AutoCAD LT :: Unable To Insert Hatch Into Window 7
May 5, 2012Unable to find the application data or support files within Windows 7 to insert a hatch .pat file for Autocad 2011 -
View 1 RepliesUnable to find the application data or support files within Windows 7 to insert a hatch .pat file for Autocad 2011 -
View 1 RepliesI want to add new hatch patterns but I don't know where to go to add them.
View 5 Replies View RelatedInstead of a window popping up with the hatch settings, I just get the following in the command prompt:
Pick internal point or [Select objects/settings}:
what might be causing this?
How i can open Autocad Insert window using .net code using API.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I get the large Hatchwindow /Dialogbox as standard? I mean, without rightclick - settings.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsing .Net code
How i can i set the value for Path field of "Insert" window.
OS: Windows 7 Pro
CPU: AMD FX-8350 @4.2ghz
GPU: Nvidia Quadro K4000
Monitors: Dual Asus 24" 1920x1080
Memory: 16gb
GPU Control Panel: Nvidia Version 331.65 for Quadro K4000
Autodesk Platform: Product Design Suite 2014
When I section a view and edit the hatches, the 'Edit Hatch Pattern' window always opens off-screen. I have changed the settings in the GPU control panel to have everything open on the last window, but this window will not abide. I move the window to the Inventor window (monitor 2), but it will re-open back to monitor 1 in the exact same position every time.
The 'Edit Hatch Pattern' window seems to be the only window that does this in Inventor. Attached is a screen cap of the issue. The window opens in the same place each time.
OS: Windows 7 Pro
CPU: AMD FX-8350 @4.2ghz
GPU: Nvidia Quadro K4000
Monitors: Dual Asus 24" 1920x1080
Memory: 16gb
GPU Control Panel: Nvidia Version 331.65 for Quadro K4000
Autodesk Platform: Product Design Suite 2014
How to hatch this pool deck with sun chairs (blocks)? I have included an attachment ...
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've got some troubles to add some hatchs in a 3D solid, or a 3d face etc, in autocad windows, without .net addon.
I can add a hatch, but the hatch is on a plane at the bottom of the solid, but not around the solid.
Is there any ways to do this programmatically?
every time I try to hatch it come up with ‘Unable to hatch the boundary’ and it does this with all hatches except the SOLID hatch, why this is!
View 5 Replies View Relatedim unable to hatch a simple rectangle i found in one of my drawings. uploaded is a problematic portion. i filleted edges but to no avail
I need to be able to snap som lines etc to some hatches. I have set Options - Drafting and unchecked "Ignore hatch objects" and OSNAPHACTH: 1 and it still doesnt snap.
View 9 Replies View RelatedThis is a problem I've had on 7 pc's:
All of the pc's are I7's 8gig Windows 7
The problem is, while making a sketch and trying to hatch it, it's locks up the system. Completely using up all of the resources to the point I have to unplug the pc/hot boot it.
This has been happening on both Inventor 2012 and 2011. (doesn't matter which version of Inventor .. Suite/Prof, Ultimate etc)
I'm thinking it has to be a Windows update that is messing it up, as it worked in the past.
Work ~ Inventor Ultimate 2013 SP1.1
Win 7 64bit ~ i7 20gb
Nvidia Quadro FX 1700
Home ~ Inventor Ultimate 2013 SP1.1
Win 7 64bit i7 - 16gb
Nividia GeForce 9800 GT 1GB
240g Kingston HyperX SSD
I am wanting to either render of hatch some linework. I'm wanting to make the ring red around the outside and grey on the inside ideally.
When I try this though,it keeps prompting me that the object isn't one the same plane, or something along those lines.
I've attached the drawing file I am talking about, and its 2013 format.
I successfully created multiple hatch regions in a sketch on a section view in a drawing. I want to change or delete one of the hatch regions, but am unsuccessful. I clicked on Fill/Hatch Region and then selected the region that already has a hatch defined, but the dialog box does not show that these is a hatch defined.
If I click the hatch button it creates another hatch over the top of the current one and does not allow the current one to be deleted or changed. Of the four regions in my sketch, one works and the other three do not.
I am having a right torrid time with this drawing first of all the seat numbers (see previous post!!) and now I can't insert a block!!
I select insert block and the dialogue box comes up - I then pick the block that I want and I check the insertion point box to specify on screen but uncheck the scale specify on screen and set it to 1.0 which is the same as the block unit, I then click ok and select a point on the drawing where I would like the block to go by clicking my left mouse button and nothing happens!
I have tried upping the scale of the block but this still does not work!
I am using AutoCAD CIvil 3D 2011. Just recently, I am unable to insert images. Whether I use the insert command from the menu or type in the command, the program freezes at that point until I hit escape. Now I can't work! Image manager works and insert block works. Is there a different command I can try for inserting a raster image?
I haven't made any changes to my computer, no upgrades since the last time the command worked (that I can remember) - I tried a system restore but that didn't work.
Cannot insert any window in this wall (its 140mm blockwork single skin trimmed to the roof above) and tried different window families. Yet I can cut an opening and also insert any door.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI could not move or copy the hatch,it seems like locked. The dxf drawing was exported from CSC OrionR18.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been using Autocad 2007 for the past 5 months without these issues, then I had to create a new account on my computer at work and now EVERY time I create a hatch it turns into this dead mass. Yes, I've tried creating an associative hatch, and no, I can't edit them either.
View 9 Replies View Related Last week I could import xml files just fine. Now when I go to import a xml I get
"_AeccLandXMLIn Unknown command "AECCLANDXMLIN". Press F1 for help."
I've got a problem with inserting MText into drawings.
The code below works perfectly in new file (AutoCAD 2012 and in some files, but in some other files the MText field just doesn't show.
There's no exception thrown, no error messages, debugging shows everything is OK. what's the difference between those files which I can't insert MText into and those, which I can?
The test
[CommandMethod("WTEST3")]public void wtest3(){ acApp.Document doc = acApp.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database db = doc.Database; Editor ed = doc.Editor; PromptPointOptions getPointOptions = new PromptPointOptions("Click the point for MText"); PromptPointResult
I am unable to fill objects with any sort of hatch in my current drawing. Other drawings are fine, but in this one, nothing will hatch, either form the tool palettes option or from the hatch menu.
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View 10 Replies View RelatedI can't find my Command Line Window. It somehow became undocked and is no where to be found on my screen. It does not appear to be floating anywhere. I've gone through all my display settings; however it says that it should be there and show 3 lines of commands.
View 9 Replies View RelatedCivil 3D 2013/ When I try to move or un-dock the command line window, a red circle with a line through it appears.
When I switch work spaces still the same result.
I'm attaching data to objects (attached data) and I'm unable to get the table option to open in a new window. I tried Field and the value is already set to 1. I'm using Map 3D 2012 .
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have curved underbelly of a massive stair. In order to draw the the detail, I would like to pick this curved line of the underbelly to make a hatch but unable to. Is there a way around this or is this just something I have to work around?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am unable to insert a MP4 file from a GO PRO HD camera into the timeline.
i get a " file format mismatch" error message
I have read several posts relating to VS10 & other versions, but not VS11+
i tried changing the file extension to .MPEG-4 but this did not work
file size is aprox 1.7Mb
V 11.5.0157.2 Plus
Extra Content Pack
Power Pack
VS11 Patch Eng 122507-03
I have a brand new machine with Iintel i7 windows 7 and 8mg ram, just bought VSX5 pro ultimate.
When I try to import "insert" audio file (mp3) I get back an error "file format mismatch" and so I am unable to insert it to the movie.