I'm working in Civil 3D 2013 and am attempting to bring in notes and blocks from a .dwt, using DesignCenter. As soon as I drag a block into my current drawing I receive a fatal error message and Civil 3D closes. I do get the option to save a recover file.
Inserting blocks from Design Center into model space causes the fatal error: access violation message to pop up.
This never happened in 2012, and I used it from day one.
My livelihood as a 2D drafting student depends on being able to use the blocks from DesignCenter, and now all of a sudden (I've been using 2013 since the day it released with no problems at all until about a week ago) it crashes every time I try to insert a block, regardless of which method I choose to insert with (i.e. right click insert or dragging into the model space window).Â
I'm on an Alienware M17x R3 running Windows 7 Home Premium with a Quad-core intel i7 processor, 16 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GTX 560M 1.5GB graphics chip.Â
I've tried system restore, program repair, clean uninstalls, and none of it fixes the problem. It seems that once the levee broke, so to speak, the bug is there to stay. Or perhaps more accurately, it was there the entire time and it was only a matter of time before it surfaced.
In either case, I would love, after having been a guinea pig, to see a patch issued for this if possible. Not being able to use the sample dynamic blocks is hell. Barring a patch sometime soon, I'm strongly leaning towards going back to 2012, which worked like a charm.
So, I have been learning how to customize the CUI. I have gotten as far as adding and arranging commands on the existing panels. Next, I added a new panel and added commands to the new panel. Then I dragged and dropped it onto the Home tab. But no new panel. I seem to have missed a step in getting the new panel recognized as being on the Home tab.
So, once you have created a new panel, is there a command in the CUI to activate the new panel?
I have lost my "Home Tab" at the top of my screen and cannot get it back up. the tab that offers the Home, Insert, Annotate, Render, View, Manage, etc.
I have gone through the suggested "restore the default home view" and nothing happens.
When I click on geometry to see what layer it is on, it will not show in the layer box after it is selected, How do I solve this without having quick properties on?
I want to know how the text which is created in an IDW is stored. Moreover I want to know if this can be extracted, accessed or modified externally? Maybe there is some way with the API?Â
Any way to translate the language of a drawing without having to be a CAD user.Â
My perfect scenario would be that the IDW's in a Vault environment could be copied and the text translated as part of the process.Â
I've checked everywhere else for a solution but none apply to me it seems. My keyboard shortcut for returning to the home isometric view (F6) is not working. F3, F4, & F5 all work fine. I've tried returning the cursor focus back to the model window and that doesn't work. I also made sure the shortcut is actually listed in the Customize menu, I even reset all to default in case something was changed.
I installed ACA 2011 on 6 computers. 5 of the 6 had aca 2008 and XP on them. The 6th was a new computer with windows 7 on it. We notice that the build panel on the Home tab is not there. How do I get it there?
i can't find where to tell inventor to not switch back to the home view after finish a sketch edit. sometimes it is handy but often it is nice to see the part update after doing some sketch editing rather then the home view spinning the part away. i think we are capable of hitting F6 ourself if we wanted that view.
i have found that inventor 2011 will always do this when you are looking square onto the sketch and then finish the sketch . am i right to say that this is only a 2011 thing? i cannot recall previously this happened. i am finding that i am always finishing my sketch and having to hit F5 after inventor swings away to home view.
My AutoCAD Architecture 2012 system was acting funny so I reset it and lost my build panel under the home tab. I tried to right click and select it in the tool bar but it was no longer there. How do I get this tab back?Â
I'm trying to retrieve a Camera Object for the "Home View", without setting the view to Home.
I use the "UserInteractionDisabled=true" in a addin to make sure the user doesn't mess with the inventor while my addin is doing some time consuming work.
When documents are open in this mode, the view is set to front. The only way I have found to get the camera for Home View, is to use the GoHome method on the ActiveView, but this is slow since it is running an animation...
Roughly im doing the following: Â Inventor.UserInterfaceManager.UserInteractionDisabled = true;Document invDoc = Inventor.Documents.Open("c:\somefile.ipt");View v = invDoc.Views[1];v.GoHome(); //would like to not do this, it is animatingCamera cam = v.Camera;//cam.ViewOrientationType = ViewOrientationTypeEnum.kDefaultViewOrientation; //<- this will fail.. Point eye = cam.Eye; Vector up = cam.UpVector.AsVector();Point target = cam.Target; Â Is it possible to get the Camera object for Home with "going" home?
I'd like to locate the PROPERTIES button in the Home Panel instead of, or in addition to, the View Panel. When I go into CUI, it won't let me move/copy it.
