AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Display Variable Value As Text On Drawing Window
Jun 14, 2013
I am writing a LISP program to generate development of surfaces. Once the entire drawing is completed, I want that the input data to be displayed on drawing window as text.
I would like to know how I can compare the value of a variable to a set string of text if the two prove to be equal perform task A if the two prove different perform task B?
I'm looking for a way to find out what all plot styles are set in drawings in a sheet set.
We are transitioning from color based pen settings to style based and would like to be able to export a log that shows the variable PSTYLEMODE for each drawing in a sheet set. I plan on using ScriptPro to run it on the full sheet set.
Civil 3D 2013 Windows 7 64-bit Xeon W3550 3.07 GHz Nvidia Quadro 4000 12.0 GB RAM
how to append I’m assuming its not write-line but append line. And also I’m having trouble recording the date variable… I keep getting error bad argument type stringp nil
; Appends usage count by DATE long variable...(setq g(open "C:/ICT/AutoCAD_Architecture_suite_2012/CUSTOM/WOOD Clones/PEN/USSAGELOG.PEN" "w"))(setq MYDATE DATE)(write-line MYDATE g); AS ABSOLUTE LAST WE NEED TO CLOSE THE TEXTFILE...(close g)
I have the following code snippet I’m trying to append the file named USAGELOG.TXT to record the date of executions
When I click on an object to retrieve it's extended data, the data keeps writing to the right, it does not return to the next line, when the text approaches the end of the screen. Very difficult to analyze information.
I was interested in finding out if it's possible to write a LISP routine that would execute a pop-up dialog box say every 30 minutes. This is strictly for ergonomic reasons to remind the user to take a pre-determined break.
I am not an expert code writer by any means, but I imagine the routine would autoload and resetting the timer to 0 upon opening a particular drawing file. The LISP routine would then run in the background and run the (alert "") command when the timer reaches 30m 0s. When the user presses the OK button, the timer resets to 0 again.
I have a situation where I have a AutoCAD table linked to a Excel table to retrieve lots of general information for a standard drawing. That works just fine. In additionally I can use the fields "formula" field name and select a cell in the AutoCAD table to pull the data from the cell to the field, and this works for table cells that are numeric, but some of the cells are text based, and for these situations AutoCAD simply gives me the #### result. Is there a way to use a field to display text data from a AutoCAD table Cell?
I have a routine that looks for an MText date stamp and replace the old date with a new date. The problem is some MText strings appear encrypted. Below is an example:
{\H1.121x;\C1; \LFY 2011-12\l \H0.6252x;04-30-11} This is what I should get when I extract the string (as shown in Property window)
(1 . "\pxi-2.1818,l4.3636,ql,t4.3636;{\fSymbol|b1|i0|c2") is what I get when I extract the group code.
I am trying to change the current TARGET variable to 0,0,0. If the variable is not changed is causes problems with plotting. I have the VBA that will change the TARGET variable. VBA works no problems. I am wanting to replicate in LISP because I do not want to have to convert to .NET and do not want to make sure the user has the VBA loded on thier system. Here is what have so far.
;;;Get active viewport (setq avp (vla-get-ActiveViewport (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) ;;;Get current TARGET variable (setq CTarget(vla-get-Target avp))
Here is the problem. Is changing or putting the vaiable.I have tried
There is a command in autocad that will get a Bounded Volume from a closed polyline and a volume surface (command "AeccReportSurfBoundedVolume"). It reports the results to the screen. How to get the "Net Volume" results in to a variable using Lisp?
Maybe a lisp routine that gets information from the text screen. That would not be ideal but I could work with that.
I've created a list and want to subtract all the values within it from another variable, and assign it to a new variable. How do I do it?
Basically, I ask for ground level (assigned to variable G1), and then any number of depths beneath that (assign to list LVLLIST), and I want to return the value of the bottom point. So it's all the values in LVLLIST added together and subtracted from G1. And assign it to a new variable BASE.
How to write some code which could create variable names like var1, var2, var3, etc. I need to do this because I have a large number to create and the actual number is variable and unknown.
Instead of manually writing a large number of line like
(setq var1 value1) (setq var2 value2) etc
I used to be able to put 1 line in a loop to create and assign a large number of variables. I remember that it involved the use of the set (not setq) and read functions.
What I was thinking of was in a loop some times I need multiple sets of similar variables but am not sure how many sets I am going to need. I would like to be able to increment the variable names each time the loop runs.
A2008. Is there a setvar, setenv, registry entry etc. that can be used to change the scale of Multileaders with annotative off to have the same effect that DIMSCALE has on Q leaders? I want to have a single scale-independent Multileader style and modify it on the fly along with DIMSCALE and LTSCALE. I'd use Qleader but UCS's do odd things to text position and orientation.
and i would want the outcome to be: variable.dwg, rather than filename.dwg. I have tried numerous different ways of doing this with command prompt and cant seem to get anything to stick. Everything that works just creates a file named "filename.dwg", which is not what i want to do.
What i need to happen is this: When "whatever" returns "value0" i need to set "value0" to the first item in list "newlist". Then when "whatever" returns "value1" i need to set "value1" to the second item. Now I can do it the long hand way, but i am trying to simplify this step, and shorten up my overall program.
How do I check, with LISP, if a System Variable is read only? In particular ANNOTATIVEDWG. This one is read/write when there are no annotative objects in a drawing, but read-only if there are.
I would like to create a lisp that does the following:
Update a titleblock attribute with a $variable.
The titleblockname is variable / not static.
The attribute is not variable / Static, DW_SCALE
The titleblock is always places on the same layer, BL$4----
The (custom)-plotscale is stored in the $var "gvpsc".
I've tried to ajust the following lisp code. But I couldn't extract the part I need.
The problem is, the code checks all the layouts and updates all the titlblocks one by one.
Truely a good code.
The only problem is, I don't have multiple layouts and I have a variable titleblock name.
Here is to code i've tried to convert to something I could use.
(defun C:UPD-DPC () (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setq blkname "DPC-STEMPEL");(getstring " Enter the name of block to update: ")) (setq att1 "DW_DATE");(strcase(getstring " Enter the name of the attribute to change: "))) (setq newatt (strcase(getstring "
I want to use it to plot different views which I will append to the command when it is called from within AutoCAD.This code will, of course, print view one.Currently my worst case is 25 views and, for that situation, I have simply repeated this code 25 times with a different function name an view number for each view. Eventually I would like to make a dialog box that would allow me to select with checkboxes (toggles) the views to print and with a button to print all.
For example, if I wanted to plot view 25, after I had loaded this lisp routine I would enter, on the command line in AutoCAD, the function name ("pp" perhaps?) followed by some variable (in this case 25, but could be any view name. ie. 01, elev, detail) and the view name would be inserted at the appropriate place.