Paint Shop Pro :: Scan Images From HP8600 Printer / Scanner Attached Via Network?
Dec 19, 2012
I am trying to scan images from HP8600 printer/scanner attached via network. I get this error message "Not enough memoy to complete this action. Please close one or more documents or applications and try again. If this does not correct problem, you can try adjusting the memeory setting in Windows or you can work on a smaller version of the document."
I have already:
- rebooted to have a "fresh" copy of Windows 7
- increased the virtual memory from 6GB to 9GB
- decreased the scan to 100dpi (from the standard 200 dpi)
- tried a different HP8600
- had the HP8600 scan and push the image to the computer (works, but just an average image)
- searched the forum
- read the PSPX5 bug thread
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Mar 11, 2014
Can I scan photos on my Kodak 2150 scanner/printer straight from Elements?
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Jan 31, 2013
Trying to scan images from a scanner into the organizer, but the scanner's automatic naming system resets after every session, so the next time I try to import images I get a "filename already exists" error and the scanned images are lost.
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Aug 4, 2008
I just installed Gimp on a few of our machines at work, the main reason being to allow users to import images from our network scanner and manipulate them etc...
If we scan several pages at once and import them in Gimp, only 1 page is imported. Once this is saved and closed, we then have to go through the whole process of File > Acquire etc. again, for each page scanned. (We use Fuji-Xerox mailbox scanner utility).
With Photoshop, when importing multiple pages from the scanner, all pages are imported to the main program at once.Is there any way to acheive this in Gimp? It's the only real problem we have with it.
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Mar 6, 2013
how to change the printer associated with PSP or add another printer? I have 2 printers installed on Windows7 but the only one I get when I try to print from PSP is the wide format printer & no option to add another. Is printing from Windows Photo Viewer my only option?
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Oct 29, 2011
Has native scanner support for 64-bit Windows been added to X4, or is it still necessary to purchase a 3rd-party driver (VueScan)? I ask because my copy of X3 is sitting on the shelf unused due to lack of scanner support, however Photoshop Elements 8 is working with the Canon scanner with no issues. It is time to upgrade one of these products and lack of scanner support is a deal breaker for me.
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Oct 24, 2011
I have had PSP X3 for sometime but have never been able to connect to my scanner. The options for Twain acquire and Twain Source are dimmed. Everything works fine with PSP X2 but since upgrading I can no longer use my scanner. I've tried to log a question with the knowledge base but for some obscure reason I am unable to get that to work.
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Jun 29, 2011
I'm trying to scan a picture using a LEXMARK Platinum Pro905 all-in-one printer with PSP X3 (v. Lexmarx drivers are the latest available.
Please note I'm using a French version of PSP so I'll try to translate the titles, menus and messages in English. I'm going in File > Import > From a scanner or a camera (3rd option)
A pop-up windows is opening with settings for scanning. I'm able to modify every option if I want to. If I click on "Preview" (with a document in the scanner), I'm getting a preview of the document. Using the preview, I can select the area of the document I want to scan. So far so good.
When I click on the "Scan" button, the pop-up with the scan setting is disappearing (which is probably normal) but a pop-up error message is displayed right away :
The French says "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la lecture du fichier".
In English, it would probably translate by "An error occurred while reading the file". The only choice I have is to click "Ok".
I also tried with another scanner (HP Scanjet Q4010) with same result. Both (Lexmark + HP) are using an USB connection. In the past (few months ago), I was able to scan a document using this method with my HP scanner and PSP X2.
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Jan 4, 2012
I can't seem to get my scanner to stop scanning documents in PS Pro...I have a letter I wanted to scan and email but it gets attached to the email as a Jpeg and opens only with PS. Not good for the reciever. How do I set up PS so it is not the default for scanned items?
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Dec 31, 2011
I am trying to scan from a Kodak ESP 3250 All in One, into X4 on a Toshiba Satellite with 4GB memory and a 120GB SSD with 80GB free.
No matter how small an image area I try to scan, colour, grey-scale or BW, or how low I set the resolution, I get the message that there is not enough memory, and to close some documents, even when there are none open.
I can scan from the ESP 3250 into other installed programs OK.
I have Windows 7 Home Premium with all updates installed.
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Mar 3, 2012
The background:
Paint Shop Pro X2 ver. 12.01
Canon CanoScan LiDE 700F with latest drivers ver.
