AutoCad :: Inserting Text Attribute In Title Block
Nov 13, 2013
starting a new job at work so setting up the job folder etc. grabbed the title block and the text attribute insert from the library.....
so here is when the issue title block and text attribute are both saved in model space, both have all the same settings, this also applies to the template we have here all match.
so i xref in my title page at 1:1 which comes in normal, then i insert my attribute block in at 1:1 but it comes in at some super size thing, normal 3.5 text size is now 1000......
have fiddled with everything gone back to the library set etc but got no idea.
the interesting bit is if i open the title block and insert the attribute block in, it comes in perfect......
so in saying that i am assuming it is the work template..... but none of this has changed for over a month and have created drawings since then........maybe a random setting somewhere has changed but again haven't done anything different to normal no new radical changes....
i have attached a copy of the title block and the text attribute.
I having one DWG with in 50 layouts. In that, if i going to edit or change the date, description, and etc, means it will take too much time to update in all layouts (50nos.)
If possible to edit all layout with in one time?. One more thing, one type of title block used to all layouts and title block was with enhanced attribute text.
How to export title block attribute text .. in a order from different layout .? file ext .xls or .txt i got a tool named Autocad Automation tool but it not work very well autocad have data extraction - its also came all text .. and not in order .. can we develop the any lisp for that ?.
Is it possible, via whatever methods (lisp?) to be able to have a premade block with an attribute and insert it into a drawing then assign a value to it by selecting another existing block in the drawing and using one of its own attribute’s values?
For example, say I have a block representing a telephone and it had an attribute called "PhoneNo" and I inserted it into a drawing showing an office floor plan that had blocks in each office space that are telephone junction boxes with attributes "PhoneExtension". I would like to be able to autocomplete the entering of the “PhoneNo” data by selecting one of the telephone junction boxes in the drawing and using its attribute’s value.
I have an existing title block a few text attributes, to which I wish to add a watermark. I have added it in the block editor as a normal attribute, with the same details as the other attributes that work, only a different tag name. It has a default value, "DRAFT" and is tagged "WMARK". It works fine in the Block Editor, and If I test the block I can edit it to display whatever I want, but if I save the block and open it from Autocad proper, the attribute is not in existence, either as a default value, or editable from block properties, attribute editor or title block editor, whereas all of the other attributes are there. I have used BattMan to verify the settings of the attribute, and the only difference is that the others all have "L" in the "Modes" column, but I think that means that their position is "locked" whereas my new attribute is justified "aligned" therefore cannot be "locked" (This is some assumption on my part, as the documentation on the "Modes" column is almost non-existent). I cannot afford to waste much more time on this issue, as the boss is breathing down my neck, but editing watermarks on every drawing after every revision is frustrating, when it could be an attribute that is editable from the title block editor.
I'm working in a different department and can't figure out why the attribute box won't open when I insert their title block. I have checked that all the variables attmode, attdia, attreq, filedia, and cmddia are all set to 1 in both drawings. What am I missing? I'm using 2014. I'm attaching the drawing I want to insert.
Is there a way i can insert a title block through the design center by selecting the the layout and dragging it in. When i bring it in it gives me just the blank paper without the title block.
The most efficient way of inserting a title block (the border around a drawing with text etc) into a layout? Sometimes when I insert a title block it seems like the title block is too big or too small for the layout .
I'm trying to build a routine for my job to insert a block which consists of 3 single line variable attributes in a specific order. I need to be able to do this on many different drawings, and I would like to share this ability with my coworkers. Using the DesignCenter is not an option. In order to do this, I saved a drawing which consisted of the three attributes in the layout in which I need them to appear, however the order in which it prompts me to enter them is reversed. I already know how to set the order of attributes in an EXISTING block definition using the BATTMAN command, as every time I run the routine again, I'm redefining the block definition.
I'm not sure if it's important to know this, but the routine consists of a button with the following macro:
when I insert a block with attributes I get the prompts on the commandline to fill in the attributes. Can I stop this from happeneing, and just insert the block?
Alternatively, can I get the Attribute Editor dialogue box to come up instead?
Sidenote: How hard is it for people to learn that blocks need to be INSERTED not copied - if you copy the blasted thing the attributes are messed up, why is that so HARD?
How can I get the company logo onto my title block. The image I am trying to use is a .tif file. Is this the correct file type? The image is simple and shouln't be very big in size. I've tried using insert command.
Is there anyway to move attributes up or down on the list of a title block? I like everything for Rev 1 to be together (Drawn By, Checked By, Approved By, Date, Description, and Rev Number)...However, i was in a hurry and skipped Approved By. Once i added it, after the entire title block was done, it moved it to the very bottom on the list. Is there a way to "Move Up" so that it's with the other Rev 1 group?
