AutoCAD Inventor :: Display Area For Drawing Section In Text Box
Oct 17, 2011
How do I calculate the area for a section of an extruded profile and display it in a drawing note? I see how to add a field <AREA> in the text dialog box, but it comes up as N/A in my text box in the drawing. This is also the case for <MASS> and <VOLUME>. How do I get the drawing fields associated with the physical properties of the model?
I'm working on one of our standard layouts for a client. Our typical drawing setup is the base drawing file, surrounded by our Xref'ed border. On said border Xref, we have all the information that does not change between drawings (Revision history, address of job site, etc). The only things that change - and, thus, are not on the xref - are the title of each individual sheet and their number; in the case of these objects, they are located on the drawing file itself in the appropriate position. They are, however, the same font as the text in the Xref - "Standard". Or, at least, they're supposed to be.
The text in the base drawing file seems to be a different version of the text from the Xref - a much blockier, sharper-edged version than the Xref text. My first response was "Okay - I'll just copy/paste the text from the border into my base drawing file, and force the existing text to match the properties of the imported text."
This, however, did not work. The imported text automatically assumed the same form as the existing text. Here's a screenshot from the base drawing, illustrating this (The "Mechanical Plan" also exists on the base drawing, and not the Xref):
I copied the existing text from the base drawing (In this case, the "Mechanical Plan") and pasted it directly into the Xref itself, to see what would happen. Apparently, it wants to stay blocky:
In the latter example, I even tried to force the blocky text to assume the properties of the smooth text via MA (Match properties). I specifically need to make the text in the base drawing conform to the style that the text is assuming in the Xref - which is to say "Smooth."
Is there a way to display the section property of a T beam? Specifically, I'm looking for the second moment of area in units of in^4 (Ixx). iProperties provide me with the mass moments for the axis in units of lbmass in^2 under the physical tab (global properties). I'm sure this information is somewhere, I just can't seem to locate it. What am I missing?
If I see a drawing and I like the looks of things. how can I tell what type font is being used in Autocad? I'm having a beast of a time matching the type and size of fonts being used. A lot of the fonts I recognize, but these hand fonts in autocad are giving me fits but I really like these things. Ain't that a kick, we get computers so we can read the text on the drawings and then we go back to by hand fonts.
I've a few points with some attributes (select point,properties and you see the different attributes of this point), one of those attributes is a textstring. It has a value (Dreumel). This textstring (value) is what i want to see and put in to the drawing. I want to display this value See the attachment.
I have a drawing where I am cutting a section on one sheet and them moving it to another sheet. Is there a way to get the section mark/callout to state on which sheet the section resides?
For example instead of the section just stating "A" it would say "A/3" or "A/Sheet 3" or something like that?
Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1) Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)
I'm trying to 3d print an ABS mold of an 80" long by 6 inch high object. I can't figure out how to section my model into the multiple 6" sections, though I know I'll need 14 roughly the same size sections.
Is it possible to get the "actual" calculated area of the face of a part from a drawing view? I looked at the drawing view object in the api but didn't find what I was looking for. What my goal is, I want to calculate the actual square foot of this piece and then subtract it from the overall square foot so I can calculate waste. Perimeter's of pieces can be in multiple forms, radial, straight or a combination of the two. See image below.
I am writing a LISP program to generate development of surfaces. Once the entire drawing is completed, I want that the input data to be displayed on drawing window as text.
I have an assembly were i want to exclude some parts in a sectional drawing view. I mean i want those parts should be visible in section view but should not get sectioned. And the remaining parts will be in a sectioned view. Is that posible or i may be missing something.
I'm laying out a drawing with all tabletops used in our project for a linolium- fitter to set a price on covering the about 12 tabletops in total.
I dont know if this is correct English or if it make sense at all, but what I was wondering about was: Could you retrieve the total m2 of all the tabletops in a drawing? Or do I have to go back to the aim and get them one by one?
Is it possible to scale the cross-hatching in a detail that was created from a section view so it looks better with the scale of a detail? If the scale factor of a detail is much larger than its parent, the cross-hatching is very sparse and detracts from clarity rather than adding to it.
I've just started to do some work with Inventor 2013 and I noticed that, when creating a section view in a drawing, the preview is always uncut and shaded. Even when creating a partial section, the preview shows the full, shaded assembly. I tried playing with the "Section View Preview as Uncut" setting in Application Options, but this doesn't seem to do anything.
When i make a drawing in inventor, in the Title Block, it says the title of the saved document in the Drawing No. section. So what i am saying is how do i get the title of the saved document out of the drawing number section and either delete it or get it in the Title section.
Is there an option in drawing mode to exclude certain parts from a section view.
According to ASME Y14.3 parts such as shafts, keys bolts and nuts should be excluded in sectional view. Its not just removing the Hatching, the part has to show completely.
The closest I found in Inventor is that you can exclude Standard parts from being sectioned. Some of my parts are not in the standard library.
I would like to have the option to choose which parts I want to section and which ones I don't.
I cannot find any information anywhere on whether there exists an option to save different defaults to the Place Views>Base Drawing View>Display Options tab? The parts I model always need "tangent edges" shown to look correctly on my drawings, and for 5 years I've had to manually select it every time I do a drawing. It just seems that there has GOT to be a way to get rid of this tedious step? And if there is not, can you plainly include this in the documentation so I can stop looking for such a feature?
How can I display a sketch or projected geometry that is not a closed loop in a ipt drawing? Historically I have to use a closed loop and emboss in order to display the geometry in a drawing.
Then move that forward to a DXF file for its intended use. I think there should be a way to just have lines placed on the model and display it on a drawing without it having to be a feature.
Is there a way to have a view in a sheet that displays a few specific components of an master assembly? There is a motor/gear-box assembly within my master assembly that I don't want to make a separate assembly for BOM purposes, but I want a .ipn view with the motor/gear-box "assembly" exploded. I tried making everything else in the master assembly "not visible" for the particular .ipn view, which works fine, but if I add or replace anything in the master assembly, those additions appear in the motor/gear-box .ipn and screw up the view.
I could just make a whole new assembly for the motor/gear-box and use that for the exploded view, but I would rather the view update to reflect slight changes I make in the motor/gear-box "assembly" from within the master assembly.
So can I create a .ipn view and say, "I want these particular components of an assemly to appear in this view but nothing else"?
I am trying to use the Inventor API to customize the text label that appears next to a section cutline in a drawing.
The text in question can be modfied through the Name variable of the SectionDrawingViewType object. However, this approach changes both the name of the SectionDrawingViewType object, as well as the text next to the section line. Is it possible to access just the section line text through the API? Is this text field exposed? Which object type is this text field?
When creating section view sheets how do I control where the section view is in relation to the print area. I understand I can use the data bands to force the sections left and right but what about vertically? I end up with sections drawn right on the line and the labels are outside the print area, see below.
I'm having trouble getting mass properties of an assembly to display in an .idw. I've tried it 2 diffent ways, custom properties-model "Totalmass" where I type the mass and physical properties-model "mass" where it's automatic with update.. Nothing shows, not even N/A, but in another idw (different assembly) it works. Both text boxes are saved within a sketch that is part of a template. Both idw's use the same template. If I place text on the drawing it self it works.