Today i Get new Drawing then i tried to find out the area of certain room. Then The Room less than 10 m2 is ok but the area more than 10 m2 meter is coming like this area 1.03310963E+07. How to change this setting.
I have some drawings with lots of dimensions. Is there a way to check if any have been over ridden or a global way to set all dimensions to model value?
The diametric dimension on the right, dia. 244.9 isn't resembling the real dimension in the weldment.You see in the sketch of extrusion 2 that i gave an internal diameter of 245.
I am using Inventor 2013. For some reason I cannot dimension some of the model entities in the drawing views in an idw file. I can retrieve the model dimensions but it is usually easier to create the dimensions I need in each view. I can select the line, curve, etc. when dimensioning but nothing happens.
After I think about it. What I cannot dimension are lofts that I created with rails. These rails were made up of lines and curves, not polylines. How do I get the sketches for the rails I used for lofting to display in the drawing views so I can dimension those sketches.
Is it possible to get the "actual" calculated area of the face of a part from a drawing view? I looked at the drawing view object in the api but didn't find what I was looking for. What my goal is, I want to calculate the actual square foot of this piece and then subtract it from the overall square foot so I can calculate waste. Perimeter's of pieces can be in multiple forms, radial, straight or a combination of the two. See image below.
I'm using Inventor 2013. I created an assembly where I did a lot of top down modeling (meaning components in the assembly were created in the assembly. All but a handful of the components are adaptive to other components). When I went to make my drawings for having the components made, I started noticing that some of the dimension values were wrong. I could go into the model and verify the features, but when dimensioning on the drawing it would not match. Furthermore, this didn't occur on every dimmension on the drawing. Not even half of them were incorrect, but it only takes one to really mess up a part.
I've attached a screen shot of what I'm seeing. The 15.2 and 5 dimmension are correct, but obviously those don't add up to 31.37. I know I can manually override this dimmension, but only if I know to do it. I tried to do a drawing of another part in the same assembly and eventually found a similar problem.
Finally, I created a step file of the 1st part (to strip away the adaptivity) and when I created the drawing again, the problem went away.
My question is, is there something I did in the assembly / creation process that would have caused this?
I'm trying to dimension an ellipse in the Inventor Drawing Feature. I've attached the .idw files. (the .ipt is too large)I am aware that the ellipse doesn't have a constant radius and was wondering what is accepted practice for these dimensions?
I need to first dimension the external elliptical shape (which I'm struggling at), might just add a note.
Secondly I'm trying to dimension the mesh part, its not centrally align to the part and since I can't put a center mark on I'm not sure how I should dimension this...
dimension bend parts with corner intersection. Is there any option in Autodesk Invenor Drawing so that i can give dimensions as shown in attached image.
So my problem is that I need to include a line on a part drawing that isn't related to the part itself. I need to be able to override the dimension of the line I sketched so that I can include it in my drawing and update the dimension without having to change anything else on the part.
Basically, I want an iLogic rule to overide a dimension, and I don't know how to do that.
I have recently drawn a steel construction, and I am now in the process of making the drawings. A problem that occurs is the length of beams used for bracing. When I click the two outer points, the lower dimension in the drawing appears. This is the length of the line between the two points. To be able to dimension properly, I have made a sketch with a straight line, which is perpendicular to one side of the beam. This has been used, with the point on the opposite side, to find the true beam length (and is showed as the upper of the two dimensions in the picture).
I was trying to reposition a retrieved dimension in drawing. I was able to position the text, however the dimension line however still stays in its default retrieved position. how I can reposition the dimension line as well?
Dim mydim As Inventor.ObjectCollection Dim invDimConstraints As DimensionConstraints Dim invDimConstraint As DimensionConstraint invDimConstraints = invPartDef.Sketches.Item("MySketch").DimensionConstraints
How do I calculate the area for a section of an extruded profile and display it in a drawing note? I see how to add a field <AREA> in the text dialog box, but it comes up as N/A in my text box in the drawing. This is also the case for <MASS> and <VOLUME>. How do I get the drawing fields associated with the physical properties of the model?
I'm laying out a drawing with all tabletops used in our project for a linolium- fitter to set a price on covering the about 12 tabletops in total.
