AutoCad :: View Control Points Of 2D Or 3D Objects?
Jul 24, 2013
Possible to view the control points of a 2d or 3d object. I know that we can view the control points for spline objects, but is it possible to view the control points also for every other object i draw?
I have a couple points that were part of an import event (data from a previous project) which I want to assign as control points for an incoming traverse, is there any way to assign those as control points? I can't seem to find a way to do that other than perhaps re-importing the specific points as control points and overwriting the existing ones.
why when the view cube and the view control do not harmonize. When I set the view to front to start a 3D model, the view cube is set to Top. When I change the viewcube to Front, the view has automatically been set to Bottom. Is this a bug or something I am missing?
Also drawing a front view. Is is ok to just turn the view to Front and start drawing on the same XY plane? Or I also need to rotate the UCS to ZX?
Does such initial position important with respect to future rendering?
I created 8 points (4 locations with 2 depths in each location) in the DWG of my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 project. I grouped these 8 points into 2 Point Groups: Point Group 1-high depth has Points #1, #3, #5, #7, and Point Group 2-low depth has #2, #4, #6, #8. I changed the 2D Wireframe to 3D Wireframe and on TOP view I saw Point Group 1 is on the top of Point Group 2 (because the 2 Point Groups have the same values of X- and Y-coordinates with different Z(elevation) value - see the first attached file. How can I change the TOP view to the TOP-FRONT view by using some Command to get this fixed TOP-Front view thar has the good separation of the 2 depths as shown in the second attached file?
Any way of viewing the coordinates of the Control Vertices (Control Points) of 3d or 2d NURBS Surfaces. I tried to use the "properties" of the 3d NURBS surface that i designed but i could not find them anywhere..
i would also like to ask if it is even possible to export these coordinates to txt or even more to Excel.
Running C3d 2012 here, but haven't used prior versions. I'm using fieldbooks to import survey data. If there is an error of some kind and I "Re-import event" for the fieldbook, then the occupied points from the field book are deleted out of the survey database and I get the resulting error of "point invalid" during the import. My fix is to go into my control drawing and import the control points from the drawing into the survey database then run the "re-import" again.
I need to multiple select two control points on a box. Control, shift, other key combinations, etc. are not working. Control works in other apps; don't know why this is going on.
Any alternative to the key stroke for multiple selects in 3DS MAX?
In the screen grab here, you can see that "errors" in gradient smoothness coincide with control points..or maybe between certain control there a way to prevent this error from happening?
I've VideoStudio x5 and I try to delete volume control points from my clip in the Sound Mixer. Tooltip says "Delete this control by dragging outside the clip" but it doesn't work.
How to set 2 adaptive points (AP) to control the position and diameter of a circle. Have tried setting a ref plane driven by circle dia param but justs results in overconstrain when flexed. Is it possible to a) lock the centre to an AP and lock redius to AP?
Is it possible also to lock a ref plane to an AP so that the AP drives it rather than the other way round?
I have been using AutoCad for 2009 and had it all set perfect. Just had a computer melt down and trying to establish everything back how I had it all before.
One little tool that was very useful was a drop down box called, VIEWPORT SCALE CONTROL. I had all my scales in there and used to just click the border in paperspace, click the scale from the drop down box and set your scale. How to get this back.
what does it depends that how many control points are on an object in Designer Pro as default?
For example in Shape Tool creating a horizontal line (click and somewhere beside CTRL - click), at me it creates control points at the end of the lines plus two ones on the line.
That is super anyway because immediately can be seen where is the 33% of the line length, but could be set somehow this that how many control point should be as default?
When I make my rooms for a building, I want them to be a specific distance from the previous wall, say 10'. But when Revit measures the walls, it measures from the center line of the wall and not the edges. How do I correct this so it is measuring from the nearest edge so I'm not constantly having to think about how thick the wall was on each side and manually add 5 inchs or whatever it is in order to get a solid 10' room.
Also, when placing rooms, I have found that the program keeps making the reference distances from points halfway across the house. For example, if I want to make a room 10'x 10', and go to place the top wall of the room. If there is another wall across the hall or something that may intersect if you extend an imaginary line, the reference dimensions won't be 10' from the bottom wall, but it would be something like 4' 5 7/16" from that other room that has nothing to do with the wall I'm trying to place. Does that make sense? How do I turn off or control the meaningless reference points?
When I select an element, in this case a building, to make changes, the entire file is selected instead of the building. There is nothing to ungroup when this happens.
Is there a way to change or control the color of sketch objects? I didn't see any way to set colors for sketch objects within the Application Options. Might there be some registry entries that could change the color of sketch objects?
Sometimes it's useful to be able to use colors other than Green and Black for sketch objects.
Is it possible to create a shape and then edit the coordinates of the shape's control points? When I currently click on a shape's control point, it doesn't offer any way to fine tune the location of that point by manually typing in the X, Y coordinate.
