AutoCAD Inventor :: Moving Attached Bodies Along A Path?
May 10, 2012
I've used the transitional constraints with good results but unfortunatley the cams are moving all over the place when I try to move them by dragging with the mouse and not very stable.
I'm trying to animate a couple of bodies along a path with a workpoint that will move the assembly at the beginning created using a rectangular array along the path. I have a UJ in the middle of the bodies attaching them together. As I change the distance of the rectangular array it will move the first body as expected. How I constrain the other body to follow along the path with the ride points as labeled?
I've trieds almost everything I think. Should I use dynamics to simulate this? I don't have the dynamic installed however is there a way I can get ahold of a test version so I can test this?
I would like to either move or copy individual ACAD files to another PC (though a server) without loosing all the pathways/ connections to external image files used in rendering, (these being mostly materials, graphics & logos relating to each individual ACAD file, not xrefs). Is it possible in ACAD 2005?
I am attaching text to a path, but on the bottom of the ellipse, the text is upside down in relation to the text at the top of the ellipse. I am going nuts to try and resolve this. I have CD6 The Official Guide at my side, and no luck.
I found a VBA-code on internet which turn off all work features (plane, axis, points) in all documents in an assembly.
I want to modify it so it turns of all surface bodies instead. I use skeleton modelling where i only want to keep the solids visible and not the surfaces. When I run this iLogic rule all solids get turned off instead of surface bodies.
This code works (when edited) for axis, points, planes, allworkfeatures etc.
'catch and skip errorsOn Error Resume Next'define the active assemblyDim oAssyDoc As AssemblyDocumentoAssyDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'get user input as True or FalsewfBoolean = InputRadioBox("Turn all Work Features On/Off", "On", "Off", False, "iLogic")'Check all referenced docs Dim oDoc As Inventor.DocumentFor Each oDoc In oAssyDoc.AllReferencedDocuments 'set surface bodies visibility For Each oSurfaceBodies In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.SurfaceBodies oSurfaceBodies.Visible = wfBoolean Next Next'update the filesInventorVb.DocumentUpdate()
I have created a part with multi bodies (concrete block with reo bar), in the drawing I want a view that shows just the reo bar - concrete hidden. Can this be done?
I am now modeling elements for silicone formwork for casting elements of epoxy resien.
I would like to schow idea of this formwork. For this I would like to make part representing silicone part of this formwork. It is contained in aluminium "cover" for convenience of use.
In assembly I have placed may model, and aluminium elements representing "cover" of formwork.
I am trying now to model silicon but it is quite hard. I can not use "derivered part" method to substract model and cover elements from some big block body because coordinate systems do not mach in all elements.
In Part there is "combine" function but it only works with bodies mabe within this part.
Is it possible to substract one placed in assembly from anothe part in this assemby?
what I do need clarification on is the statement in this warning "One or more bodies which are thing being treated as solids". Does this mean that the bodies that were detected fall under the criteria for being a Midsurface or Offset and that the user has the opportunity to apply these commands in order to make the analysis more accurate? So if I were to ignore this and continue with my analysis, the members will still be treated as a solid and not as a shell and/or surface (which is what the Midsurface/Offset command produces)? The members I am using that have triggered this warning are HSS 2x2x0.125 x 12' long.
I have been extruding bodies around parts, then using their verticies for the frame generator (to guard around complex machinery.I then suppress the body and am left with the guard frame.
when i go to get the mass for the part, it includes the volume of the solid body which was used to give the can i turn the material property to zero density?
I have a model with solid bodies. I have used the combine feature to make cuts outs in some plates. The geometry is complex to model so Extrude cannot be used for cuts.
The body used for the combine can be at different angles and sizes. Due to this some of the combine features will not be needed or have no effect. This leads to the error message:
" The feature as specified did not change the number of faces (and may not have affected the part). Accept the feature that resulted, or use Edit Sketch or Edit Feature to change the feature definition." Is there anyway to suppress this feature automatically using i Logic?
I have an assembly file for a fan casing. We reuse this model and scale it up and doen depending on the size of fan.
For transportation we split the caing into several parts and join using flanges. The number and angle of splits changes depending on the job and geometry.
To model this we share a sketch through the parts and use the split solid command to split them.
I would like to able to create sub assemblies from the main assembly so that drawings and masses can be obtained for the sub assemblies. However, the 'Demote' command does not allow you pick individual solids from a multi solid part.
I have tried creating new parts from the split solids but these are not in the correct location as they are not constrained correctly.
Is there a way to use the Demote command as I am proposing? or is there a different method to split my parts?
Is it possible, via VB, to modify solidbodies color ?
Actually, I need to modify part color. But in some cases, the part color and the solidbody color are not the same. So I need to modify the Solidbody color, to match the part color.
I found the bodies in ComponentDefinition.SurfaceBodies, but I can't find something like ComponentDefinition.SurfaceBodies.Item(1).color.
Open the attached file 207665-124.ipt. how their is only one Solid Body, but the iam needs to be updated because the user added one more part to the assembly. As soon as it updates now instead of one Solid Body I have 2. I don't want 2 and this is not typical. Even if I derive the 207665-120 into a brand new part file, it is only one body. What is causing this to seperate into 2 bodies? I tried to re-create this from scratch and can't, but he has several files like this that need updates and the 2 bodies causes problems with the holes.
