3ds Max Modeling :: Castle Tower Modeling - Make Stone Facets Go Sideways
Dec 22, 2012
How best to make the stone facets go sideways into the main tower. As you can see though it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. How I could achieve such results?
As CAD administrator at my company, which is in the process of implementing Inventor/Vault, I am quite sold on the Layout Modeling/Multi-body part modeling functionality that Inventor supports. Among other things I believe there is a large payoff in assembly stability and simplicity. However, this workflow is very different from the conventional methods of modeling individual parts and manually constraining assemblies. URLs....
I am fluent in sketchup modeling but have had no success in attempting to model something similar to the crinkled wall mass in the attached image. I have d/l'ed 3dsmax for 30 trial and trying to learn on the fly, which is difficult. before i spend too much time trying to to achieve a crinkled wall mass? in my first attempt i was able to create a rectangle, add modifer of garment maker and apply cloth attributes (and ripple) to it but it's too smooth around the edges although it had amplitude to it.
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
I'm an architecture student who has high interest in 3d modeling.I would like to learn how to design something in a very organic form for a change.I can model very accurately and fast what I need on Autocad most of the time, but it seems like autocad 3d modeling is not the best tool to be using for modeling something very curvy and random.
Some Examples: [URL] .....
So Basically, I want to be able to first sculpt the general exterior form I have sketched out or in my mind, and not only that, I would like to model the interior portions so I can have renders from inside the building. (Like the ons from the examples)
Although in architecture, 3D modeling comes into play after the 2d drafting, I don't think it's the same case for organic shapes. I would have a general layout sketched out on paper how the building would be formed, but not necessarily accurately measured. Then I would model the building to cut the sections through, and extract them out along with floor plans thus creating a very accurate orthographic drawings as well as gorgeous renders.or just poly edit with soft selection and other modifiers?
The best that work out was giving it a path constrain to a sphere changing to a rectangle and making some snapshot which it does not give me the specific control I need.
See image to see what I am trying to model, image is from NADAA, and am trying to do something similar to this but I can't.
How to create a quick sponge (or pores) look to an object without using materials?
Background: I am creating masonry and mortar. I need to zoom real close to the mortar so I can see the pores. Then I am going to have a blueish object pass thru the mortar to show water penetrating the mortar. Or something like that. I can't use a material to represent the look because I need to have an object pass thru it.
Every thing was just fine but at particular moment I noticed that viewports are not updating when I'm working. Sometime there is note ''inactive'' so to see changes I need to click on viewport to see them. I just can't work
p.s. In viewport configuration/rendering method/apply to: All viewports. I tried to google.
Right now I'm working on a preliminary horse model to test a number of theories I have about the best way I can model our carousel figures to show potential clients.
I am currently trying to place a saddle on the back of a horse and have the saddle sit snugly on the surface of the animal without passing through. Ideal, I would like for this to be something that could be animated as our goals are to build rigs in the models to show the different positions we can carve our carousel figures in.
I am right now trying the cloth modifier in order to drop a saddle-shaped place onto the back of the horse and then once that is against the surface, extrude the saddle from the plane. However this tends to cause wrinkling and would be great for the saddle blankets which will have lots of folds, including decorative folds in them (I already bookmark a great tutorial for pulling and arranging fabric).
Is there a way to tell the plane (or even the bottom faces of my sculpted saddle) to snap to the surface of the horse's back? Perhaps the surface or attachment constraints? I've tried both of those and so far have not had any luck. I'd like to avoid lining each individual vertex up if possible and I'd like to keep the objects detached for future swapping of various saddle designs.
What would the best way, in your experience, to do saddles on animals? If you have seen a carousel animal before, you are aware that they have decorative trappings covering their backs and heads. My eventual goal is to have one model of each animal we can do and to be able to swap out an assortment of trappings to show future clients what the company can do. Right now, everything is based on pictures of what we have done and drawings by the wood carvers.
When I am selecting objects, even in object mode I am getting this onslaught of bright yellow vertices, as though I had vertices selected in preferences or hotkeys... but I don't. All that stuff is off in my preferences. I can't seem to make it go away. Can't see faces for all the vertices cluttering up the view. Happening in all the panels.
I'm trying to make a door. But my door making tool now starts making the width, y direction in my perspective window instead of in the x direction. I'm using snap to vertex, but it still wants to go the way it wants to. It worked at first, but now now. Any thoughts on what might have changed?
I need to make about 400 selections to Subtract from a box using ProBoolean. Unfortunately it seems you have to select each individual one. Is there an easier way to do this? Essentially, I have a box and need about 400 holes punched through. I am just trying to determine the easiest way.
Right now I have to click on each cylinder one by one after I have arrayed them in order to subtract them. Does ProBoolean have an option to select multiple objects at once to subtract?
I have a 3D scanner where I can scan an solid object, & sometimes reverse engineer the object that I am looking at. 1 function that the old FaceGen used to be able to do is make a 2 dimensional object into a 3D wireframe, but I am not sure if it is able to do robotic faces. I am thinking of doing Transformer-like figures where the faces are a mix of smooth & angular vertices. If I were to plug in some of the flat 2D images that I have, I think that it would give me an ‘error message.’
