AutoCad 2D :: Turning Off 3D Modeling (shift And Pan)
Jun 16, 2011
I have put the Pan function on my middle mouse button. (If that wasn't already standard).
But every time I use shift to deselect and pan at the same time, it will rotate my 2D drawing in 3D.
Is there a way to turn that off? Without removing Pan from my middle mouse button.
I have turned off the View Cube, but that doesn't work.
I can of course try to take my finger off the shift key when i Pan, but I automatically do both commando's at the same time and it will be a pain to teach my self other ways.
I have a bit of a pickle, I am doing some models for Skyrim, I now have the mesh imported, have already done some modifications to it, but fot the parts that are going to beng I need to turn some polygons into faves(three sided) so they would bent better.
I am trying to model an object with planes using edge extrusions with shift drag. The issue I am having when using this method is getting lots of unplanar surfaces (even after using the make planar button). This is because max will not let me shift drag an edge straight back on its local axis to keep it perfectly planar. See image below.
I am wanting to extrude out this edge straight back on its local axis. But the result just makes it go straight up.
I'm working on a complex closed object shape originally made from a plane and want to do Boolean to it.
So when a plane get Boolean-ed with a sphere, it just turns to plane with a hole. Different when a standard box get Boolean-ed with a sphere, it turns into a box with a 1/2 sphere hole.
My question is, is it possible to turns a plane into solid 3D objects like box, sphere,etc..? So it's able to get Boolean-ed correctly?
I add a picture of simpler analogy p.s. the box and the box-ed plane is an editable poly
I am having quite a frustrating issue when trying to simply shift + drag in edge mode. I click the edge and hold shift to drag it and it instantly becomes deselected when clicking the the gizmo to move up.
in this video he uses holding shift and drag the edge to duplicate/copy the shape but when i want for example create a box,convert to editable poly and select edge and holding shift and drag it not working for me.i remove the face and use only the edges and it works but on that video he has 3d shape and not remove the face! i have 3ds max 2013.
As CAD administrator at my company, which is in the process of implementing Inventor/Vault, I am quite sold on the Layout Modeling/Multi-body part modeling functionality that Inventor supports. Among other things I believe there is a large payoff in assembly stability and simplicity. However, this workflow is very different from the conventional methods of modeling individual parts and manually constraining assemblies. URLs....
How best to make the stone facets go sideways into the main tower. As you can see though it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. How I could achieve such results?
I entered a skateboard design contest and I have completed the 2D layout for the board, however, I want to go a step further and make it into a rough 3D illustration.
Here's what I have:
My idea is to extrude the outline of the board for so many units, then take the side view item to slice through the side of the extruded board outline. After that I plan to delete the unnecessary 3D material.
Essentially I want to get to this and then delete the leftovers, but be left with a 3D shell of the board:
Acad Architecture 2013 30 day trial running as Options>Profiles>Autocad.
How to turn off parametrics? In Paperspace, things keep on acquiring parametric constraints and then can't be moved without affecting other things. All too advanced for me.
Parametric>Constraint Settings>AutoConstrain>Clear All is set (which produces warning that "Geometric constraints will not be applied" - hopefully) and >Geometric>Infer geometric constraints is unchecked.
Yet still new contraints keep coming. And even when all elements (whole drawing) is selected and Parametric>Delete Constraints is clicked, some constraints remain.
If I have images in my dwg, and I want to temporarily use the shift key for ortho, it doesn't work. On the cammand line, it reads, "Image (s) not selected. Select Images (s) then issue command." I am not trying to manipulate an image. Why is it defaulting to an image object?
Civil 3D 2013 Windows 7 64-bit Inteel 2.40 GHz 8 GB RAM Dell T7600
Is there a way to create a coordinate system which will have a projection with a shift grid. I want to create a coordinate system with a seven parameter datum transformation an a trnsverse Mercator projection in whichi want to use a shift grid file
I am have an issue with the shift overrides not working when there is an image under where i am working.
In the same drawing for example i can use shift to either select more than one point in a polyline, or to change between trim and extend or to fillet with a radius or to a point.
but when i try to do this with an image in the background it doesn't work. I need the image as i am tracing shapes.
