Recently i came to know about LISP called INCREMENT it is so useful. But i have small problem with that It Increments only in X or Y direction or according to UCS. I am looking for a command which can increment along path. In my drawigns many numbers they are in a order by room wise, i have drawn a path on numbers so number should sort as per path direction..i have tried with ALTEXT LISP but iam not getting it is not corting my numbers along path.]
I have a Block that represent a point and has an attribute in order to label the point that I am displaying. According to the scale I can change the size of the point itself but I am having problems changing the size of the Atribute in order to make the label readeble in the scale that I have in drawing. How is possible to chage the Text size of my attribute in the point block so I can read the labels easily?
I have made a dynamic block with attribute text. Everything works fine except the text comes out as larger than the mtext that it was created from. The text height & the width factor are the same since i created the attribute default by copying the mtext. when i close the block the text appears longer than the mtext it was created from.
I am trying to get DText objects to update width factor when I change the Width Factor of the Text Style. We have one style (Simplex) & I hoped to be able to set the width factor of that style to 0.8 or 1.2 depending on what is required and then just insert objects from the tool palette so they have the correct width factor.
This seems to work for MText but not for DText or Attributes. Short of using lisp is there a to update the width factor of DText & Attributes? (hoping to be able to do this on LT also)
Only way I can see for DText is to qselect text and change style to something else and back to Simplex. Only way for attributes I've found is to advance edit block and change text style to something else and back.
is there an way to display attribute data using a multi-leader inside a single dynamic block.
To elaborate, I'm trying to create a borehole dynamic block that I can enter the ground level and end of borehole level as attributes, and have them show up in a multi-leader. The reason for the multi-leader is that I can add a background mask to it and it automatically adjusts the length of the outline obox around it.
I just want to insert the borehole block from a tool palette, enter a couple of attributes, stretch the bottom down to whatever level, and I'm done.
I've been playing with it all weekend trying to get fields to show the attributes and I can get it to work if I use another block for the levels (multi-leaders), but even then I have to into the fields an mess with them. It's go to be east so my CAD guys can do it without slowing down, otherwise they may as well carry writing everything out long-hand as they do now.
In VBA, how can I batch convert field attributes in blocks to text attributes while retaining the blocks? Is there a simple way to univerally convert them all at onceusing VBA? The plotted values for the fields must be retained, too.
Explode will not retain the value of the field.
Burst will not work as it explodes the blocks as well.
You can right-click on the field and slelct "Convert to text" from the RCM. So I know that the process exists within CAD, just need to batch the process for a quantity of DWGs at a time - in VBA.
I am using M Text Attributes to store imperial lengths in the drawing, feet inches and fractions (stacked). When I read back the Text String property which, is the M text Attribute.Contents parsed, I am having problems because the parser does not add a space between the inch and the fraction. So, is there any setting that could be used to tell the parser to add the space between the inch and the fraction?
I am having trouble with getting the quick properties box to display. I have turned the feature on at the bottom taskbar, and tried Ctrl+Shift+P, and changed settings so that it displays to the top-right of the cursor, but I get nothing when I select any object. It used to work on 2012 but not now.
The major and minor station alignment labels keep disappearing in my drawing. I've had some luck by removing and re-adding the labels but this has stopped working. Is this an issue that will be resolved by Service Pack 1?
While loading any dwg file in autocad 2013, the preview is wrongly showing after select some shortcut file in same dwg folder. and its not back to the dwg preview. its only happen in window 7 machines only.
I am currently in urgent need to open an autocad file (.dwg) that has Chinese characters in it, but no matter I tried to download many different .shx fonts I still couldn't get it displayed.
I tried to talk with the maker of the file, but for some reason and addition with my poor Chinese language, I cannot get him understood what I need him to do (send me the .shx files). I am attaching the .dwg file.
I've searched this Discussion Groups area on the site and have found a couple solutions. I've tried them all but I can't seem to figure out how to get ALL of my labels to display when I plot or when I export to PDF. It seems that only the POLES layer labels are having trouble showing up...
I understand scaling and it doesn't seem to be the issue. I've tried plotting under different scales, and I still get the same thing.I've attached an image showing the outcome.
On the left is the PRINT PREVIEW in AutoCAD. On the right is the EXPORTED PDF.
I've checked in the administrator under POLE LABELS, and changed a couple things around but I can't seem to get the pole labels to show up.
When programming in Autolisp, I like to view the values set to my variables so you type an exclamation point followed by the variable name on the command line to have it display the value. My command line will not display the value. I have to hit the F2 key to bring up the text window to view it. how to get the command line to view this information? We have other computers that show it, but mine will not.
I'm trying to explore possible options for displaying 3D geology models. In the attached I want to chop out the yellow solid and leave the other solids "as is" to reveal the various strata when the yellow solid is removed. I have removed the yellow solid but the results are not quite what I was hoping for.
I have a drawing that is displaying the origin with XYZ and the drawing seems dimmed. It also is running very slow. I feel like I've gotten into an editing mode and was unaware. I've tried chanding views and UCS. When I open other drawings things are normal and faster.
I'm finding a problem with solid fill, drawn in model space its fine, but viewed through a viewport and all I see is the outline of it in wireframe.
I'm not having this problem on other drawings, it's limited to this file, but a colleague has also had as well it so not my workstation. This narrows it down to this specific drawing being the problem.
As regards variables, FILL = 1, FILLMODE=1.
It is just solid objects with the problem, polylines with a width display OK as does fill text.
I am editing a drawing i have inherited from the previous drafter who is no longer working here. this drawing references 2 other drawings. one is the title block, the other is the engineering drawing. both of these drawings have white objects in them, namely, some text and some solid hatching.
Instead ot those white objects appearing as white in this drawing, they are appearing as a grey colour. i have double and triple checked that these objects are coloured by layer and the layer is white in both of the xrefs. they appear white in the xrefs but not in the final drawing.
since we are using colour dependent line weights in our printing, i would like to get this colour problem sorted.
i have a drawing file which is corrupted with unknown reason , windows explorer is displaying file preview but anyway autocad is crashing when i try to open this file .recover and open file in another version solutions are not can ı open my corrupted file?
If Inventor is on the screen when the pc locks (win+L) Inventor will not display properly after unocking the pc. Moving the mouse around will change what is highlighted in the feature tree and things like that, but I cannot at all see the actual object I am working on. Changing from one open component to another does not work. I have to restart each time this happens. I have updated both Inventor and my display drivers to a supported version.
I'm been unable to find what controls the display of the boundary of a section (volume type) object. A section object that does not show it's boundary, when copied to another file shows the boundary.
Same layer states, visual styles, and other setting between both files. There must be some setting I'm overlooking... but a search of the so-called help file was not very informative.
I have autocad running on my partitioned mac and I have just created a multileader style with Datum triangle filled as the arrowhead symbol. In the view panel the symbol looks correct, but when I select the multileader with this datum style and add it to my drawing it appears as an unfilled triangle!
I am experiencing problems with AutoCAD Architecture when drawing a standard wall. When I change the display to read High Detail nothing seems to change - I cant see the hatch patterns for brick/block.
This used to work, then my computer dies and AutoCad was reinstalled. I am trying to dimension some cut-outs in a 19" rack panel. I can dimension them, it shows the correct dimensions but then when I hit enter it wont save the dimensions. I've gone into DIMSTYLE and everything looks fine but I cant get this simple task to work.
I clicked on Auto Hide in property palette settings, and now can't bring it back. I click on ribbon where is the property icon or type in command line, the property palette doesn't show up.Reinstalling program didn't work either.