AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Xref MEP File - Pipe Display Setting

Jul 13, 2012

I am using C3D 2012 sp2.

I have a autocad file with MEP pipe objects (piping layout inside a building). If I start a new drawing using our company (dwt) template then xref in the cad file with the MEP objects they do not display. If I start a new drawing using one of autocads default (dwt) templates then xref in the MEP objects they display fine. My question is somewhere in our company template is a setting for MEP objects to be displayed .

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipeworks Pipe Styles - Display Setting Not Working In Profile View

May 7, 2012

Header says it all. For example, if I set a pipestyle to display the inside walls with linetype Continuous, it works ok in plan view, but not profile. 

When I select the pipe top edit its style (right click context menu), it is in the Profile View, but the changes are happening in the plan view.

Where I should set it to display how I want in the profile view?

C3D 2012 on 64bit Win 7 all up to date
Dell Precision 7core 8GB RAM
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M
LDT/C3D user since release 12

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't Freeze Pipe Layers Through XREF

Jan 21, 2013

We have our pipe networks living in a master file that is XREF'd to our sheet files. Now, the pipe and structure objects are all the layer C-PNET. The style for the pipes is comprised of the layers C-STRM-PIPE (for pipe walls) and C-STRM-PIPE-PATT (for the center line that is the width of the pipe). When I go into the XREF I cannot freeze OR change the color of the layers comprising the pipe style even though they are all set to ByLayer in the style dialog. The only way to freeze the network is to freeze the layer the pipe network is on C-PNET. However, this presents other problems with our file setup and we dont want to universally freeze C-PNET.

why we cant freeze the portions of the pipe network that are defined in the style as being on C-STRM-PIPE, and C-STRM-PIPE-PATT? If so, how do we remedy this?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Smart Structure Pipe Scales And Xref

Jan 24, 2011

We set up our projects with a Topo sheet, a separate Design sheet, then a plot sheet with the drawing referenced in.  The design sheet consist of basically all the design information unless this is a larger project, then the design components are given their own drawing file.  Pretty industry standard, right?

 The problem we are having is that the symbols are not scaling correctly for the plot sheets.  I did some testing and the topo sheets are working as expected, but the "smart" pipes and structures are not from the design sheets.  For the structures we are using a block for the plan view, and that is using the current drawing scale for the symbol size.  But that is not carrying over to the plot sheet or viewport scale, it is locked to the scale of the saved Design drawing.  So when plotting the project, half way through, people have to open the design drawing, change scale and resave to get the structures the right size for that sheet.

Do I have the structure style setup wrong?  Shouldn't the symbol change to the plot sheets current view scale like a survey point?

I have played with making that plan block annotative but Civil 3D doesn't see a annotative block in the definition of a style.

I don't think that the network should have to be native to each plot sheet, but the only work around I have is to dataref the network into each plot sheet, and then have to freeze the xref's layers so there are not doubles.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Exporting Pipe Networks To Setting Out Engineer

Jan 10, 2013

I have created a complicated 3D utilities model using pipe networks. All the clashes have been ironed out, the 3D DWF looks great when rotated, the client is happy. Now It is time to hand it over to the contractor to build. He hasn't got Civil 3D and isn't going to get get it. He either want's the information as an x,y,z, text format or a 3d polyline. I cannot see anyway of doing this with the tools available.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Network Layers - Setting Defaults

May 9, 2012

I can't find the setting for setting the default pipe network layers - dialog that opens when I create a network.

I have different utilities, obviously want them on the right layers. 

E_WM --> exst. WM layers plan/profile
E_SAN--> exst. sanitary layers plan/profile.

I have a template drawing I am getting my styles from. where in the template are these things set?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Setting Survey Points On Pipe Network

May 7, 2012

How to set stakeout points on a pipe network? I have an alignment from the engineer that also has a pipe network associated with it that I would like to automatically set points vertically and horizontally on (like I can do with a regular alignment/profile). 

C3D - 2014

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Reset Menu To Pop Back Up When Right Click On Pipe Or Xref?

Oct 24, 2013

how to reset the menu to pop back up when you right click on a pipe or xref?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Crossing Display

Sep 5, 2013

i've got proposed stormwater pipes crossing existing utility pipes. my proposed stormwater pipes run parallel to but offset from my road centerline alignment. i want to show the existing utility pipe as an oval where it crosses my stormwater pipe. i can get the utility to show up in the profile at the centerline alignment of my road but not at the actual point where the pipes cross. is there a way to show this?

Dell Studio XPS 9100
Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz
12GB Ram
64 bit
C3D 2012 SP3.0

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Hatch Display Order?

Aug 14, 2013

In profile I would like to show the 'Inside Pipe Walls' line on top of the 'Pipe Hatch' is this possible, search some threads haven't found a solution.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Labels Display 180 And Mirror Image?