We just installed AutoCAD P&ID 2013 and there is a HUGE problem with deselecting. This problem is not just on one computer, it is a systemic issue in P&ID 2013.
I just got a new dell inspiron laptop and installed ACAD 2011. Normally I draft with the ortho lock on and hold down shift when I want to disable it temporarily. With my new laptop this doesn't work. Holding shift down doesn't seem to make any difference at all.
Multiple objects are selected, I hold shif and cross-window over objects from right to left, I expect everything I cross to be deselceted. I my testing only one item is deselected.
Is there a variable I am forgetting about here or is something a miss?
I am attempting to query some mapdata from a NAD27 drawing to a NAD83 drawing and when I do a quick view or a query, Map3D 2012 ( a new installation on Windows 7) crashes. I have the NTV2_0.GSB in the c:ProgramDataAutodeskGeospatial Coordinate SystemCanada directory and have edited the NAD27toNAD83.gdc file accordingly but to no avail.
This setup has been working on my previous Map installations (Map3D 2007 on XP, Map3D 2010 on XP & Map3D 2010 on Windows 7) so I know I have working configuration files.
Why does this keep turning off? When I start up ACLT 2013, both boxes are checked. I just went to use the program again, didn't close the file even, and the boxes were unchecked, ie. nothing would highlight as I moved over them.
When I open AutoCAD it always opens a new file. Any way to disable that? Typically when I open AutoCAD I am looking for an existing file so I always have to delete/close the new file AutoCAD opened.
I am fluent in sketchup modeling but have had no success in attempting to model something similar to the crinkled wall mass in the attached image. I have d/l'ed 3dsmax for 30 trial and trying to learn on the fly, which is difficult. before i spend too much time trying to to achieve a crinkled wall mass? in my first attempt i was able to create a rectangle, add modifer of garment maker and apply cloth attributes (and ripple) to it but it's too smooth around the edges although it had amplitude to it.
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
I'm looking for a way to determine (and preferably edit) the values of P1 and P2, the offsets of the initial tangents into the PC/PT of the shifted curve. It's not in the (admiteddly basic) book I have either.
[Edit: OK, after double-checking,I just found Widening offset clothoid, but I'm still none the wiser.]
Mapimport command maintains integrity of x,y coordinates. Adding dem information to a civil3d TIN surface does NOT.
Detailed screen shot(s) attached.
I am trying to create a tin surface in autoCAD from a raster dataset in GIS. Originally, my raster dataset was in UTM's (Zone 10N), and my CAD drawings were in CA State Plane (zone 2, US feet). Both NAD83. But I have, to date, been unable to get AutoCAD to correctly convert between these two coordinate systems. I thought, hmm.. let's just convert to State Plane in GIS and then add to the surface definition in AutoCAD. I had hoped this approach would 'go easy' on autoCAD as it would not need to do any conversions. Turns out, that does not appear to work either. In fact, it is even further 'off' than before... I hope the attached PDF illustrates the situation clearly. AutoCAD's mapImport command works great. The surface boundary can be imported and appears to have the correct coordinates. The surface, with the dem added to the definition, however, does not. It is shifted down and to the left.
Since installing 2013, when I have objects selected and want to deselect them by depressing the shift key, the cursor freezes and will not move until i let go of the shift key...
My shift not working when I have some objects selected and I want to deselect something. I have the c3d 2014 with raster image. I am new to autocad and c3d and I am trying to learn from videos I find in youtube. I saw even the autocad help that mentions the shift to deselect but why this is not working.
I've got a user who imports points into the survey database and RANDOMLY the points will be shifted on average 27 feet in the northing and 4 feet in the easting. She notices this because she'll check a point and see tht the northing and easting varies from the grid northing and easting (I've attached an image to view) She will then discard the drawing and begin a new one only to import the data and now it imports correctly. The behavior is completely random and it's happening on multiple projects.
All the projects begin with the same template. All the settings (drawing settings and survey settings) have been set to US Survey Foot. It's weird because once the issue is noticed it can be fixed by simply beginning another drawing and re-importing the data, but it has happened on projects where she's already got pre-existing data.