AutoCAD .NET :: Display Block Drawing In Picture Box

Jun 23, 2011

I've created a Windows form with a Picture box and I wish to display a block drawing in the Picture box, or another Windows control if that is appropriate.

When running the code lines:
Dim oImage As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(sDrawingName)
PictureBox1.Image = oImage
I get an "out of Memory" error report.

This code works quite well if I use a GIF file, rather than a DWG file, so I guess I need another approach.

Web searches have proved useless.  I did find a C# project at:

[URL]....., but I'm unable to get it to run or to work out which of the C# code is relevant.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2010 Design Center Block Updates Kills Display Order In Drawing

Nov 15, 2012

Working in AutoCAD LT 2010.

Drawing format 2007 or 2010

bedit, OK if you regenall after

refedit, Ok if you regenall ofter

design Center - display order goes out the window. The inserted block is redefined but the rest of the drawing loses all its display order. sortents (127, 33, 51, etc) and displayorderctl does nothing, either before or after the block is redefined. hatches and blocks just jump to the front (display order shows as order of drawn not order as moved to) Regenall does nothing.

absolute nightmare with display order managed elevations (solid hatch, baconies, windows, multple buildings, all overlaying!!)

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AutoCad 2D :: Text Display In Drawing Versus Text Display From Xref In Same Drawing

Sep 7, 2011

NOTE: This is in AutoCAD 2002.

I'm working on one of our standard layouts for a client. Our typical drawing setup is the base drawing file, surrounded by our Xref'ed border. On said border Xref, we have all the information that does not change between drawings (Revision history, address of job site, etc). The only things that change - and, thus, are not on the xref - are the title of each individual sheet and their number; in the case of these objects, they are located on the drawing file itself in the appropriate position. They are, however, the same font as the text in the Xref - "Standard". Or, at least, they're supposed to be.

The text in the base drawing file seems to be a different version of the text from the Xref - a much blockier, sharper-edged version than the Xref text. My first response was "Okay - I'll just copy/paste the text from the border into my base drawing file, and force the existing text to match the properties of the imported text."

This, however, did not work. The imported text automatically assumed the same form as the existing text. Here's a screenshot from the base drawing, illustrating this (The "Mechanical Plan" also exists on the base drawing, and not the Xref):

I copied the existing text from the base drawing (In this case, the "Mechanical Plan") and pasted it directly into the Xref itself, to see what would happen. Apparently, it wants to stay blocky:

In the latter example, I even tried to force the blocky text to assume the properties of the smooth text via MA (Match properties). I specifically need to make the text in the base drawing conform to the style that the text is assuming in the Xref - which is to say "Smooth."

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Actions And Parameter Grips Obscure Drawing-block In Block Editor

Mar 28, 2011

My drawing- block is a little bit complicated, it contains few actions and parameters and everytime i open block editor to add, or to modify some action I can't see my drawing because actions grips and parameters grips obscure my drawing. I tried to refresh layout but it doesn't work.

please take a look on attached jpg.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Text Coordinates And Description Picture Can't Display

Dec 24, 2013

I amdrawing in autocad version 2010,,and move to version 2013 end then i open my project in version 2013 Text Coordinates & Description picture can't display after use autocad version 2013,,what happen??

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Create A Block With A Att For Display Path Of Xref

Jul 17, 2012

i looking a way for create a block after selected a Xref.

It is for display the path+Name of my Xref.

It use fields manualy put i can copy/paste the bloc. (ObjectId not egual in a 2 dwg).

I want :

1 - selec the Xref --> I know how to do that.

2 - create a bloc --> I know.

3 - create a att -> i know

4 - fill the att with the field --> ???

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unit Display In Title Block

Apr 23, 2013

Below is a code I managed to scramble together to display the unit used in the drawing template. The units are selected once the drawing is opened based the Standards ANSI and ANSI-mm from the styles library.

The code displays the units used in template as a custom iproperty called "drawingUNITS". This code works great however, I would like it if possible to be more clearer to the shop guys looking at the drawings.

I would the result to be

ANSI = Imperial (or inches) and ANSI-mm = Metric

is there somewhere in the code provided that I can get my desired result?
' To use this rule, create a Text parameter named Standard in the drawing.' Assign it values such as:

' ANSI' ANSI-mmdoc = ThisDoc.DocumentcustomPropertySet = doc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties") 'Make sure drawingUNITS property existsTry prop = customPropertySet.Item("drawingUNITS")Catch 'Assume error means not found customPropertySet.Add("", "drawingUNITS")End TryDim drawingDoc as DrawingDocument = ThisDoc.DocumentFor Each standardX In [code].......

