i am trying to set up templates at a new job and i want to create templates with an xref for the title block so when we start a new drawing, we use the template, save to the project file and everything is there with our title block already xref'd. my problem is, the path on the xref'd title block stays the same and is still referencing the location of the file i used when creating the template. if possible, when i save the new drawing to the project foldeer i want the xref to also move to the project file and the path to the xref to change.
How do I get the full Xref Path name instead of Xref.dwg? I'm scratching my head is this totally under my nose... cause I don't see where the property is stored. I'm getting EV_BDR.dwg instead of C:folderEV_BDR.dwg
I have many drawings that were created with the xref's as full path and I need them to be relative path. I would just go in and reatch them as relative path but the drawings are complete and there are different layers frozen in each one.
I am attaching a File as a xRef. At the time of Attachment, I select attach as attachment, and No Path in Path.
Now if I try to fetch detail of this file using MdiActiveDocument.Database and BlockTableRecord, I gets only file name not the path. However, In AutoCAD we can see the file path under "Found At". Can we read / fetch this using C#.
In case of Full Path or relative Path, I gets full path in btr.PathName
Here is my code and I am using AutoCAD 2013
Database db = acadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database; using (Transaction Trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { BlockTable BlkTbl = (BlockTable)Trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead,false,true); db.ResolveXrefs(false, false);
I have a drawing which has a reference to an external drawing in it for the company logo which is used in the title block. We have moved the location of the company logo to a new drive and thus I need to modify the properties of the path.
But when I open up the properties on this it does not allow me to change the path. I found the only way around this was to delete it and start over using the new path .
Using PN, I set up 2 levels. Level 1 at 0'-0", Level 2 at 10'-0". I create a Level 1 construct and create my AEC model. I then create my Level 2 construct and xref my Level 1 construct in to use as an underlay. However, using OOTB Medium display configuration I cannot see the Level 1 xref because the Level 2 cut plane is at 3'-6" and the Level 1 construct is 10'-0" below this cut plane. Is this the intended result?
To allow me to see my Level 1 xref in my Level 2 construct, I am required to override the global cut plane in my Level 1 construct and set my wall cut planes, for *each* wall style, to 3'-6". After saving the Level 1 construct, I reload in the Level 2 construct, and the walls appear, as an underlay, in the Level 2 construct as desired.
Is this the only way to see one xref above or below the other? Isnt one of the major advantages of using xrefs is as underlays for stacking levels?I dont have to override the global cut plane in all my wall styles.
My computer is not searching for the xrefs correctly. Whenever I switch to another job and try to load an xref, the computer searches under the last job I worked on and nothing else. I have several folders listed as search paths but it just seems to be ignoring them. We never used to have this problem and I cannot figure out what has changed.
Received some drawings with xrefs. Have put xrefs in sub directory called xrefs. Simple.
Opened drawings but cannot brows to select and save new path for xrefs. No brows button exists.
I am using acad LT 2012. So many unnecessary changes for so little benefit. Miss my old square screen also.
How do I update the path in simple terms nice and easy like previous versions of autocad. Storing xrefs in same directory is not an option. Reference manager does not appear to be part of acad LT 2012.
Drawings will not open in previous versions due to autodesk objects so using my trusty acad LT 2007 is also not an option.
Because what I'm trying to do is modify the xref path of documents, and when i detach the xref and then attach the newer xref, if i access the database from the alternative 1, I don't get any error and the xref is updated correctly. But when I use the alternative number 2, when I attach a newer xref i get and ePermantlyErased exception. Shouldn't that be the same? By the way, I need to open the document silently that is why I'm using alternative number 2.
Using VB .NET we're trying to find the Resolved path of an Xref. We can get the Saved path (which, for us, is only the xref dwg name) but we need to determine where the Xref was "found at" by AutoCAD.
I am trying to rename all the xref's on the drawing with suffix "_renamed" With the code shown below , I am able to do this. But the problem I am facing is once the code renamed and reloaded the xref, the Xref-dependent layer properties are changing to Xref source layer properties.
Also the VISRETAIN variable is 1. Please find the code below.
Actually, I have more than 6 years experience on Catia V5 customization and vb and vb.net catia API's. What I am trying to do know is converting some applications or programs running on catia to the inventor.