In Curves, when you want to see the deepest blacks and whitest whites, you hold down Option while clicking and dragging the balck and white sliders – and the dragging doesn't allow accurate control. It's okay, but I would find it better if I could nudge the black and white sliders from the keyboard while seeing the effect on the image. Is that possible when using Curves as an adjustment layer?
How does one implement the use of two pivot points to control movement concurrently in the X- and Y-plane?
I 've added a Link Constraint to the salmon colored component which is linked to the red cylinder pin at far left. This pin has a Path Constraint to an Arc path which is orientated left-to-right and arching up. The pin at right has a line Path Constraint that moves down and to the right. Still image 01 shows the retracted position. Still image 02 shows the animation at 50%, the Fowler hinge follows nicely the path of the left most pin quite well. Notice no movement occurs in the down direction that would be imposed by the right pin - if it worked/was set up properly.
I'm creating a small product configurator using ilogic. It all works fine, but i've i challenge:controlling the visibility of the components in a drawing view
In simple words, every occurrence of my assembly has an custom Ipropertie calles "Positie". there where 4 values (Bodem, Zij, Kop, Deksel and Overig)In a drawing view i only want to see the parts that has a specific value of the ipropertie "Positie".I found a sample code for VBA, but I cann't get it worked in ilogic.:
Sub HideSecond() 'Assumes you have an open drawing 'Assumes that view 1 of the active sheet is an assembly 'Turns off visibility of assembly's second component in open drawing's first view [code]....
hind to turn this into ilogic and add the option to check the ipropertie to turn on the visibility
i want to control the scales of my idw views based on the parts size.
Heres a short intro to what we do, using design assistant we copy an existing project to a new project folder and start designing using the old project as a "template" for the new job.
So, lets say the project i just copied has a part that is 100" "tall", on my drawing sheet the view scale is set to .05 and the view fits nicely on our 8 1/2x11 portrait layout.
Now, the new project's part is only 24" "tall" and using a scale of .05 is no good at all, i need to scale the view up so it will fit nicely in the same layout. This also applies to the associated detail and section views that are on the same sheet.
OK then, Im thinking there should be a way to say if dimx is >=100 then view scale is x and so on if the part is smaller and i would like to do this with the details/sections.
As the pics show, when i change to a smaller size/dia, the views scale needs to be increased. How can this be done... (we do not use vault)
Is there any way of getting ALL objects a Line/ray intersects with?
I am thinking of something like:
*Pseudocode* Ray ray = new Ray();ray.To = dest;ray.From = start; ray.Fire();var obj = ray.GetFirstHitObject(); /* or null if nothing */// continue here //
I don't even need the object, a simple true if it hits something, or false if not is enough for me.
is there any way using iLogic or other method to automatically control the size of the 'break' in a drawing view? I have built a model which uses iLogic to control virtually everything, however the large variations in the length of the product mean that there are some interesting results when it comes to the broken drawing views updating.
it would be nice to locate the break at the absolute center of the view and then size it as a percentage of the view size along one axis or perhaps according to some other length based rule.
how to control the draw order of objects created within an array in a dynamic block?
I have a wipeout, which works fine on the array source, but when the array produces babies, it places them infront of everything (which is only logical), making the wipeout useless.
Can I set array babies to have the same draw order as their parent?
I need to copy shapes over from Illustrator to Powerpoint. Now I'd like to maintain my groups so that I can ungroup them later in Powerpoint. Is that possible? Ideally, Illustrator would copy them in a way for me to change handle positions in Powerpoint later on.
I've made a failed attempt to add the RIBBONCONTROL Named Views to the main Quick Access Toolbar. The Customize User Interface dialogue box (CUI) seems to allow me to drag the Named Views RIBBONCONTROL from the command list to Quick Access Toolbar 1. I don't see the "forbidden" icon and the blue insert bar shows up when I perform the drag operation.
However, I suspect there is some compatibility issue, because the command doesn't pop up when I release the mouse button at the end of the drag operation. Using command QUICKCUI and trying to drag Named Views RIBBONCONTROL directly to the Quick Access Toolbar (on screen) seems to be allowed likewise, but doesn't work also.
Using the regular View Manager Dialogue is not the kind of solution I'm looking for, because in the View Manager it takes at least twice as much mouse clicks to change to another view.
Any way to reach the desired customization? Should it be reported as a bug to Autodesk?
For over ten years I have been placing view ports on the defpoints layer and have never had a problem.
Apparently one of my co-workers say that the drawing crashes when this is done. When I ask the reason, they could not explain it.
The only thing I can think of is what happened to me once and that is I had a corrupted block and some of the objects were on the def points layer. If the drawing crashes because the view port is on the def points layer.
What might be the cause of a several moment delay when selecting objects and/ or their grip points. It doesn't occur when a command is entered first. The longer a drawing is open the worse it seems to get. Is there any fix or adjustment that can be made?