AutoCAD Civil 3D :: PNG Files Keep Moving To Recycle Bin

Jan 11, 2013

I recently ran into an issue where it seems like ever day or two, I find my PNGs for my Civil 3D tool palettes in the recycle bin. I keep restoring them to the original location, but a day or two later they are back in the recycle bin. Any way to stop this from happening, and if so, how do I go about implementing the fix?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Files In Root Of Recycle Bin?

Oct 12, 2012

if Autocad uses the root of the Recycle Bin ($Recycle.bin) as a temporary staging area for backing up or syncing?  I have found GP4 and DWG files at the root, that are not associated with any user's SID.

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Photoshop :: Xmp Files Sent To Recycle Bin

Feb 9, 2009

I am using elements 7 and photograph in raw. After editing the raw image I create a jpg, saving to the same file as the raw image and its associated xmp file. If I further edit the jpg, elements sends the previous version of the jpg to the recycle bin together with the xmp file, so that if I want to reopen the raw file I have lost the editing information. Is this a glitch, or normal? Is there a way to stop this happening?

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Lightroom :: Deleted Files Not Find In Recycle Bin?

Dec 21, 2012

Where are going the deleted files from lightroom, I cannot find them in the recycle bin ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Green Recycle Arrows And Corner Indicators In IDW File?

Oct 14, 2012

why i am getting green recyle arrows in browser and green corner incidicator in .idw file.

What does it represent? if it comes because of design error then where to look for the mistake.

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Photoshop Elements :: Missing Pictures Not In Recycle Bin?

Feb 13, 2014

I use Photoshop Elements 5.0 on a network.  I was deleting some empty folders under my folder "2013" when I realized that I somehow must have deleted the entire '2013' folder.  I immediately selected undo and it restored the 'shadows' of the folders and files.  I can see the folder names and the image names, but I cannot see the images.  I assumed I needed to reconnect the images.  I looked in the recycle bin but they are not there.  The only items in the recycle bin are from my local drive.  Are the pictures somewhere that I could reconnect or are they permanently gone?

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Lightroom :: 5.3 - Unable To Delete / File Could Not Be Moved To Recycle Bin

Jan 2, 2014

I have my pictures on an external HD, formatted to Windows (XP). On my WIN7 computer, I've imported the pictures from the ext HD, into LR5. But I can't delete a bad picture, only remove from catalog. When I try to delete, I get this message : "the file could not be moved to resycle bin". If I go to the folder in Windows I have no problem deleting the file.I Should mention, that a Macbook Air have been reading files from this ext HDD.

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Lightroom :: Recover File Of Images Removed From 4.3 That Is Not Found In Desktop Recycle Bin?

Oct 13, 2013

How do I recover a file of images I removed from LR 4.3 that is not found in my desktop recycle bin?

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AutoCad 3D :: Moving Files And Attached Images?

Apr 13, 2011

I would like to either move or copy individual ACAD files to another PC (though a server) without loosing all the pathways/ connections to external image files used in rendering, (these being mostly materials, graphics & logos relating to each individual ACAD file, not xrefs). Is it possible in ACAD 2005?

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GIMP :: Moving Selected Area Versus Moving Selection / Moving Whole Image

Mar 22, 2012

I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.

If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.

The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.

How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Procedure For Moving All Files To Different Location?

Jul 19, 2012

I have been asked by our IT department to move all my Inventor files (.iam, .idw, .dwg, .ipt, .ipn, .ide) from the local location on my PC to a location on our server to automate backup procedures and decrease the size of weekly backups.  Is there a procedure or preferred way to move these files?  I know I will need to revise the project paths for libraries, etc,

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AutoCAD LT :: 2010 - Moving Custom Files User Preferences

Nov 12, 2012

Had to get a new hard drive. Using Win XP, LT 2010.   Most customization is on server, but I had some tool palettes, and I made one ribbon panel with a few tabs.  Old hard drive is still accessible on the computer.  Three items I want to copy.

1. Tool palettes - Can I just copy the items from support/icons, and support/palettesinto the same location on the new drive?  
2. Will copying the to the same location work for the profile? and
3. Where do I copy my custom file for the custom tab & panel?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Feature Lines Moving?

