AutoCad :: Change Direction Of Leader Landing Line?
Jan 7, 2012
I want to force the Multileader landing to go left when the program wants to automatically form it to the right. How can you choose/change the direction of the landing line and side on which the text will be placed.
I just upgraded to AutoCAD Lt 2012. In the settings, I was able to figure out how to automatically get a landing line and how long I want it to be. But! When I draw the leader to left of center, it puts the landing on the left side of the line. How can I turn that auto-directional thing off?
How to make Multi Leader end line landing or turn 90 degree vertical? I just want to use the leader point to the part and no text at the end of the leader. I guess the only way i know how to do right now is to exploded the M-leader and draw a line vertical down which is not recall proper way . Some people like to use just Leader not Multi leader but i like to use M-leader so i can enter the text in difference line. (See Pic below)
How do I make a leader, no text, no landing, grippers on both ends. Every time I go to grab the gripper on the non-arrow side of the leader it moves away from me . The line just moves away from the pointer at an ever increasing speed and distance).
Just a quick (but possibly hard?) question. I have a multileader set up, but I also want it to automatically include a line which spans the vertical breadth of the text at the end of the landing. It's hard to explain, so I've put an image below.
Currently it's set up as a block that can change in height, depending on how many levels of text I tell it to fit to. Problem is, if I rescale my Multileader, I'll have to go back and rescale the block separately.
Now, possible to include such a feature in a Multileader such that it autoscales and auto lengthens, depending on the height of text?
how to change the thickness of leader lines. I'm editing a drawing done by someone else and I need to make the leader lines thicker. I tried changing the layer thickness and making sure the settings were such that the leader line thickness would be determined by the layer. I also tried channging the leader line thickness in properties and/or leader styles, but no luck there either.
I have created a linetype with the text GAS OPTION in it. The line is continuous with a break around the text. In a straight line the linetype works fine (breaks around the text etc). However, when I use a polyline and spline the line for a curved line the text aligns with the direction of the line at the start, but when the line bends, the text suddenly changes direction and reads in the opposite direction. It looks like AutoCAD is trying to keep the text upright rather than following the direction of the line. When the text changes direction it also changes its insertion point and overlaps the continuous part of the line. I have 2013 AutoCAD.
Here is the string I used for the linetype.
*GAS_Option_LINE,Gas line ----GAS OPTION----GAS OPTION----GAS OPTION---- A,8,-15,["GAS OPTION",STANDARD,S=2.54,U=0.0,X=-2.35,Y=-1.27],-12
I have a drawing of a stone railing section and I have to change direction in the run direction of the baluster panel. Is there a way that I can move the details without changing th Y direction of the details. Please refer to the attached CAD file for details. I am trying to avoid having to redesign the panels if possible. railing detail.dwg
I have a path with a smooth point. The two direction points form a direction line with any non-45-degree-angle - say 11.8 degrees. I want to drag one direction point while keeping the angle of exactly 11.8 degrees.
Is there anyway to prevent AutoCAD from converting a MTEXT leader with a block element attached to a BLOCK leader when doing a copy/paste? See screen shot.
I have made line types with text and need to reverse the direction that the text reads. The text autocorrects based on UCS north. The UCS in the drawing is rotated 90 degrees so line text reads upside down. I type in the reverse command but the text does not change.
I drew in a water line that had an arc in it, the "W" symbol in the line (or arc rather) is upside down. i've tried the reverse command, tried re drawing the arc both ways, tried re loading line types, is there any way to fix this?
I'm trying to add a single leader line to a drawing wihtout any text attached, the only way I can see is it use the 'leader text' command but now I can't detatch the text, is there any way to simply add leader only ?
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
The text commant in a drawing has the option to attach an arrow head with a leader. I want the text to be horizontal, so, i drag the leader line approximately horizontal.
Is there a way to make it horizontal? i tried pressing shift but no
I just started at this drafting job and inherited most of the graphics from others. Version: AutoCAD LT 2010.
Some of the leaders on my drawing somehow changed so that the arrowheads do not show. When I began working on the drawing, the arrowheads were fine, but while I have been working on the drawing, all of a sudden these leaders changed this property.
The properties manager lists these problem leaders as "line with no arrow." Although there is a drop-down menu to choose things like "line with arrow," the "no arrow" option does not change when I pick anything else.
I have a leader that I want to make the line part of thicker (already made the leader arrow head bigger). I saw that it appeared to be based on dimension style, and I tried changing the lien thickness in there although as we use color dependent plot files, not line weight dependent plot styles, this had no effect.
1.) How to paste (leader or line or text) objects to many layouts at once (same time) without opening all the layouts. (I am having 5 CAD files, each file has 25 layouts).
2.) How to delete objects (leader or line or text) from many layouts. I can select by filter command from all the layouts but, when you delete it deletes only from the current layout.
I have a special ditch profile that I'd like to use a linetype with arrows on. Currently, it shows the arrows going up station with my mainline profile. i.e. now water does flow uphill...
For my dimension style, I have my text placement set to over dimension line, with leader, so I can drag the actual text outside the dimension line with a leader attached when necessary, but when I try to move the text outside of the dimension line it always draws the leader underlining the entire piece of text that I have moved. Is there a way to control the leader to attach to the middle of the line and not underline the entire piece of text when doing this operation?
Is there a way to remove the extension line from a leader (when using the Leader Text command)? I'm trying to end up with just text, an arrowhead, & a straight line. It would look like this:
Is there a way of quickly and easily toggling the visibility of the line from shown from the base view to the detailed view ? I just want to flick it off so I only see the detailed view with no line attached.