3ds Max Modeling :: Holding Shift And Drag Edge To Duplicate / Copy Shape
Feb 27, 2014
modeling a car in 3ds max on youtube : URL....
in this video he uses holding shift and drag the edge to duplicate/copy the shape but when i want for example create a box,convert to editable poly and select edge and holding shift and drag it not working for me.i remove the face and use only the edges and it works but on that video he has 3d shape and not remove the face! i have 3ds max 2013.
I am having quite a frustrating issue when trying to simply shift + drag in edge mode. I click the edge and hold shift to drag it and it instantly becomes deselected when clicking the the gizmo to move up.
I am doing a tutorial about an apartment and i cant copy the border holding the shift key.The tutorial says "Delete the polygon resulted from connecting the edges in previous step. Select the Border and holding down Shift copy it to create a thickness for the window."What is the command to copy it?it must be done like in the pic i put here.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
When creating vector shapes and holding shift the shape do not snap to pixel. Snap to pixels is turned on. Initially when do not hold shift shapes is pixel perfect. As you can see in the image first 2 shapes are made free hand.
When we hold Shift while painting with the brush or pencil tool the stroke is constrained to a 180, 90 or 45 degree angle.
ever since CS4, when we do this, a faint brush line appears to connect the end of the first stroke with the beginning of the next creating all sorts of unwanted effects. This happens regardless of where we make the next stroke.
The only way of not having this happen is to keep reselecting the brush tool (keyboard shortcut B) after each stroke. When there are many lines to draw, doing this creates unnecessary delay in workflow.
I'm trying to use it instead of my photoshop «not very legal» version.
There is a feature I really like in Photoshop and GIMP which is the ability to draw a line using pen/brush/eraser/any tool using the SHIFT modifier key. This really miss me in Paint.NET. You click somewhere, you move the cursor elsewhere, holding SHIFT you click again, and (using the tool you currently have selected) a perfect line is drawn between the two points.
Is there a system variable for holding down shift and picking multiples?
When picking multiples files, to bring in xrefs, I can pick them, but some of the other in the office can not, it want let them pick more then one file at a time.
I use Photoshop 7 & do a lot of cleanup of bitmap/tiff images, such a logos & symbols that need cleaning up around the edges etc. Holding the shift down while drawing with a brush in eraser, etc. mode creates a straight horizontal line & that makes cleaning a horizontal edge easy & quick.
Is there any keystroke combinations that will draw a perfectly straight vertical line?
We just installed AutoCAD P&ID 2013 and there is a HUGE problem with deselecting. This problem is not just on one computer, it is a systemic issue in P&ID 2013.
why this simple shortcut is suddenly not working in Illustrator CC?
I try to use it to duplicate an empty circle with a coloured path while scaling it down (with the intention of using Ctrl D to continue the progression). The shortcut simple resizes the path without duplicating it.
I was having a few issues with shift-constrain resizing not working, and option-drag duplication not working, also using the space bar to move the document around the viewport.
OSX 10.9, InDesign 9.2.1.
I reset the preferences, restarted which failed to solve the problem.However once I updated my Wacom driver from 6.3.3 to the latest 6.3.8-2 that seemed to solve the problem.
I have put the Pan function on my middle mouse button. (If that wasn't already standard).
But every time I use shift to deselect and pan at the same time, it will rotate my 2D drawing in 3D.
Is there a way to turn that off? Without removing Pan from my middle mouse button.
I have turned off the View Cube, but that doesn't work.
I can of course try to take my finger off the shift key when i Pan, but I automatically do both commando's at the same time and it will be a pain to teach my self other ways.
I am trying to model an object with planes using edge extrusions with shift drag. The issue I am having when using this method is getting lots of unplanar surfaces (even after using the make planar button). This is because max will not let me shift drag an edge straight back on its local axis to keep it perfectly planar. See image below.
I am wanting to extrude out this edge straight back on its local axis. But the result just makes it go straight up.
I just read the thread the thread "...plus ask about erasers" but it doesn't answer my question about combining shapes to remove unwanted portions - or at least I didn't quite understand it. Here's my issue. I've created a nice "background" image with ripples and live effects, but it has gaps, and isn'tthe right shape. I need to erase parts of it and clip it to the right shape, but every time I try to do this using the slice tool, it puts the gaps back into the image! Attached is my image and the shape I want to clip it to.
I just tried converting the ripple shape to a bitmap copy and then slicing the shape - that doesn't get me the rippled effect I want - just the shape I already have. Then, I tried just creating the water ripples in my shape - but again that leaves gaps and when I try to "slice" them away it does all kinds of weird things to the shape..
The best that work out was giving it a path constrain to a sphere changing to a rectangle and making some snapshot which it does not give me the specific control I need.
See image to see what I am trying to model, image is from NADAA, and am trying to do something similar to this but I can't.