Oct 23, 2013

So here's an odd one (at least I think it's odd ): I have a drawing that it utilizing feature lines which are projected to the cross sections to display R.O.W., easements, etc.  However, every now and then (there doesn't appear to be any similar operation that causes this) the feature lines will change their location, in this case they typically seem to move north and east about 200'.  I can't deuplicate the just seems to happen on its own.

I'm running Civil 3D 2013 with SP 2.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Layout Tabs Keep Moving

Feb 28, 2013

For some reason our layout tabs keep re-arranging themselves. All of a sudden our sheet 2 ( or what ever) is between tabs for sheets 35 & 36 (or where ever it wants to be).

we use tabs because 45 sheets of images require never ending scrolling. the current tab is never the image shown....they always start at the 1st tab?

when you are on sheet 40 and want to go to 44.....scroll .

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving Points To New Layer

May 11, 2013

is it possible to move COGO points to a layer soley based on point number?  I have about 3,000 points buried within a 3M point LIDAR data set I want to tease out, but currently all points are on the same layer so I cannot turn off the LIDAR points.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Viewports Moving Even When Locked

Mar 28, 2013

I know for a fact that my viewports were in the correct location, at the correct scale and they were locked.  To give you a little background, in my plan sheet drawing I am showing a plan view and profile view and I use 2 xrefs to do this, my master plan drawing and my profile master.  I was switching between the profile master and my plan sheet drawing doing some adjusting to the profile master's profile VC labels and making sure they will fit into the viewports I made in the plans sheets.  As I am doing this editing, I am saving the profile master and reloading the plan sheet drawing.  After I come out of the reload in my plan sheet drawing, every single viewport that shows the master plan xref was reset to a position way out in left field.  This makes absolutely no sense because I wasn't working with the plan view viewports and I am 100% certain they were LOCKED.  How is it even possible that they get moved if they are locked?

I am able to get around this problem by re-aligning my viewports to their correct position, its just annoying having to do this again.  I would really like to know what is causing this so I can prevent it from happening again.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving A Survey Database

Dec 7, 2011

Are there any issues with coping a survey database to different directory?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving Profile / Alignment

Oct 18, 2012

Moving profile or alignment, I’m not sure why moving profile introduces a problem! Some data is missed!

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving Points With Offsets

Aug 14, 2012

How do most people move points imported into a survey database that was shot with GPS and have offsets for trees, poles, signs, etc.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Disappearing Or Moving Section Labels?

Oct 16, 2012

I have a section view base map that has labeling at the grade breaks of a corridor section. (see correct labels image)

I made a minor change to the alignment the corridor is using and when I opened my section base, most of the section view labels were messed up. (see messed up labels image)

Some views were missing labels and in others, they were grouped together in a lump.

The settings I am using are in the third image. If I checked either the start or end offset box, then unchecked it and closed the dialog, the labels would fix themselves.For reference, there are about 300 section views in this base drawing.

Civil3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional - 64-bit
HP Z400
Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz
24GB of RAM
Nvidia GeForce GTX 760

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving Profiles In Model Space

Mar 12, 2012

When I drop a profile into model space, what happens when I move it?  Like if I have ten different profiles, I'd like to square them all up and organize them to fit neatly into my plan views.  I just scale my border drawing and drop one of those into model space, then fill it up with profiles until it's full. 

I know that I should be working in layout/paper space for this kind of stuff, but this seems easy enough. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving Rotating Pline - Some Edges Are Locked

Sep 21, 2013

I have some imported points and a polyline created with those.

When i try to rotate the pline around a point it seems that some edges are locked? 

Even if I copy this pline in an empty area alone and try to rotate it again i get the same resulsts.i tried the move comand with a vertex as a base and the same reults.

I do not know where the edges are locked .

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Shortcuts And Moving Projects To New Server

Jan 22, 2013

Moving C3D projects to a new server, specifically regarding data shortcuts?

For example, current projects live in: \serversharexxxproj_number

Soon, that path will be \A_new_server\shareBproj_numberdesign

Upon internal inspection, the data shortcuts are storing the full path and a relative path. Based on our initial tests, C3D is resolving the path to the source drawing using the relative path, even though the "full path" stored in the data shortcut is invalid.

