measurements from the line to show up, they aren't doing so. how do i get it to show the lines when i modify the text and make it become visible?
That opaque tool bar thing keeps disappearing. The one over on the right of the screen. Has the PAN command and a few other things. It just disappears at random. I'm sure there's a reason but I never notice any correlation as I'm busy when it happens.
I can switch to another drawing then switch back and it comes back. How do I easily turn it back on?
I have a sketch on a component. That component is being used in an assembly. The assembly drawing (.idw) does not show the sketch on that component. I have made them visible on the component, but don't want it visible on the assembly model. (only the assembly drawing)
I have a block of a guide sign with directions and azimuth angles. I made arrows rotatable and angles were changing ok. But when I try to rotate an arrow into zero position, dimension shows 180. I need the dimension to show 0 degree. How can I do it?
And I can’t make angular dimension show degrees greater than 180 even if I specify vertex – after rotation angle shifts on the other side. I gave up and used back azimuth.
And I can't make an attachment: "The contents of the attachment doesn't match its file type"?
I’ve attached an image of what I'm trying to create in 3D .I can make two straight prongs with no problem, but I can’t figure out how to get them to twist around each other as they are in the picture. It’s important that the two prongs are symmetrical and do not merge into one another where they twist.
I am in the process of building new machine and have a pro seat that for some reason is not showing the standard IV Icons.I have already built this machine and authorized all the softwares so I do not want to go through rebuilding to fix something so to make the system show the correct icons for all the IV file types.