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Block Editor Does Not Display Selection Fence

Sep 21, 2012

when I select objects in the block editor window I cannot see/autocad does not display (?) the selection fence.

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 x64 SP1 - Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1
Dell T3500 - Intel Xeon @ 3.2 gHz - 12 GB ram - Nvidia Quadro 4000

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AutoCAD .NET :: Display Form When Block Reference Is Double Clicked

Nov 12, 2012

I'm in the process of converting existing VBA code to VB.NET using AutoCAD 2010 and MS Visual Studio Professional, and I just hit a major snag.

In AutoCAD 2010, double-clicking a block will display its attributes in the attributes editor; I would like instead to be able to display my own custom form showing some of the block's attributes, IF AND ONLY IF the block was created by my dot net form (the block would have certain identifiable characters in its name).

So far, I have discovered that this may have something to do with the cuix customization file, as well as setting the system variable DBLCLICKEDIT.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Iterate All Entity In Block And Display Type Of Object

Aug 12, 2013

I would like to iterate all entity in Block and display the type of the object. For example: LINE, BLOCK REFERENCE, LWPOLYLINE, TEXT . . . .

I currently have:
For Each Ent as ObjectId In CurrBTR Debug.pring (Ent . . . .)Next

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AutoCad :: Custom Field In Title Block To Display Autodesk Product Name

Mar 22, 2011

I would like to have a field in the title block that reports whether the drawing was created with Autocad or Civil 3D and also whether it was 2009 or 2011. The only system variable I found close was acadver but it doesn't distinguish between products.

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AutoCAD LT :: Display Error During Drawing

Aug 1, 2012

I get a display error during the execution of some of the commands used in AutocadLT with Windows 7.  It occurs when I choose a command along the bottom of the display area just above the command window (offset seems to be the worst offender.  As soon as I choose the command, the computer locks up for a second or two then the screen goes black.  Most of the time it will come back with a white screen in the rawing area and I will have to use the regen command to continue editing.  it will sometimes do this numerous times before I can complete the command. (offset). 

The error displayed from the task bar is:

Display Driver stopped responding and has recovered
Display driver Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7(R) stopped responding adn has successfully recovered.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Display Paper Size Of A Layout In Block

Dec 20, 2011

I'm trying to display the papersize of a layout in a block. So far I've looked into diesel and field expressions.

With field expressions I can get the name of the papersize to display that's too long(OVERSIZE: ISO A1), I need only the last two letters.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Importing Block Into Picture?

May 25, 2011

I'm fairly new to all this Autocad stuff, I'm looking for a good site that has BS standards fire reg or any other block downloads etc. I also seem to be having a problem when importing a block into a picture, how do I customise/resize the block to match or at least be visable in my drawing?

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Photoshop :: Window Display Picture Glare

Mar 4, 2007

I have a ton of pictures of the window displays there, but alot of my photo's have glare on them so you can see part of the window display, but also cars and people from the street. Is there anyway to fix these pictures? I really hope so, because i really want to save these pictures, the window displays were gorgeous!

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Points Will Not Display In Drawing?

Oct 9, 2012

I have a drawing where points that I create will not display.
I have created points in this drawing before.Previously created points display fine.Points created in another drawing and imported into this drawing display fine.All layers have been turned on and thawed, to make sure it's not a layer issue."All points" point group is the top point group.When I create a point manually everything seems to work fine, info is echoed to the command line, etc., but then nothing happens. Obviously it's a setting somewhere, but it is driving me up the wall trying to figure out what setting.  I'm sure I will slap my forehead when told what it is. 

Windows 7-64
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013

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Photoshop Elements :: Some Thumbnails Do Not Display A Picture In Organizer

Nov 7, 2013

Some of the thumbnails do not display a picture in Organizer but only in Editor which makes it very difficult to organize and choose which to work with.

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Photoshop Elements :: Display Properties Of Picture On Same Screen

Nov 14, 2012

How can I display the properties of a picture on the same screen as the picture?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: All Drawing Colors Display As Gray?

Sep 5, 2012

I ended my session yesterday, plotted my first layout, everything looks perfect.  I started up today and everything is gray.  Drawing layer colors are correct.  Everything looks ok in the properties pane when I select anything.  Print preview shows everything black.  Never had this happen before.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Can Display Any PDFs That Are Showing In Drawing

May 9, 2012

I'm looking for a field or maybe piece of rtext that can display any pdf's that are showing in a drawing, I've had no luck in finding anything that can do it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Views Do Not Display Correctly?

Feb 14, 2013

Sometimes when a drawing is opened in Inventor, the complete design is not visible on the sheet. Only few lines appear on the view.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Display Manager Layers - Attaching To Another Drawing

Jan 19, 2012

I want to attach a drawing as xref to another drawing, but with maps, to be specific, with drawing manager layers, entity styles and hatch styles. I've made different maps in the same drawing with different styles, so I can change them accordingly.

I'm running AutoCAD Civil3D 2011.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Blank Display When Opening Drawing

Jun 21, 2012

On the average 1 out of 10 drawings will open up with a blank display. By clicking randomley on the screen until a line is high lighted and using the re command the drawing will appear. This has started happening after switching to Win 7pro 64 bit and Autocad 64 bit. This happens on various machines in the office, and on differant files made by differant computers.

Display is set to black. Layout is set to white.

I have tried various display drivers, the ones from the mfg, and the ones that have been tuned for S W. no effect same problem.

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AutoCad :: Display Attribute Properties To Text In Drawing?

Dec 29, 2011

I've a few points with some attributes (select point,properties and you see the different attributes of this point), one of those attributes is a textstring. It has a value (Dreumel). This textstring (value) is what i want to see and put in to the drawing. I want to display this value See the attachment.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing View - Display Option Defaults?

Apr 30, 2010

I cannot find any information anywhere on whether there exists an option to save different defaults to the Place Views>Base Drawing View>Display Options tab? The parts I model always need "tangent edges" shown to look correctly on my drawings, and for 5 years I've had to manually select it every time I do a drawing. It just seems that there has GOT to be a way to get rid of this tedious step? And if there is not, can you plainly include this in the documentation so I can stop looking for such a feature?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Display Area For Drawing Section In Text Box

Oct 17, 2011

How do I calculate the area for a section of an extruded profile and display it in a drawing note?  I see how to add a field <AREA> in the text dialog box, but it comes up as N/A in my text box in the drawing.  This is also the case for <MASS> and <VOLUME>.  How do I get the drawing fields associated with the physical properties of the model?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Display Model Sketch In Part Drawing

Mar 20, 2013

How can I display a sketch or projected geometry that is not a closed loop in a ipt drawing? Historically I have to use a closed loop and emboss in order to display the geometry in a drawing.  

Then move that forward to a DXF file for its intended use.  I think there should be a way to just have lines placed on the model and display it on a drawing without it having to be a feature. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part Edges Don't Display In Drawing View?

Dec 8, 2011

I can't get the cable to show up in any drawing views. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Display Only Portion Of Assembly In Drawing View?

Jan 10, 2013

Is there a way to have a view in a sheet that displays a few specific components of an master assembly? There is a motor/gear-box assembly within my master assembly that I don't want to make a separate assembly for BOM purposes, but I want a .ipn view with the motor/gear-box "assembly" exploded. I tried making everything else in the master assembly "not visible" for the particular .ipn view, which works fine, but if I add or replace anything in the master assembly, those additions appear in the motor/gear-box .ipn and screw up the view.

I could just make a whole new assembly for the motor/gear-box and use that for the exploded view, but I would rather the view update to reflect slight changes I make in the motor/gear-box "assembly" from within the master assembly.

So can I create a .ipn view and say, "I want these particular components of an assemly to appear in this view but nothing else"?

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AutoCad :: How To Display Full Drawing Path In Window Header

Feb 5, 2013

A co-worker asked how to display the full drawing path in the window header. He said that it used to, now doesn't. I have never seen the full path of the drawing in the header before. Mine just says "AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 (Drawing File Name) [Project Folder]"

I checked in Options, but didn't see anything.

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AutoCad :: Importing Drawing From Picture

Jun 20, 2011

I've got a lot of very simple 2D flat and house plans on paper. i need to get them into autocad. So far i've been re-drawing them by hand, but i was wondering is there a simpler way to do this... Can i simply scan them with my printer and get them into autocad as drawing? is it possible?

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