I dont know if this is correct English or if it make sense at all, but what I was wondering about was: Could you retrieve the total m2 of all the tabletops in a drawing? Or do I have to go back to the aim and get them one by one?
Is there a way to force Inventor to dimension without snapping to various Z heights within a drawing view? I have basic top and side views created however when trying to dimension overall lengths and widths i'm snapping to high and/or low points of the model and getting screwed dimensions.
How do you change the dimension text size in an .idw 2D drawing? The dimension text and arrowhead size is too small and I would like to make it sligthly larger.
We have created one Style, but within this Style are two Dimension types (Dual and SIngle)
When a drawing from a model is created it defaults to the Dual Option and we can only select the Single Dimensions by individually selecting the Dimension and editing to Single Dimension, which can be time consuming.
Is there a way to select the Dimension type for the whole drawing?
Say you've dimensioned something but end up wanting to change the dimension definition points...drag the end point to another location that you want dimensioned.
I thought it used to snap to a new location, but now it will not. I have to redraw the dimension (including all text I added).
Here is what I get when I try to move the dimension definition point:
Here is what I get when I try the auto-reattach feature in "repair". Still nothing to snap to.
I cannot edit a dimension that I add to a drawing, IV simply ignores my request when I select Edit from the shortcut menu. This is not a retrieved dimension. My only workaround has been to edit the dimension properties in the part file to display as I would like on the drawings.
I've checked the application options, under Drawing tab, I do have "Edit dimension when created" checked, yet IV does not display the edit dialogue box upon initial creation of the dimension.
How do i increase the dimension text height in my drawing.When i go thro the styles and standards editor and increase the text height all the text in my sheet border also increases.Surely there must be a way to isolate the dimension text from the sheet text.
I'm trying to write a VBA macro (for Inventor 2010) that would have to work on drawing .idw files that are generated from a given component.So when I have an open assembly document, I want to go through all component occurences and work with the associated drawing.
There's a built in command in Inventor for that, in the context menu, something like "Open drawing" (mine is german, so not sure how it's called in english), which does this. It opens the drawing of the given part. From this I assumed, there must be a reference within each part, that points to the referencing drawing.
But I'm not able to find this information anywhere within the properties/objects of any or where can I get this information out of the components?
how to identify the model associated with a particular PL on a drawing. I'm able to find a PL and write to the header which is cool. But I'm trying to determine the model associated with the BOM pipline so I can get it's P/N iproperty and write that to the PL header.
I am currently endeavoring to translate some (very) old print drawings of standard geometry used by my company to electronic format with Inventor. Many of these standards include a matrix of certain dimensions (noted by a letter variable on the drawing, such as "A") and what their values should be, given the required size of the geometry's main feature, like the cross section of an o-ring that is supposed to go with it. Is it possible to build such variable/multiple value dimensions in Inventor and have a corresponding matrix printed on the drawing with it?
I have a VB program that auto updates the size of a door and frame assembly, and in turn, updates the shop drawings to reflect this change. I have a view on my shop drawing that I have drawn a sketch in. I start the sketch, add my dimensions, and I use 'Project Geometry' to project the edges of the actual part around the sketch to constrain my sketch and keep it in place. The problem is, as the program runs, and the door/frame changes height, the sketch loses it's dimensional references to the projected geometry. When I go back and reopen the drawing after running the program, all the dimensions that went to the projected geometry are gone.
Is there another way to anchor a sketch to a drawing view part instead of dimensioning to projected geometries? This doesn't seem to be working, and I've tried it every which way I can think of. Oddly enough, I have another sketch in a different view that is set up the same way, and it never misses a beat.
From a VB.Net program, I'm trying to create a dimension on a drawing document between two parts in an assembly. I can get the parts using component occurrence. The line marked below throws the following error: The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)).
As you may see, I have allocated memory for both "Edge" and "Face" (Dim oEdge1 As Face) albeit one is commented out. Attached is the screen shots from the attribute helper add-in. In it, you will notice that the attributes are of type: "Face".
Public Sub CreateDrawingDimension(ByVal Part1 As String, ByVal Part2 As String, ByVal AttName1 As String, ByVal AttName2 As String) ' Get the Active Drawing document Dim oDrawDoc As Inventor.DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = invApp.ActiveDocument [code]........