I don't think we will need to use the "Data ShortCuts Editor" to fix the paths as long as the relative directory structure remains intact.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving / Copying Cross Section Styles

Feb 28, 2012

my issue is I have created a style for cross sections that work well in one drawing, and need to copy them to our template. I have been able to copy the styles for the section view, section plot, and some section labels that I needed. However, I cannot find out how to copy over the style that labels my corridor section in the cross section view. When I go to look at what type of object style it is, all I get is a "Obect Style" dialog box. I have been trying to open every setting to find it and have had no luck. I have attached three screen shots. The first is what I want the cross-section to look like, the second is what it currently looks like in the template, and the third is the dialog box I am getting.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving Curb Grades In Profile View?

Aug 20, 2012

I am having a problem with moving my profile grades. I go to Utilities under Corridors and create a profile for the left and right curb. They show up in my Alignment Profile, but when I click on one to move it, it disappears. When I type regen, it shows back up. I am trying to set my crossection grades in my Multiple Section Views.  I first create my Profile from Surface, then do a proposed centerline grade by Draw tangents with curves.  I create the corridor, put in the regions, go to corridor properties and pick the right and left corridor lines I have created. Then I set the existing surface and attach it to my profile. I create the sample lines and the Multi Section Views. Where am I screwing up?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving Points / How To Change Square To Circle

Sep 25, 2013

there are some points in my dwg that I can't move.  I can rotate but not move.  I noticed in the point file the ones that I can't move have a grey square in the cell with the point number and the ones I can move have an empty circle.  How do I change the square to a circle?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving Points With Nod Grip Without Elevation Changing

Nov 13, 2013

I recently upgraded from Civil 3D 2009 to Civil 3D 2014.  In Civil 3D 2009 I was able to set the point style 3D modeling to flatten the point to a 0.00 elevation. In doing this I could move the point around freely using the nod grip without the elevation changing weather I used object snap or just freehand placed the point.

For some reason with 2014 when I grab the nod grip it changes the elevation to 0.00 as soon as I move it from the location it currently sits despite the fact that everything is set the same as it was setup for 2009.  Is there a setting that I need to change to fix this or is there a new way to go about moving the point without using a bunch of different commands.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving Survey Points (nodes) Generated By TXT File

Jul 27, 2012

My surveyor gave me a topo survey done in no particular coordinate system. He set up his total station on a PK nail and gave it a coordiante of (5000, 5000, 100).  I used this survey to generate a surface.

I also have a site survey of the same site, done in state plane coordinate system. the two surveys have mulitple common points; pk nails, iron pins ect.

What i need to do is move the points for the topo survey over to the survey that is in state plane. A simple move command will not do this.

How do i go about moving these points to thier correct location without having to manually edit the .txt file?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Screen Flickers When Moving Mouse Around Open Drawing?

Oct 15, 2010

The screen flickers when I move the mouse around an open drawing.  I just applied the latest patch to Civil 3D 2010.  It was not doing this before the patch.

Have Quadro 3500 video card. Updated the driver for that with no change.

Have a Logitech wireless mouse, M310.  Up dated the driver for that with effect.

Changed to a wired mouse, no change.

Is there a setting in Autocad where I can set the refresh rate so that it does not refresh while moving the mouse. Or at least slow the automatic refresh rate down?

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Lightroom :: Moving Files Outside LR

Mar 22, 2014

I used MAC OS X to move over 40,000 photos to an external drive and of course the metadata and develop settings did not transfer. Short of individually copying and pasting each metadata and setting, is there a way to fix the problem? I still have the original photos on my MAC. To make things more difficult I have added new photos (and developed them) to the new location.  I have tried fixing this on my own but I am stumped.  I have since checked the "write metadata to file" option.

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Photoshop :: Moving Files In Elements 11

Jul 15, 2013

When importing pictures from the hard drive to Elements 11, how can you keep the file structure intact?  Specifically, if the original file has both pictures and sub folders, how can you import the original file exactly as it exists on the hard drive.  So far I can move the pictures just fine, but I lose the file / sub file identity. 

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