I am trying to create an expression so that I can put the Dc into my alignment curve label. I am using (5729.58/Radius) for the expression and using Double for the format which comes out fine in decimal form as in a curve with a 200' R comes out to be 28.6479º, the problem is that I need it to come out as Angular DMS... when I switch the format to angle it comes back as 1641º24'14".
How to set a value and label the “degree of curvature” for the horizontal alignment (HA)?
As the radius of the circular alignment (R) is calculated from the “degree of curvature” (attached) then I couldn’t figure out how to select a particular value for the “degree of curvature” (R=1718.8/Da) and then to label the horizontal alignment with it.
How to adjust the degree of curvature on the corners of rounded rectangles in Illy? This can be easily done in PS but I'm not seeing any options for this in Illustrator.
The label associated to a grading point when is moved when is moved changes its size automatically and a leader appears. After this happen no control over the grading point and its associate label. refer to the image below.
C3D 2013. We have profile line labels, some of which get manually edited (for example, change the "<[Tangent grade(FP|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|SD|OF)]>" to a static number such as 0.29%).
However, if you CTRL+Click and select one of these labels and change the style of that one label, then the manual edits are lost and the label reverts back to the default string.
I'm trying to label my Profile label stations as raw stations, 20~20 meters, and I'm not being able to adapt the format to STATION 0, STATION 2, without any plus zeros or +, or -, or commas, or anything, as following in the image.
I received a drawing from a client, which has all the features on a coordinate system, But the drawing is rotated for some reason. Even after rotating the drawing the coordinates are the same as it was prior to rotation. I believe there may be some variables that has been changed for this. If a line is drawn A@100<0 it is drawn vertical instead of horizontal and like wise @100<90 is drawn horizontal instead of vertical.
I am in C3D 2012 and using Romans.shx for my text. When labeling an Arc, the degree symbol comes out too close to the following text/number. Is there any way to adjust the spacing on curved text. On a straight line it looks fine.
What's the best way to model an alley with a 90 degree angle (turn). Do I treat it as an intersection with a zero radius? My typ section is 15 feet width with a 4% slope down to the center of pavement. "V" bottom. Not sure how to get it to model the outside corner and also eliminate the inside overlay.
Is it possible to pin a label to another label ? Or pin a label to an object so that when the first label (or object) is moved, the other moves with it ?
I can't find the "Curvature settings" dialog box. Selecting and right-clicking the spline in scketch mode I don't find "Setup Curvature Display" command in the menu. Also, if I click on "Display Curvature" I can't see the curvature itself.
I have C3D 2012. I want to label a part of an arc. The arc has 3 lines that intersect it. I want to label the overall arc and the pieces of the arc. The overall arc is not a problem. How can I label the parts of the arc without breaking it up?
I keep getting the words "Label Text" being placed at 0,0 every time I insert a profile view into my drawing. Is there a simple way to change something in the settings to either not display this at all or sontrol how/where it is displayed? It is annoying when you do a zoom extents being you now get 2 small dots on screen, 1 being the actualy drawing at the correct utm cooridnates and the other being this piece of text down at 0,0.
I have applied a client's style to the alignment to show PI's. In this case we have 2 alignments close to each other (NB & SB of road). PI's close to each other will then overlap. What I would like to do is apply a style that will have the line and text go exactly in the opposite direction. I am trying to avoid dragging the text as that seems to bring up several more issues. I am looking for whatwhere to change within the style editor to make this happen.
C3D 2012 sp1 W7Pro 64bit HP Z400 Workstation 16 GB RAM Intel Xeon CPU W3565@3.20GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
Need writing an expressions in a label style. I have part of it working, it is {Rim to Sump Height}-6 now I would like it to put 0 if it is 0 or less but I don't know how to do it. It works great on positive number but I want it to put 0 if it is a negative number.
Is there a way to label the low point of a profile or alignment that doesn't have any vertical curves? We have an existing alignment and profile which is relatively flat, and we'd like to establish and label the low points for drainage improvements.
I want to change the curvature of a fabric "snake." I twisted the 12-ft fabric, laid it out in a curvy configuration on a black backdrop in the studio, and took the shot. Now I have extracted the "snake" and pasted it onto a transparent layer.
I know how to do Transform Layer and Transform Selection, but both of those just give me a box, in which the Warp Mode is not what I want. I want to grab the tail of my snake and stretch it out, or make the curve tighter, or make one part of the snake overlay another. Can I do this in PS6?
Any way to label the elevation of an object where it is picked? For example, I'd like to be able to pick on the node of a feature line or 3D polyline (or any object really) and have a label placed that displays the elevation of the object at the point where it was picked. This could appear similar to the surface spot elevation label, but instead of getting it's elevation from a surface, it would come from the object where picked.
Alternatively, any way to create a label style, perhaps using the Note label, to display something like this? I don't even care if it is dynamic or not, static would be fine. However, I do need it to scale innovatively . Tool Pac has a feature that does this, but the label is just a polyline and text that is not annotative.
we are in a situation where we want a dynamic wall label. how can i make that happen if technically the top of wall and bottom of wall are at two different x and y points. ideally i would like have one label and list it this way by referencing surface elevations:
I need to make a map of a subdivision with all lot dimensions. I see how we can label all the lines of a lot by picking the parcel label, but it only allows one at a time.
I am specifically working with the Section Major Offset lable. The City of Dallas wants the lable to call out the Offset distance and direction over the elevation (example "30.0' LT."). Since zero has not offset direction the label reads "0.0' T." at the center point. Is there a way to include an if/then statement in the label style to remove the hard coded text?
I have a problem with some station labels I have, when I open the drawing(s) the labels display ??? instead of the station. After I manually sync the alignment in prospector, the drawing switches to the model tab with the ? now showing correctly.
We have created sections from our corridor. We see FG and EG, we can use bands for EG from surface. How do we get the FG band to show the elevations for FG? The only option we have is the EG surface. We have tried to create a surface form the corridor in the corridor properties but that surface still doesn't show up in the surface list in the bands. I would have thought this info would be dynamic and come directly from the corridor would it not?