Windows 7 64 bit
I have one administrator account and two users accounts (user A and user B) with the same priviledges
The Problem:I can use my scanner smoothly if I log in as either administrator and user A, conversely when I log in as user B PSP tells me "no scanner found".If I log in as user B and run PSP as administrator the scanner is recognized and works properly.When the scanner works, inside PSP - File - Import - Twain origin I see the following window
Twain_ok.JPG (17.61 KiB) Viewed 570 times
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Apr 10, 2013
The printer setting - I could never save it.For my label printer LP2844, every time I print, it defaults to Width=4.88 and Height=11.00 and some unprintable area settings. Every time I do my first printing, I have to change it (to 4"x6"). I have gone thru my Windows printer device setting (properties, preferences, advanced, etc) and I have removed the printer device, deleted and driver, reinstalled everything and it still does it.Then I try it on another PC. Same thing.Paint shop Pro X4 Pro V14.3.0.3 licensed version. I paid for it.It seems like Paint shop saves its own printer saving somewhere and I can't re-save it.
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Apr 9, 2013
I am using W 7 and PSP X3.My printer crashed and I have replaced it with a new one.It is an HP 8600.I have it connected to my laptop using a wireless connection which is the way my previous printer was connected.I have prepped 2 photos that the Mrs wants a 5 x 7 copy of each.I then click on File > Print Layout and get an error message saying There is no default printer installed.
The printer is known to the computer as I have printed from MS Word and I have scanned from the scanner to the computer.How do I get PSP to know the printer?
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Nov 17, 2012
So I just finally updated my OS and my Photoshop and just encountered something I wasn't expecting. I have an Epson GT15000 scanner(big one with a feeder) I installed all the drivers and everything and the scanner works fine, but I can't seem to open the scanner from Photoshop to scan directly into the program. I can open the scanner independently and scan it to a saved file and then open it in photoshop. But it only has limited file type options so I'm basically forced to save it as one file so that I can then open it in photoshop and resave it as something else which is kinda a rediculous in between step and also leaves me with extra files that need to be deleted. Since the scanner itself hasn't changed and still functions the same otherwise I'm assuming it's because I'm using a new version of Photoshop. I'm also assuming that I actually can scan in the program, just not in the way that I'm used to. I used to go to import, and the scanner would appear on the menu for me to select it.
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Jul 30, 2009
I am doing a scan, stand alone, but once the popup comes up to save the scan someplace, there isn't a 'save' button to save it! I have to close the popup and the scan isn't saved. CS4, and epson perfection 4490 Photo.
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Jan 25, 2012
I have a Lexmart Pro 705 printer. The problem also occurred with a canon printer. This also happens with both my Laptop ,and desktop computers.
I will edit a picture so that it looks great on my computer screen , then when I print it on good Kodak paper ,it will be several shades darker. The old photoshop programs had a preference so that you adjusted to the printer. I know there has to be a trick to this.
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Nov 23, 2012
6 months ago I purchased a new computer with Windows 7 Home Premium. I reinstalled Paint Shop Pro X4 but have not used it much since then. Recently I wanted to print some photos and I was very disappointed that the results were VERY red. I have a Canon MP600 printer that I have used for several years with very good results. With my old computer (on Win XP) the difference between the monitor and printer was minimal. I am not familiar with the technical jargon relating to color management and relied on the operating system to do a satisfactory job. I only use PSP as a hobby and am not as picky as most photographers but this was very disappointing. I also tried printing some graphics as might be used in a brochure and the colors were too red. I cleaned the print heads as per the Canon instructions and all 5 ink cartridges are full. I might also mention that grayscale images print looking similar to sepia although they are grayscale on the monitor.
don't get too technical as I don't really understand this whole "color management" thing.
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May 8, 2013
I'm using Paint Pro X5 and I have a Canon MX700 printer. The colors from my PaintShop pics are awful when I print them. They don't look anything like the picture in PaintShop. Is there a way or a software program I can use to calibrate the colors between PaintShop and my printer so what I print looks like what's on my PaintShop screen?
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Mar 2, 2008
I recently got a new computer, with Windows Vista. I used my wife's existing CD to install Paint Shop Pro 7 (from 2001 - yikes!). It seems fine, except for a few of the preferences. The BIG problem is that the [Printer] button on the Page Setup dialog no longer appears! Here's the verbiage from the PaintShopPro7 user guide:
6To surround the image with a color, click the Background button. When the Color dialog box opens, choose the color. The area of the paper from the image edge to the paper margin will be covered with this color.
