AutoCad :: File - Open Brings Up Text Only In The Command Bar?
Jun 29, 2012
My Autocad Civil 3D 2008 crashed and when I restarted it and tried to open a drawing the file open or save as just brings up text in the command bar asking me to specify the name of the drawing to open. Where have my opo up boxes gone? I have had this problem before and found a code to type in which restored it but now I can't find it.
Upgraded to LT 2013, and I've noticed that when I click open, CAD brings up a folder that I was working in the previous day or even the week before. Â I've created shortcuts to get back to the folder I need to be in, but it is not the current working folder (apparently). Â This is also the case for xref's (when I go to attach a new dwg file).
Even after I change to the folder I want, and open a drawing from that folder, CAD reverts back to a folder I was in the day before.
When I start CAD, I use a shortcut icon that runs a startup script - so I'm not opening a drawing to start CAD, I actually just Start CAD from a shortcut to the program file.
I am unable to use the file command open, new etc. I click on open and nothing happens no file box opens. As soon as you do anything else the program says not responding and you have to close it down. I can click on an autocad file in windows explorer and bring up the file this way but as soon as you try any file command such as save as the program freezes again. I am running windows 7 professional and the autocad LT 2011 64 bit program.
When I use the open command in C3D the file date is incorrect for a file. I also have a explorer windows open and it shows the same file with the current date.
This file is located on my local hard drive. C3D shows 11/15/2013 for the date the actual date of the file is 11/26/2013. Even after a save it's still wrong. My isavepercent is set to 0 .
Run TIME command and then take the resulting text and save it to a file.
Ideally, the text file should be named based on the drawing name. I know there's ways to write text to a file but I haven't had any luck taking the output of a command and exporting it.
URL....I am using PSE 12 as a photo editor for Aperture 3.5.1 and the photo is duplicated (as a tiff) in Aperture and PSE editor opens with the image. When I close the file and say to save the file it brings up the save as window.  I tell PSE 12 to "on first save -- save over current file" it now brings up the "save as" window and won't save over the file (changes the file type from .tiff to .tif)
I need to save a drawing file and give it the name of my desire using a single command, I don't want to issue "saveas" and then specify the name in the file name prompt. This problem is has been faced when I was using ScriptPro and I couldn't succeeded to do that. Hence I need to know if it is feasible to do the stuff using a single command. It will be preferred if I can choose the location to save the file also rather than save the file to the default location.
When I insert text with either the TEXT command or MTEXT command, the text is displayed mirrored. This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the MIRRTEXT variable because that is used when I'm actually mirroring the text. In my case, the text is mirrored as soon as I insert it. How can I get it back to normal? Is there a variable I'm missing?
I have autocad civil 3d 2008 in my pc. From last 2 days I got a different problem i.e. when I am selecting open / save command from File menu graphical file select explorer is not opening just message in the command window . Previously I used to select files using graphical file explorer.
About a month and a half ago, after a microsoft update, I cannot open .cdr files from the file/open list. When going to file/open, the programs hangs up, cannot even use "cancel", and have to go to Windows Task Manager to shut down the program. All is well until I try to open a file from file/open.Â
I can import .eps, and everything else seems fine.My work around is to open from My Documents --Which works fine. Just is a silly little aggravation.
I have uninstalled, reinstalled, repaired, etc....all the normal fixes.
I am trying to move a text layer from one open file to another. I left-click on a text layer in one file and drag it to the tab of the other file. It seems to be successful, but there is no layer added to the other file.
If I try copy and paste then there will be another layer in the other file that I have to anchor or set as a new layer. If I anchor it then it becomes a part of the default layer. If I set it as a new layer then there is some sort of success, but I can’t edit it with the text tool as I can if I copy it within the same file.
Is it not possible to copy text layers between open files and continue to edit it with the text tool?
I was working on a psd-file this morning when suddenly an error message appeared - saying somthing of the text engine. I canceled the error message a few times, then saved the document, closed photoshop and reopend the application. Since that moment, I was not able to open the file anymore, Photoshop just stopped making anything. But I can open every other psd-file, but not this specific one. Always when I try to open the specific file Photoshop stopps doing anything.
