I keep running into a situation where I would like to be able to create an edge or a work axis at the intersection of a work plane and the surface of the part. I figured out a work around if the surface is flat, but I haven't figured out a work around for a curved surface.
How do I create work axis where work plane intersects curved surface?
Or put another way: How do I project intersection of work plane and curved surface onto the work plane in a 2D sketch?
I need to be able to draw a 2D sketch on the work plane, but get a perfectly matching projected line onto the work plane, from the curved surface, at the intersection of the curved surface and the work plane.
The attached jpg shows the intersection in question. I circled it.
However, I can't see how to do the same operation to find the midpoint of a SketchArc. The interface of course has a selection filter for this so I assume the API can do the same?
I need to define a mate constraint with a workplane as EntityOne and a midpoint from an Edge as EntityTwo.
API-Help tells me valid objects are planar faces, linear edges, vertices, cylindrical faces, conical faces, spherical faces, revolved faces, work planes, work axes, and work points.
The Edge object gives me StartVertex and StopVertex, but what about the midpoint?
In Autodesk Inventor 2013. I have a simple cylinder extrusion with a rectangle attached to the cylinder. Drawing file attached(extrusion 1). Whenever I apply a chamfer to one of the straight edges, Inventor generates negative taper on the cylinder wall (if you zoom in with a window, you can clearly see that their are two lines on the cylinder wall where the chamfer edges was applied).
Is there anyway to prevent this from happening? This gives me all sorts of problem in my CAM software because the tool is trying to machine in an area it cannot get to.
As a work around I have to create a new part file with a small gap between the cylinder and the chamfered edges. This keeps the cylinder edges nice and straight with no taper. The work around is attached as well. Since the tool can't go that far into the corner given the radius of the tool, the gap has no affect on me generating code. I have tried many different ways on creating this part with chamfers with no luck. Once the chamfer is generated, it should match the profile of the cylinder.
I have an assembly with a curved line made in a sketch, and a part with a point in the bottom.
I want to constrain the point to the curved line, but the regular Constrain options wont let me do so.
I am making an animation with Inventor Studio, so I need this constrain, so I later on in studio can manipulate it and insert the first part into the other.
I'm electrical and have my own display set oddly enough named "electrical". When I set the display to "electrical" I can't osnap to endpoint or midpoint of smart walls in the background (nearest works fine). When I change the display to something else, generally it works.
Im trying to dimension the midpoints of a series vertical beams thats perpendicular to the x axis. How to dimension the midpoint of one beam to the midpoint of another beam?
Normally i just select dimlinear and then ctl + right click "mid between 2 points", but this way just seems time consuming when you have a series of them to do, is there a better way to dimension a series of beams from one midpoint to another midpoint?
I use vb.net draw a cube frame (just point and add edge to link points) in 3dsketch. But at the corner, I got only one edge, the others are filled that is a arc is inserted between the 2nd & 3rd edge to the corner point. There is no second edge is extended to that point.
Just wondering why I got the result. There is no fillet command in my code.
I've read the posts pertaining to coil features along curved paths. The existing solutions are limited in that they must rely on a solid with the addition of a bend feature. How can I create a helical surface structure including multiple bends like the one shown?
Below is my test procedure for "Create Curve Mesh Element" by Inventor simulation 2012.
1. I made a box 100(W)X100(D)X20(H) with 2xR20 (mm) fillets at the opposite edges.
2. I copied a box I made for making 2 type mesh.
3. I made mesh on the box without "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.
Node number: 2374 Element number: 1365
4. I made mesh another model with "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.
Node number: 2374 (same number, not increase) Element number: 1365
Mesh shape is different(please refere attachiment jpeg file).
I think that "Create Curved Mesh Element option" is not for making second tetrahedron elements.But I cnanot the true porpose of "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.For only P method, not H method?
I just upgraded hardware and moved from Inventor 10 in XP 32 bit to Inventor 10 in Windows 7 64 bit. Previously I had an add-in that would place a work point at the CoG of a model. The new installation does not, and since I was not the original user of the old computer I don't know where it came from.
