AutoCad :: Switching Windows And Copying Layouts?
Mar 2, 2012
Problem 1 Most of the time when I am switching in between drawings that are open I have to "regen" the drawing that I switch to as nothing shows up when I switch.
Problem 2 Problem is copying layouts over. When I go to designcenter and then open drawings I try and drag a layout into a different drawing. Somtimes it works but usually I drag it onto the drawing and the new layout doesn't appear. I had this problem ever since I switched from 2010 to 2011 and now 2012.
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May 21, 2013
We installed Autocad LT 2014 on our new computer and I noticed that it is unusually slow to switch between layouts.
The bottom bar (where the paper/model space button is) kept flashing/switching as if its thinking whenever i click from one layout to another. Even when I'm zooming in and out, the bottom bar kept flashing slowly.
I was hoping that a new computer+new cad will make our work more efficient and faster, but i noticed theres a lot of lagging and general slowness in loading files.
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Mar 2, 2010
We have a huge vault of old CAD drawings and the issue that we keep running into is that once some of these drawings are plotted and the drawings is re-saved the paper space layouts are flipping from landscape to portrait ignoring the default plot settings.
So we end up having to go to each paper space tab and individually switch each page back to landscape and then save, after that the drawings is usually good and won't repeat the problem but it's a real hassle as some of these drawings have a few dozen pages.
Is there any way to remedy this from happening or at the very least is there a way to select all the paperspace tabs and switch the page orientaion of all of them in one shot? I'm at my wits end trying to figure out something that to me seems as though it should be much easier, i.e. highlighting all the tabs and changing the settings for the bunch but alas CAD does not allow this.
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Oct 17, 2012
When I work in large files (10,000 kb +) I experience significant delays when copying large amounts of information (copy a floor plan) or when switching between layouts or saving the dwg. I wish I could tell you it started right after I But I just recently started working with the larger files. So this could have been an issue from the time I bough the machine - 18 months ago.
it's either an issue with my graphics card or processor. I would like others to comment on their opinions on adjust my set-up to be more efficient
I believe I have the most current driver for the video card. Did I hear right somewhere that there is no good driver for the Quadro 4000 to work with 2012?
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Dec 6, 2013
i have a test drawing attached with layout 1 and layout 2.
from model to layout 1 takes 2-3 seconds on my crappy computer, from model to layout 2 takes 8-10 seconds on the same crappy computer.
this sample i attached has a xref binded. which result is the same 3 and 8 seconds respectively.
you may think this is not a big deal. but layout 1 will take 10 seconds to to switch to if you have 5 xref while layout 2 will take a minute.
i did my research and haven't find the difference in variables between the two paperspace layouts.
tried all the variables made no difference:
psltscale, msltscale, celtscale, savefidelity, etc.
also set both viewoprts to undefined same thing.
the only difference is "1" is created from a blank autocad template by selecting "metric - no template", and "2" is imported from a civil 3d dwg after done a plan/profile production and that thing created that layout.
is there a tool to compare all variables between 2 layouts and find the differences? i am certain the problem lie within system variables.
Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
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Oct 5, 2012
When I try to switch to a different layout in a drawing AutoCAD will switch to a different drawing. Then I have to go and get back to that drawing to do anything to the layout.
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Sep 18, 2003
When I cut and paste a viewport from one layout to the other the layers that were frozen in that viewport become thawed. Is there any way of copying the viewport over so that those layers that are frozen in that viewport only remain that way ?
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Jun 7, 2012
I have been trying to figure out how to copy a Layout from one DWG to another. I know there are several threads about this, and I have tried the methods they reccomend, but I am having an unusual problem.
I have been trying to open a Layout by using the "from Template" option for creating a new Layout, then opening the DWG containing the desired Layout. It works, but everything drawn in model space ends up compressed into the lower left corner and there is nothing in model space. So, the paper space information from the Layout is being imported, but the drawing info is getting mixed up somehow.
I have tried using the Design Center with identical results.
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Jun 21, 2010
I bought Autocad Arch. 2008 for my Dell Laptop and now my laptop is going down hill fast. It is 5 years so I'm not expecting to much. I'm looking to replace it with one of the new Macbook Pros.
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Mar 8, 2013
I bought CS5 Extended for windows about a year ago, but just recently I bought a new Mac book Pro. Is there any way of getting my old program onto my new computer?