Nov 19, 2013

I created a project from scratch.  I created some pipe labels showing our companies arrow block in label the and set it to Grade Check.  It worked great.  It point in the downward slope and at the end of each pipe.  No issue.  I copied the label style to an existing project I inherited and did not set up.  In that project, certain variables for pipe and structure labels display  backwards or mirror image.   I can't figure it out.  I copy those  same structure and pipe labels to a new project and they display fine.

Also when I create a profile view the numbers for my vertical elevations in the profile are backwards (but plot fine).  The labels mentioned above do not plot fine.  I have also copied items from another project and they came in mirror image including the text.

Civil 3D 2013
Windows 8
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
32. GB
64-bit Oepration System, x64-based processor
No Pen or Touch Input

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Display Coordinates In Profile For Pipe Network

Jan 8, 2014

I can create labels to display stationing in a profile, but is there a way to display the coordinates in the profile instead? When I need to move my pipes I am using the station I get from the profile label and then use grip move. If I could get the N, E, I could just type it in on the Vista table.

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP4
Windows 7 (64)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Single Line Pipe Display - Not Working

Aug 15, 2013

I have a Storm pipe network for a subdivision.  All of the pipe are on the same layer, using the pipe style.  For some reason, only 1 of 68 pipes will display through my viewports.  All of the layers within the pipe style are thawed in my viewports, as well as the layer the pipes themselves are on. 

Further, when I go back to an archived file from a few days ago, all the pipes are also on the same layers and styles, and all pipes display as they should through all viewports.  There seems to be no rhyme or reason for this.  I am not sure what could have changed as I didn't knowing adjust anything with the pipe networks since archiving a few days ago

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Networks - Invert Display Order

Feb 1, 2012

We are in the process of updating our pipe network structure label styles. The styles are displaying the inverts in a random order (Please see caption)  & we'd like to show the inverts in descending order from highest pipe as first text string & lowest pipe as bottom text string. Is there a way to globally tell civil 3d to always use a descending invert order? Only fix we've found is to disconnect & reconnect the parts in order to adjust invert order.

C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional 64 Bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Network - Profile Sump Display Incorrect

Dec 2, 2010

I am having problems with the display of my structures in a profile view.  Previously, when I change the inverts of the pipes connected to my structure it would automatically adjust the bottom (sump) of the box invert to match my lowest pipe.  However, for some reason it has stopped doing it and is now displaying the sump invert incorrectly.  I have my style set to "Display as a Boundary".  I have edited the structure sump to be by both elevation and depth, but it does not update the sump elevation.  I have tried to grip edit the sump but it seems to be locked at a certain elevation.  I have a profile with 10+ structures and they are all at multiple depths.  I realize there are minimum depths allowed by the structure, but I have exceeded the minimum depths in all cases.  Attached is an image that depicts my problem.  No matter what I do to change the depth it stays locked at a certain elevation.

Civil 3D 2011, SP1

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Feature Lines Color Display When Xref Into Another Drawing

Jan 31, 2013

Why do our feature lines all come in as the color white when xreffed into a drawing? Feature lines show up just fine in our topo drawing, so then we xref it into our design drawing and they all show as if the color is white when is is not in the layer properties.  All other items (symbols, points, and lines) come in as the color they were drawn in the topo drawing.  

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Tables - Size Column To Display In Inches Rather Than In Feet

Apr 12, 2012

I've got the Pipe Table style just as I need it except for one thing. I have all circular pipes and I would like the "size" column to display in inches rather than in feet. In the past I was able to multiply this number by 12 in the style composer but that doesn't seem to work anymore.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: XREF DGN Into DWG File?

Mar 12, 2012

I am xrefing a DGN file into my DWG file in Civil 3d 2012.  When I go into Layer Manager I cannot see any of the DGN's Levele/Layers?  Tell me this isn't so? Am I missing something here, how is one suppose to control Layers in the DGN when it is XREF'd into a DWG?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Using A Georectified CAD File As XREF?

Apr 2, 2012

I am trying to use georectified cad file as a xref. The problem I am having is that the file doesn't place in the correct place. My file that I am working in is the same coordinate system. Is there a better way to do this? I've also tried copying and pasting, that doesn't work either.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Updating Pipe Network Via CSV File?