The first program deal with the inventor API relating to the SweepFeatures class. So my first problem is about to find the right way to use the sketch3D for the creation of the path which is the input of the sweep method.
I know That is possible to create a path by using the CreatePath method when the input is SketchLines or any guide curve in the 2D Plan. Also, I tried to generate path by using the ProfilePath3D method of the sketch3D class but No way, the AddUsingPath method of the SweepFeatures Class doesn't accept it as path Input.
So I cannot imagine that is limitation of inventor because it was possible to do it by using the seep function of the model tab in the ipart document. How to create the path object as an input of the AddUsingPath method of the SweepFeatures class.
I am building a plugin which needs to change the xref path within a drawing without opening it.
here is my. I am new to .Net c#
[CommandMethod("refremap")] public void refremap() // This method can have any name { //Get the document Document Doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = Doc.Editor;
here is the question,basicly, i have a folder named "A", and this folder include 5 DWGs, named 1,2,3,4,5. "1" is the main DWG, so, 2,3,4,5 is attached or overlayed to main file. First step im copying this folder from server, and im pasting to my desktop.Im doing some modifications on xref files, and im uploading "A" folder to my friend's partage from local company server. its allright till here..
my collegue is copying this same folder "A" and opening main file, and main file reading another "3" file from his desktop... this is the problem. file names are same, and it has to be this way. i want to make the main file read from its own folder. we are using 2008, 2012.
I wanted to attach an image as Xref to my drawing. I like to set my Xref's relative but in this occasion I get the error "Relative path cannot be assigned".
A part of an application I'm writing involves detaching a specific xref of known filename and path from an open drawing. I'm having a surprising amount of trouble figuring out how to do this or finding any examples "out there" (A'desk forum, the googles, A'desk developer's guide). I have the code for attaching an xref, but detaching is presenting unexpected problems.
Is there a way to make sure whenever I x-ref a file it is not saved as "full path"? I prefer that be the default as I never x-ref outside of the folder I am working in.
How can I update the file path to an XREF which is NESTED? I point the file to the appropriate xref and even though I save the file it won't point back to the file upon opening?
I have a autocad file with MEP pipe objects (piping layout inside a building). If I start a new drawing using our company (dwt) template then xref in the cad file with the MEP objects they do not display. If I start a new drawing using one of autocads default (dwt) templates then xref in the MEP objects they display fine. My question is somewhere in our company template is a setting for MEP objects to be displayed .
The original model, in shade visual style, all objects are distinct and separate objects as they should be. However, when an xref is loaded (overlay) the model (display) jumps and the objects that were distinct now appear mingled together. Also, when you hover over an object it's highlight outline does not align with the object, it is offset from it approximately the amount of the display jump. I compared display and visual style settings from other model drawings that did not have this problem but came up with nothing that worked. More than one model drawing on this particular project created by another discipline has this problem, whereas on a previous project models by another discipline never had this problem and neither do models created within my dicipline.
Problem with lost Xref path when attaching a file using relative pathing? We are using Autocad 2010 and Windows 7. If we attach the same file using Windows XP the problem does not happen.
I have a lot of drawings that someone inserted the Xref's, but the Xref's are "Attached, and Full Path"; however, I need to change them to "Overlay, and Relative Path".
Periodically, when I try to create an XREF using the Relative Path option, C3D will tell me that it can't use the relative path. But if I then close the drawing and reopen it, the command works just fine. why C3D sometimes fails to do this, or why closing and reopening the drawing fixes the problem.
Looking for registry keys to control the default attachment type (Full, Relative, & No Path) for XRef, Image, PDF, & DWF in the attachment dialog. (I'm using C3D but this applies to plain ACad also).
The value is "ImagePathType" DWORD = 1 for relative path (NOTE: this value didn't exist, once I created it, C3D used the key for both storing the value when closing C3D the reading the value when presenting the attach dialog).
Looking for keys that control PDF & DWF attachments.
Why do our feature lines all come in as the color white when xreffed into a drawing? Feature lines show up just fine in our topo drawing, so then we xref it into our design drawing and they all show as if the color is white when is is not in the layer properties. All other items (symbols, points, and lines) come in as the color they were drawn in the topo drawing.