AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Unable To UN-dock Or Move Command Line Window
Oct 23, 2012Civil 3D 2013/ When I try to move or un-dock the command line window, a red circle with a line through it appears.
When I switch work spaces still the same result.
Civil 3D 2013/ When I try to move or un-dock the command line window, a red circle with a line through it appears.
When I switch work spaces still the same result.
The command line window moved from the default location at the bottom of the screen to a floating position while I was working on a drawing yesterday. I don't know what I did but can't move or resize to get it back down to the bottom where it belongs. I can get it to dock to the left and right or float but nothing else. It doesn't behave like the the other palettes n that I can't seem to drag it anywhere.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI can't find my Command Line Window. It somehow became undocked and is no where to be found on my screen. It does not appear to be floating anywhere. I've gone through all my display settings; however it says that it should be there and show 3 lines of commands.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAn example is when I'm drawing a box, line etc and attempt to type "@5,-5", AutoCAD somehow jumps to a window on the side and if I don't notice will restore the window I'm working in and not complete the command I typed ("@5,-5" in this case). If I do notice in time, then I have to pres ESC about 3-4 times, which will then have me back on the command line with the text "@5,-" already typed (as if that was were I paused while typing??). The attached picture shows the dialog box on the top left, and the command line as if I've only typed "@", when after pressing ESC as mentioned the full "@5,-" text becomes visible on the command line?
Also, as a note: I've already ruled out that I'm pressing other keys that could possibly cause this...
I'm running AutoCAD (Mechanical) 2011
Currently using civils 3D. MY command line/toolbar has for some unknown reason shrunk to 2 inches in length.
When I try to resize it, there is no way to reposition it, resize it, or alter it in any way.
I am new to AutoCad 2013 from 2000. When I try to move my command line, because it's in the way, I get a fatal exception error.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy command bar will not dock down at the bottom like the old style autocad (I don't care for the new semi transparent deal as its always in the way). I can dock the command bar but the next time I open the drawing or autocad for that matter it is back floating again?
View 1 Replies View RelatedRE: Autocad LT not able to move an entity along a line a specific distance using cursor snap and dynamic input
What I want to do is move a line on an angle a certain distance in the direction of the line itself in this case 20mm
What used to happen is you'd simply select move and an endpoint on the line then hover over the mid or opposite endpoint of the line and enter 20 and it would move 20mm along the trajectory of the line.
The same set of actions now only seem to allow you to move the entity 100mm (the default value) along itself in the correct direction. If you enter 20 it does not move and if you enter 50 it moves 100!
it does not showing command window in civil in 3D 2011 after installing first time.How can i get it?
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow to move the window around with the arrow keys and I just can't find it. A little box popped up in the upper left hand corner that allowed you to move the drawing window around to find a hidden dialog box.
In 2013 Civil 3d I am having the issue that when I select the Add/ Delete scales the cursor changes to an arrow and the program waits. If i hit the exscape key it goes back to normal. My best guess is the dialog box is popping up behind the drafting window.
Civil 3D 2013
HP Z400 Workstation
6GB of RAM
ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL)
Win 7 Home Professional
The options window will not display when typing "options" in the command line or selecting from the drop down. The options menu has to be hidden somewhere because AutoCad will not allow any other commands after typing options until I hit escape. I have tried restarting CAD and rebooting my computer with not luck.
View 9 Replies View RelatedOn a new transparent layer, I have drawn a straight line with the pencil tool. I select the Box Selection tool to select the whole line that I just drawn. I switch to the Move tool and made sure to move just the selection.
At this point, I would think that I would be able to move the line but only the box that is shown by the Box Selection tool moves. The line doesn't move at all. However, when I tell the Move tool to move the selected layer, the whole canvas moves, including the line. Why can't I just select just the line and move it?
I am currently running AutoCAD 2012 and have lost the capabilities to dock my Layer Properties Manager.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy layers dock has gone missing. According to the list in my 'Windows' tab, it claims to be open. I have looked all over the screen. I have switched on and off again etc. I have even deliberately thrown other docks off the screen to see if they come back to normal screen area if I close and reopen Gimp- and they do. so it isn't lost off screen.
I have unistalled and re-insalled and it has not come back.
1. Go to Windows>recently closed docks - Mine says 'empty'
2. File>create docks - I don't have this option- mine choices are 'new', 'create', 'open', 'open as layers', ''open location', 'open recent'... then a few which pertain to having an image open that you're working on... then 'quit'.
3. I went to Youtube and the tutorials on how to make your Gimp like Photoshop and how to get back closed windows also haven't worked.
I'm on Gimp 2.6.