Jul 9, 2013

i have "as-built" data in csv format for my pipe network assembly.

i'm using C3d 2011, i dont see a way i can import or batch edit the pipe network data with the current csv data.

i can export the pipe network to an excel table through the panorama, i was hoping there was a way to edit that data and push it back into the dwg file.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Imported DEM File And Changes All Of Pipe Networks

Jul 19, 2013

I have been working on a site layout, and the engineers changed the final topo. I have imported a DEM file, and changes all of my pipe networks to reference this final grade. But all of the pipes I have placed do not reference this surface, but all of the networks do. Other than changing all of the pipes individually (which is what I have started to do through Pipe Properties) is there a quicker and easier way to have all of the pipes reference my new surface, and also is there a quicker way to apply my rules to this new surface other than the same way (through Pipe Properties changing my rules, and right click to apply rules).

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Updated XRef File Paths?

Mar 7, 2012

We recently updated our servers and with that the path to all of our drawings. For example what was once located at W:FilesAutoCAD is now located at W:CorporateAutoCADDrawings. The problem is every time we open an old drawing for the first time we must redirect all of the xrefs to the new location. My question is, is there any way to do this automatically for all drawings when they are opened? Is there a way to tell the software to replace "FilesAutoCAD " with "CorporateAutoCADDrawings"? I'm sure others have encountered this dilemma.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Set Pipe Network Catalog File Location?

Jan 30, 2012

I know I can go into the AeccSetNetworkCatalog command and set the file path but I want to do it pragmatically.  Is there any way to do this?  If so I don't know where it is located? 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Temporary File (As XREF) Slows Drawing

May 9, 2013

I'm working on a rather large subdivision (not uncommon, certainly used to a longer-than-normal load time) but have found one of our XREF files to be bringing drawing loads to a screeching halt. We have XLOADCTL set to 2, which explains the creation of the temporary file.

I have previously gone into the file and reset the scale list, which speed things up by about 50%, but today it appears to be doing the same thing.

Is there anything I can do to prevent this from becoming a more serious problem? Can I add some sort of SCALELISTEDIT reset command to the acaddoc.lsp file?

Civil 3D 2014
Windows 7 Professional
Intel Xeon E31270 @ 3.4 GHz
8 GB, 64-bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Network Storm Sewer Pipe Plan View

Nov 20, 2013

Pipe network storm pipes: Fairly new to Civil3D and trying to set up parts list for the storm sewer pipe and would like the plan view to appear as it does currently.  We use a polyline for centerline of pipe, similar to dashed linetype but line and space are the same, width set to pipe width.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Edit Pipe Network - How To Trim Pipe That Pass Through Manhole

Sep 25, 2012

I created pipe network for my storm drain project. I have located all the structures (manhole) to all angle point of my alignment as required. Also I "insert" manhole every 400' per local code requirements using the command "network layout tools; structures only. My problem is I couldn't find the tools how to trim the pipe that pass through the manhole. Please see attached pdf file.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Depicting Both Slice And Cross Cut Pipe Profiles Of One Pipe

Jan 8, 2014

One of the things I seem to struggle with is being able to depict a single pipe when it needs to be shown in one profile as a crossing pipe, and another profile where you you show a lenghwise slice through the pipe.  I end up tracing the pipe with eliptical objects where I'm cutting across the pipe and setting up more for the lengthwise/sideview of the pipe.  Is there a way to have two different styles for the same pipe, one for a cross cut and one for a lengthwise slice?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Include Pipe Min / Max Cover As Part Of Str / Pipe Label

Nov 26, 2013

is there a way to include the pipe min/max cover as part of the str/pipe label?

Civil 3D 2013 SP1, Win 7-64 bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Combine Pipe Networks From Separate Files Into A Single File

Jul 16, 2013

I need a way for 2 users to work on a pipe network at the same time.  I was thinking about creating Data Shortcuts, but I’m looking for a better way to accomplish this.  For example, can I export a pipe network created by another user into a master file? (which contains all my networks consolidated together).   I want to work on one part of the network while another user works on another part of the network then combine into a single file so that I reference everything into our P&P sheets.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Connecting Pipe To Different Pipe Network Structure

Jun 20, 2012

Using Network Layout Tools, can you attach a pipe to a structure in a different Pipe Network? 2013 Civil 3D

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AutoCad :: Use Xref Manager To See Where Actual File For Xref Resides On Computer / Server

Nov 15, 2013

I know that in ACAD you can use the xref manager to see where the actual file for the xref resides on your computer/server/etc. What I'm curious about is whether or not the inverse action is possible. Can you somehow access the file (not the output sheet where it's being xref-ed) and see what other files are using it as an xref?

I've come in on a project that is nearing completion and have been assigned the task of "cleaning up the project folder." Unfortunately, there are a ton of files in the different folders that are no longer in use on the final output sheets and I need to keep the ones still in use and archive the ones that are no longer needed. What I've been doing is going through those sheets and reviewing the xref manager for each sheet to see which files are actually put onto those sheets and making a physical checklist from which to organize my findings. Once the checklist is made, I then archive all the files that are no longer being used.

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