I would like to either move or copy individual ACAD files to another PC (though a server) without loosing all the pathways/ connections to external image files used in rendering, (these being mostly materials, graphics & logos relating to each individual ACAD file, not xrefs). Is it possible in ACAD 2005?
I am trying to attach a png image to an AutoCAD file and the image appears blank with a border. When I insert the png file as an OLE object, it shows as an icon with the filename. BMP images work fine.
I've used the transitional constraints with good results but unfortunatley the cams are moving all over the place when I try to move them by dragging with the mouse and not very stable.
I'm trying to animate a couple of bodies along a path with a workpoint that will move the assembly at the beginning created using a rectangular array along the path. I have a UJ in the middle of the bodies attaching them together. As I change the distance of the rectangular array it will move the first body as expected. How I constrain the other body to follow along the path with the ride points as labeled?
I've trieds almost everything I think. Should I use dynamics to simulate this? I don't have the dynamic installed however is there a way I can get ahold of a test version so I can test this?
Is there any way to change the names of attached images? I have many drawings that thas about 10 images attached to each drawing; I have to change the name of images and I would like to assign these renamed images to the images attached to the drawing. Is there any way? Or will I have to detach the images and then attach them again?
My catalog in Lightroom 4 is spread over several hard drives and broken into years, with subfolders holding each seperate shoot. I recently replaced the harddrive that only held 2009 with a 3TB drive that should be able to accomodate 2010,2011 and 2012. I would like to move those files onto that drive within Lightroom so that it tracks where they are.
I want to print the drawing from the paper space, but I have there thick lines of attached dwg files. In the model space everything seems to be OK. How to change it?
I am trying to view questions here and you know the "attached files'' that you have to click on in order to view? I am unable to open them. Instead of it opening it downloads a blank icon on my desktop. I tried with different browsers and the same problem.
I am trying to scan images from HP8600 printer/scanner attached via network. I get this error message "Not enough memoy to complete this action. Please close one or more documents or applications and try again. If this does not correct problem, you can try adjusting the memeory setting in Windows or you can work on a smaller version of the document."
I have already: - rebooted to have a "fresh" copy of Windows 7 - increased the virtual memory from 6GB to 9GB - decreased the scan to 100dpi (from the standard 200 dpi) - tried a different HP8600 - had the HP8600 scan and push the image to the computer (works, but just an average image) - searched the forum - read the PSPX5 bug thread
I'm trying to figure out if it's practical to use Lightroom to access/manipulate files on network attached storage.
Specifically, suppose I've already generated the 1:1 preview files, and these preview files are on the local hard drive. Does it matter then if the raw files are located physically on a NAS v. on the local hard drive in terms of the speed of Lightroom and ease with navigating from image to image?
Have just installed Windows LR4 trial, told it to Import files from my photo collection in a folder + subfolders on a network attached storage (NAS) unit. Windows Explorer tells me that there are 10,308 files in 408 folders in the main folder, totalling 38.8gb but on scanning the folder prior to import LR4 tells me that there are only 9,612 photos.
My photo collection folder contains only photos and no other file types.
Why is there this discrepancy ? I've searched around to see whether there is some hidden filter that is excluding certain photo files but cannot find anything of that nature.
How do I move a 360 Panorama Image over to 360 so I can share the panorama? When I download the panorama it downloads as an image strip not a panorama and on the 360 Rendering page I cannot find a way to share the image.
I recently ran into an issue where it seems like ever day or two, I find my PNGs for my Civil 3D tool palettes in the recycle bin. I keep restoring them to the original location, but a day or two later they are back in the recycle bin. Any way to stop this from happening, and if so, how do I go about implementing the fix?
I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.
If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.
The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.
How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."
I have been asked by our IT department to move all my Inventor files (.iam, .idw, .dwg, .ipt, .ipn, .ide) from the local location on my PC to a location on our server to automate backup procedures and decrease the size of weekly backups. Is there a procedure or preferred way to move these files? I know I will need to revise the project paths for libraries, etc,
i want move images library (shortcode (g) ) for overview to the file browser but if i click on pictures i get no data ghost and can't trow the picture in another folder
Had to get a new hard drive. Using Win XP, LT 2010. Most customization is on server, but I had some tool palettes, and I made one ribbon panel with a few tabs. Old hard drive is still accessible on the computer. Three items I want to copy.
1. Tool palettes - Can I just copy the items from support/icons, and support/palettesinto the same location on the new drive? 2. Will copying the profile.aws to the same location work for the profile? and 3. Where do I copy my custom file for the custom tab & panel?
I am doing a football program. It will be a standard 8.5x11 background page that will have small boxes of each senior, along with a box at the bottom of the photo that has their name and position. Sounds easy enough, I know. I came up with the idea to make a "Sr. Player Block" template with a block (just a rectangle shape) set at the bottom of the page which would allow me to pick the players image, arrange it to where it goes to the back so the block will show, adding their name and position on it, and then I was planning on flattening and saving each block and moving it to the background page. My problem is, is that when I open the actual photo, which looks great, nice and clear, to the block template, it gets pixalated and looks fuzzy! I have also noticed the same problem on some family program ads i have attempted, the photos I have opened (that get opened in a different little box look fine, but when i move them they look blurry...
Having just watched Julieanne K's tutorial re making a Blurb book, she began with her images in a story order. How does one move images within a collection to an order different from how they were uploaded or taken? I guess it is simple, but I cannot seem to do it.
I'm a new user of VideoStudio X4 and I looking for information about moving and resizing objects or images.
For example, the Star Wars sequence where the Star Wars title passes from back (very big title) to infinite with downsizing, not the long scroll text, only de main title.
I am making a DVD of a wedding and as part of a slide show of stills I want to download about 10 at a time and then display them 1 screen shot at a time .They are on a website that the groom raised for the occasion. They are around 2.34 MB jpegs each so they are small .I have X5 Ultimate and Paint Shop Pro X.
When moving the sliders the image becomes blurry until the slider is stopped. You do not see the change until the slider is at rest. This occured in the early LR 5.0 beta version but eventually went away in the final. I really do not like this effect.
I am ruhnning Windows &7 Pro, 64 bit and I'm experiencing inconsistent behavior in Lightroom 3.5 with regard to moving images within collections. When I try to move an image, to place it in the order in which I would like view the sequence, the image is placed at the end of the sequence no matter where I place it initially. I've tried the filmstrip view and the grid view and it happens in both. I recall doing this without problems previously however it was in the imported Library not a collection, but why would this be different?? One still needs to reorder images in collections. I've made certian to change the "sort" option to user each time I've tried to do this.
I would like to move a selection of images within the same folder. I have done this before with a drag and drop but it doesn't want to work today. I have and keywords for filters but wanted to set up in time/day order using 2 different cameras.
I upgraded to lr5 and am shooting an event that has different groups of participants. To organize the files after I get them into LR, I separate them into folders based on the individual in the image (it is easier than it sounds) . But to my surprise, when I move them, the images are removed from the original folder and are not in the new folder. I am hoping that they are being lost in the catalog and not being deleted.
How can I fiend the images again, and how can I get LR to recognize the images in the future...I am moving them within LR!