I'm assuming it was a 3rd party add-in or something that does not install automatically with the 2010 mechanical design suite (SDK tools maybe?). Any link or where to find this tool in the installed files.
IV11, IDW.Is there a way to Disable Midpoint snapping while Dimensioning?It seems to get in the way a lot.A lot of the Lines i have to dimension are small and it's Always trying to dimension to the Midpoints of them rather than end points.Not a bad concept.. just in my case it really gets in the way..So just wondering if there is a setting somewhere to turn it off?
I'm working on mating two assemblies together by work points on a part inside of them. Here is the code I'm using. It worked with work planes, but when repurposed it to work points, I get a type mismatch when the code tries to generate the work point proxies:
Dim oPartPoint1 As WorkPoint oPartPoint1 = oOcc1.Definition.WorkPoints.Item("botMatePoint") Dim oPartPoint2 As WorkPoint oPartPoint2 = oOcc2.Definition.WorkPoints.Item("matePoint") Dim oAsmPoint1 As WorkPointProxy oOcc1.CreateGeometryProxy(oPartPoint1, oAsmPoint1) Dim oAsmPoint2 As WorkPointProxy oOcc2.CreateGeometryProxy(oPartPoint2, oAsmPoint2)
I very often find that I would like to create a work plane defined by an axis and a point such that the plane is spanned by the point and the axis. But the only possible way seems to be to create a plane through the point and perpendicular to the axis.
I want to extrude a big number of pillars to a rather complicated surface and that works out fine. But each end of the pillars warps around the surface and I want them just to go up to it and stop with a resulting horizontal face.
We have a custom-made sheet metal punch consisting of a 5x5 matrix of 1/8" holes. We export flat patterns from Inventor as DXFs.
We normally make DXFs by creating a view of the flat pattern on a blank IDW template (no border, no title block, nothing) and export that view as a DXF. This lets us orient the view at will, unlike right-clicking on the flat pattern in the browser and selecting Save Copy As.
When the sheet metal guy assigns tooling in his software, he needs to get each punch to "lock onto" the corresponding feature in the DXF. Normally this isn't a problem, but it has been with this gang punch. The center hole of the punch needs to lock onto the correct hole in the DXF, and it can't always seem to do it. I've sat alongside the guy as he does this, and in his software the centers of the circles show up as dots/points. But on this punch, there isn't necessarily a dot in the center of every circle, and it's possible that the center hole, which really needs the dot, won't have one.
I've come up with a workaround for this: a work point in the IPT. In the attached part, it's feature Tooling1. The sheet metal guy confirms that if I include the work point in the DXF as a point (in the AutoCAD sense), he can lock onto it. However, I find that if I generate a DXF from the flat-pattern IDW, the point is lost. If I generate an ACAD DWG from the IDW and save the DWG as a DXF, the point comes through in the DXF. But that's an extra step.
Is there a way to export directly from IDW to DXF and not lose the work point? Or is this as good as it gets?
For the sake of simplicity, the attached part has no bends. I realize that if I did, I'd have to re-create the points in the flat pattern, but that's another discussion.
I have two cylinders that are at a right angle to each other and was wondering how to create a fin to "wrap" around the round edge and then intersect with the flat side of the other cylinder.
I am trying to create a workplane by a point and a line. I can do this maually, but have not been able to reproduce this in code.
BTW: I realize I can create a fixed workplane by using the point, the edge, and an edge perpendicular to the edge, but I cannot have this as a fixed workplane.
I have this assembly shown in the pic. below. I'm trying to create a point or axis in the blue corner points (to attaches something later on) but it just won't let me choose it for some reason. I know that it's possible to to do that (almost sure I already done this trivial thing in inventor.)
Any reason it's not letting me choose the sketch points/line to in order to create points or axis(s)?
How to create a work plane that is perpendicular to a surface? I'm trying to do this so that I can "split" the object into two separate entities where the plane is.
I have a curved path. I want to add on to this path with another curve. I know how to make another curved line, but I don't know how to make it to where the final product (when both the paths are connected) nice and smooth. Currently I'm having to try and do it by eye (I'm trying to make it as smooth as possible by looking at the first path and making the curve on the second path as close as I can).