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Jun 27, 2012
I've had a couple occurrences of X6 crashing suddenly, but a common one is when I've switched away from X6 and then try to switch back by clicking on the X6 icon on the Windows 7 taskbar. I'm running Win7 64bit. When I hover my mouse over the CDX6 icon on the taskbar, a couple of the preview mini-windows will show the Windows "working" round rotating icon for about a half second and then BAM - the windows "This Program is Not Responding" window comes up where you choose to either let windows find a solution (it never does), or just close the program.
I never have any trouble opening the program back up, or working with the exact same files that were open when it crashed. It does seem to happen when I have multiple files open, but I almost always am working with 3-4 at a time.
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Feb 23, 2012
Is there a way to turn off all section tags for drawings refering to all Sketch Layouts in all the Construction Document Layouts?
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Jan 17, 2013
I'm trying to switch from my "wall" layer to the "door" layer, so i want to make my door layer current but i can't instead i get this message.
How to solve it? And if i've made a drawing in a wrong layer how to "copy & cut" it onto the right one ?
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May 11, 2012
I received a drawing that was drawn in metric. I would like to draw in inches on it. I can't seem to get it to change. I changed the drawing units to Arch with inches. I brought in a DIM style that is in inches, actually fractional with " as a suffix. When I dimension something it is in mm with the " after it. I also tried to start a new drawing and copied the drawing to the new file, it worked before i imported the drawing but after, everything was mm again. I used copy with base point to transfer the drawing to the new file. Where else would that be controlled from.
Autocad 2012
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Aug 13, 2012
I use Cad for Mac 2011. I am looking for a way for switching views quickly when drawing 3d. For the moment I use VIEW and then TOP, SE or whatever. It´s a bit slow. Also I couldn´t find out how the actual view is indicated.
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Feb 22, 2012
Is there a way to export ALL layouts at once or are you limited to one at a time?
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Aug 13, 2012
I'm about ready to put together a large job that is going to have a lot of sheets. Since most of my jobs are one sheet plans, this is out of my comfort zone. I usually just have a scaled cover sheet/border that I drop into model space and put whatever I need into it there and then print it. This job has several mini jobs in one huge model space. I think It's going to be better for me to actually use paper space as its intended this time. I'm using 2010. Just a skeleton of an order of operations, so at least I have something to search for detailed instructions.
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Jan 15, 2013
I had created 14 layouts, in 9 of them i can copy my stamp, in others 3 - I cant ( I am doing copybase and simple copy/paste - isn't working)... what could be wrong with those few layouts. ?
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Feb 10, 2012
i cannot understand the ANNOAUTOSCALE..When to on / off the button and how to use in layouts
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Apr 8, 2011
Several users here in my office have been having a strange issue with ACA 2011. When doing various things such as, saving, regen'ing, or manually switching between open drawings, ACA will "blink" to a completely different drawing.
For example, right now I have 4 drawings open. I'm trying to go from drawing A to drawing B. It goes to drawing B and starts to regen model space, then it blinks back to drawing A. Does the same for any of the 4 drawings. Only way to make it stop was to close drawing A.
As I said, it not only does this when switching drawings. It'll also do it after it's done saving and when I try to regen.
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Jan 16, 2012
I have received some architectural models which were modeled in AutoCAD MEP and only have walls modeled as type Standard. Is there a way to transform Standard walls into cavity walls etc., giving wall makeup as you go - or do I have to re-model in order to get quality 2D cuts?
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Sep 19, 2013
I have a cabinet that we make, and we put some holes through the sheet metal skin of the cabinet at the assembly level. I use iLogic to turn these holes on and off, depending on configurations.
Sometimes when switching between configurations the holes that were suppressed will disappear from my model and leave me with just the original sketch. So my iLogic rule errors because it can't find the hole feature.
I am using planes based off of the origin planes to define an axis that I use as my hole center line. And I then make a sketch on the XY origin plane to create a point for my hole. So everything there is independent of the cabinet model.
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Aug 17, 2011
I have recently purchased a MacBook Pro and originally thought that I would be able to switch between boot camp and parrallels to run Inventor. After reading several threads there seems to be a problem with the Inventor Licience breaking if you switch from on environment to the other.
Has tried using the Lic. Transfer Utility when switching between the two. I know it sounds like a hassel, but shouldn't that work? I sure that isn't how it Utility was designed, but since the program thinks that you have changed computers?
I haven't tried this personally, but really that Inventor running thru boot camp would be the best environment for serious work and I could use parallels when I need to less intensive design or review?
I have loaded parallels 6 and windows 7 as a virtual machine with boot camp. I haven't loaded Inventor but plan on doing that today?