- My 1st question is I was wondering if you had any CAD software that would be able to take a flat image of a face, & make it into a 3D image
- Or even able to take a pre-existing mesh, & warp it’s values to match a 2D face pattern that I have in mind.
- 1 option that 1 of the older forms of FaceGen was able to do, is to give you variations of a pre-existing face. And I am not talking about taking a 3D mesh & turning it from male to female, race to race, young to old, but different ‘versions’ of that face. 1 thing that they did with a lot of Transformers is that they recycled the same body type, & just repainted the figure to a different paint scheme, & making them into a new character. The Decepticon jets were a good example of that. 1 thing that I am thinking of doing is taking a scan of a pre-existing face, & alternating the facial values to generate different face plates so that each figure has a new face to distinguish them from 1 to the next.
I have downloaded a drawing of a Spitfire from WWII. I have made the curves with the curve tool. I cannot seam to convert them to anything else. I am trying to "skin" the aircraft so I can make the fuselage.
I am trying to use a reference image on a plane in 3ds Max but everything comes out Blurry and pixelated. I have tried the Customize...Preferences... Viewports option but the Configure driver is greyed out. it says ''Nitrous (direct 3d) 11.0 feature level 11 - ATI Radeon HD 5700'' next to Configure Driver.. (greyed out)
What can i do to make reference images not pixelated? and transparency on boxes and polygons is extremely buggy (i can only see 2% through it when alt+x)
I often work with Civil Engineers and I use line work from Civil programs such as 3D Civil and Bentley MX. These programs give me splines (see image 1). I trace over the lines to create poly surfaces which may end up being grass or concrete etc (see image 2)
I don't use the terrain command because the command is not always suitable. The lines I import often have gaps or other issues thats why I find it faster to trace over the lines to create my poly surfaces.
But if you look at image 2 it's very blocky. I would like to smooth between these surface to make the terrain look more natural. I have played with turbosmooth and meshsmooth but sometimes they screw up the surface or don't work at all.
How I could make my surfaces more natural and less blocky.
I am currently trying to make a symmetrical texture map for my character.
For example, I want the arms of a character to share the same texture pattern.
But I can't place the UV shell corresponding to one arm on top of the piece corresponding to the other arm because it doesn't match without flip.
If I'm trying to flip this shell it becomes shaded with a semi-transparent red color. But all UV shells must be shaded with blue and have a clockwise winding order. Am I right ?
Is there a way to reverse the winding order so the UVs match the original half's without physically flipping the UV shell on the U or V.
I'm working on a project that needs to make a renderable shape off a curve, the curve points are based on a random set of data - so basically I'm making a fever chart. I need the curve to go exactly along with the points, so I used bezier curve. The curve looks like pic-01
Since curve doesn't show up in render, so i'm trying to make a tube shape. 1) a polygon plane, then go edit mesh - extrude. like pic-02. The extrude division is the same amount of points 2) a nurbs circle, then go surface - extrude. like pic-03 and pic-04.
As you all can see, none of these two look good. I can understand that this is because the turns are too dramatic, but I wonder if there is a way to get around the limit and generate a graph like pic-05 in 3d.
I have a character with UVs created and a texture assigned, now I need to add some additional polys to the character, how can I make sure the new polys I add are also added to the UV set and therefore get the texture map ?
I would like to make some recessed groves in the black piece seen in the image. I want the two thin strips of faces to be recessed slightly into the shape.
I have tried scaling and several other techniques, but nothing is getting a uniform reduced shape throughout the U-Shape to create the recess.
• Intel i7-975 - 3.33 GHZ • 24 GB RAM • Samsung 256 GB - SSD • NVIDIA GTX 295 • 3ds Max 2013 • Windows 7 - 64 bit • SpaceMouse Pro
Was wondering if there is a way or a plugin for 3dsmax to use splines or nurb curves to create "Jura"-like line patters- the exact thick and thin line formation you would see on a dollar bill. To create curves, and contours, around text and shapes.
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I am trying to make 1 object out of 3 closed splines. I am a max user and this command is called Attach inside max. I am presently learning Maya as my new job require the rigging to be done inside Maya and instead of exporting my controllers aswell learn how to do it in Maya...
i've modeled a character or two from scratch in max. (nothing spectacular) I also used a character pack a few years ago. I was wanting some info on the best way to model a new character. I would like opinions on zbrush, poser, etc. Something that is very compatible with max.
What is the process that you take when creating a character. Don't feel the neeed to write a book I get the basics. Been out of the game for a while, but very glad to be back. Been playing around with fumefx, houdinni ocean, and ivy lately.
How can I make Displace modifier to use objects existing mapping? Because when I apply a new Displace, the modifier makes a new mapping, even if i check "Use Existing Mapping".
See what i mean? I want those "cracks" to follow uv not a displace mapping
I am trying to make some trim work to go on a project of mine. Im using a shape then tryig to extrude down the curve is there a way to make the corner tight or a plugin to make trim work easier. you can see in the first image what im trying to make and the second my curve and what i get when im done.