Is there a way to get that long tube and that rectangular part all around that middle circle.
Open this picture. In the end it would end up looking something like that lamp shade. I got one part down so is there a way to get a bunch of those around instead of redrawing it?
I have a pressure vessel which I am trying to analyse. Whenever I convert the solid into 'thin bodies', it loses some of the data. For example, a fillet and a supporting ring (refer to pic attached). I haven't been able to find any 'shell element' settings to adjust.
Also, I need to manually add contacts otherwise the vessel seperates into multiple bodies.
Even though the solid model is in contact, the 'midsurface' shell seperates it. Refer to part file attached.
I briefly tried to run the analysis as a solid model, but gave up as it was taking forever just to mesh.
Any way to suppress entire bodies in a multiple solid body part, using iPart, without having to suppress each individual feature for it. I am on Inventor 2013.
I understand how to select and hide surfaces and bodies using the model tree, but this isn't useful when my part has 50+ surfaces and solids and I'm forced to hover over each surface or body until the surface or body I want to hide is highlighted. This is possible using Soildworks but why not Inventor?
I'm creating a template part to line the inside of a wall with wall boards. All the boards are drawn as an array of seperate solid bodies which are to be made into components once the windows and appertures have been extruded out.
The problem is when the wall changes to a shorter length and then back again. the solids are re-created and the extrusion e.g. Window1 does not have the new solids in it's effected solids list, so I get an error.
Is there a way to set the extrusions "effected solids" (Not sure if that's the correct term) to all the solids all the time through iLogic or the API?
I have a Hole that cuts through 2 solid bodies, a gasket and a cover plate. I want to pattern the hole in BOTH solids at the same time, but the pattern feature dialog box will only let me select one solid at a time. I could pattern the hole in one solid before projecting to the other, but the quantity of the holes can change. When the quantity of the holes changes only the holes from the initial pattern are projected. For instance if I have 10 hole initially and it increases to 12 the 2 new holes do not project to the second solid body.
I've currently written an application for SolidWorks that reads file that geometry in the form of faces (ie. 3 or 4 double values that represent triangular and quadirilateral faces). I am trying to create the same application to work for Autodesk Inventor, but I am having some issues.
First, I am basing my code off from the examples given in the help files. There's a lot of pointers to objects being to get to the Face creation portion, this seems to be slowing my appliation down considerable compared to the SolidWorks counterpart. SolidWorks API has a modelling method called CreatePlanarSurfaceDLL that allows me to provide an array of doubles representing the vertex points in order (x, y, Z) for each point, so the array looks like this for a triangle (P1.X, P1.Y, P1.Z, P2.X, P2.Y, P2.Z, P3.X, P3.Y, P3.Z). Is there anything similar in the Inventor API to simply the process?
Secondly, when using the example, they all have a known "shape" and therefor there are a definied number of vertices, edges, faces, etc. And when adding the faces, the known points / vertices are used. In my case, each face contains information for it's 3 or 4 vertices. I created these using the prescribed methods, but when the final surface body feature is created, and a repair is performed on it, it shows a lot of duplicate edges and vertices. Do I need to take the time and filter out all of the duplicate vertices, and point to a single vertex that may represent a vertext used by up to 3 or 4 faces?
I'm trying to do a stress analysis on assembly with a mixture of thin bodies and solid bodies. The problem is that when I create the automatic contacts they are created as either all thin body or all solid body contacts. This of course causes the analysis to fail. It appears that there is no way to make a thin body contact become a solid body contact or vice versa.
I tried to run the entire thing as solid bodies but the I had to stop the analysis after 18 hours of continuous processing. (and a memory upgrade)
So i draw a body (or assembly) and i would like to invert what i draw ( tubing for fluid flow) to be hollow and make the hollow part solid, is there any way that i could do that?
When I try to suppress the bodies in the multi-bodies part to clarify the drawing view, I can not do that the way I normally do that if I had an assembly and suppressed the component.
Is it something Autodesk can improve on or rather something I overlook.
I'm currently using the "Make components" feature to convert solid bodies into parts. This works great, but we use this method to construct angular roof structures, and after the parts have been made the parts have angular relationships to the .ipt files UCS co-ordinates. It would be very useful if I could align the longest edge of the part (Which is a timber truss) with the x axis in the model space and "lay" the plank flat on the X-Y plane.
I'm trying to cut across bend in the attached part. Usually this thing works quite good, but for some reason it's not letting me do it. What Am I doing wrong? How can I do it?
I have a sketchedsymbol with leaderline. How can I get the BOM of the item this is attached to? I don't see any referenced way to do this. I assume it's possible because a balloon can get this info.
The full extent of what I want to do is to create a split balloon symbol. The top portion of the balloon with hold the detail number, the botton half will hold a user prompted text entry.
I am trying to model a plastic part which is attached to each other on one side of the edge and it snaps into each other on the other side. I was able to manage the hald section of this part but not sure how to do other half.