AutoCAD Inventor :: Install Tube And Pipe In 2012 (product Design Suite Premium)?
Jun 4, 2013
I am trying to use the Inventor 2012's tube and pipe add on, but have all options related to it grayed out when I search for it. Is there something I need to install or a way to enable the add on for this?
The installation of IDSP has been an adventure. After a few rough starts Autodesk support team got us through the installation of 2 computers. Now I am attempting to install IDSP on my computer and have run into a number of errors that between this forum and Autodesk support I have worked through.
I start the install once again and looked like everything was installing ok.
That is until I get an message "Allied product is not found" and the install fails and removes all installations up to this point. The failure happened while installing the Civil 3D Language Pack.
Install log states:
2013/6/24:15:51:11 Administrator ______ Allied product is not found2013/6/24:15:51:35 Administrator ______ Install Autodesk AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 Language Pack Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603
I am a drafting instructor who has inventor 2013. Want resources (tutorial, instructional video...) explaining how to use "tube and Pipe design" with inventor 2013.
I had it installed on my old computer which got stolen . I downloaded it again but when I click the install folder it says it is damaged Re: CS5 design premium.
I have recieved an answer regarding my inability to install my software on my new computer, but it does not address the problem that there is no record of my previous purchase.
I'm sure this is because it was purchased in 2009 and whatever e mail was sent to me with the serial number is now lost to history.
I use tubing in inventor, I always attached tube to whatever fittings I am using and everything is fine but if something gets moved that the end of the tube loses its contraint I'm ready to jump off a cliff!
Is there any way to get the end of the 3D sketch contrained to the fitting again?
Up until now I have always had to deleted the route and started over. Inventor Pro 2014
I'm trying to create pipe route using the tube & pipe run. And its not constrained when I try to drag away. I tried grounding the components which is not working either. since the routing opens in 3dsketch its kinda tricky to make it fully constrained.
I am trying to activate factory design suite ultimate 2012 on a mac pc which is running on parallel desktop, but it give a error Reactivation Limit Reached.
The company I am currently working for are using Adobe Creative Suite Premium and are looking to upgrade to Creative Suite 3 Design Premium.
I just wanted to check a few things thou before we spend the money.
First of all is this upgrade possible or would we have to upgrade to CS2 then CS3?
Also CS3 Design Premium contains Flash and Dreamweaver. Will we get these 2 programs if we update? or will it just update the software we already have, as Flash and Dreamweaver aren't part of the original package we purchased.
I had to refresh my computer and it uninstalled my Adobe products. How do I get them back. I don't have the option through cloud. It only gives the option to upgrade.
We using Vault to control our Inventor Standards and I know in the past Product Design Suites (2012) the design data versions were different in the fact that the Ultimate Version design data had more to it because of the extra features, therefore resulting in having to control two seperate sets of data.
Just upgraded our department to 2014 and it appears that the design data files between the Ultimate and Premium Suites are the same and would have to only control one set of data?
I inherited this assembly from another user. In making some dimensional changes the pipe runs have now errored.Not having ever taken any training courses in T&P, my knowledge is just based on simple straight forward runs.
This on the other hand is bit more complicated. As you can see from the image I have this one run that has errors.My question is with the violation, is there anyway to pinpoint exacty what the violating member is?
I'm just getting started using the Tube and Pipe environment for some of my work, and I've got what I'm hoping is a simple question with a simple answer. In the picture attached I've got a 1" pipe dropping down into a 8" pipe which I've disabled because it's a standard part right now and I want to replace it with a tube & pipe run. The thing I seem to have the hardest time doing when routing my pipes is aligning/offsetting my nodes with existing geometry in the assembly. In this case I want the end of the 8" pipe to be 12" offset from the centerline of the 1" pipe, and for the 8" pipe's centerline to be 12" below the bottom of the mezzanine's I-beam (as the standard part it is now). What's the best way to do this in the Tube and Pipe environment?
I tried "Include Geometry" from the "Create" panel but that only lets me create planes, which won't work with offsetting from the 1" centerline. However, SOMETIMES (it's a big sometimes) ALL of the options in the "3D Sketch" tab are available. When that's the case, I can go to the "3D Model" tab and create workpoints, axes, and planes. Sometimes, though, they're not all available, and I'm not able to place anything but planes. How I can change it so I can always use all the geometry of my assembly?
Also I'd like to know if constraing fittings and point-snapping routes to my assembly geometry in this way is the best way to do Tube and Pipe routes. Will doing this allow my routes to update if the assembly changes?
I have just completed an assembly and in this assy. I have a tube and pipe run. The original frame holding this pipe was 1m*1m*2m. We are now building a smaller unit with the same design. The pipe run is exactly the same except for the pipe diameter.
I tried to save as the pipe run to a new name and change pipe diameter but it gives me this error seen below. Do I have to make the whole run again? If i change run I have now to what I need for smaller frame I lose original sizes for first frame size.
Problems encountered while saving the document.
