AutoCad :: Implement Numbering System In Product Design
Mar 26, 2012
Any good numbering systems that they currently implement in product design, rather than the conventional architectural numbering system mostly seen on websites and forums.
I am trying to use the Inventor 2012's tube and pipe add on, but have all options related to it grayed out when I search for it. Is there something I need to install or a way to enable the add on for this?
Imagine a fresh machine and a fresh Infrastructure design suite 2013 install...sound sweet? It was for all of 3 or 4 minutes.Wonder what causes this squeaky clean system and install to freeze up completely, requiring nothing less than a reboot.
It happens every time I select any pulldowns in the quick access toolbar located at the very top of the screen above the ribbons.cause I need to give that "party crasher" the boot.
Thought I might upgrade my PS to CC under the discount for existing owners scheme However, it won't accept that I have a suitible product despite having CS5 on my system. It is not on my products list. Six others are just not my PS products.
Put in serial number - says it is already registered - I know that - just not associated with me I guess. Deactived PS and tried again - same.
I used a little bit Civil 3D 2013 for railway design purpose. I understood all the basics but I still have a question : how to implement a railway with double track? In the library, there is only SingleRail subassembly. I'm not sure how to implement what I want or if it already exists in Civil 3D 2013. I found a topic (2006) : [URL]
Is there somone who can explain/show a sample of how a custom drop-down list in OPM can be implemented? Based on some articels by Kean Walmsley, I have successfully implemented categorized properties in the OPM using a .NET wrapper and C#. I have a class imlementing the members of the IDynamic EnumProperty, ICategorizeProperties and IDynamicProperty2 interfaces (based on ObjectARX 2013).
However, I do not really understand how to code custom drop-down list using .NET wrapper and OPM. I am using AutoCAD 2013 and 2014. I have read a lot of posts regarding OPM but there was no useful information in regards to create custom drop-down lists.
I have a stack of images that constitute a smart object and would like to apply a stack mode of random. Random would randomly select one pixel from the stack and bring it to the top, go to the next pixel location and do the same, and so forth.
For example, if the stack was 5 layers deep, one of the 5 pixels would be randomly selected, without median, averaging, or any other merging algorithm applied.
wondering how to implement the many facial expressions from facegen to 3ds max to use as morph targets for facial animation. fairly new to max animation.
im still trying to make a minigun following the tutorial but ive run into a problem, in the tutorial the "paint object" tool is used to implement screws into the model and make it more realistic. i have 3DS MAX 2010 and i believe that tool was introduced in 2011. what should i use instead? is there a plug in or something to get that tool in 2010? or is there some other way i should go about this?
remember im not continuing with my tutorial until i get past this speedbump
I wanted to use the program to design a robot for our school vex competition. Vex has provided cad files for all the parts. So, how i can import the seperate parts into one design. I can only open each part individually but cant find a way to combine them so can assemble the robot in one design.
I have installed Design suite prem. 2014 previously. Kept 2013 to reference until not needed. Stupid files kept defaulting to 2013 so i removed it. Lost all file associations to all autodesk products still installed (dsp 2014 ). Decided to repair. Decided to remove it. Used the autodesk uninstall tool.
Now i get the titled error upon install. It only installs about 1/4 of the software i select and none of the shared files.
What I'm trying to accomplish is a way to create a kit (assembly of loose parts) that will be used in more than one product model. Each top level assembly (product model) will require the parts to be constrained in different locations but all of the components in the kit will remain the same.
Is the iAssembly tool the right tool to use for this?
I've installed Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013, however I put the wrong product key in on the install, so my serial number is invalid. is there anyway of changing the product key (registry?) after isntall without having to reinstall
Just last week I was working just fine. When trying to access the product today, as usual the A5 sized "Loading" starts but when the product is to appear it just shuts off. It is not indicating what the error is through a dialog box, hence, I am not sure what the problem may be.
I have check various discussion groups which say it may arise from FLEX related files or CascadeInfo.cas but nothing changed. I have also done an entire un installation of the product and Installed it from scratch. The problem persists.
PC Specs: Intel Core i7-720QM processor Windows 7 Home Premium N 64-bit 16GB DDR3 1280GB HDD
When I try to open or create drawings in autocad (which i downloaded recently from the edu community) it gives me a warning which says "the drawing file being opened was not created by a product from an autodesk education suite. if you save this drawing it will always be plotted with the follow plot stamp: produced by an autodesk education is recommended that you save this drawing with a different file name." but I have saved and resaved drawings, tried different extensions and still it won't plot or print without this plot stamp. What is most likely causing it and what can I do to remove it.
In my company we use the SSM and label our sheets as follows:
(Sheet Number) - (Sheet Title)
G-1.00 - Summary of Quantites
WM-1.01 - Water Main
In the border we would like to put page SHEET XX OF YY. The Total count is simple with a custom field however how would I get the XX part to show the sheet number as a number and not G-1.00.
What I'd like to know is if there's a way to automatically update the sheet number in separate dwgs.
For example: at work we have 45 separate dwgs in multiple disciplines. Is there a way to have the "x" in "Sheet X of 45" update automatically on each sheet? This way whenever we insert/delete a sheet in the set it automatically knows which number it is in regard to the set as a whole.
I just made a copy of assembly in Design Assistant.I opened the copied assembly in Design Assistant to make some changes.Parts are accessible but I have only "Clear" option possible. URL....
I have several groups in our organization which utilize Autocad 2013 products, but each group buys their own licenses and utilizes a network license server.
Can I install each license file into a seperate port on same server to allow each group to use their own pool, essentially to not allow the other groups to have easy access? (We customize the install for each group to a particular lic server/port)
Not welds from a model, but if I go through 4 .idw sheets of details...and annotate all of my welds is there a way to assign numbers to them without manually entering them?
Our welds are track by number through QA, and depending on the amount of sheets and welds in a set of drawings for a given assembly, sometimes it's a real chore when you realize you forgot to add a weld to something on page 2 when you've already edited weld tails through page 5.
Inventor 2014 Windows 7 Pro SP1 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz 16GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro
Anyway, I have an .idw series of drawings that i want to start at sheet #13. How? It is a clients title block and the format is "sheet 1 of 8, sheet 2 of 8, etc." so I need sheet 13 of 26, etc..
I am trying to number my doors, and the door tag (AEC6_Door_Tag), won't let me create door numbers with 3 digits. I have never had this problem before. It keeps creating tags with 2 digits.
Lets say for e.g. that I have 12 parts within an assembly, once auto balloon has done it’s job you notice that No. 9 balloon is blank and No. 10 balloon only shows 1 and not 10.
In Inventor 2010 is it possible to change the numbering system so that it continues sequentially with each assembly / subassembly added across the sheets in a drawing file?
I have a user that is on a 4 sheet site plans set and is opting to prefix his sheet numbers with C-. I have n issue with that, but he is also forcing the numbers into the hundreds with C-100 for sheet 1. In and of itself I wouldn't be too bothered by it except he is insisting on sheets 2-4 to C-200, C-300, C-400.
My biggest issue is this is making some inconveniences with SSM.My second issue is why use 5 character for a single digit.
My last peeve is if I see drawing C-100 my minds eye is looking for C-101 through C-199 and so on. Also if your using C- for the civil drawing would that preclude the need for C-200 - C-400?