IV11, IDW.Is there a way to Disable Midpoint snapping while Dimensioning?It seems to get in the way a lot.A lot of the Lines i have to dimension are small and it's Always trying to dimension to the Midpoints of them rather than end points.Not a bad concept.. just in my case it really gets in the way..So just wondering if there is a setting somewhere to turn it off?
I'm new to working with dynamic blocks, using AutoCAD 2007. I have a base cabinet elevation block and want to have it so that when I change the height the door swing line stays at the midpoint of the door.
We recently had a draftsman that drew with snap on (he no longer works here), and now all the drawings he worked on have this setting turned on. I thought it would be as simple as opening up the drawings and either hitting F9 or clicking on the toggle to turn off snap. That doesn't seem to be the case. Snap mode seems to be tied to individual sheets, and every viewport. I have multiple sheets in a drawing and each sheet has multiple viewports. The last thing I want to do is open every drawing, click in every viewport on every sheet to turn off snap.
I have snapmode set to 0, but it will only turn it of in whatever sheet or viewport is active. I have to write a lisp routine that will go through every viewport on every sheet to set snapmode to 0?
I'm having quite a bit of trouble with achieving a desired effect with CC Page Turn
I'm attempting to make it look as if an open books page is being turned with the centre of the book acting as the Page Turns limit.
When I pull the fold position out fully the page lands way out, I've toyed around with the layers anchor point, and adjusting keyframes of CC Page Turn halfway but no success.
I've included a quick gif to indicate where all is going wrong. I basically want the page to land flush on the left side
Im trying to dimension the midpoints of a series vertical beams thats perpendicular to the x axis. How to dimension the midpoint of one beam to the midpoint of another beam?
Normally i just select dimlinear and then ctl + right click "mid between 2 points", but this way just seems time consuming when you have a series of them to do, is there a better way to dimension a series of beams from one midpoint to another midpoint?
Snap commands in X6? I can not get the snap to grid to turn off. The button is off and the setting is set to off in options. Objects seem to snap all over not just to the grid. And the grid snap seems to be out of alignment-I cant seem to get objects to snap exactly to the grid.
The same files reopened in X5 are fine. This started with yesterdays install of 6.2. leaving X2 completely unusable.
I often draw over topography lines and use them for reference but I don't want to snap to them. Is there any way to view an object and turn off snapping only for that specific object or layer? For instance, can you make frozen layers visible somehow so they can be viewed, but not snapped to? Or is there another way to accomplish this?
However, I can't see how to do the same operation to find the midpoint of a SketchArc. The interface of course has a selection filter for this so I assume the API can do the same?
Setting that will turn on snap all of the time instead of just when a command is active. You can't even tell that snap is on unless certain commands are active. The cursors doesn't snap on the BREAK command thus I can't use a two point break with any accuracy because the cursor doesn't snap until after the object is selected.
I need snap ALL THE TIME not just when certain commands are active.
I need to define a mate constraint with a workplane as EntityOne and a midpoint from an Edge as EntityTwo.
API-Help tells me valid objects are planar faces, linear edges, vertices, cylindrical faces, conical faces, spherical faces, revolved faces, work planes, work axes, and work points.
The Edge object gives me StartVertex and StopVertex, but what about the midpoint?
Is there away to turn off "Snap to Grid"? You find it under View - Perspective Grid - Snap to Grid. I can turn it off by clicking on it to turn off but it won't stay turned off. I tired to go into my preferences to see if you can keep it off in your setting but I do not see it. A lot of discussion boards talk about in the Transform window "Align new objects to pixel grid" and that is turned off.
Working with web icons, and I can not get some things to line up with each other. Either to the left or to the right. I've shut off snap to pixel grid in transform palette.
I guess I created a file with Snap to Pixel Grid turned on.Can't figure out how to turn this off.Created a new file without Pixel Grid Snap enabled and pasted the art into it...still had trouble with aligning points correctly. how to turn off Snap To Pixel Grid?
Object Snap.jpg I want to pick the point where the circle hits the edge of the box but there seems to be no Intersection there. But they are on the same plane!
I can't snap to a midpoint in a line. For example, If I draw a line 10" long, I can't draw a line from the center of that line. It used to give me an auto snap option to go to, but now it only allows me to snap to the ends of that line.
Say you have a square and you want to draw a line from the midpoint of one side to the other, can you set something so that it tells you when you are exactly on the midpoint of a line?
Is there a command out there that allows you to mirror objects from an apparent midpoint from like an otrack without physically drawing a line then having to erase it later? I thought there was a way to do it, but my memory is failing me.
on my work pc i'm missing two features i used to have:
- Firstly, when i click a PL i can't see the midpoint of the line, and can't drag the line like i used to. I tried to change GRIPS, but can only choose between 0 and 1 when choosing grips. 0 being nothing visible, 1 being visible endpoints of the polylines. 2 is NOT valid options that i can choose.
- I can't add a new vertex. I think the way i used to do it was to hover over the midpoint and it would suggest if i wanted to add a new vertex. If this is the case, it's obvious that if i get problem 1 fixed, problem 2 will solve itself.
I'm electrical and have my own display set oddly enough named "electrical". When I set the display to "electrical" I can't osnap to endpoint or midpoint of smart walls in the background (nearest works fine). When I change the display to something else, generally it works.
I have a particularly bad habiit of wanting to dimension my parts off the datum planes. I even like to center most of my parts off the datums for placing them in assemblies. However to do this every time I start a sketch I have to show the datums and them Project Geometry after selecting the datums in the sketch. Is there a selection in the options to make the datums ALWAYS projected? Having to set them for EVERY sketch has become tedious. I have the settings set as follows. I am using 2012.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1 Vault 2013- plain vanilla version HP G71 notebook celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system Win 7 home premium
Since switching over to Inventor 2012 I have been having trouble snapping to tangent points on a curve or circle to pull dimensions. I would do it manually but if the dimension is not referencing a specific point in the model it turns pink to identify an error.
Is there a setting that may be not allowing me to snap to tangent points?
I have a sketch on plane XY and I have another plane at an angle, which I would like to work on. How can I create a sketch on the angled plane, using the geometry from the XY sketch and which I can snap to?
I'm working on a project in wikiHelp under Inventor tutorials, Content Center, Create iMates. When I pull the object up in an assembly I can create an iMate and it will show that I made one. But when i go to the next page (Place Content Manually Using iMates), I can't get the bolt to snap to the iMate inside the object, the bolt just stays in one position the whole time.
When working in the drawing environment it is easy to accidantially snap the dimension to a thread symbol (the arc around the hole), instead of the actual hole.
I don't think need dimensions to snap to these symbols.