Every time I attempt to insert a block with an attribute in it from my tool pallet I get the error FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Acess Violation Reading 0x0020 Exception at 4260af08u.
If I insert a block without attributes it works fine. I even tried building a block in 2013 and then inserting it from the toolpallet, still fatal error's out.
I can't find my notes on how I fixed it. When we insert our title block, it automatically inserts the drawing number. For one user, it doesn't work. The title block inserts, but it won't put in the drawing number. I seem to remember I need to change a setting or something to get it to work, but I can't remember what it is.
Is it possible to create a 'drawing scale' defined attribute inside my title block when brought into paper space? I tried setting it up using 'plotscale' fieldname with various formats and it keeps coming in as 1" = 1' or 1:1 rather than 1" = 20' because that's what my plot scale is inside paper space but my drawing scale is 20 scale. If I bring the title block in model space, it adjusts, but I don't plot from model space. Surely there's a way to make this automated inside paper space.
Also, I just setup a 'Date' attribute inside my title block today. What's the difference between Date, Saved Date and Plot Date? Will 'Date' update if its in a drawing and opened up a month from now and saved or do i need to take 'Date' out and replace with 'Saved Date' or Plot Date'?.
I have an Inventor 2009 idw template that I have setup for export to AutoCAD. Once it's in AutoCAD format I have to run a script file from my customer that checked attributed fields in certain blocks in the AutoCAD file. In IV2008 the title block names were changed on export to adding "title blocks" to the beginning. Which I delt with. But now in IV2009 all the TAG names in each block are also renamed on export to adding "_001" to the end of each TAG name. Is there any way to keep the same naming on export to AutoCAD for blocks and sketch symbols so I don't have a write a bunch of script files for the AutoCAD file?
I was given a customers title block but there are no defined attributes. I'm using AutoCad Electrical 2010. I have to double click on the title block and the edit block definition box pops up. I select the block to edit and click ok. I would like to use the enhanced attribute editor on these title blocks. Is there a way to define the attributes on this kind of title block using the enhanced attribute editor?
I have a attributed titleblock. Sometime in the future I will need to change the date attribute to another value, i.e.. 7-11 to 9-11.
I can't place a text string in the title block because this title block is used for multiple drawings and the date will be different for different sets. I can't have numerous title blocks because of the client's requirements.
Is there a way to write a script to open a drawing, look for the specific attribute, change the date value, save and close the drawing - across multiple sheets? Would a lisp routine called by the script be able to do this? Or a script file called by the original script file? CAn you even use a script file in this manner?
I am working on a large project where a 3rd Party firm has turned over 100s of drawings that we need to get into our system. The problem is that they did not name their physical files properly. We have a particular numbering system for our drawings, the engineering firm did fill in our attributed title block properly and used our numbering system correctly within the drawing. However, their physical file name follows their format. We need to have the physical file name match the information in the title block to get into our system.
Is there a way to "Batch Rename" these files by reaching into the title block and then renaming the physical file to match the attribute?
I have to be honest, I may use AutoCAD 50 to 60 hours per week, but I am no programmer! I am just the go-to person here for AutoCAD whom is stuck trying to come up with a efficient solution for the project team whose engineering firm could not follow our procedures! I was hoping some sort of batch routine could take care of this problem for us instead of us having to individually rename each physical file one by one.
Is there a way that I can create a block with text ('A') and when I insert the block and populate the block another block block will update also? I am wanting to create a block for x-sec flags, and detail callouts that update their detail titles.
select all blocks on certain layers in a drawing, check attribute CIRCUIT in each block if it starts with MS then attribute CONTROL = switched. I hope thats clear enough the way
(defun c:control() (graphscr) (Setq sc (ssget "X" '((0 . "INSERT")
I am inserting a block into my drawing that has attributable text, and when I insert and pick the insertion point, the block prompts me immediately to fill in attributable text fields. My problem is that it runs through the sequence twice. How can I edit the block so it only does it once?
I have created a dynamic block of our companies Stage section. The block is set up as a rectangular array using XY parameters.
The block itself works fine however I created block attributes in the block dwg to display its measurements using the Distance x and Distance y totals.
When inserting the block into a new drawing I need to explode the block in order for the array to work, however this also means that the text is no longer locked to the block.
Attached is the start of a title block, which I hacked up from a title block I found on this forum.
If you use dd edit to change the text you can only ever type one line of text, the return key does not move you to the next line. How do I change this so I can type in columns.
I need to create blocks in which the same text appears twice. I've created an invisible attribute to hold the text and created two mtext object containing fields that point to the attribute value.
The text fields show the default value of my attribute but will not change when the attribute is set on an placed instance. After setting the attribute on an instance I've tried UPDATEFIELD and REGEN but still I see the default value.