AutoCAD Inventor :: Thin Red Line In Measure Command Not Shown
Sep 19, 2013
Inventor 2014.
When you measure something with the distance command, according to the type of file, the last zoom you did, your graphic card and probably the speed of the wind, the little red line won't show.
Normally when you measure something, a thin red line is shown were the distance is calculated. But in my laptop, and both pc's of my client, Inventor shows this line only in parts, not in assemblies. I've got a Quadro 2000M, my client got Quadro FX 1700 and 1800, all with the recommended drivers.
So I tried with 3 other laptops. On one of them (with a K2000M) if you do a measure right after the file open, it give you the line, if you zoom with the measure command open, the line disappear and won't show again until you close and open the file again. But if you zoom without the command active, the line is shown normally. But it's not working like that on all machines.
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Apr 19, 2012
(see attached)
I have what seems like an odd, but needed request here. I have an engineer that is looking for a way to measure between two lines that are not co-planar, but he wants the measurement in a specific plane.
Basically he wants to be able to select a plane or line, then be able to select the second plane or line and have the tool automatically "project" it to the plane of the first selection and give the angle in that plane.
Ref the attached - the purple lines are in the XY plane, the blue line is not, but he wants to measure the angle from the X axis to that line but in the XY plane as seen by the green line that was manually projected to that plane.
Without having to manually create a sketch and project the entities that need to be measured (this example is an extremely simplistic one), how can this be done? Measurements in this way need to be done in numerous complex angles.
He's claiming Catia, Pro/E and of course, SW can all do this "project" within the measure tool. I figured if that's indeed the case, Inventor sure be able to.....JD, you're the resident expert on SW & you know what I'm referring to?
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May 9, 2012
I want to add the Measure (Distance) command to my quick access toolbar. When I right click on the Measure button the "Add to quick access toolbar" is grayed out in 2013.
Also why can't they make it so when I add something to the quick access toolbar stays added to all file types. I have to add it to .ipt, .iam, .dwg...
BTW Not real impressed with 2013 so far.
Using Inventor 2013
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Jun 25, 2012
I am using live paint to paint cartoon character illustrations. The artwork is brought into Illustrator CS3 and live traced. Then I convert it to a live paint group and use the paint bucket to fill. Everything looks fine no matter how much I zoom in. If I bring the AI file into Photoshop CS6 I can see a thin white line between the black line art and the fill. This is most noticeable where black meets black. I can also see this sometimes in file previews while browsing through files. If the white line cannot be seen in Illustrator is the file ok? I did just upgrade to CS6 if that would make a difference.
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Jun 22, 2012
I am new to AutoCAD and have been sent a 3D architectural model. I need to find the dimensions of some beams. The measure tool seems only to measure from point to point, and I need to measure from one side (or edge) of the beam to the other. The beams are not along the axes and the ends are not at right angles so there are no points that correspond to the height and width.
In Sketchup, I can easily measure from one line to any parallel line. How can I do this in AutoCAD?
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Jan 28, 2013
I have moved onto a new machine and there are 2 AC functions I need to change.
1. I used to be able to toggle between Ortho on/off by holding the SHIFT key, on this machine it doesn't activate. Is there a command for this? I know I could use F8 but my hand is over the SHIFT key when I draw so its easier to do it this way.
2. When I activate the MEASURE command AC automatically activates Dynamic Input which makes my cursor jumpy when I move it. How can I stop this from happening? To clarify, I don't want Dynamic Input on when I am in the measure command.
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Feb 11, 2013
I am trying to add the measure command which adds nodes / points to what I select to the tool bar and it wont let me do it when I select it out of the commands search box.
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Jul 18, 2013
How to use the divide and measure command , and also I knew how to change the point style. But after I used the divide command to split my object into 5 parties. I can not click the point I created.
For a instance I have a 10 meters line and I used the divide command to divide it into 5 parties, and so I have 4 points. But if i want to draw some thing on the new point my mouse could not click it.
I cant do what the guy did in the video. when I move my mouse on those points I created I could not connect a line on the point like the guy did.
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Nov 13, 2005
I am trying to make thin line boxes like those seen on sites like yahoo! etc... when I create a box using the rectangular marquee, and make the border 1 pixes, it makes the line too thick. Any idea how to make a finer line/border around a box?
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Nov 28, 2011
I am trying to create a lisp that prompts you to select multiple lines, and then prompts to enter a name of a block you wish to use. With that information use the measure command to place the entered block along the selected lines with the spacing set to the value in the blocks attribute.
I have a lisp that does most of this with the exception of the extracting the value of the block size to use as the distance between blocks, the current lisp just prompts for the distance.
I have a lot of blocks with different spacing so it is hard to remember the distance.
Here is the current Lisp i use:
(defun c:MEB (/ blk ss l name)
; TharwaT 04. 04. 2011
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Sep 3, 2012
I've stroked around the outside of a person with a black stoke. On a new layer below the stoke layer ive filled the person in but it leaves like a thin white jagged line in between the fill and the stroke and it doesn't look smooth.
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Feb 13, 2011
this is from the magix website. how to create this in xara
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Jul 16, 2013
I want to automate the check in of design files to Vault on each PC, prior to running workspace sync (Vault) which does have command line support.