I have a very old model from one of our previous projects. It was previously rendered with max scan line and had standard materials on it. Now we are updating it for a HD render and updated with mental ray and arch&design material. When doing test renders there have been some very strange results, on closer inspection I have realised the models have been duplicated. They have been duplicated in exactally the same spot and are part of the same element. I’m currently trying to go through each polygon(element) and delete the duplicate but its taking an age. It was a model imported from iges format so the model is very broken up.
Any good method for deleting duplicate surfaces?I have tried xview but selecting the results just seems to select the whole model which ever method I choose.
I am currently building a stadium. Created one chair that I want to duplicate 20'000 times, however Maya is unable to cope with this (even Duplicating Special by 200 is too big for it).What would be the recommended way for these Massive Duplicate Specials ?
I am creating helicopter and when I am working on propeller, i am actually copying blade of propeller six times. Maybe to duplicate that one model in special form?
I'm having trouble with some of my animations. Althought they all work fine (there currently 4 individual animations based around click and play symbols) and the positions are correct on the stage, when I preview them or publish them, some of the symbols shift to a completely irrelevant position for no dicernable reason. When clicked, the animations all take place in the correct position and remain there.
I recently upgraded to CC from CS5. I work on objects that have multiple elements. Since I am on CC, I am running into an annoying problem. When I copy paste an object with multiple elements, or command/option/shift + drag the object, the various elements shift in z-order.
I have been reading the manual but I am also still trying tuts because I learn better when I do things as well as read. So, here's todays dilemma
I made the Shape with no problem and used the Pen tool set to shape. The only way I have been able to find to Duplicate a Shape (and/or Path) in the user manual is to select the Path Selection tool (the black arrow) from the tools panel and use Alt + Drag
however, (as you can see) I need the Shape to stay in the same place - so, I tried to drag it back into place - but the Duplicate moves with the original Shape and when I go to change the color - the color changes both shapes ... ? Also, how do I know if I have Duplicated the Path or the Shape?
Because once (we) I figure out how to Duplicate the Shape & change the color of just the duplicate I then need to Duplicate Just the Path. The tut says to set the Duplicated Path Mode to Subtract but it doesn't make sense to me - it would seem that the Mode should be set to Subtract beforehand.
I've brought this up before and didn't get an answer but now that my project is hundreds of layers big and using 12 layer comps, this is becoming increasingly annoying and affecting my project flow:
When will the issue be resolved where when you duplicate a shape layer that has previously had specific anchor points selected (but that none are currently selected since the entire layer is selected in the layers pallete and I am using the move tool, not direct select tool), it duplicates only the previously selected points.
It's a huge waste of precious time to have to:duplicate a layer. realize that only a portion of the layer got duplicated.delete that new layer select the original layer choose the direct select tool click on shape to show the anchor pointshit escape so all points are deselected then try again
i am new to inventor, but an alias user for many many years . Since alias and inventor do seem to communicate pretty well, i gave it a shot, since it has many advantages to use the 2 of them.
So, the simple question is: How do I duplicate and edge of a surface into a curve, from say, a imported wire file.
I cant find a way.....Looks so simple the interface and what it makes, that it ends up being difficult to me such simplicity.
Many users forget or even aren't aware of the fact that they can't have duplicate names for elements. Or in a long list of elements, they don't oversee which names are already in use. So they try to change the name, but it does not 'stick' (the name reverts immediately to what it was).
Of course it should be (or become) general knowledge and a good care that duplicate names won't occur, but just like with the prompt that warns for unallowed characters (spaces and all), it would be nice to prompt the user that there's a duplicate name.
In After Effects CC/CS6 how do u copy a scene and unlink it from the orginal source? It doesn't matter if I copy or duplicate a scene, it will also change it in the original..I have some text I want to change in the copied/duplicate scene, the rest I want it to be the same.
I have an animation that shows a briefcase with a combination lock as shown. I created a vertical png graphic of the numbers 0 thru 9. I then attached two more copies of the graphic end to end to each other to make one long strip of repeating numbers 0 thru 9. I then grouped the graphic as a single object and named it NumFirst and positioned it for the first tumbler of the lock. I did this two more times (NumSecond, NumThird) for the other two tumblers. I then created a graphic mask and positioned it so only three of the numbers are visible (as shown) giving the illusion of the tumblers. Using jquery draggable and restricting the drag along the y-axis, I can drag the individual tumblers up and down as though I was setting the combination. I did this in Edge Animate and the interactive animation looks great! However, I'm limited to how far I can drag the graphic because eventually I reach the end of it. My coding skills with jquery and javascript are growing, but I have hit a snag. How can I get the number graphic to repeat itself (either up or down) after it is dragged for a certain length, giving the illusion that the tumbler is going around and around. Here is my code so far which is in the creationComplete of my edge file: