AutoCAD 2013 :: Add Another Text In Same Attribute Block
I have 2 drawings with the following content :
Drawing 1 : Contains tree blocks that have a specific scale dependant on the tree size
Drawing 2 : Contains a block with just a point and attribute data about the tree (name, size etc.)
This block is approximatly at the same location as the tree block (0,1 m precision)
Problem I want to join these two items together. In other words, in the tree block that is scaled correctly i want the attribute data with the name, size etc. These blocks don't have a corresponding unique number or something like that.
Is there a way that I can create a block with text ('A') and when I insert the block and populate the block another block block will update also? I am wanting to create a block for x-sec flags, and detail callouts that update their detail titles.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP4
Windows 7 (64)
select all blocks on certain layers in a drawing, check attribute CIRCUIT in each block if it starts with MS then attribute CONTROL = switched. I hope thats clear enough the way
(defun c:control()
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I'm working in a different department and can't figure out why the attribute box won't open when I insert their title block. I have checked that all the variables attmode, attdia, attreq, filedia, and cmddia are all set to 1 in both drawings. What am I missing? I'm using 2014. I'm attaching the drawing I want to insert.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a several drawings from an outside source. There are blocks in the drawing which I can not remove the attributes. I have tried exploding, erasing, and redefining block. This doesn't seem to remove all the attributes. That is I erase all the attritube that I can see while editing in place. When I save new defintion I have it replace existing block.One attribute remains.
I have tried to use Battman and resync. It allows me to remove all the attributes except one.Point is, I would like to keep the current blocks cleaned up in the drawing without having to go to each and put a new block and remove the old. Not sure of the origin of these blocks.I believe they came from an AutoDesk AEC source and may have been XREF into drawing.
I'm using 2007 LT. I Would like to explode a block with the attribute text remaining as text.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to create an attribute or MTEXT in a block where part of it is User defined and the other part is constant?
Where "AUTOCAD =" and "LAYERS" are constant
"12345" is the user defined part.
The reason why I would like this is because i want to be able to Middle Center Justify the text and if i were to create 3 separate texts then it wouldn't be good (2 texts and 1 attdef)
I need to create blocks in which the same text appears twice. I've created an invisible attribute to hold the text and created two mtext object containing fields that point to the attribute value.
The text fields show the default value of my attribute but will not change when the attribute is set on an placed instance. After setting the attribute on an instance I've tried UPDATEFIELD and REGEN but still I see the default value.
whenever I make a block with attributed text the block works just fine when I insert it into a drawing like normal. However if I try and open the block drawing by itself the attributed text just turns into normal text after I get this message "Orphan Attdef Objects found & Converted to Text". This problem seems to happen on two of our machines but a third co-workers machine still works fine.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am looking to go through a whole drawing and change the text color of any block attribute to say 0 as the drawings I am receiving have all the text at a weird color. I was unable to find anything on the forum. I already have a routine that changes text of certain blocks based on layer, but I want this to change the color. Below is code I used for the layer change I talked about earlier.
publicstaticvoid strFind(string sFind, stringsReplace)
string str = "";
Document document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Editoreditor = document.Editor;
Transactiontransaction = document.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();
I am wondering if it is possible to create some sort of block which will detect the angle it has been rotated to and present this angle as a text? For eg. to calculate the superelevation and present it as a multileader with 3.00% above it.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow we can explode block with attributes and keep the text of attributes as is without changing to value
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am building a block with some attribute text and I need to be able to backmask the text. The properties menu does not have a backmask option for the text attribute when I open the block in the block editor.
I am using Autocad LT 2011
How would i insert a text attribute to a block that i have already made? Does it give me the option to make the text vertical & horizontal before blocking it for use?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI must be using the Enhanced attribute editor the wrong way. Every time I double click the attribute block the enhanced attribute editor opens the dialog box and I have to resize it so a can see all my tags. Then I have to click the tag I want to change then click the value to change it. To change a different tag I have to repeat that process over and over. It makes attributes a complete waste of time. It’s faster to change Mtext or Dtext. I must be doing something wrong. Is there a way to get the dialog box in the image to pop up when I double click the attribute block?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am ACA 2013. I received a file from an equipment company and has these blocks that are huge in file size, so I am cleaning things up on them. Their blocks have multiple layers in them with different colors and linetypes. I see the setbylayer command and it works, but not all the time. On some of the blocks, they have attribute text in them. the individual lines of the attribute are on different layers. I want to keep the info, but set all to layer 0. then I can move it to the block to the layer I want.
another question, is there a way to make an outline of a block? Some of these blocks are so detailed that I want to make a simple outline and then delete the block.
Is there an easy way to transfer the text inserted in one attribute and copy it over to another attribute in the same block? This is for a titleblock. We are currently using AutoCAD Electrical. We need to do this on over 10,000 drawings so we would like to be able to write a script or lisp routine so we could run a batch across all of the drawings.
View 6 Replies View Relatedstarting a new job at work so setting up the job folder etc. grabbed the title block and the text attribute insert from the library.....
so here is when the issue title block and text attribute are both saved in model space, both have all the same settings, this also applies to the template we have here all match.
so i xref in my title page at 1:1 which comes in normal, then i insert my attribute block in at 1:1 but it comes in at some super size thing, normal 3.5 text size is now 1000......
have fiddled with everything gone back to the library set etc but got no idea.
the interesting bit is if i open the title block and insert the attribute block in, it comes in perfect......
so in saying that i am assuming it is the work template..... but none of this has changed for over a month and have created drawings since then........maybe a random setting somewhere has changed but again haven't done anything different to normal no new radical changes....
i have attached a copy of the title block and the text attribute.
