AutoCAD Inventor :: View Lighting Setting And Duration Of Tag Show Up?
Oct 15, 2011
The acquaintance with new 2012 Inventor gave several tiny but annoying problems.
The lighting settings is not so good as 2011 and requires alterations. The View - Lighting setting is always turns to Two Light instead of desired Default. The question is how to permanently set it to desired setting in ALL project? When I create the new lighting style it is visible only in that file. How to make it visible and set by default in other files? [URL]
New 2012 has option of showing the name of part or assembly while cursor stops hovering over the object. Is it any time setting of duration of that option? It is quite annoying waiting for turning off or shutting down unwanted show up. It also either work or not work at all.
when you have an view in shaded mode, there is automatically some lighting from the rightside. This gives the model/view some shadow look ( white turns into light gray by example).
The lightning style in the assembly/part environment has no influence on the shaded view.
After upgrading to Inventor 2014 we notice that the graphics do not work properly, and that the overall performance in drawings and modelling bad compared to 2013. Then we installed SP1 and now drawing views are disappearing, however when we select "shaded" view the view reappears and works perfectly..
How about setting parameters so these four columns show in a boom: Width ft., Width in., Length ft., Length in. Also, how about getting the bom to show surface square footage for coating purposes?
I have been looking around but have not been able to find examples of how (If I can) set the model views via iLogic.
What I am trying to do is to have the view change from "Master" to the view I have created for each part, so when I go to create drawing all I have to select the right view and the part changes to match view.
Is there any way to stop the flipping of the solid/sketch view from iso to normal?
its annoying to make changes to a sketch and constantly have to re orient the part after finishing a sketch, I dont want the solid model to return to iso view after sketching, is there a setting for this?
I am working on an electrical plan and am having some issues setting the elevations on the lighting blocks that I inserted into the drawing. When I select all the lights at once to set the elevation (or Position Z, as there is no elevation option) to 14', they all go to different heights. I need them all to go to 14', which is the ceiling height. The lights that are recessed need to have the bottom at 14' and the lights that hang need to have the top at 14'.
Is it possible to have the origin (or workpoints, planes, axis) of each view to show up when a IDW is exported to a DWG? They show in the IDW but not in the DWG.
Under the view cube, in part files, there must be a short ribbon with 3 or 4 view orientation buttons: the navigation bar.It disappeared, how to bring it back?
when open an assembly not all parts are shown. To be able to see entire assymbly need to change View representation to Master manually. How to achieve this in Ilogic?
When you have a part with a thread feature, the default setting should show the thread feature in the drawing view...rather than making the user right click the view and select "Display Thread Feature". I don't understand why this doesn't show up in the drawing is, after all, a feature on the part.
I'm creating 3D architectural models; primarily interior views. I use the ANIPATH command quite frequently and I'm good there.
However, I have not been able to render a still camera view that shows the lighting and resultant shadows. Whenever I attempt to render a still from a particular camera; I set it to realistic. It shows the 3D objects with materials; however not the lighting.
I've been using ACAD for about 15 years now, and consider my skill level upper-intermediate.
So far, the only successful still renderings I've been able to do are those directly associated with the typical ortho views: i.e., NE, NW, SE, SW, front, back, etc. But no avail on rendering from the camera point of view.
I have a 3d object located in model space and have opened up a view port in paper space to view the object. Now I have set up everything as I want this includes several other view ports not showing the 3d object. my problem is that I can use the hide command in the view port containing the 3d object and get the image I want. However switching tabs or doing just about anything causes the 3d object in the view port to revert back to wire frame. Is there a way to lock just the one view port with hide mode on without effecting the rest of the view ports?
I have code that has the user select a viewport. I then need to set the selected viewport to an existing view, but I cannot find any exampes of this.
I have the viewport, but how do I get the ViewPortTable/ViewPortTableRecord from it?
Do I need to set the view in the ViewPortTableRecord od the ViewTableRecord?
No problems to this point...
'Code snipIf acPrmpt_res.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then Dim acVPort As Viewport = Nothing Dim acViewTbl As ViewTable Dim acViewTblrec As ViewTableRecord [Code] ........
I am just starting out in Civil 3D and we are using the 2011 version. Anyway I have created cross sections along the centerline of a profile. How do I get the elevations and offsets to show up without digits to the right of the decimal, in other words to the nearest foot (ie. 3820.00 = 3820, 50.00 = 50)?
I am looking to see if I missed a setting somewhere. I have hunted extensively, but the ability to set a view to a specific layer seems to be unavailable. What I woudl liek to be able to do is define the layer that the viewport is inserted on when I bring a view into a sheet using the sheetset manager. I love this system, but it does slow me down in that regard. If there is a setting or preference that I can switch to make that happen or am I going to have to write something to do it for me.
I am working on 3d model of interior and I have two problems. I am trying to made similar model as it is on the first image.
After setting all render properties and turning on sky and illuminations my view on object switch from isometric to perspective view.
Is there any way to change it to isometric view so the point of view do not change position at the time of changing, because I find out the way to return it to isometric but then the point of view that was placed inside of room is moved outside and I can't render object that was inside.
Also I can't set white background as it is on the first image. Second image is my attempt that is made inside of the room.
I received specific menu choices for Color Settings from a commercial printer I use. I went to Edit<Color Settings and saved them as a .csf file in User/Library/Applications Support/Adobe/Color/Settings. I named the .csf file after the printer. When I go back into Edit<Color Settings and open the Settings menu I am able to choose the settings I saved from the list of settings. Now I open an image in PhotoShop and go to Edit<Convert to Profile.
In the dialog box I open the Profile menu, but the settings I saved in Edit<Color Setting are not one of the Profile choices. Am I confusing Setting and Profiles? How do I Convert an image file to the setting given me by the printer? I also wanted to proof as per the printer's settings. When I go to View<Proof setup<Custom I can choose Working CMYK Web Coated SWOP 2006 Grade 3 Paper, which is generally the profile this printer is using. But I can't choice my specific color settings saved under the printer's that I previously saved in Edit<Color Settings. In the Proof Setup dialog box when I press the load button I can navigate to the Settings folder where my .csf file is saved, but it is greyed-out so I can't choose it.
When a new blank file is created at given dimensions ( say 6 x 4 inches) the actual dimensions on screen and the ruler appear approx. 1.333 times smaller than the actual size ( 4.5 x 3 inches ) .How can I correct this?
I am a PC user and have just bought myself a new Macbook pro. I am stucked with the first hurdle, the moment I launched the AI program the middle is empty with only top and side panels. This panel setting is something very odd to me and coming from PC I never had problem changing panel settings. I spent 4 hours including googling this forum and deleted old preferences three times, no luck. How do I toggle between panel viewing options?