AutoCad 2D :: Linestyles With Text Not Displaying Properly?
Aug 16, 2012
We use linestyles for utilities such as w for water, s for sewer etc. linestyles look like --w--w--w--w--. in Autocod 2004, if you reverse direction of line or rotate line 180 degrees drawn with this linestyle, the w's would look like m's because text reversed with line (this is what i want to happen) in Autocad 2012 and 2013, when i draw a line with the same linestyle, the text will not reverse, even if i manually rotate the line 180 degrees, the w still reads w and not m. is this a system variable, mirrtext did not work.
I have a utilities file with existing water and FM as shown in picture 1. But when I reference it into my sheet, the text becomes very tiny. Is there a setting for paper space I should change? The dash is correct, just the letters get small, so changing the ltscale in the original drawing blows up the dash also so that won't work.
Windows 7 x 64 Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 8 GB Ram Intel Core i5-2310 @ 2.90 GHz v. F.107.0.0 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP1
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS3. I have a spreadsheet of Greek translations. When I copy and paste the text into Photoshop, certain characters are missed out or replaced with an incorrect one. I have tried downloading fonts that support the Greek character set, but still no luck. If I paste this text into any other applications (Word, explorer etc) the text displays properly. I was wandering if there is a setting or anything in photoshop that I need to change?
It appears that once I bring in an xref from another firm, I cannot not get it to display properly on screen. It was working on a previous drawing and now it doesn't. I know this explaination isn't very clear so I have attached two files that are print screens of my model space and my paperspace.
I'm having an issue with some of my drawings where the all the lineweights appear much too thick on the screen. When I plot the drawing or look at a print preview the lineweights appear correct, but in model space they appear much too thick.
I found the option to show / hide lineweights, and when I toggle this option from show to hide it seemingly fixes the issue, but when I pan or zoom on the drawing the think lineweights come back.
Why this is happening, even with show lineweights enabled they should not be displaying this thick as every line on the drawing is default lineweight, and the default is set at 0.25mm, I have the exact settings on different drawings but they dont have this display issue.
If Inventor is on the screen when the pc locks (win+L) Inventor will not display properly after unocking the pc. Moving the mouse around will change what is highlighted in the feature tree and things like that, but I cannot at all see the actual object I am working on. Changing from one open component to another does not work. I have to restart each time this happens. I have updated both Inventor and my display drivers to a supported version.
I was working with ilogic, Adding a new rule and all of a sudden I got an error and when I double click on a parameter to add it to the code, the format changed.
It used to look like this when I added a parameter: Parameter("vertical seperation:1", "partitionthickness") but now when I double click on a parameter I get this: vertical seperation.ipt.partitionthickness
Also when I right click on a parameter and select display current state, It does the same thing, for some reason the code does not display like it used to.
I got an error when this first happened and I tried reproduce the error again but it did not appear again. This affected all my parts and even in different projects.
I re installed inventor because I thought there might be a file link broken but it did not fix it.
I have a rather odd situation. I have input a small table of survey points (we don't have access to a data collector, so it had to be manual).
I have a properly located and back-sited setup, with all of the points located in 3 dimensions.
The Northing/Easting/Elevation data is calculated and displayed for all of the points in the "observations" table accurately.
Every point has the same display/labeling properties/settings, but only 2 points properly display the elevation as calculated.
The problem seems to be that the points aren't accurately retrieving the Elevation from the table.
For some reason, in the “Properties” dialogue for the points that display properly, the “Point Elevation” field actually contains a number; whereas the points that don’t, the same field reads “*PROPERTY NOT SET*”.
This makes no sense, because in the table that defines the points, the elevation is accurate for all of the points, and I can’t find a difference in the table- or in the point properties- between the correctly displayed points, and the ones that are missing the elevation label.
Today I created a TIN Volume Surface. The volume surface seems to have a "resolution" issue if you will when displaying using elevation banding. In the attached screenshot note how the edges of the surface are "squared" or pixelated. Also, the blue lines are "hide" boundaries, and they have the same effect. I've created volume surfaces before with no issues until now.
