AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Setting Survey Points On Pipe Network
May 7, 2012
How to set stakeout points on a pipe network? I have an alignment from the engineer that also has a pipe network associated with it that I would like to automatically set points vertically and horizontally on (like I can do with a regular alignment/profile).
C3D - 2014
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May 9, 2012
I can't find the setting for setting the default pipe network layers - dialog that opens when I create a network.
I have different utilities, obviously want them on the right layers.
E_WM --> exst. WM layers plan/profile
E_SAN--> exst. sanitary layers plan/profile.
I have a template drawing I am getting my styles from. where in the template are these things set?
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Jul 31, 2012
is there a quick way to create & export points from a pipe network? i've probably got 100 or so structures that need points with the correct structure name in the point description.
Dell Studio XPS 9100
Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz
12GB Ram
64 bit
C3D 2012 SP3.0
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May 3, 2012
here's my process:
1- Import the asc file into my drawing.
2- Convert the asc file to a FBK file
3- Import my FBK file. The survey figure linework generated doesn't overlay my previously imported asc file. I checked the FBK file and the coord's match the asc file. I'm confused as to why the survey figures don't overlay the survey points from the asc file, since the coords match in both? The survey figures are all shifted .7' and 54deg. from the points. The elevations are all good on the survey figures, as they match the survey points.
So my quick fix is to explode the survey figures, since I don't really need them for what I'm doing, and then select all the 3d polylines and move them to them to an appropriate survey point. Everything then looks fine and I can get the job done.
However, I would like some insight as to why this might be happening. It's strange that the FBK and asc coordinates match, but the survey figures aren't lying over them.
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Dec 7, 2012
I am using Civil 3D 2013. I work in an office where we have a few different flavors of Autocad (LT, MEP, regular vanilla AutoCAD etc...) and versions (2010 LT, 2011, 2012, 2013).
For the most part there isn't much inter-office drawing coordinate that has to happen, but there is the occasional project where multiple disciplines (Structural, Mechanical and Civil Site) have to share drawings.
The specific problem I am having is when I share my 2013 Civil 3D drawing with a user using 2011 MEP. He gets the typical rectangle for the proxy objects (in my case, my pipe networks for sanitary and storm drain). We've tried downloading and installing various object enablers, but there doesn't seem to be one for a 2013 to 2011 scenario. So I setup my parts to be on layers that he can just turn off. HOWEVER... the actual pipe network (not the structures, parts, labels etc... the network itself) ends up on layer 0. For this specific project, I do the old (ssget "x" '((8 . "0")) search to select all objects on layer 0, add those objects to a selection set (pselect), then in my modify objects dialog I filter for pipe networks, then change the layer to something other then 0.
While this is a workaround that works for me, what I really want to know is if there is a way that I can change the default layer that the network (again, not pipes, structures or text, the actual network) so I don't have to use the workaround. Any thoughts?
P.S. It's killing me that I had to create a new Autodesk login and now all my AutoCAD "street cred" is lost
"The source of expertise is not in the memorization of the minute details of a subject but in the thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts on which it is based."
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Nov 20, 2013
Pipe network storm pipes: Fairly new to Civil3D and trying to set up parts list for the storm sewer pipe and would like the plan view to appear as it does currently. We use a polyline for centerline of pipe, similar to dashed linetype but line and space are the same, width set to pipe width.
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Sep 25, 2012
I created pipe network for my storm drain project. I have located all the structures (manhole) to all angle point of my alignment as required. Also I "insert" manhole every 400' per local code requirements using the command "network layout tools; structures only. My problem is I couldn't find the tools how to trim the pipe that pass through the manhole. Please see attached pdf file.
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Jun 20, 2012
Using Network Layout Tools, can you attach a pipe to a structure in a different Pipe Network? 2013 Civil 3D
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Aug 18, 2009
I was following Civil 3D 2008 Education Curriculum Module 04-Survey on how to import field books, create points and figures, insert them into the drawing, and then (per page 04-35), remove the network from the drawing.
Now I have a serious problem, and cannot add any new Networks. The "Name" and "Description" appears, but there is no place for a cursor entry.
Do I have to re-install the program?
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Sep 12, 2013
What does this mean.
