AutoCad 2D :: Creating Block Which Contain Text Displaying Scale?

Nov 12, 2012

What I want is to create a block which contains a bit of text displaying the scale (X scale only) of the block. Then, if I change the block's scale it will also update. Is this possible?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Creating Dynamic Block With Scale Action

Apr 17, 2013

I am attaching my dynamic block that I am having difficulty finalizing. My goal is to be able to stretch or resize the hvac block, based on the size that is provided to me (ala 24x24, 36x36, 48x72, etc) (Stretch Action), I have that figured out, and I have the symbol in the center that stays centered as the block size changes, (Move Action).

Here is my problem, I want the symbol in the center to stay centered and scale based on a ratio as the overall size gets larger. So for example: if my size is a 24"x24" I want the symbol in the center to be approx 12" dia, but if the size gets up to say 60"x60" I want it to scale accordingly (so it could be like 48" dia), specifically maintaining the size based on the x axis, so if the it gets to a 60x72", I'd like it to still be centered but size according to the 60 width, and not stretch and look awkward. I want the center symbol to scale and stay centered in the rectangle as I scale the size.

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AutoCad :: Variable Text And Block Size For Different Scale Sizes

May 15, 2012

Is there a way to have VARIABLE text size AND BLOCK SIZE autocad 2012, for different scales sizes? To sum it up I am running 1/8th scale on some of the pages in the set with a 1/4 blow up section. I use addressable devices so it is a lot of work to change all the text Is there anything that will auto-update the text size per scale with out having to go through my drawing and repeat all the text and VPfreeze it?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Scale A Block Vertically But Not Attribute Text?

Jun 3, 2013

I have a block that I want to show on a vertical exaggeration of 10x. How do I make it so that a block has a Y scale of 10 without the attribute text inside the block being stretched in the Y direction 10x? 

I would like to use a Y scale of 10 rather than a block with 10x the length because I have a field that returns a length parameter and I don't want that value to be 10x what it's supposed to be, and it would make things much easier to not have to multiply my values by 10x each time I use the block. 

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Automated Scale Bar - Title Block Text To Reflect Plotting At Half Size

Sep 27, 2013

Any way to get a scale bar/title block text to reflect plotting at half size?

We use the common (24x36) sheet size for all projects, but when plotting we send out half size (12x18) as well.  This means the scale bar reading 1"=40' is no longer correct. It should read 1"=20'.  I would like to automate this.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Block To Scale Based On Plot Scale?

Apr 19, 2013

I have a block that i would like to scale based on the plot scale when plotting.

We set up our drawings full size and occasionally we want to plot them at half size. We do this by setting the plot scale to 1:2 (custom) in the plotting dialog. We have a few blocks that we want to print at the same size on paper, essentially become twice as big.

Is there is a way to fix the size or just set a few scale states and have them automatically adjust based on the plot scale (not drawing/annotative scale)?

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AutoCad :: Block Attributes Are Not Displaying?

Aug 16, 2013

I created a block in the way I always do.

-draw a symbol

-define an attribute & place it

-go to draw>block>make and select the object i want to be in my block and name it.

as normal once i completed this my block appeared with the attribute window popping up as expecting looking for me enter a value for my attribute.

I intended to use this block along with the measure command to reference a number of points along a poly line as equal distanced (I've done this many items before).

when using the measure command and typing in my block name, it appears at the selected distance along the polyline, but the attribute text is not visible. when you select the block, there is no attribute within it (i.e. no attribute dialogue box appears, nor is there a field in the block properties window for the attribute to be amended).

when i insert the block into the drawing using insert>block, it appears as expected with its attribute?

I have found a work around for this, but it's not ideal. I've created a temp block from my original block, using the measure command it displays correctly. i have to then explode the temp block which leaves the original block and its attribute in place.

AutoCAD 2013
Win 7 enterprise 64-bit
8GB ram

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AutoCad :: Block Attributes Not Displaying

Aug 29, 2013

autocad 2012LT

block was created with attributes and displayed until today. if the block is cut and paste to a new drawing it will display the attributes.

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AutoCad :: Block Not Displaying Base Point

Feb 14, 2012

I received a 3rd party drawing which contains a block to indicate directions. The block does not display its base point and I am unable to find it. why this block is not displaying the base point.

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Illustrator :: Scale Multiple Text Boxes On Time Scale Without Scaling The Text?

Jun 12, 2013

Im working for a geological firm that use timescales to describe their work (depths at times etc). I need to compress the time bar but not alter the text but cant find  way to do it. Im only scaling in 1 direction.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Displaying Number Of Entry Block

Dec 25, 2012

In block attribute manager i can see the number of instances of the selected block in the current drawing. Can I set this value in the field?