The volume surface compares 2 surfaces that were created from nothing but contours. Some of the contours can be seen in the attached image.
I've tried REDRAW and REGEN, the image looks the same in model space and paper space, I've tried closing AutoCAD and reopening the file. I deleted the volume surface and then created a new one... I'm sure there's just a setting somewhere that I'm missing.
For comparison, also attached is a screenshot a "normal" volume surface that I created before. This one has no "hide" boundaries, but the edges of the surface aren't "squared."
I have imported an IGES file in Inventor and I need to dimension and detaill the piece in a 2D drawing. The thread and hole wizard does not recognize the holes in the workpiece as holes. Also I sectional view does not display hatched areas of the workpiece even though I have the display option checked on. Is there any sort of feature recognition within Inventor that I can use to import all geometry so that inventor understands?
I am working with 2011 Pro and have about 1500 hours on the program so far.
I was considering redrawing the workpiece by creating a part within an assembly and overlaying the two pieces on top another and using refernece geometry but this might not be the most ideal method.
Really big scene. 17 Million polys. First of all...17 million is not displaying correctly. (See image) There is an extra digit at the end.Second, when I select an object, (since 17 million takes up so many spaces) I can't properly read the poly count on my selected object.
Any way to change the spacing or size of the font?
I've created a .png logo but when it displays on the website, it doesn't look clear. Do i need to change settings when exporting it? The site is [URL] and il upload the logo.
I need to access certain unicode characters (namely the x/8 fractions). I have the appropriate font installed, and the characters display in every other program on the machine, but they are not displaying correctly in Illustrator. If I type the characters in using alt codes, the 3/8 character displays as "", the 1/8 character displays as "[", etc. Is there some setting I need to change to enable support for Unicode characters?
If I type the character in another program, copy it, and paste it into Illustrator, it shows up as a box with an X through it. If I highlight the box and change the font to one that supports the character, then the character does display correctly. Is there a way to type the character directly into Illustrator?
I am runing LR 5.3 and PS6 on Win 7 Ultimate with latest updates as of 2/17/2014. Some of my DNG from the Pentax K5 IIs are not importing or displaying correctly. I have attached screenshots from LR/PS and Silkypix (Pentax Util) for comparison.
I got calls from 3 of the DRAW users that some of the fonts are not displaying correctly since they have updated their Windows today. I have not yet connected my laptop to internet. Shall check it and try to identify the culprit update.Few fonts known for not displaying correctly since today.
This used to work, then my computer dies and AutoCad was reinstalled. I am trying to dimension some cut-outs in a 19" rack panel. I can dimension them, it shows the correct dimensions but then when I hit enter it wont save the dimensions. I've gone into DIMSTYLE and everything looks fine but I cant get this simple task to work.
A co-worker had a copy of a handy little guide called "Lynn Allen's Tips and Tricks for AutoCAD 2012". I think she (or another co-worker) got it at AU.
On page 33 under the heading "DGN Support", it says the following:
Complex linetypes are now maintained! To ensure that custom linetypes are displayed, copy the corresponding .rsc files to the support path...........
The way I read that, Acad will read the RSC file and display linetypes from it. Is that true? Does it only work when I'm looking at a DGN file? Or can I use the RSC file with my dwg file? I'd test it myself but I don't have access to any MicroStation files.
If Acad can read the RSC file directly, then I don't see why the linetypes can't be used in a dwg file. AND that being the case, I also don't see why an Autodesk product can't be created to WRITE these RSC files. As far as I'm concerned MicroStation's custom linestyles is so much more advanced than Acad's linetypes.
I'm starting a new drawing in Civil 3D 2012 and when I go to draw a line I can't see the small text boxes that show up beside the cursor that allow you to input numbers. I like to type my lengths and angles into these boxes to draw my lines as it makes it 100% accurate however the aren't showing up. Drawing lines is essentially useless because I now have to eyeball it. Is there a keyboard shortcut to get these boxes to display again?