7Click the Printer button to open the printer.
8Click OK to close the dialog box and save the settings.
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Aug 22, 2012
How to make the printer profiles made by the COLOR MUNKI PHOTO work in PSPX4?
I have tried a lot of different settings in the Color Management of PSP X4, in the Color Management of Windows (Win 7), and in the Printer Driver (Epson Stylus NX300), all with no success.
I also have problems when trying to SOFT PROOF these profiles in PSPX4: what I get is an unusable image covered with a deep fog, an image that is far from what is printed. And I know these printer profiles are good because they work correctly in Photoshop Elements 10.
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Feb 23, 2012
We have 13 machines that are identical hardware and software; Windows 7 and the Autodesk Product Design Suite 2012 as well as the Vault 2012 Client. Two of these machines are exhibiting the following behavior: Connected to our LAN with access to the internet not loading Vault on startup Inventor loads in 68 seconds.Disconnected from our LAN with no access to the internet not loading Vault on startup Inventor loads in <10 seconds. I have tested this with our AV turned on and off with no changes in the above noted behavior. These two machines loaded Inventor 2011 in repsectable times ~<30 seconds.
Now this tells me that when Inventor is loading it is trying to go somewhere when there is a network connection. But where and what can I do to make it stop?
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Nov 27, 2012
I'm trying to figure out if it's practical to use Lightroom to access/manipulate files on network attached storage.
Specifically, suppose I've already generated the 1:1 preview files, and these preview files are on the local hard drive. Does it matter then if the raw files are located physically on a NAS v. on the local hard drive in terms of the speed of Lightroom and ease with navigating from image to image?
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Aug 6, 2013
i cannot scan photos from my kodak printer from is reading an old printer that is no longer installed...kodak states it is with the software from adobe?
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Feb 24, 2013
PSE 11 does not recognize my scanner/printer. How do I make it connect?
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Oct 18, 2004
As you can see by the spelling of "Colour", I'm outside the USA!
A bit of background: I graduated in photography a couple of years back and I've used PS6 and now PS7 quite extensively. I use an Epson 3200 scanner to scan my medium format (6x7) and large format (5x4) negs and trannies (that's FILM trannies...not the other kind!). If they are for exhibition, I'd burn them to CDROM and get a digital lab to print them for me otherwise they'd get printed on my Epson 760 (yes, it's quite old now!).
I've always had issues getting the screen calibrated. How would you guys go about correcting the relationship between the scanner/screen/printer? The screen is a Viewsonic E70 and I use the E70 profile.
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Mar 11, 2013
Is there a way for xrefs to stay attached to a drawing file when using Dropbox as a network? All files are saved to the dropbox which is loaded on both computers that need to access the files. If I do work and save an xref in a file that is then opened by someone else on a different computer, the xref is not loaded and has to be re-routed. Is there a way to avoid having to reroute xrefs everytime someone different opens the file?
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May 29, 2013
I want to import a scan from a Epson Workforce 545 printer. Program only shows "Frame from Video" Using a Mac on 10.8.3
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May 14, 2012
Have just installed Windows LR4 trial, told it to Import files from my photo collection in a folder + subfolders on a network attached storage (NAS) unit. Windows Explorer tells me that there are 10,308 files in 408 folders in the main folder, totalling 38.8gb but on scanning the folder prior to import LR4 tells me that there are only 9,612 photos.
My photo collection folder contains only photos and no other file types.
Why is there this discrepancy ? I've searched around to see whether there is some hidden filter that is excluding certain photo files but cannot find anything of that nature.
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Dec 9, 2011
I have a HP DesignJet 110 nr connected as a network printer. I have all the drivers updated including the network card. I have unistalled and reinstalled all the drivers and software. I have also replaced the ink cart. too. When I print in AutoCAD 2011 it acts like it is printing stuff, but it goes throught the whole process and nothing prints. I just started creating PDFs and sending them to the printer, but thought I would give it a new shot.
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Apr 25, 2012
crop images to 16.9 to fit the video.How do I do this in PSPro X.
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Feb 23, 2013
PSP X4 v13.3.0.3
PSP X4 was just updated and now I can't catalog any images. I can navigate via "Browse more folders" and select my main pictures directory, but in the Organizer I see no thumbnails. i have more than 4,000 files (almost entirely .jpg files) and now I can't see any of them unless I access them via <File><Open> This is very frustrating, as I had a system that was just fine 24 hours ago, but now I'm essentially hamstrung.
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