Acad Architecture 2013 30 day trial running as Options>Profiles>Autocad.
How to turn off parametrics? In Paperspace, things keep on acquiring parametric constraints and then can't be moved without affecting other things. All too advanced for me.
Parametric>Constraint Settings>AutoConstrain>Clear All is set (which produces warning that "Geometric constraints will not be applied" - hopefully) and >Geometric>Infer geometric constraints is unchecked.
Yet still new contraints keep coming. And even when all elements (whole drawing) is selected and Parametric>Delete Constraints is clicked, some constraints remain.
I entered a skateboard design contest and I have completed the 2D layout for the board, however, I want to go a step further and make it into a rough 3D illustration.
Here's what I have:
My idea is to extrude the outline of the board for so many units, then take the side view item to slice through the side of the extruded board outline. After that I plan to delete the unnecessary 3D material.
Essentially I want to get to this and then delete the leftovers, but be left with a 3D shell of the board:
Why does this keep turning off? When I start up ACLT 2013, both boxes are checked. I just went to use the program again, didn't close the file even, and the boxes were unchecked, ie. nothing would highlight as I moved over them.
I have put the Pan function on my middle mouse button. (If that wasn't already standard).
But every time I use shift to deselect and pan at the same time, it will rotate my 2D drawing in 3D.
Is there a way to turn that off? Without removing Pan from my middle mouse button.
I have turned off the View Cube, but that doesn't work.
I can of course try to take my finger off the shift key when i Pan, but I automatically do both commando's at the same time and it will be a pain to teach my self other ways.
When I open AutoCAD it always opens a new file. Any way to disable that? Typically when I open AutoCAD I am looking for an existing file so I always have to delete/close the new file AutoCAD opened.
I am having on going issues with the DYNMODE function in AutoCAD 2013. I know to turn off completely set to 0, but it keeps frequently turning itself back on and setting itself to -1?!
Not a huge issue I know, but I do not like this command at all. How I can turn it off completely?
I know that the (graphscr) command will change the focus of ACAD from the text window to the graphics screen, but is there a command line option to actually turn off the text window?
create the attached sketch by civil 3d 2012 , actually I have tried many time to do it but in vain.The main point is that only single line has utilized as an alignment of corridor.
My part does everything I want with threads but the other option I need to program is a straight hole with no threads. I assume I can do this with Param for the existing hole but not sure what it would be called? Is there a list or method of determining what these parameters are called so I'll be able to find them in the future?
I've got an IDW drawing that I'm working on and this seems to be happening more and more often. I can fix this issue by either dragging/moving the viewports or double clicking, making a change and clicking OK on *each* viewport.
I use INV2012. It was very easy in the older version of INV to switch off all unwanted items in drafting. But, now we have to work with design view rep. Currently, I am working on a drawing which has surfaces. Though I saved the view rep without those surfaces, still I am getting it in drafting. I have unchecked assosiative in drawing view rep still no use.
Last week I downloaded the Autodesk Design Review and for some reason I installed the DWG TrueView as well. Now, every time I open up a .dwg through explorer, True View overrules AutoCAD and thinks it has to be the one to open the file. Is there any way to turn this program off?
Why is it that turning off Hardware Acceleration sometimes speed up a system or prevent it from crashing? This seems counterintuitive. What exactly works with AutoCAD by turning it off?
Any way to turn a 2d elevation drawing of a building into a 3d model? Im guessing its proberly not very easy as there are no z values? Am i right in thinking that?
The subject pretty much sums it up. How do I turn off the unreconciled layers thing? I don't want it on a per drawing basis, I want it to be off for good.
I have recently been upgraded to AutoCAD 2011 and have noticed that the Navv Cube is on. I have found by typing in the command NAVVDUBEDISPLY and selecting 0 that this turns it off however it seems to be set to turn back on every existing drawing unless it has been switched off in that drawing and then saved. I didn't use AutoCAD 2010 but have been told that the Navv Cube was turned off unless you selected it to be on. Is there anyway to have toe 2010 option or is this another feature of AutoCAD that they don't want to have changed
I set rules to turn parts off, and they are Suppressed, but I keep getting errors on constraints underneath the suppressed part. I did a screen capture of what the problem is.
Is there a way to lock the current layer (to say layer 0) so that is STAYS the current layer regardless of my isolating, turning layers on and off etc?
Really annoying to keep getting those "Are you sure you want to turn off the current layer" messages and it would prevent me from either drawing thing on a layer I don't intend to, or drawing on a layer which is off (which confuses me every time).
Using 2013 C3D. My text and linework is now gray. During opening/initializing of drawing, everything appear fine until it finishes loading, then everything is gray. It just started yesterday when I was bringing in shp files of wetlands in various ways (dragging/dropping, fdo conect and mapimport). Maybe the shp file had nothing to do with it, but I've never seen cad do this.
When I grip the line, the color in layer comes up as correct color, but the line on screen is gray. Also if I copy the multileader or line, the color reverts back to correct color until I save, exit and reopen. BTW - the only thing that isn't gray is my civil 3d pipes and structures.
wondering if its possible to turn off lines inside of nested blocks.
When we tried to do this inside a heavily layered and blocked drawing, it seemed to make the file unresopnsive, unloadable, and general "autocad freezing" issues. We Reconsitituted the entire file from the ground up and found that by NOT turning off these lines inside of nested blocks (ceteris parabis) the file works fine.
We like to turn these lines off becuase different teams are working on different parts of the drawing and we like to focus on one section by turning the other off. Is this possible? Is there a better way to do this?
Turning on / off a shape files layer on viewport, I couldn't figure out why turning off a shape file layer in a particular viewport (attached) does turn it off in all other viewports.
I'm trying to find an option to hide all constraints in a drawing, I am familiar with the toolbar option to turn display constraints on and off but my issue is that it's not a permanent toggle. Every time I change from a paper tab to the model tab or activate a viewport the constraint display is automatically turned on again and I must wait for the constraints and the drawing to generate. When playing checker I am frequently changing tabs or checking within a viewport, this is adding significant time required to check the drawing. I have not been able to locate a system variable or command to "freeze" the constraints until I want to see them again. an option to allow me to turn off constraint displays as I'm desiring or is this a Wish List item for R2014?
When I export a intervenor file to jpeg or pdf, the edges are not smooth at all under the link, the jep file has the edges that are jagged up and not smooth. Are there settings to make the edges smoother or smooth when you export them to jpeg or anything.
I have been working on a drawing and out of the blue, when I opened it the other day, all this tick marks where peppered all over the drawing. I discovered they were like point marks from dimension layers that were turned off. If I freeze the layer on top of turning it off, the tick marks do go away. I am running an old version of Autocad, 2007.
I would like to be able to the share external geometry of a fully assembled mechanical model without surrendering any part or assembly data. Is there a way to turn this assembly into an external surface "shell"…?