Survey Network Update
see attachment
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Jun 14, 2013
I just came from Civil 3d 2008. I am used to creating a survey network for each "day" of fieldwork I have to process. If I have to move and/or rotate the data from day 1 and begin drawing and then day 2 data comes in from the original coordinate system I would translate the day 2 NETWORK. Now my only option seems to be translate survey DATABASE. How to handle this?
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Sep 6, 2012
I have been using survey database with the working folder set to the project location on our Z:. It was working fine until I come into work this morning and I can no longer open survey databases on the server. I can set the working folder and I can create new databases on the server but I cannot access them. Moving the working folder to a local drive fixes everything.
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Jul 25, 2013
I had an issue where I dropped points into my drawing for a survey and they weren't at the distance compared to recorded plat. I have checked the points mathematically, and they were dead on. A coworker suggested that I WBLOCK the points I was working with that way I don't move single points out of place. I disagreed, because the way i move points is I use the TOOLSPACE and move them as a group. So what I did was to drop the points again and now they were dead on the second time. I don't like turning points into a block due to the fact that it messes up my drawing.
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Feb 8, 2013
I have recieved a survey and I am now ready to begin my design. BUT, when I try and create a "pipe network", I am unable to connect the plan view with the profile. I have everything on both the plan and profile (water, sanny, gas, cuvlerts, etc etc) which was provided by the surveyor.
How to modify pipe network into an existing survey to transpose/connect in profile and plan views.
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Mar 22, 2012
I have multiple profile views with a pipe network. In a number of cases, I have a pipe that extends to the end of one profile view and continues on the next. I can label the pipe on one profile but not on the other. Is there a way to add two labels to the same pipe - one label on one profile view and another label on the other profile?
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Apr 10, 2013
I have lost the ability to create a pipe network in a single drawing. Sorta. I can create a pipe network, and label it, and see it in my toolspace, but it won't display it for any style in any format. I can bring in a data reference and label those, but can not see pipe or structure outlines or anything to that end. I have tried to recover, audit, purge. I am at the end, currently creating the pipe network, data referencing it in, and then just drawing lines between the labels.
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Jan 16, 2013
I have created a pressure pipe network (Plan view) from own created pipes and fittings, try to create an alignment from the network but C3D tells me that the selected network part has no connected parts?
How would I connect the network in order to create an alignment? (the pipe network has got a command to do that)
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Jun 11, 2013
I have a drainage model, the data for which has been imported from microdrainage into Civil3d (.sws file) .
The engineer working on the project is playing around with the Invert and Cover levels so I reload the same updated .sws file into my model almost daily expecting the information shown in the labels of the pipes and manholes to simply change. Instead mine seem to disappear and I have to relabel the whole network again.
This wouldn't be much of a problem because labeling only takes a few minutes but with this particular scheme, the client wants the labels shown in a box with a leader. When I relabel, the boxes automatically snap to the center of the manholes without a leader and i then have to drag each one away from the manhole to get the leader to show up.
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Aug 14, 2006
My field crew assumed a coordinate system and surveyed a job. I need to rotate the points in my dwg to match another survey. I have not found a rotate points command. Other LDT type commands have been replaced by standard ACAD commands by adding the transparent commands to them. I tried to use the ACAD rotate command and the transparent commands to rotate my points, but there is no transparent command to find multiple points. I need to select the points by point number range if possible.
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Jun 27, 2012
Here is my procedure.
1. Import survey point via ascii file into a new drawing call it Field-dwg.
2, Create a survey data base
3. Import all points in the the data base under import event.
4. open existing drawing, work-dwg, import points as needed from the Survey Data Base.
Problem : Survey points needs be renumber.
I goto field-dwg, and fix the points (renumber).
open survey data base for edit, and import Event, field-dwg/points/update : nothing happen
also try Import Event, field-dwg, survey points, update : nothing happen
so I re-import the points, all is good.
Then I goto work-dwg, and try to update the point, nothing happen.
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Apr 12, 2012
I was wondering what is the difference between importing points under the Prospector tab versus importing points under the Suvey tab? And how either of the two methods relate to using Data Shortcut?
I would like to create a survey topo drawing that contains points and surface information which other Design drawings that are attached to the Data Shortcut project can access but not be able to make any changes to the original points and existing surface information.
