AutoCAD 2010 :: Wrap Field Text From DWG Properly

Jan 16, 2012

Is there a way to force text pulled from a drawing property to wrap to fit a cell of Mtext?  In otherwords,... a multi line field?  Some of our drawing titles are several lines, and instead of wrapping inside the field box in our titleblock, the text just spreads out all over.  I'd rather not go back to the old method of having a custom property for Line 1, Line 2 etc....

Acad 2011

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CorelDRAW / DESIGNER SDK :: How To Wrap Text Inside A Text Field / Paragraph Text Using C#

Feb 1, 2013

I have designed a C#  application to To Print I Cards  Of School. Here I am sending data from my application to a CDR FILE (Already Created ) Which Contains ADDRESS Text Field..Now I Need to Print Address(which contains 60 characters or more) on this Text field .

I Have Used The following c# Code.. To Replace Address text field that contains text 'Address '.....

s.Text.Replace('Address',"Text To be replaced .......") s is Active shape...

This Works Fine But How can i WRAP TEXT....of Address field.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Mask Shrink Wrap?

Jul 27, 2010

I have always struggled with AutoCAD's text masking. I love the masking ability which makes drawings that are clean looking and easier to read. My issue is with the way the mask border is created. The mask creates a rectangular border that does not "shrink wrap" around the text. This can lead to masking more text than originally intended. 

I am looking for a quick and easy way to wrap the mask around text. Right now the only way to accomplish the desired result is to explode the text into single lines and then mask each individual line. This creates issues with leaders and is a more time consuming process. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Field That Shows Only Portion Of Text?

Feb 4, 2013

Is it possible to create a field that will show only a portion of the contents within an text object? Maybe using diesel or something?


There is a text object that contains "FIRST TEST", is it possible to create a field from that object that contains the first 5 letters of the text "FIRST". If the original text was changed to "SECOND TEST" the field would be updated "SECON"

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Link Field Text From One Layout To Another

Jul 31, 2012

Is there anyway to link a field text from one layout to another layout? I need something that when I change a title to one layout the other layouts will change automatically.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Link Text To A Field In Excel Sheet

Jan 27, 2012

I would like to link a series of text lines in an autocad drawing to there corresponding fields in an excel sheet, I can not use tables in autocad because of the way other software uses the text in autocad. I have attached files of the text layout in acad and of the sheet in excel. One thing that keeps me from using tables in acad is that every line of text is on a different layer, with tables you can't control the layer of table its always on the current layer.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Adding Text Field To Hover Menu

Jun 21, 2012

I'm editing blueprints for my summer job and I was wondering if there was a way to add a text field to the hover over menu of a region or polyline. I simply want to add the function of the room to the hover menu.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: #### Error Using Text Field In Sheet Set Manager

Apr 5, 2012

I have had an issue where my text field shows up as "####" even though the the value is still showing up in the custom properties menu. I've tried updating the field and re-inserting the field and it keeps showing up as "####"

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Practicad Text Size Not Scaling Properly

Oct 5, 2012

When I xref a drawing created by Practicad into my host drawing, the text size shows up less than half its normal size. This occurs regardless of choosing or not choosing any of the radio button options in the proxy info box that pops up when I open the drawing. It happens on both my desktop and laptop. Practicad (MetaLab Inc.) web-x'd into my computer and confirmed the enabler is installed and the issue has noyhing to do with them. My host drawing scale is set to the same scale as the xref.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Text Won't Wrap In Text Window?

Oct 8, 2013

When I click on an object to retrieve it's extended data, the data keeps writing to the right, it does not return to the next line, when the text approaches the end of the screen.  Very difficult to analyze information.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Text Won't Wrap In Text Window

Oct 8, 2013

When I click on an object to retrieve it's extended data, the data keeps writing to the right, it does not return to the next line, when the text approches the end of the screen. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: ModelSpace Crosshairs Wrap From Right Edge To Left?

Feb 16, 2012

In ModelSpace, when I drag the crosshairs over to the right edge of the screen, the crosshairs will vanish and reappear on the left side of the screen.  This is a major problem:  If I am reaching for an object off to the right and overshoot with the mouse a little, the crosshairs will suddenly be way over on the left.  But much worse than this, I have a toolbar oriented vertically on the right side of the screen.  I literally cannot get to that toolbar because the crosshairs swap over to the left side of the screen, instead of changing over to an arrow cursor to make use of the menus.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Table Wrap Text

Feb 20, 2008

How can you get the header text in a table to wrap to the next line?

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Photoshop :: Justify Text Despite Image Text-wrap Inserted CS2

Apr 25, 2013

I am setting a book in Indesign CS2.I use "Text frame options" > align > justify on all my pages. On a page that was so justified, I inserted a picture using the "text wrap".  Soon as I did, the text stopped being aligned along the foot of the page (which looks rotten, because the facing page is justified and so the spread is now no longer aligned.
I tried to I use "Text frame options" > align > justify again, but now the option to align is now greyed out.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Word Wrap Leader Text

Apr 16, 2012

How do you word wrap leader text?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Empty Field In SSM?

Jan 19, 2012

I am trying to leave a SSM field empty on some sheets (Custom Property set to Sheet).

I am using SIMPLEX font in ACAD 2012 on Win 7 64bit.