When I open Illustrator CS6 on my Mac/10.7, there are two toolbars locked up top, which is fine. I want to dock my illustrator window to those like I can in InDesign. How do I do that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCivil3D - have surface from contours (plines), breaklines, etc. Have been able to edit TIN to add points or move them in the past (I think). Recently, I can't add or move points through the TIN edit. I'm guessing something I changed (maybe recent update), variable, etc
View 9 Replies View RelatedI could do this in earlier versions, but it doesn't seem to work in Photoshop CS-6. How do U reposition a floating dock in CS6 so it is anchored to the upper right edge of the window?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a pipe network, all the structures and pipes are connected properly. When I use the grip to move my structure, it will not move. I have to move both pipes then the manhole to relocate my structure. Shouldn't I be able to move the manhole and the pipes come with it? Instead I am having to make 3 grip edits and then reconnect the structures and pipes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the command line in the upper left corner as a floating window which auto hides. Its not clickable, dragable, nothing. If i reduce the C3D window it is still locked to the top left corner of the screen on top of the windows desktop.
COMMANDLINEHIDE doesn´t refresh the situation. I just want my commandline back on the bottom.
My command line is partially off the screen as shown in the attachments below. It started doing this after a reboot this morning. I can't drag it, select it, or find a way to move it in any way. I tried changing the resolution of my monitor thinking it might "bump" it back on the screen. I'm probably missing something easy but I can't seem to make any difference.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have made some changes to the CUII (URL....) and now when starting Civil 3D the command line stops. Hitting <Enter> bring the command line back to the "Type a command" prompt.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan you set the Command Line to Auto-Hide? I know I can set the transparency down to 10%, but Auto-Hide would be better.
HP DV7 Laptop
Intel Core i7-3820QM 3rd Generation Quad Core 2.7 GHZ CPU
16 GB DDR3 RAM ( 2 DIMM ) / 180 GB SSD
Nvidia GeForce 650M Graphics w/2 GB Memory
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit / AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014
It happens during many different commands. The command itself doesn't seem to affect this problem. It doesn't always happen, but every so often, as I'm in the middle of a command, when I scroll past a contour line the program freezes. Sometimes it comes back to life after a few seconds of thinking, but sometimes it just sits there non-responsive forever.
Possible ideas:
-Contour Labels set to "Mask Contour Line Only"
-Dynamic Inputs on
-Selection Preview is on (but it's disabled for "When a command is active")
-Surface is shortcutted into the drawing
-Contours are from an XREF
Civil 3D 2013
64-bit HP Desktop - HP Z420
Intel Xeon CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60 GHz
AMD Radeon HD 6570
Windows 7 SP1
I have been having the following happen in a number of my drawings for the last two weeks. Whenever I wblock anything, I get the follwing characters added to the message:
Command: w WBLOCK 1 found
桰皺Couldn't find the message 4 in msg database 49
Couldn't find the message 3 in msg database 49
It doesn't seem to affect anything in the wblocked drawing or in the original drawing.
Civil 3d 2011 or 2012
Quad Core Intel
Windows 7 x64
I keep my command line docked, but as I type a command as an example "LINE" it displays my typing where
my cross hairs are. I want it to display at the docked command line not at my crosshair location
Since last week (4-19-2012) Our users have been expierencing cursor issues and freezes with Civil 3d 2012. Entering commands in the command line very slugish, pressing the shift key to select / de-select, trim, open osnap menu, ext.
We are running Win7pro6d bit quad core machines with 6gb ram, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL), Intel Xeon ES640 (2.67 ghz). AutoCAD Civil 3D(SP2) and all hotfixes installed.
This problem just started one week ago and It started with the cursor jumping all over the place when crossing objects. However; we now have very sluggish command line entry, 2 - 3 seconds after typing till it shows up, and cursors freezing when pressing the shift key for any reason.
I press CTRL+9 to make the Command Line disappear while drawing. When I plot (or when doing a plot preview) , the Command Line appears again by itself. So I always have to turn the Command Line off manually after each plot
The bug still happens;
- if Dynamic Input is turned off or on
- if I plot to a real device or in PDF
- if the Cammand Line Palette i docked or floating.
This is not an issue in AutoCAD 2012 so I guess it has to do with the new way they programmed the revamped Command Line palette in 2013.
Using Windows7
When I draw a square and then a line attached to the square and then try to move the line the line the square move with it. How can i avoid that
View 1 Replies View Relatedwithout reiterating a lot of what is said in this thread: [URL] ......
This happen outside the potential malware infection?
if you care to not click-through, the problem is that certain commands (not all of them) simply do not disply in the command line. so the MOVE command for example looks like this:
Command: _move
Select objects:
Select objects:
same with QSAVE and who knows how many others.
line command is a multiple command. there is a way to execute it like a single command?
View 4 Replies View Relatedif I select a line, then enter the move command, the line unselects also when I select a line, then hit delete, the line is still there both of these used to work
2013 Civil 3D