Since switching over to Inventor 2012 I have been having trouble snapping to tangent points on a curve or circle to pull dimensions. I would do it manually but if the dimension is not referencing a specific point in the model it turns pink to identify an error.
Is there a setting that may be not allowing me to snap to tangent points?
i want to snap this line to where it would be at a tangent to the arc (as right), but as you see (left) when i hover with TAN snap it picks a tangent from the pick point, not from object's orientation.
at the moment i construct a tangent by rotating a copy of my line by 90°, and snapping it to centre of the arc. then extend out past arc, where the intersection is now the point i originally wanted to pick. make sense? gotta be a better way!
how to get AutoCad 2004 to snap to an IsoCircle tangent correctly without having to do it twice? Hope I've explained that correctly. If I try to join two IsoCircles with a line AutoCad doesn't pick the correct tangent straight away, but if you carry on and create the line anyway, then delete it and create it again it works.
I must not be the only one required to produce 2d dwg's for work.
I'm using INV 2009 and our vendor swears up and down in 2012 every thing is fixed, which somehow I doubt since they failed to fix the conversion from idw to dwg in the previous 12-13 releases.
Anyways, my problem today is that the dimiension lines I spent so much time making them meet our industry and company standards in my idw are all wrong in the dwg's I saved.
I am working on a utility map with water valves and hydrants. I collected my points with a Trimble unit and converted them to shape files. I am unable to snap to these points, how i can use snap to draw my water mains from point to point?
When inserting a DIMRADIUS in older versions of AutoCAD, the extent of the radius dim used to automatically stop at the tangent point along an arc. However, now in ACAD 2013 (and possibly other recent versions), a red 'extension' line is carried on beyond the tangent point, which I don't want. Is there a toggle that switches this off so that the radius dim stops wholly at the tangent point as before?
I've tried using endpoint snap to stop the dim at the tangent point, but the radius dimesion text is then placed on the outside of the curve rather than the inside where I want it.
Is there a way the “Osnap” can “feel” the tangent of the "circle point style"?I’m wondering if there is a way that the “Osnap” can feel the circle “point style” (given in the screenshot below) such that it is snapped to its tangent?
is it possible to create a block so that the base point is the only snap point on the block?
In other words supose I have a block of a simple rectangle with the base point in the center.
If I try to snap to the block, I will be able to snap to all the corners, but not the base point. I know that i can put a point at the base point, but can I turn off the snap to the corners (just for the block) in other words, have an object that is unsnapable to without turning the snap mode off.
I used the measure command to place points along a polyline. I'd like to draw a poly from the points that were created. I can't seem to snap to those points. I don't see anywhere to get the osnaps to snap.
Form Autocad 2000 to 2012, there is always with this problem. It happens sometimes in object snap, it does not work to snap a intersection point (two crossed lines) when drawing a line or arc or others. For sure, these two lines are in the same plan and can be filleted or chamfered. So I turned on the Apparent intersection, it works with apparent intersection point, I am not sure if this apparent intersection will cause other problem. I am working on pure 2-D drawing, do not want to get any 3D objects inside the drawing.
For some reason we cannot snap to the node on several of our point symbols. I cannot see anything different when compared to the other point symbols that we can snap too. Basically if i try to draw a line of obtain a distance using the NOD osnap on these point symbols i get nothing, its like they dont have a NOD to snap too.
Using AutoCAD from another drafting program and trying to determine if AutoCAD has a feature I have become used to. The program I am using is Vectorworks and they have these items called loci. They are basically just snap points that do not print and are not actually geometry. They are great though for aligning items and referencing points. Is there a similar item in autocad?
Before when I was creating models the origin (0,0,0) was always set in the snap point i started the line in. Now suddenly something happend and now 0,0,0 is always starting in the Original XYZ point.
I set a snap for ease of use, e.g. if my intended output scale is 1:50 I will set my snap to 25, this makes drawing lines fast and simple.
When I used the break command in previous versions (I skipped 2011) the break would keep the snap on so I could break either side of a line with a perfect unit gap.
In 2012 when I select the first point it disregards the snap and just puts the break wherever I select on the line meaning the gap is not neat. Is there anyway to put this back the way it was?
I have two lines and I am wanting the end of one line's point to snap to the other line's end point. I've dragged the end point to exactly where the other one is but instead of correctly snapping to the end it sort snaps about 0.5px away from it - there's no way I can get it to snap correctly without it deciding to move away.
I'm trying to use a point cloud in Revit, and I can't make Snap to Point Cloud work.
The "Snap to Point Cloud" box in Manage/Snaps is checked, but there is no snap available when I eg. try to insert a wall in plan view.
I use Revit Architecture 2012, Build 20110916_2132(x64) Update Release 2 with Point Cloud Hotfix installed. The point cloud is indexed in Revit from a .pts file.
How can I snap the center of an arbitrary symmetrical object to the grid? For instance the center of a circle or rectangle. According to this discusssion it's not possible: [URL]
How can I define a reference point in an arbitrary object or in a group of objects and snap this to the grid?
I have an issue with the student version of Maya 2013. This issue is reproducible in my environment when I try to align an edge to a snap point pressing the V key and move the edge with the move tool. May 2013 hang then and I have to close it ending the task in the task manager.Many times I deleted the Maya folder in my documents folder in order to start from the scratch, but it hangs again if I try the procedure i described above. Some times it take more time until Maya hang, some times after a few moves.I have installed Maya 2013 many times from the scratch, deleting before all the directories in the different locations (as described in an Autodesk paper).I have to run Maya 2013 while I need to export my files with an exporter which just work in the 32bit version of Maya.
In the Event log viewer from Windows 7 x64 there are two records during this hang:
Fault bucket 50, type 5 Event Name: AppHangB1 Response: Not available Cab Id: 0
These files may be available here: C:UsersLecraAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsWERReportArchiveCritical_maya.exe_8736ecaa762b7ca1a2f14929fe98d82f9482e8_0877449f
The program maya.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
This is probably a simple one, but when I dimension from an edge to the tangent of a radius or circle. It always snaps to the center. How do I get the dimension to snap to the tangent point?
I am still making some adjustments to our standard drawing template and I ran into another issue..
I want the tangent edges to be displayed automatically when I insert a drawing view rather than clicking the Display Options tab and checking the Tangent Edges box every time I make a new drawing. Is this possible? If so, how?
I tried inserting a view, checking the Tangent Edges box, then deleting my view and re-saving the template but it still went back to the default.