Save failed because the following files have been modified and must be saved together with Cooling_Skid_Type_I.Tube and Pipe Runs.iam:
Inventor Tube & Pipe can output ISOGEN files (*.pcf) for manipulation into piping isometrics via 3rd party software. I have done this and the pcf format is very poor on detail that it contains about each fitting. It required hours of manually re-writing the pcf file to get it to produce a result that was "good enough".
The Alias Isogen tool is rubbish - it crashes often, it does not make the changes that one has told it to etc. etc.
I eventually found Autodesk Plant 3D has an amazing piping capability (but it is 2D pretending to be 3D - so it cannot save as parametric solids) - however - it produces great piping isometrics. On studying the pcf from Inventor vs the pcf from Plant 3D for equivalent routes it is clear that Inventor is years behind in their piping functionality.
1. Does Inventor have plans to e.g. make their pcf compatible with Plant 3D so that we can process isometrics in that?
2. Any handy tool to manipulate pcf's to add e.g. welds, supports, notes, insulation, bolts, nipples/sockets/weldolets etc. to produce a comprehensive iso drawing?
Recently faced this problem- trying to start up Tube and Pipe option in Assembly, it seems to start loading and then Inventor doesn't respond anymore. I can't really tell when this problem started to appear. But at some point I was able to start it up after some ettemps and restarting Inventor, but now that doesn't work.
I tried to delete Registry file VERSION 18, like it is written in this thread: URL....I am running Autodesk Inventor 2014 on a Windows 7 64 bit.
I am creating two sizes of flexible hose in an assembly. One is 2" and the other is 1 1/4". In my hurry, I did not change the style for the smaller hose. Now both hoses are 2". I have tried to change the style but it does not update. I created the 1 1/4" style by copying the 2" style and change the diamter. Office Laptop specs:
I have an assembly that features tube and pipe, flexible hose to be specific. If I create a Positional Representation in the assembly file that moves the connecting components to different locations, the tube and pipe assembly updates appropriately, and the hoses find their new routes when that view is active - in the assembly. Now, when I go to make a drawing of this assembly and bring it in, and I try to create a view of the assembly using this alternate Positional Representation, it will not display the alternate tube routes, only the original. The components update and move to their new locations and orientations but the hose will not budge / update / adjust, no matter how many times I try rebuilding.
One thing I notice, though, is that if I have the assembly file open, and I switch to the alternate representation in the assembly, the drawing will properly display the alternative tubing routes. Is there any way to get both views on the same sheet?
I have a problem when it comes to saving the flexible hoses I have made in the tube and pipe module of 2012 pro.
after making the hoses on my particular assembly, and trying to save the whole assembly, none of the hoses will save, please see attached image, I have found that on another model it would save the hoses, . the error message is in the screenshot.
I've created a 3d sketch with the run of the tube on it but when I click "Derived Route" although the full 3d sketch is highlighted bugger all happens. There's nothing in the "Included Geometry" folder.
Is it because of the material? I've set it to a "Tube With Bends" and set my default radius.
I am having an issue with pipe and tube routing in inventor. I am new to it and every once in a while a route that i create turns red in the browser bar, I also noticed that a few of the routes have issues where the adaptivity gets turned off by itself. I assume this has something to do with the route turning red.
In Tube & Pipe i have popped a valve into my route, it jumped to the pipe and the flanges automatically added which is fantastic. Now i want to move it to another part of the route. Without having to delete the valve and put a new one in, how do i move it? I did try to move the node, but it wouldnt move.
See the picture i have attached (and yes i know the flange size and valve size do not match).
Its the one thing in the Tube&pipe module and i know there has to be a proper way of doing this.
I am trying to reorder the parts in an assembly with tube & pipe fittings, i want to put them in folders.
The problem is that i can't drag & drop the fittings, i can add them to folders when all the parts are together but i can't move those folders around after that either.
The fittings get this special T&P content icon, other CC parts (with the "book" icon) can move around like i want.
Is there a way to make the T&P fittings act like normal CC parts, so i can reorder them?
I am using IV 2012 Pro and modeling a plant that has misc. equipment all interconnected by piping runs. I created the equipment models and several specific pipe styles as well as authored a few custom valves, etc. The customer has redesigned the equipment layout three times in the last two months. Each time they do, some of the pipe runs follow their associated equipment correctly and some do not. It's been frustrating to say the least. Whenever the run has valves (be they custom or content center) it seems that the valves hold their position in space and pipe tries to follow the equipment. I end up with a mess of **** each time and end up deleting the entire tube and pipe runs to start over.
I have constrained the equipment by groups to minimize the back and forth runs. Basically I can move a group of equipment by changing one of a set of master constraints. I have three groups. I was hoping that this would keep the pipe runs inside the group to remain unchanged as their inter-relation inside the group never changes. This is not what happens. The equipment moves, some of the pipes update correctly, some hold their position in space, and some leave valves or fittings behind and also try to maintain connections to the equipment.
I noticed in the tree of my tube and pipe runs, two of the run names are red. All others are black. Is this indicating an error in these runs? I'm not getting any error messages and everything seems to run fine. I'm just curious I guess. I've attached a picture of the tree.
HP Z400 Workstation Intel Xeon @ 3.33GHz 12.0 GB RAM Windows 7 64-bit Inventor Pro 2014