I tried a lot of things like deleting the font cache, trying to open the file with an older photoshop version, tried to open it with ID, AI, FW, Gimp etc. Â I am using Photoshop CC on Windows 7 (64bit).
How do I open UNICODE text file in Adobe Illustrator CS5 when the UNICODE option is GRAY-MARKED ? Â Currently, I am only allowed to open ANSI text files and not UNICODE text files... Â But, I wish to open UNICODE text files .
Currently have an iLogic rule in my drawing template that base on user input brings up the Drawing View dialog box (as though you click on base view). I want to know if there is some coding I can do to control or handle what happens if the user clicks the cancel command inside this dialog box. Possibly show a message box. Or even run another rule after the cancel button has been clicked?
I need to copy and rename my current drawing then open the copied drawing, and I need to close the original drawing.
However when I try to both open the renamed drawing and close the original drawing (in the code below), the original drawing will not close.
If I don't open the renamed drawing, the following code works and I can close the original drawing. Â [CommandMethod("TestClose", CommandFlags.Session)] public void TestCloseDocument() { string fullName = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Name; string projectDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Name); [Code] .....
I am having a problem with AutoCad 2013 crashing. While running the program when I use the open command dialog box if I re-name a file, create a folder, or copy a file autocad goes unresponsive and crashes immediately afterward. I have installed the service pack and update my video card driver trying to fix the problem. I used to be able to perform everything mentioned above in AutoCad 2010 without any problems. I don't think its my computer causing the problem because everyone else in my office is having the same issue with 2013.
When I open Photoshop Elements 10 Editor to edit a text layer on a 511KB 412x292 psd photo the text layer is not shown. How do I open the text layer? How do I edit the text layer? How do I save the finished work product? The background layer is locked. I can't unlock it. I have tried any number of approaches none of which open the text layer for editing.Â
I am running Autocad 2014 on a Windows 7 machine. Everytime a use the open command Autocad appears to freeze. I can clear the freeze by hitting the escape key. The only way I can open drawing files is to use windows explorer and click on the file I want to open.
the user is running C3D. He can only open a drawing if its in the previously open files list or he can open with Explorer. If he clicks the open toolbar or selects open from the menu or even types it at the command prompt, nothing happens. It seems to be trying to do something because the command prompt doesn't come back unless he escapes. If he instead hits enter, he gets a message that says it can't find the file specified - even though he never got a chance to specify anything. It's not FILEDIA and he has rebooted. It's also not hiding the open dialog box behind the acad screen.
A coworker asked this question. Unfortunately she works about 2,000 miles from me. The delete key on her keyboard is suddenly bringing up the "fill" box.  My guess is she somehow changed the keyboard shortcut from "shift F5" to delete.
We have our options set to Auto Publish on Save (Autocad 2011). On some of our stations, the PDF will pop up automatically. This is what we WANT to happen. On other stations, the pdf has to be found and then opened to make sure it is correct. (this step, which is apparently way to difficult for some people, is not being performed, leading to extra work/time later to complete the project) I had everyone ensure their DWGtoPDF.pc3 custom properties was set to "open in PDF viewer when done" (and when they do a straight plot, it does come right up) It just wont do it when its thru Auto Publish. Mine is one of them that comes up just fine....I have looked at every setting I have and tried to compare with theirs, but it all looks the same.
I don't understand why the right click - open drawing command had to be put in a submenu. Is there a way to customize the commands on these right click menus other than the marking menu? I don't really like the marking menu, and I don't want to put it there. There was nothing wrong with where it was... There are so many commands in the basic right click menu that a good majority of inventor users don't use. At least give us the ability to customize this.
With the command window displayed at the bottom of the screen, everything slows down. The cursor momentarily freezes and it takes a second or two for commands to be fulfilled. Also, the command window is about 7 lines high; in the past, I have shrunk it to maybe 3 or 4 lines but I cannot shrink this wndow.Â
Then, when I push control-9 and the window disappears, everything speeds up to normal!Â
I tried turning off my internet connection and my McAfee Viruscan as well. Running without the command window makes it hard to draft. Since I type shortcuts, I figure I must have hit the wrong key and unleashed something unspeakably terrible.
I am running AutoCAD version 10 on my PC, with Windows XP Professional.