I have just installed an AutoCAD LT 2012 in my PC, and I am having problem of reading a file created by my colleague using AutoCad 2010. I tried the TrueView, and it is no use. The problem I am facing is the background is Black instead of white, and the text is not aligned properly.
I am using ACA 2012 and when I insert a view into a sheet, the text and dimensions in the view do not display. I have checked the view and the text and dimensions are on layers that should display in the sheet. The layers are on and thawed in the viewport on the sheet, but do not show up. I have turned on all layers and only the model (building information) shows, no text or dimensions.
As part of process for my drawings, I have to draw 18mm thick panels (drawn as a rectangle) on plan and then list and type said length text into the drawing. However, I've created a dynamic block with a closed double line, which I can flip and stretch. However, is there a way of having the stretched parameter length displayed on the drawing with the prefix 'EP'? If that is possible, is it then possible to extract a list of sizes out of LT for use in other programs?
Other ideas to complete task were to create a double line type that would place the length parameter, within the line, eg. '-------EP700-------' or a dimension with no extension line, arrows, etc.
We currently use AC 2012 Mech.when selecting from the menu content/fasteners/screws and then opening the countersunk head types, many users will see what is dispalyed in the attachment good picture.png... the type of screw is displayed (we can see the text)...while other users selecting the same prompts from the menu will see what is displayed in the attachment bad picture.png... the text is NOT displayed...this occurs for many different types of content, not just the fasterners/screws...
What I want is to create a block which contains a bit of text displaying the scale (X scale only) of the block. Then, if I change the block's scale it will also update. Is this possible?
Is there a way to force text pulled from a drawing property to wrap to fit a cell of Mtext? In otherwords,... a multi line field? Some of our drawing titles are several lines, and instead of wrapping inside the field box in our titleblock, the text just spreads out all over. I'd rather not go back to the old method of having a custom property for Line 1, Line 2 etc....
I'm drawing a gas line (the one that says gas throughout the length of the line) and i can't seem to scale the text 'gas' properly, it seems that it is all squashing up and i cant make out what it says. I've tried ltscale, psltscale and the actual linetype scale of the line to no avail. I'm sure this is a simple problem, i just cant work it out.
I'm trying to use diagnol fractions in my label text for 1/2 and 1/4 deltas. It displays and seems to work fine in Autocad, but when I plot, the numbers have trouble displaying themselves.
I'm using a light color from our .ctb, so I thought that was the problem, but that doesn't seem to be the case (I tried two heavier lineweights and it only got worse). Increasing the percentage size of the fraction also has no effect.
When I have to scale something after bringing it in from another drawing (Windows copy, paste), usually (but strangely not always, it seems) the dimension text and arrows are all messed up. If I scale down, they are (obviously) way too big, up, and they are microscopic. How is this best avoided / dealt with? I imagine it is something with the DIMSTYLE not being copied over or something?
I installed acad 2014 and copied all my font files into the directory that cad says it looks in under the support paths, and the main font used is a true text font (penguin) and it is not showing up right.
I am currently trying to make a bracelet with text engraved in the outside of it with autocad, and my current problem is that I have to make the text 3D before I can subtract it from the bracelet. I am using autocad for mac, which means I dont have the express tools, most notably textexp. I am fairly sure that, without other programs, making 3d text with autocad for mac is impossible. I have tried making text in adobe illustrator, outlining it, and exporting it to autocad, but when I explode it (with the default explode command) and extrude the text, it looks like this:
As you can see, very few of the letters get properly extruded, and some arent even effected at all. I've tested other fonts, and they all have the same problem, albeit with some differences in exactly which letters are changed. Except papyrus, in which none of the text gets extrudedhow to make outlined text from illustrator extrude properly, be my guest! The same goes if you have a different way to make 3D text.