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AutoCad 2D :: Not Displaying Length With Stretch Action In Dynamic Block

Aug 25, 2011

I use dynamic blocks a lot of the time and most of them have a stretch action in them. What used to happen would be that whenever I clicked on the block I wanted to adjust and then clicked on the stretch action, it would show the distance from the base point and I was able to type in the new length of the object I was stretching. But now whenever I click on the stretch action, it shows that the current length is 0 and it is asking for the distance from the current point, not the base point. How can I change it so that it is always just the distance from the base point?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Creating Points Displaying Cut / Fill Depth Between Two Surfaces?

Oct 18, 2013

I created a volume surface between the as-built and design surfaces, now I would like to show the points that display the cut/fill depths between these two surfaces.  I tried modifying the surface property of that volume surface but doesn't seem to offer what I want. 

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AutoCad 2D :: Creating A Block With Block Table And Constraints

Aug 25, 2011

So I'm creating a block with a block table and constraints. The constraints such as Geometric Constraints work just as assumed. When adding in dimensional constraints we start to have more fun. So I have dimensional constraints that use other dimensional constraints to manipulate itself.

EX. dimconC = (dimconB-dimconA)
dimconA is 12
dimconB is 14
dimconC would be 2
Now when ever dimconA or dimconB change dimconC would populate accordingly.

With this I wanted to make an attribute that could be placed in instead of a dimensional constant.

EX dimconC = ((Att1*dimconB)-dimconA)
Att1 is 02
dimconA is 12
dimconB is 14
dimconC would be 16

However when trying to place in formula that references a attribute I keep getting an error "A DEPENDENT EXPRESSION CANNOT BE EVALUATED" So I assumed it was missing an expression from the attribute, however once entering an expression in for it I still get the same error.

(full error message attached)Constraint_Error.JPG

Is this something that is not allowed at all or have I over looked something?

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AutoCad :: Creating A Block With Block Attribute?

Jun 10, 2013

I'm creating a block with a block attribute.

In the blockeditor I can change the draworder so the attribute is partly under some lines. But the draworder in the blockeditor of the attribute doesn't work in the normal modelspace; the blockattribute is allways on top.

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AutoCad :: Creating A3 PDF Of Layout At A Scale

Aug 1, 2012

I am creating an A3 pdf of a layout at a scale of 1:200. I am creating the pdf from model space, but when I print the pdf off, it is not quite to scale. What am I doing wrong?

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AutoCad :: Dimension Text Is Not Displaying?

Sep 3, 2011

This used to work, then my computer dies and AutoCad was reinstalled. I am trying to dimension some cut-outs in a 19" rack panel. I can dimension them, it shows the correct dimensions but then when I hit enter it wont save the dimensions. I've gone into DIMSTYLE and everything looks fine but I cant get this simple task to work.

autocad problems.jpg

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Scale A Block

Jan 11, 2013

Is there a way to scale a block?

I want to create an iPart from a block..

I want to just apply one dimension to the overall width of the block.

I know the best way would be to properly constrain it, but it's a very complicated shape that came from Adobe Illustrator so I'd rather just have it locked in proportion inside a block.

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AutoCad 2D :: Editable Scale Bar Block

Mar 30, 2011

I am trying to make a scale bar block that allows user to input the scale and it automatically populates the scale bar numbers. Note, I do not want to do a dynamic block with a list of preset scales that toggle visibility; I want the user to be able to input one field and have all the respective scale bar values calculated and updated based on that number.

I am having a problem making the numbers update correctly.The block has one attribute - "mainscale" - where a user can enter the desired scale,default is 1000. The mtext contain a field with a formula - the formula has a field targeting object-> "mainscale" -> value property, and divides it by 100 for 2nd bar value, by 50 for 3rd bar value, etc (to achieve the 10, 20, 30 when default value is 1000).

When I change the default value of "mainscale" within the block editor, the mtext values update correctly after a regen. However when out of the block editor, after changing the "mainscale" value and regen the scale values do not update.

What am I missing to make the fields update on a regen when the attribute value is changed? Or Is there some other way to create the scale bar with user input?Do I need to use scripts to make this work?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Block Reference Scale

Sep 27, 2012

I'm working with two different drawings to import Layers for Lot Grading and when I'm importing the Block Reference from the origin file, it's setup as Linescale 0.5, but when I import into my regular basemap, which is setup for Linescale 1, the text size is double what it should be. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Attribute Text Not Displaying?

