AutoCAD 2010 :: #### Error Using Text Field In Sheet Set Manager
Apr 5, 2012
I have had an issue where my text field shows up as "####" even though the the value is still showing up in the custom properties menu. I've tried updating the field and re-inserting the field and it keeps showing up as "####"
I would like to link a series of text lines in an autocad drawing to there corresponding fields in an excel sheet, I can not use tables in autocad because of the way other software uses the text in autocad. I have attached files of the text layout in acad and of the sheet in excel. One thing that keeps me from using tables in acad is that every line of text is on a different layer, with tables you can't control the layer of table its always on the current layer.
I am using AutoCAD 2013 and I working on a project of approxamitely 80 pages and I have a Sheet Set Manager set up.There are about 40 pages that have text saying Continuation on Sheet XX of YY. I managed to use a field for the total count (YY) however I need to link the XX to the another drawing. I have researched and failed miserably.
I am using Inventor 2010 (I know this is my first problem, but you have to use what you're given!) and I need to use the sheet number in a calculation that will display the result in a text box. =((<SHEET NUMBER>-1)8)=1 displays a result of ((11-1)8)+1. I suspect that the sheet number is being brought in as text instead of a number. I tried adding atoi to the equation to convert the sheet number to an integer, but it did not work.Is there an alternate source for the sheet number that will return a number? Is my syntax wrong?
I get an error when I try to eTransmit from the sheet set manager.An error occurred attempting to create the transmittal. Please make sure the target location is writable and that the target disk has sufficient space.
When I try to select the folder where my drawings are located SSM is only showing me 2 of the 3 drawings located in that folder. I have not had any problems with other folders. I even tried moving the drawing file to a different folder, but SSM still does not add it to the sheet set list. I have tried re-booting and nothing.
I have made all my sheets through the Plan Production wizards. When I go to sheet set manager, and select publish to pdf, i get an error saying the following:
ERROR: Layout not found..By using one tab per drawing, seems to publish ok. But we want multiple tabs per drawing, so not really any use to us.
I have set up a title block template I plan to use for ALL of my drawings.
I fallowed this website and PDF file at bottom: [URL]......
Great resource and very good explanation step by step which was what I was looking for; the problem I'm having is all his files are set up specifically for one project and I'm having difficulty setting it up for me.
I have everything finished but when I open my project .dwg file and SSM then new SSM file from template and customize the options everything looks fine however when I go to open a new sheet; yes it does open the template .dwt file however it completely open the whole .dwg file of the template so my viewport is the template viewport not my project .dwg file......
How do I get SSM to open new layout/paper spaces with the title block template but the viewport of my current project .dwg file.
It been a while since I did this and I getting something wrong. I want to add custom SS field to my TB which I have created in SSM, but when I edit the block to add the custom field to an attribute default the list is empty.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram
How to open multiple sheets using sheet set manager? In our office we have some machines that do and some that don't. Is there a variable to change? I know its possible I just don't know how to do it.
Is there a way to set the sort order in Sheet Set Manager for the Model Views tab? Seems like a few releases ago it was alphabetical - now its random and almost impossible to locate a specific drawing in a large project.
Tried changing MAXSORT and it did not have an effect.
I've created a new sheet set with some existing drawing files. These files have several layout tabs in each drawing. The Sheet Set Manager (SSM) seems to import the layout tabs in random order, not in the order they appear on the drawing, nor in alphabetical or numerical order. In addition, the SSM imports and numbers all of my drawings in reverse order. Any system variable setting, or some other property setting somewhere that will change this back to ascending order?
Is it possible to create a field that will show only a portion of the contents within an text object? Maybe using diesel or something?
There is a text object that contains "FIRST TEST", is it possible to create a field from that object that contains the first 5 letters of the text "FIRST". If the original text was changed to "SECOND TEST" the field would be updated "SECON"
I have over a 100pg plan set and have changed page numbers and added more drawings and deleted a few. so now we have to go through the entire Table of Contents and drawings and renumber everything. Is there a way to link the fields in the Table of Contents with the page numbers on the drawings?
How do I get my Sheet Set Manager to open up each time I open a CAD drawing? I turned it off and can't remember how to turn it back on. I use command SSautoopen, set to 1 but doesn't alway work. Sometimes if I close AutoCad and reopen it I can got to drop down menu and click on .dst extension and it will open but if I close out of it it won't open again unless I restart AutoCAD. I thought I used a command from the Express Tool menu but can't find it.
Is there a way to force text pulled from a drawing property to wrap to fit a cell of Mtext? In otherwords,... a multi line field? Some of our drawing titles are several lines, and instead of wrapping inside the field box in our titleblock, the text just spreads out all over. I'd rather not go back to the old method of having a custom property for Line 1, Line 2 etc....
Is there anyway to link a field text from one layout to another layout? I need something that when I change a title to one layout the other layouts will change automatically.
I'm trying to set up a title block template that will be used between several different sheet sets. I have entered the custom properties, then when I go to the title block and try to insert the fields with current sheet set custom the drop down box is empty and then when I try to type in the custom property name the link still does not function. Is there some trick that I'm missing, or is this function broken on AutoCad 2013?
How people deal with multiple revisions of one sheet with sheet set manager, basically I want the cover sheet of drawings to have a list of drawings including the revision letter and revision date and on each individual sheet keep track of historical revisions
There is the current sheet revision and date fields.Does everyone usually just update these and manually keep track of historical revisions else where in there title block?
I'm fairly new to Autocad and getting used to using sheet set manager. What I'm experiencing is, when you insert a model view it brings in an xref of that model, but i'm then unsure how to add additional xref models into the same view.
For example I have a separate ground floor plan file and OS data file which I want to show in the one sheet view without nesting the OS data to the original ground floor file.
I'm editing blueprints for my summer job and I was wondering if there was a way to add a text field to the hover over menu of a region or polyline. I simply want to add the function of the room to the hover menu.
I was creating a new sheet set in the sheet set manager as I have created new drawings to be added to the old one. When I do this and browse to the directory of drawings, once I hit next it only wants to create a sheet with a few drawings in the directory. There are 22 drawings in the directory and is leaving out about 18 when it creates the sheet set.
I am trying to create a sheet set with sheet set properties for title blocks but every time I close sheet set manage I lose the properties I typed in .
I am using the Sheet Set options to creat my Sheet Index. It imports everything just fine. My issue is when I want to create a space between sections the option to add a row is greyed out. For ex I would like my sheet index to look similer to the following
S1.01 S1.11 S1.41
S2.01 S2.03
S3.01 ETC.
Is there a way to do this using the sheet index option in Sheet Set manager?
I have run into a problem with AutoCAD 2010 while trying to copy paste within 2 different drawings. Copying blocks from 1 sheet to another causes this error message "_pasteclip *Invalid*" It wont let me copy in the blocks. Sometimes after that happens all i need to do is a regen command and it fixes it. Other times im forced to switch to model space and then back to paperspace which then lets me paste the objects. This is not isolated to my computer, it happens on other computers here in the office.
I am starting over here at work. I am using and familiar with SSM. However, i want some feed back on some of your practices on where you keep the DST files and other basic setting. I want to make sure i am not missing something or overlooking a better (efficient) way to keep everything organized.
currently I have created a "template" DST file and keep it in a subfolder for the project that is currently being worked in. I like this because when we archive the job folder; everything that goes with that job gets zipped/archived.
I have been thinking about putting all the DST files in one "SSM" folder in the root folder list of our projects...
The SheetSetObject has an inbuilt custom property called "TransmittalSetups", but the property has a different internal object structure compared to other CustomProperty
Dim myPropEnum As IAcSmEnumProperty = myCPB.GetPropertyEnumerator Dim myPropName As String = Nothing Dim myPropValue As AcSmCustomPropertyValue = Nothing
myPropEnum.Next(myPropName, myPropValue)
myPropName is a string, and in this instance it returns a value of "TransmittalSetups"
myPropValue.GetValue is a string, and it says "System.__ComObject" not a "value".
So my question is, how do identify this object, how to interigate it or assign it to its native object type.
I have tried to cast it to different IAcSmEnum types but without success.
I have a question about sheet name field, can it be broken into 2 or 3 lines?
Our office has huge text size for drawing name, which can not be changed to a smaller one (you know the politic craps about standards).
So I wonder if there is a way to break the Sheetname field to 2,3 or 4 lines to accommodate this. So far the field is set to have one single line at best. It was good for "floor plan" but not good for "floor plan and etc, etc...."