I have tried using %%U as both default value and sheet value and I get a dot plotted.

If I use U+00A0 or Alt+0160 as default or sheet value I get the actual code showing or the 4 dashes instead of a space.

I have also tried 2 spaces to no avail.

Looks like the only solution is to delete the link to the field and insert it when I use it. Annoying :-(

how to get an empty field??

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Paint.NET :: Circular Text - Wrap Text Around A Coin

May 11, 2011

I'm Trying to Wrap Text Around a Coin, I've searched A lot of the Tutes, but Found that Not one, up to now, has Wrapped text around anything? Do I need a Plugin? Or Am I just Too Brand new?

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InDesign :: Text Wrap Not Working With Linked Text Box

Feb 24, 2014

First I am a new user of InDesign so it might just be me. I am trying to use text wrap and it works fine with a text box. When I try to do the same thing on another page with a link text, text wrap does not work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Format Column Header To Wrap Text?

May 7, 2013

aIs there a way to Format the Column Header to wrap text & rotate text if necessary? I would prefer if I could only Format the QTY Column Headers, but leave the others s is.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Possible To Link A Field To Layer Name

Feb 25, 2013

It it possible to link a field to a layer name? this would make the job that I am doing alot easier. For some reaso the company that I currently work for wants to put the layer discription next to the revcloud instead of just using a delta.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Update Date Field

May 14, 2012

I'm using ACA2012 x64 but I suppose this question is applicable to all flavors of AutoCAD. Is there a routine that will insert today's date in a drawing and update that entry when the drawing is opened? Fieldeval won't update date fields.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Section Label With A Field?

Feb 15, 2012

I am finally trying to take advantage of the "fields" in autocad. I created a section label block which has the scale of the detail ( which I have to change manually). I want the scale to change with the viewport scale.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Field Will Not Show Scale

Jul 21, 2011

We created a field that is grabbing an object, the property of the object is the standard scale. Fields will not show the scale, it instead shows the word custom. This appears to be a AutoDesk bug. Please see the attachment.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Color Field In Pallets Is Grayed Out

Nov 10, 2012

I am trying to change an objects (a line) color in either quick properties or full properties and the color field is grayed out so I can't change the color.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Field Conversion Factor Not Working

Aug 2, 2009

I am trying to use the FIELD function to automatically display the Y value for floor levels. I have chosen 'object', then selected a line (floor level line lifted to the correct height in the Y axis) then selected 'start' as the property to display, Format: Current units. The problem is the current units are mm but I want the floor levels displayed in Metres but when I try to change this by using the 'Additional Format' button the 'Conversion factor' box is greyed out so I cant convert the value and it wont let me manually edit the Field expression or else I would manually add [1e-007]

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Arithmetic Operation In A Position Field

Feb 11, 2012

I'm using a position field as an attribute for a block. This is what I use:

%<AcObjProp.16.2 Object(%<\_ObjId 2118086344>%).InsertionPoint f "%lu2%pt2%pr4%ps[+, M]%ct8[0.001]">%

What I would like to do is an arithmetic operation of addition, something similar to how 'CAL works. In this particular case I would like to add the value of 100,000 before the conversion factor, or 100 after the conversion factor.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dynamic Block That Contains Inserted Field

Mar 18, 2012

“Dynamic block” that contains an inserted “field”,

I’m now encountered into two problems with this regard:

Why sometimes we get the number sign “####”?How can the field automatically be updated in case a “stretch” is made without the need to go and click “update fields”?How to make the “precision” of the field value (which represent the length) to be 5 such that the 2568 will appear as 2570 and the 2563 will appear as 2565
I’m attaching the block in case your time permits to have a look

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: SaveDate Versus CreateDate Field

Feb 1, 2012

SaveDate only updates when I save the file but CreateDate updates every time I regen? How is that a CreateDate?

Is there a setting that would create a date field that updates only once during the life of the drawing? I would like to create a true CreateDate field where once I save the file the first or second time it stays the same date from there forward.

I have looked at the FIELDEVAL settings. I have a plotted date on my drawings so maybe a general date field is not necessary?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Round Off Of Value (length) Of Inserted Field

Mar 20, 2012

Round off of the value (length) of an inserted field, I wanted to make a round off for the field value that represents the length of a line but sounds that there is no option to do so.

For example:

the 2568 will be rounded off to be 2570

the 2563 will be rounded off to be 2565

This option is available for the dimension objects and wondering why it not offered for the inserted fields.

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: No Word Wrap For Text Screen When Command Line Is Docked

Apr 30, 2012

if the command line is docked and you hit F2 to bring up the text screen,

there is no word wrap.


type (entget (car (entsel))) pick an object, and then F2 for text screen.

The result is all on one line and you can only view it by scrolling sideways.

The same happens when you list a few lines of Mtext.

If the command line is not docked there is no problem.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Choose Attribute / Field Data From A List

Mar 28, 2012

How to choose the attribute or field data from a list?
When using the “title block”, attributes and fields to better control the information that belongs to the drawing, then it worth to have a feature that allows selecting this information from a LIST.
For example, if we need to specify “location” of the project, then it is better to have sort of list from which we can select the location of the project the same we do it in the Excel (as shown in the screenshot below).
Is there such feature in the AutoCAD? To choose the information from a list?

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