Photoshop :: Possible To Create A Shape And Then Edit Coordinates Of Control Points
Jun 19, 2012
Is it possible to create a shape and then edit the coordinates of the shape's control points? When I currently click on a shape's control point, it doesn't offer any way to fine tune the location of that point by manually typing in the X, Y coordinate.
Any way of viewing the coordinates of the Control Vertices (Control Points) of 3d or 2d NURBS Surfaces. I tried to use the "properties" of the 3d NURBS surface that i designed but i could not find them anywhere..
i would also like to ask if it is even possible to export these coordinates to txt or even more to Excel.
I can't seem to master this, it's simple in Indesign, but in Photoshop when I draw a line shape, and then go to stroke / drop shadow it in the layers blending options, it strokes a long rectangle, not a line. I'm doing this to mark off a road path on a map.
I have 4 points/corners (with XYZ-coordinates) of a square shape created in the DWG of my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 program. I want to create 2 "triangle-shape" parcels (one parcel connects Points #1-#2-#3-#1 and the other parcel connects Points #1-#4-#3-#1. How can I create these 2 "triangle-shape" Parcels from the 4 points/corners of a squre shape?
Here's an extremely simple example.. It works with a circle or a square, obviously because it has the same height and width. The problem is when you have irregular shapes, (or in this case, an oval). I know I've seen solutions to this in the past, but I just can't think of how to word this question and find them again.
I know you can create multiple strokes for an object in the appearance palette, but I'm looking for something more effective than just having colored stroke > white stroke > colored stroke> white stroke > etc.
Here's a couple examples of the kind of effect I'm looking for.
I have a couple points that were part of an import event (data from a previous project) which I want to assign as control points for an incoming traverse, is there any way to assign those as control points? I can't seem to find a way to do that other than perhaps re-importing the specific points as control points and overwriting the existing ones.
I have just started exploring APE 11 and found one problem. I cannot control GPS coordinates and location tags when I use Add Places. Google maps does not always show correct place on map when address is entered, if I adjust the place on map manually, it either loses location tags or asumes that it is another address. Neither scenario is desired. What I would love to do is to be able to type coordinates and edit location tags (now only deletion is an option). API 11 does not allow to do what I want, is that correct?
I was thinking about doing some manipulation with *.pse11db file as it apperantly is SQLite database. Any example of SQL query that would
a) list all photos (their full file paths) for specified album and b) SQL query that would allow to edit GPS coordinates and location tags for specified photo (its full file path)?
In Curves, when you want to see the deepest blacks and whitest whites, you hold down Option while clicking and dragging the balck and white sliders – and the dragging doesn't allow accurate control. It's okay, but I would find it better if I could nudge the black and white sliders from the keyboard while seeing the effect on the image. Is that possible when using Curves as an adjustment layer?
I am busy writing a small app to find a best fit circle through a series of points that roughly follow the profile of an arc. This data was scanned in using a Farro arm and imported to AutoCAD.
I would like to use VB.Express and the AutoCAD API. So far I have managed to write some code (loosely based on some examples from the AutoCAD .NET Developer's Guide) to allow the user to select the points to process.
I have three questions around this issue:
a.) How can I set up a selection filter to limited the user's input to 2d points only? b.) Once I have the selection set of points, how can I extract the "X" and "Y" values of each of the points to be able to process further? c.) Is there some sort of Object model diagram for the AutoCAD API that I can download, or any (downloadable) literature to get started with the API and VB.Express. I have looked online for some books and Amazon list them, but a. they are in hardcopy format and b.) the most recommended one (i.e. VB.NET Programming for AutoCAD Customization - Level 1 Jeremy Winters) is out of print. I am specifically looking for downloadable books because of the delivery times and shipping costs to get a hard copy.
I have been using the "LIST" command to get coordinates of a point. The list can be as long as my monitor is high. I need to copy the coordinates of about 3 000 points to a Microsoft Word file to manipulate with them.
The "LIST" command would show me about 4 points after which i have to press "ENTER" to get the next ones, but this is obviously pointless. How could i get the coordinates of very many points to a text file all at once?
These 8 points are for 4 sampling locations with 2 depths for each sampling location. I used AutoCAD 2012 a little bit before and I am new in using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013. What are the key steps and tips of using the values of XYZ-coordinates listed the above-mentioned table to input manually into the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 program. Note: 4 sampling locations are in the 4 corners of a square lot and the 8 points should look like 8 corners of a box.
I'm trying to make a standard block which will automatically read the co-ordinates! i have started making it trying to use fields, but when inserting the block into the drawing it stays at x=0, y=0, which is the point in the block. how do i get it to read the point in the drawing, and also how would i always get it to read the world ucs.
i have attached the block i've started, haven't added any dynamics yet as i'm just testing it.
i need to make a list of all the coordinates (X,Y) or (X,y,Z) of all the points in my project
the shape of my project look like an Eclipse
i made it out of 236 points ... i want to to put all those points in a table of ( X,y,Z ) ... i think there is some kinda output that can do that for me
iam uploading a vedio on youtube to show u what iam talking about
just a list of X,y,z of every point how i can do that ?
I need to multiple select two control points on a box. Control, shift, other key combinations, etc. are not working. Control works in other apps; don't know why this is going on.
Any alternative to the key stroke for multiple selects in 3DS MAX?
In the screen grab here, you can see that "errors" in gradient smoothness coincide with control points..or maybe between certain control there a way to prevent this error from happening?
Since the release of Photoshop CC the "Live Shape Properties" has basically chosen when it does and does not want to show up.... sometimes I even create a new shape to replace the old one and it STILL does not show the live shape properties... how hard is it to make sure the options are available at all times? I opt for a discount since this is a half working application and the features you highlighted barely function...
I have coordinates for an aerofoil which I put into Autocad and plotted using pline. I have 52 points, what I want is to have more points on the aerofoil, i.e interpolate. I can probably create more points by averaging two adjacent y-points and two adjacent x-points but it would be much better if Autocad did this
the LIST command only gives the points i put in the program.
I had to create a boundary map and place points to all corners. How to export these newly created points back into my data collector (Ranger) and also I'm trying to figure out how to print out a points list.
I stumbled on to this thread but I guessing that it's a different CAD year because my modify tab doesn't look like this. URL.....
I've VideoStudio x5 and I try to delete volume control points from my clip in the Sound Mixer. Tooltip says "Delete this control by dragging outside the clip" but it doesn't work.
How to set 2 adaptive points (AP) to control the position and diameter of a circle. Have tried setting a ref plane driven by circle dia param but justs results in overconstrain when flexed. Is it possible to a) lock the centre to an AP and lock redius to AP?
Is it possible also to lock a ref plane to an AP so that the AP drives it rather than the other way round?
Possible to view the control points of a 2d or 3d object. I know that we can view the control points for spline objects, but is it possible to view the control points also for every other object i draw?
I’m trying to export from my drawing point X-Y position coordinates to Excel for use in programming a metrology that will measure at these locations.
When I use the EATTEXT command to pull up the data extraction wizard, it will export the positions & extracts the locations to a spreadsheet format. But coordinate numbers I get, seem to be relative to the World USC system & not the origin I align & set in the center.
Yet when I use ID Point, to check positions the coordinates of the points are correct & relative to the center origin. How to get the location coordinates relative to the center USC origin I've located in the center of my part?
what does it depends that how many control points are on an object in Designer Pro as default?
For example in Shape Tool creating a horizontal line (click and somewhere beside CTRL - click), at me it creates control points at the end of the lines plus two ones on the line.
That is super anyway because immediately can be seen where is the 33% of the line length, but could be set somehow this that how many control point should be as default?
When I make my rooms for a building, I want them to be a specific distance from the previous wall, say 10'. But when Revit measures the walls, it measures from the center line of the wall and not the edges. How do I correct this so it is measuring from the nearest edge so I'm not constantly having to think about how thick the wall was on each side and manually add 5 inchs or whatever it is in order to get a solid 10' room.
Also, when placing rooms, I have found that the program keeps making the reference distances from points halfway across the house. For example, if I want to make a room 10'x 10', and go to place the top wall of the room. If there is another wall across the hall or something that may intersect if you extend an imaginary line, the reference dimensions won't be 10' from the bottom wall, but it would be something like 4' 5 7/16" from that other room that has nothing to do with the wall I'm trying to place. Does that make sense? How do I turn off or control the meaningless reference points?
When I select an element, in this case a building, to make changes, the entire file is selected instead of the building. There is nothing to ungroup when this happens.
Using Civil 3D 2013Coordinates coming out of survey equipment are modified state plane GROUND (scaled up from the origin by the combined factor).Drawing is setup with state plane coordinate system with user defined transformation to establish geodetic reference and the ability to label lat/long or import Bing map data.Survey database is setup with "No Datum, No Projection" (data is already at ground, I don't want ot transformed).Import style is PNEZD and is set to use Northing/Easting not Grid Northing/Grid Easting.After importing points into survey database, coordinates of survey points match the CSV. This is good.After importing points from database to drawing, they are taken as grid coordinates, are scaled again and are off ~5,300 feet northeast.Why would Civil 3D assume the points in the database are grid and scale them when the import style used did not specify grid? Is there a setting or something I can do to tell Civil 3D to leave my coordinates alone?