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Jun 30, 2011
I am new to 3D modeling after getting quite skilled in the 2D area.
Problem: I cannot seem to access the 3D modeling workspace switch down in the bottom right of the screen, it just comes up with the active 'Architecture' with no other options. In some Tutorial videos I have seen an option to select '3D modeling' but this is not the case for me. I have also tried using the quick access toolbar to customize and add a 'Workspace 3D Modeling' button but this has not worked either. What I want to do is the change the ribbon thus tabs to the the 3D Modeling mode so I can go from there. (Using 2011 version.)
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Sep 11, 2012
I am using autocad arch 64 bit on win 7 and am having problems switching out of xref classic so that the newer xref dialog comes up. i edited the SDI but then i cant close a drawing and opening creates more problems.
is there a way to get the xref dialog back?
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Sep 14, 2012
I've been crashing (fatal error, unhandled access violation) a LOT lately, and it happens when I'm changing between tabs - both between layout tabs and from layout to model. I have a brand new computer and a recent install of AutoCAD, which I also ran the repair routine on recently to try to fix the crashing issue. This happened with my old computer as well, and our IT people thought maybe it was too old to handle AC 2013 (old one was about 7 years old), so now I'm running an HP Compaq Elite 8300, Win 7 OS, with an Intel i5-3470 CPU at 3.2 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA NVS 300 graphics card. And it still crashes.
I'm using files that were created on my old CAD station, which ran AutoCAD 2008 LT, and it started crashing on me - I suppose it's possible that one or more of those files got corrupted and that's what's causing this.It's crashed three times in the last three days, and probably a total of 10 - 15 times since my new computer came in late last month, and I'm getting pretty tired of it.
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May 25, 2012
For some reason my FILEDIA variable switches to "0" often and randomly. I am running the .dwt shipped with C3D 2011 and C3D 2012 with custom civil styles added. what could be toggling it?
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Oct 14, 2011
I'm doing very complex drawing of a heating plant on a big ware house site. So I'm using two kinds of layers. I don't know, weather I'm using everything how it is to use or not, because I learned everything by myself.
The first layers are my so called "line type layers": hidden line, center line, wall, border, ... So all the different types of lines I'm using, when is start my drawing. I block all lines, which belong to one part like screws, doors, pips, engines, .. And at the end I put my "part" blocks" on my "part layers", like deashing, ash bin, boiler, building, electrical.
So lets say I have the layer "deashing", which includes several blocks like "deashing screw", "deashing drive", "deashing screw 2", .. And each block consists of several lines, which are on the layers, like "hidden line", "center line" and "black thin line", ...
And now I want to switch of everything in my drawing, which belongs to the "deashing layer" to get a better overview. So I "turn off" the layer "deashing", but I can still see it in my drawing. It just disappears, when I freeze the layer, but it should disappear, when I "turn off" the layer, too, shouldn't it?
So I hope I didn't wrote to much, but I good explanation is worth everything. So why does it not disappear or do I use the layers in a wrong way.
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Sep 1, 2011
Is it at all possible to switch between layout tabs by a command? I'm messing around with a .bat file that creates a script for printing that only prints layout1.
The CAD file I'm trying to print has multiple tabs and all tabs have a different name, Lot 02, Lot 03, Lot 04 (not the standard layout1, layout2, etc).
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Jul 9, 2012
Am using Autocad 2012 with SP2 downloaded, note the problem does not occur in Autocad 2013... So basically if you open the dwg you will see it opens in paperspace, the viewport is locked to a specific scale etc. Now go into model space where the dwg is, you should be able to zoom around, pan etc fine, problem is when you now go back into the layout or paperspace. You will notice that upon re-entering paperspace that the vport is highlighted, ie there is a thicker outline of the vport boundary, however am still in paperspace according to the tabs. When you now try zooming in or out using the mouse scroll you will notice an additional copy of the viewport is imprinted on the screen. Thats the problem. Doing a few undos will set you back right again.
So far we are inclined to think that its either something to do with the UCS or the units that the program is getting confused with but havent been able to find a solution. Also bear in mind that it seems to work fine in 2013. Its probably something really simple that we've missed but thought would try anyway Will attach the dwg file.
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Apr 3, 2012
We are having an issue where the master project file that we have created at my company keeps switching back to the default.ipj file randomly. This is causing obviously our template paths as well as other path settings to not be right.
Our VAR told us that this randomly happens. why this is happening or that my VAR is correct in what they said?
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