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Jan 2, 2014
I would like to remove certain points from my survey database. I have all the points that i want to remove queried into a point group. Is there a quick way to delete these from the database?
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Apr 11, 2012
what if i have points that are non-consecutive? the survey crew is new at this so i'm getting some higher number points that line work wise appear in the middle of lower number points. the figure seems to draw numerically. is there a way to do a figure by proximity?
Dell Studio XPS 9100
Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz
12GB Ram
64 bit
C3D 2012 SP3.0
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Dec 5, 2012
I'm creating a utility template. Earlier in the day, I'm able to assign pipe and structure rules to a network and create the network based on these rules. Within the past 30 minutes, however, it completely ignores the pipe and structure rules while creating the network.
I make sure there is a surface assigned to the network. I make sure the pipe rules are set correctly in the parts list. I'm using no null structures. NOTHING HAS CHANGED EXCEPT THE POSITION OF THE MINUTE AND HOUR HANDS ON THE CLOCK! It's like the Civil 3D went out to lunch and forgot to tell me that it's going to lunch.
-Civil 3D 2012
-intel Core i7 2.4 GHz
-8 GB of RAM
Windows 7 64-bit
-Civil 3D 2013 sp2
-Windows 7 64-bit
-Intel i7 Dual Core with 2.40 GHz
-8 GB of RAM
-AMD Radeon HD 6770M
-Civil 3D user since 2007
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Nov 27, 2012
I have a user having an issue with drawing pipe networks. When they draw the pipe, the structure is not visible. A label shows up, and the structure can be found in the prospector, but is not editable in the plan view (see attached image).
I have a feeling it may be an issue with our pipe networks parts list and pipe catalog location. We have found an issue with our install that defaluts our pipes catalog to our local drives, but our parts list were created using a network drive. Several users have had an issue creating pipe networks when this has happened. However once we switched the pipe catalog to the netowrk drive the issue was resolved.
When we changed the pipe catalog location, it did not resolve the issues.FYI - I have tried the basics (layers on/thawed, pipe structure style layers on/thawed, audit and purge).We are using Civil 3D '09.
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May 22, 2012
We are having trouble with one of our C3D 2013 seats crashing (giving a fatal error) when trying to edit or do anything with a pipe network. The drawings work fine on other computers. I am trying to keep from having to remove and reinstall the software.
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Dec 14, 2013
I am working on an existing Pipe Network. I have a location where I have already placed a pipe and filled in the correct parameters for this pipe. But I realize now that there is a concrete headwall near the end of the pipe. So I was trying to insert the structure at the midpoint of a line I have created for OSNAP reasons so it would create the structure at the specified location. The problem is when I move the structure to create at this location, the "Break Pipe Marker" goes away and only shows when I am at a different location along the pipe. So I wanted to see if there was a command or feature to use to tell the software I want to place this structure at a specified location along this one section of pipe.
I wanted to see what my options were. I know I can grab one end of the pipe and move it to the location and then add the structure and pipe from there. But I did this insertion under different circumstances and it broke the pipe into 2 sections while still keeping the same and adding a (1) after it, which is pretty useful when reading printouts and showing that this is actually one pipe instead of 2 pipes.
C3D 2014 SP1
DELL Precision T3600
Intel Xeon E5-1650 @ 3.20GHz
NVIDIA QUADRO 4000 Dual Monitor
32 GB RAM / Win7 Pro 64-bit
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Oct 1, 2013
I can design a network of open ditches and pipes in Storm and Sanitary Analyzes to handle the flows required but when I export them back into Civil 3D the open ditches disappears. How do I add open ditches to the pipe network?
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Oct 11, 2013
Is it possible to get a Pipe Network Catalog for SUDAS specifications??
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May 15, 2012
I am using civil 3d 2012.
I have a network that I showed in a profile view and, to creat my proposed pipes network I simply copied the pipes and structures and used network split.
Now I have two networks, but when I project those pipes and structures into a profile they are not visible.
If I check the profile view properties and look at the pipe networks tab, all the pipes are shown as drawn.
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Jul 24, 2012
i am currently using civil 3d 2012. I am having issues with pipe networks and my data shortcuts. when i data shortcut a pipe network into another file, sometimes my structures just disappear after saving and closing out, then reopening - like they were never there.
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