Dec 27, 2012

They have one file xrefed into another but the text is not showing up. It is a block and the text is an attribute - but it is exploded.

I have attached 2 images - the first one - of the original file the second - where it is xrefed into another file with the text missing.

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AutoCad 2D :: Cursor Text Boxes Not Displaying?

Jan 21, 2012

I'm starting a new drawing in Civil 3D 2012 and when I go to draw a line I can't see the small text boxes that show up beside the cursor that allow you to input numbers. I like to type my lengths and angles into these boxes to draw my lines as it makes it 100% accurate however the aren't showing up. Drawing lines is essentially useless because I now have to eyeball it. Is there a keyboard shortcut to get these boxes to display again?

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AutoCad 2D :: Linestyles With Text Not Displaying Properly?

Aug 16, 2012

We use linestyles for utilities such as w for water, s for sewer etc. linestyles look like --w--w--w--w--. in Autocod 2004, if you reverse direction of line or rotate line 180 degrees drawn with this linestyle, the w's would look like m's because text reversed with line (this is what i want to happen) in Autocad 2012 and 2013, when i draw a line with the same linestyle, the text will not reverse, even if i manually rotate the line 180 degrees, the w still reads w and not m. is this a system variable, mirrtext did not work.

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AutoCAD LT :: Block Scale - Any Way To Adjust In Drawing

Jan 19, 2013

When I insert an xref it's to scale 12!; in my model space I have blocks scaled 0.0833 and others to 1 scale! this is weird, every time I insert a block I need to scaled it in the way to adjust it to my drawing. If my drawing it's supposed to be 1 scale.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Block Scale In Xrefs

May 30, 2012

Im working on a drawing and im going to have window tags (ones i created with just text and made into a block) with 8" high text in the main drawing. im going to xref that drawing into another drawing but i want all those window tags to be scaled to .5 (giving 4" high text) but nothing else to scale. Is there a way that i can do this?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Inserted DWG Block Out Of Scale

Nov 7, 2013

I would like to solve a drawing insertion when I set the scale as 1 but when I insert the dwg, it looks smaller and the PROPERTIES box tells me that the dwg is .0364 in size.

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AutoCad :: Block Not Scale Correctly As Per Units

Jan 15, 2013

Using ACAD 2013 64 bits. I am trying to insert a block created in inches (by another company), in a drawing created in meters, but it is not working. This is the initial setup: Block-drawing's units are set to inches, type Architectural. My drawing's units are set to meters, type decimal. So far so good, I guess. Then, I proceed to open my drawing, execute the insert block command and select the Block-drawing. Once selected, I can see in the dialog box . Block unit clearly reading inches and the correct scale factor of 0.0254. However, when click OK, the drawing is huge. I check it's properties and the block's geometry is correctly set at an insertion scale of 1, 1, 1; but, in Misc, the block unit is now "meters" and the unit factor is "1"! This means that one inch equals one meter. This does not happen when I create the blocks; in those cases it works as it should.

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Block Scale And Mirror?

Apr 18, 2011

On some of my blocks i have started using quiet a few parameters, Although i have noticed on the blocks that have scale and flip, it goes wrong. is there a way i can get the flip parameter to follow the center of the block after scaling?

similar with a block of a door in plan, i have got the rotate working, and the scale to fit the door opening, but if i rotate first the scale parameter don't follow the rotation of the door making it difficult to then scale the block from the using the block parameters!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Scale Block In On Just Y Or X Axis?

Nov 7, 2012

I am told there is a way that i can scale a block in on just the Y or X axis. How do i do this?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Text Not Displaying In Viewport On Sheet

Jun 16, 2011

I am using ACA 2012 and when I insert a view into a sheet, the text and dimensions in the view do not display. I have checked the view and the text and dimensions are on layers that should display in the sheet. The layers are on and thawed in the viewport on the sheet, but do not show up. I have turned on all layers and only the model (building information) shows, no text or dimensions.

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AutoCAD LT :: Double Line Displaying Property Text?

May 2, 2013

As part of process for my drawings, I have to draw 18mm thick panels (drawn as a rectangle) on plan and then list  and type said length text into the drawing. However, I've created a dynamic block with a closed double line, which I can flip and stretch. However, is there a way of having the stretched parameter length displayed on the drawing with the prefix 'EP'? If that is possible, is it then possible to extract a list of sizes out of LT for use in other programs?

Other ideas to complete task were to create a double line type that would place the length parameter, within the line, eg. '-------EP700-------' or a dimension with no extension line, arrows, etc.

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