I have a simple solid channel of 260 m length (shape of rectangular drain), The bottom slab I wanted to tapered outward say by 1 degree. I used solid edit > face> taper> choose the bottom face, choose the axis (longer) and give the angle, then error shows
"No loop through new edges and vertices." sometimes
"Modelling Operation Error: Change in topology detected."
I received a drawing from a client, which has all the features on a coordinate system, But the drawing is rotated for some reason. Even after rotating the drawing the coordinates are the same as it was prior to rotation. I believe there may be some variables that has been changed for this. If a line is drawn A@100<0 it is drawn vertical instead of horizontal and like wise @100<90 is drawn horizontal instead of vertical.
I'm new to CorelDraw X5. I just downloaded a trial to play with
I would like to know if it's possible in CorelDraw to make a line with the Pen tool and then taper the start and end of that line and what the steps are to do this.
Advantages or pros and cons of the Branchin settings within the Corridor properties / Feature Line tab... I have bugs with my corridor surfaces and I'm exploring options to straighten things out. What exactly does the Branching setting do to the corridor itself.
When should "Connect extra points" be used and when not to?
I reseted my illustrator settings because it was having some problems, the settings I reset was changed everything back to pixels. I am working with small graphics that need to fit within 20x20 pixels
the problem is, when I resize something, example: 1x5, and I up the 1 to 2, it will increase it to 2 pixels from the middle of the object making it's coordinates ?.5 instead of a round number. I do not want to turn on snap anything because it worked just fine before I reseted my settings, it doesn't show it as being off at .5 but when I select multiple objects that the coordinates are at whole numbers, combines they make a number .5.
What I want - instead of the object increasing, when I up its size, from the middle of the object, I want it to increase down and to the right, keeping it's coordinates the same.
When I use the feather function in Ps, does the feathering start from the point of my selection (marching ants) outward to the designated number of pixels, or from the marching ants inward, or half and half, or what?
I'm using AutoCAD 2012 and I'm having a problem with 3D orbit. For some reason I can only rotate the view 180° along the X axis. Y and Z are fine, I can rotate a full 360°, but the X axis "bottoms out" if I try to rotate the view more than 180°. Is there something toggled that's causing this?
I'm trying to sweep it around shape like this But it won't, it says "The selected path curve is not valid." - so what do I do? (it is polyline) Is there maybe some other way to get this 3D shape fast?
How to set a value and label the “degree of curvature” for the horizontal alignment (HA)?
As the radius of the circular alignment (R) is calculated from the “degree of curvature” (attached) then I couldn’t figure out how to select a particular value for the “degree of curvature” (R=1718.8/Da) and then to label the horizontal alignment with it.
I am trying to create an expression so that I can put the Dc into my alignment curve label. I am using (5729.58/Radius) for the expression and using Double for the format which comes out fine in decimal form as in a curve with a 200' R comes out to be 28.6479º, the problem is that I need it to come out as Angular DMS... when I switch the format to angle it comes back as 1641º24'14".
easier way to program 45 degree corners on the top flange of two mating parts. We can't bend the ends on so they have to be welded. I am using inventor 2014 professional. Almost all my programming is done in sheet metal.
I'm trying to draw the following bench in Autocad but I'm getting bogged down trying to figure out how to create the following tube with an angle on it and how to achieve different shapes at the top of tube.
How do I go about increasing the diameter to a degree symbol? Am using the ROMANS.SHX type of file, and when used the degree symbol is sort of miniature (looking and plotting) in comparision to the numeral next to it.
What number do I have to alter in the .SHX file to enlarge it then?
I am in C3D 2012 and using Romans.shx for my text. When labeling an Arc, the degree symbol comes out too close to the following text/number. Is there any way to adjust the spacing on curved text. On a straight line it looks fine.
We are using Autocad 2012 & some of our users can not put Degree, Diameter, Plus/Minus Symbols in their drawings.%%P, %%D, %%C does not work in single line or M-Text. The symbols work In dimensions.
I was just wondering if there is an easier method of getting a 45 degree corner on flanges of 2 different sizes. 1 flange is 1" and the other is .75". I have been cutting the .75" flange down and adding to the face of the 1" flange.
The corner I'm talking about is on the far right of the part.
I am trying to make a toilet paper roller; standard white ones with the spring inside [URL] .
I need to cut the bottom of the cylinder at a 45 degree angle from the center to wall so if the roller was standing, it would be at an angle of 45 degrees to.
I have attatched what I have so far.
I am having trouble with the slicing. I am not sure how to chop the whole cylnder at an angle.
Also how do I remove the yellow lines and the white line with the measurement .1280 (you'll understand when you open the file)
I am trying to make a cut on a 12" D cylinder at a 45 degree angle and i am having a little trouble. I have projected the shape onto the curve and sketched it. Now to finish the cut do i need to scuplt that path or how do I go about doing this.
I provided a screen print to try and and explain it a little batter. The half moon looking sketch is what i am tring to cut out of the cylinder. i have already projected the surface lines on the cylinder, but get stuck at this point
Ive got a problem with a drawing from a client and the text is in multi-line format and is currently at the correct angle, however, when I go to edit the text is rotate's it's self round 270 deg....
All I want to do is rotate one dimension. I want to leave all the others alone.
When I am editing my drawing, I double click on the dimension and get the diag box and unfortunately the rotate dimension command along with the degree box is grayed out.