We have a client whom insists on 1/8" text and my blocks are all sized for 3/32". What I wanted to do is create two visibility states for the block. One using the 1/8" text and one using the 3/32" and be able to switch between them. I can get the border of the tag to work, but the text doesn't switch sizes.
Is this even possible? Is there a better way to deal with all my tags and needing to have two different versions of them? (Tags such as fixture tags, note tags, etc...)
I having one DWG with in 50 layouts. In that, if i going to edit or change the date, description, and etc, means it will take too much time to update in all layouts (50nos.)
If possible to edit all layout with in one time?. One more thing, one type of title block used to all layouts and title block was with enhanced attribute text.
Every time I attempt to insert a block with an attribute in it from my tool pallet I get the error FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Acess Violation Reading 0x0020 Exception at 4260af08u.
If I insert a block without attributes it works fine. I even tried building a block in 2013 and then inserting it from the toolpallet, still fatal error's out.
I'm trying to create a dynamic block that uses a parameter and an attribute definition to determine the diameter of a circle in that block. I plan to export GIS points with diameter in the attribute table into a CAD file with the block definition. I'm having trouble figuring out how to set up the parameters to read to attribute definition and adjust the circle diameter. Using AutoCAD 2013
View 5 Replies View RelatedRecently i came to know about LISP called INCREMENT it is so useful. But i have small problem with that It Increments only in X or Y direction or according to UCS. I am looking for a command which can increment along path. In my drawigns many numbers they are in a order by room wise, i have drawn a path on numbers so number should sort as per path direction..i have tried with ALTEXT LISP but iam not getting it is not corting my numbers along path.]
View 5 Replies View RelatedI wrote this little piece of code (attached) that explode all the blocks in the current drawing.This is magical, compared with what we had to do in VBA.
This works perfectly but now I want to go deeper and managed blockreferences with attributes.Based on my code, I can determine if oBTR.HasAttributeDefinitions is true or false.
If the blockreference has attributes, I suppose I will have to use Explode instead of ExplodeToOwnerSpace.
My first question is, using explode, I need before to know in which space the blockreference is inserted (Model or any layout) so to insert the exploded entities correctly. So, is it possible from a blockreference to get its own SpaceId?
An another idea I had is to edit the blockreference (not the block definition) to replace attributes with text...
I am using AutoCAD 2000i I would like to click a button, hide the form, pick the text, I'm only picking one text item, then insert the picked text into a block. Then put the text into the attribute in the block..Insertion point of the block next to the text item.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS3")
Set sset = ThisDrawing.PickfirstSelectionSet
'For Each ssobject In sset
'msg = msg & vbCrLf & ssobject.ObjectName
Got a problem with the attached drawing. (The drawing will eventually be used as an xref).
I have created a dynamic block that has a (multi-line) attribute applied. This attribute is linked to an annotative text style. The drawing contains annotation scales. I have applied some of these annotation scales to the attribute so that it shows at 4.5 in paper space.
The annotation scales (metric) contained in the drawing are "1:500, 1:1000, 1:1250, 1:2000, 1:2500, 1:5000, 1:10000, 1:20000 and 1:25000". All these annotation scales are applied to the attribute.
The block contains a look-up table of properties that when applied, size the block to be used as a boundary to the following scales "1:500, 1:1000, 1:1250, 1:2000 and 1:2500".
Now, for example, i wish to set the blocks to be shown at 1:2500 in the drawing. I select the blocks and make them 1:2500 in the 'look-up' table. However, if i wish to set the annotation scale to 1:20000 (because this will xrefed into a drawing plan of a scale of 1:20000) it incorrectly shows the size of the attribute. The attribute has a 1:20000 annotation scale set to it but its size is not correct. This happens for other scales but for other scales (1:25000 for example) its fine. Also, the attribute could move when switching annotation scales and appear near the 0,0 WCS.
The layout tab shows the annotation scale and viewport scale set to 1:20000 but as you can see, the text is not set to 4.5.
I would prefer to have the attribute linked to the block though. I have tried ATTSYNC and RESETBLOCK but the bug keeps coming back.
Using AutoCAD 2011.
I am using AutoCAD 2012 (Electrical). I have a few blocks that I pasted in a drawing with text that is contained in attributes.
I would like to explode these blocks so that I can make some changes to them, but when I do this, I lose the text that is contained in the attributes. After exploding the blocks, I just see the attribute names rather than the text that they originally contained.
I hate to have to re-type all this info. If I could somehow choose to choose to convert the text originally contained in attributes to plain old static text, that would be perfect for me.
I have a block that I want to show on a vertical exaggeration of 10x. How do I make it so that a block has a Y scale of 10 without the attribute text inside the block being stretched in the Y direction 10x?
I would like to use a Y scale of 10 rather than a block with 10x the length because I have a field that returns a length parameter and I don't want that value to be 10x what it's supposed to be, and it would make things much easier to not have to multiply my values by 10x each time I use the block.
I wanna change my block name to attribute text value, any similar lisp code?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do I prevent "Edit Attribute" pop up prompt for entering text for an attribute in a block? I just want the same attribute text each time I insert the block, I don't want the "Edit Attribute" popup window to re-enter the same text every single time.
I do want the attribute text so mirror won't reverse it (I just want permanent attribute text).
First I delete the old regular text.Second I give the block an Attribute Definition Tag and enter the text I want in the Tag blank. Third I center where I want the text. Forth I save the block.
When I finally insert the block I get the "Edit Attribute" pop up to renter what I want it to say. Like I said earlier, I don't want this pop up, I just want to enter the text once and that's it. Also if I enter nothing in the "Edit Attribute" pop up, then no text will show on the block.