I want to insert a stored block into a drawing (model space). Â Below is the code I'm using and I getÂ
Runtime Error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument.Â
Sub Dummy() Dim COESTD_obj As AcadBlockReference, InsPtStd(0 To 2) As Long, COESTD As String COESTD = "C:JimHYDROCAD_DwgsBlocksZ_COE_STDS.dwg" InsPtStd(0) = 0#: InsPtStd(1) = 0#: InsPtStd(2) = 0# 'Set insertion point as 0,0,0 Set COESTD_obj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(InsPtStd, COESTD, 1#, 1#, 1#, 0#) End Sub
I have linked my drawing to a database with text inside a closed polyline. Is there a way to have the area of the closed polyline stored in the database as a live area. Â
I am using the volumes dashboard extension in Civil3d 2012. Where the style sheet for displaying the report is stored? I want to modify to be a bit nicer!
What I need is a trigger saved within a drawing dwg file which if found will launch a lisp to run if the trigger is not present in the dwg the lisp will not run.
If memory serves me correctly the trigger was managed by creating a unique table search item saved in the actual dwg file. A start-up lisp would then search for it and if found it would run the lisp if not it would simply continue as if nothing happened.
Where is the configuration for the Default Template Measurement units stored? Have tried creating an application options file, but on the clients this setting is not read/stored (still set to inches after import).
Is this setting stored in the registry? Where?
...and why does Inventor default to a non metric measurement unit?
I am trying to add windows to the home I am designing. The glass should be in the middle of the wall cavity, but I don't know how to put it there. I have added windows from the "Fixed.rfa" family, but I can't get the glass to be in the center of the wall.
The image above is the window as it has currently been placed with the glass on the exterior (not middle).
My home computer hard drive crashed, so I can't deactivate the copy of CS2 that was installed on it. Since I still need the original CS2 on my work computer, how can I reactivate the copy of CS2 on my home computer?
Photo Deluxe Home Edition 4.0 - This program will no longer boot up on my computer. Worked fine until I connected my PC to the internet. Occasionally I get a message about launching 16 bit plugins.
I'm trying to make a DVD that shows different products video's. It's for in our shop, so people can see the products on a screen.
I have downloaded the Trial version of Corel VideoStudio 6, because this should have options to make a good menu. I've followed the following steps:
1. Create a New DVD.
2. Imported the different video's from the different products (it are just short video's). It's Step 1 in the DVD creation menu.
3. Went to NEXT, where I hade the options to make choose and edit a menu. I've changed it a bit with my own background and some other things and it looks great. I have 12 pages now.
But now I'm stuck. I've tried to find out via youtube video's and internet, but I'm not sure if this is possible:I would like to have a main menu that shows up when the DVD is played. On this menu I would like to have 2 options;
1. Play all scènes, so all the scenes will be played after each other.
2. Select a scene, where you can just choose the scene you would like to see and afther that scene you have to choose another one (so it doesn't play further automatically).
Our home network is a Vista PC with an Epson 2880 printer attached to the Vista PC. My wife's XP PC connects through our simple network and prints on the Epson printed by going through my computer. Simple set up, no problems. We both use CS4, set so CS4 manages color, correct Epson paper profile, printer color management off, all the correct settings. Both our monitors are color corrected with Spyder3. When she prints from her computer every picture has a magenta cast. Even more strange is when I copy the same picture onto my PC and open it in my copy of CS4 the picture looks normal but CS4 will not print it. CS4 says I do not have a printer attached. I can open any other picture in the same CS4 session and print with no problems. Every time I try to print a picture that she printed CS4 says there is no printer. This occurs even when I have copied the picture onto my computer and opened it on my computer. I have tried renaming the picture and even changing the format to TIFF or JPEG but CS4 still refuses to print it. I can open a new blank document and use the move tool to move the picture onto the blank document, At this point I can print from CS4 normally AND the picture will not have any color cast?
I would like to set up an inexpensive Color Management workflow for my home.
My scanner is Microtek 4800.
Monitor is a Dell M992 hooked up to a Dell XPS w/ Windows XP Pro.
The printer is an Epson Stylus PHOTO 925.
My main goal is to refurbish/repair damaged photos/images.
For example, I would like to take an old picture, scan it, retouch and repair it using Photoshop CS, then print it to Photo-quality paper on my Epson.
It seems most calibration tools are expensive.
using Adobe Gamma to calibrate my Monitor. Do I really need to calibrate or profile my scanner and printer? Or can I merely use my scanner w/ no presets, adjust the image in PS, then set my printer driver to "do not color manage"?
is there a way to calibrate/profile my system that is not too expensive?
I did a complete uninstall of GIMP 2.6. Then a complete install of GIMP 2.8. No errors during installation. When I run GIMP, Windows draws a window frame with the title "GIMP Startup" but the inside of the window remains unpainted (whatever was behind it remains visible). This window frame exists for maybe one second and then closes. I have waited a long time but nothing continues. Task Manager confirms that no application is running. I uninstalled, downloaded again, reinstalled (even just a "compact" installation), but same thing.
System Info: Windows XP Home SP3, up to date 2 GB RAM Paging file initial 3058 MB, max 6116 MB