I know you can schedule tasks within the Inventor Task scheduler, but has task scheduled the Inventor Task Scheduler? I suppose in theory you could schedule the launch of Inventor Task scheduler via the Windows one? or is there any need? If the Inventor Task scheduler isn't running, but a task has been scheduled, will it execute the program itself?
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Oct 31, 2012
How can I use one "line break" in the same command on iLogic ?
For a simple doubt, a simple sample :
MessageBox.Show("Message blabla blablablabla blablablabla", "Title")
In this case, how could i divide the message in 3 lines in the messagebox ?
actually this would work for me in other case too, creating a text with more than one line, instead of creat many text boxes.
IV 2013
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Jan 18, 2012
I have a question regarding viewports. We received drawings from our sub-contractor and we noticed that there is something wrong with their drawing, so I decided to make the modification, but when i opened the file and switched it to layout tab, I was not able to see the line for their respective viewports. But if you are going to double click that drawing, the viewport will be visible.
One more thing is, when i found the viewport and re-scale the things that i want to show inside that viewport, I was confused because in the model tab there are only two drawings which is the plan layout of our project, (the section view and the top view). what they want to show in layout tab is only the topview, so, when i tried to check they used only the top view, yes, but how? because in model tab as what i have said before "THERE'S ONLY 2 DRAWINGS" I am wondering if the make some tricks with this.
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Mar 4, 2013
since I installed PSE 11 my printer only prints a thin line down the paper, instead of the whole photo. How do I fix this?
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Oct 12, 2006
Is there a tool where you just click on any line and it tells you how long the line is from end to end?
Basically I am drawing a curvy line that twists and turns here and there, but the line has to be less then so long. So I have to approximate the length by doing strait measurements and multiplying, it's really a pain.
I'd much rather just click the line, and it tell me how long it is from end to end, across turns and rounded edges and corners.
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Sep 12, 2013
I am looking to make a brush that I can use for cartooning in CS6 that starts out thin, gets thicker with pressure (I have a cintiq), and ends in a thin line.
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Sep 3, 2012
I want to start measure command from middle of line and insert blocks on specific distance and leave rest on ends of line or arc.
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Oct 13, 2011
i have a photo with a line near a teeth model which i need to measure. i have attached photo to autocad but how can i setup the real world scale so my measurements will be accurate?
2011-10-13 14.03.59.jpg
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Oct 22, 2013
If I start autocad and draw a line then change its linetype from continuous to Fenceline2 it shows up like it's supposed to, a line with small squares in it. I can also change it's linetype to Fenceline1 and the linetype shows up just fine with the line and small circles in it.
But when I call up some existing autocad drawings that have lines with the Fenceline1 or Fenceline2 linetypes assigned to them, the small boxes or circles are missing from the linetypes. When you type linetype at the command prompt the linetypes are listed in the dialog box, but for some reason they are not showing up right in the existing drawing. When I type linetype, and hit the load button, and browse to my acad.lin file and select it, I get an error message of Bad Definition for linetype Fenceline1 and another for Fenceline2 and another for Batting etc.
So why are these Complex linetypes not working in the Existing drawing but work fine in the just call up autocad empty drawing, and how do I fix them to work in the existing drawing?
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May 15, 2012
I press CTRL+9 to make the Command Line disappear while drawing. When I plot (or when doing a plot preview) , the Command Line appears again by itself. So I always have to turn the Command Line off manually after each plot
The bug still happens;
- if Dynamic Input is turned off or on
- if I plot to a real device or in PDF
- if the Cammand Line Palette i docked or floating.
This is not an issue in AutoCAD 2012 so I guess it has to do with the new way they programmed the revamped Command Line palette in 2013.
Using Windows7
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Jul 4, 2011
Is there a way to show the page border without the grey shadow, just a thin black line?
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Nov 27, 2012
without reiterating a lot of what is said in this thread: [URL] ......
This happen outside the potential malware infection?
if you care to not click-through, the problem is that certain commands (not all of them) simply do not disply in the command line. so the MOVE command for example looks like this:
Command: _move
Select objects:
Select objects:
same with QSAVE and who knows how many others.
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Oct 27, 2013
line command is a multiple command. there is a way to execute it like a single command?
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Feb 16, 2013
A thin white border around the figure that I had edited appeared out of nowhere. I was able to erase it before editing the background but now I can't erase it or remember how I did that.
how to get rid of this line? If by setting the eraser color to the background color, how do I do that? As I get rid of the line, I'd also like to refine the figure's outline so it becomes cleaner.
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Aug 23, 2012
what I do need clarification on is the statement in this warning "One or more bodies which are thing being treated as solids". Does this mean that the bodies that were detected fall under the criteria for being a Midsurface or Offset and that the user has the opportunity to apply these commands in order to make the analysis more accurate? So if I were to ignore this and continue with my analysis, the members will still be treated as a solid and not as a shell and/or surface (which is what the Midsurface/Offset command produces)? The members I am using that have triggered this warning are HSS 2x2x0.125 x 12' long.
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Jun 28, 2012
if I select a line, then enter the move command, the line unselects also when I select a line, then hit delete, the line is still there both of these used to work
2013 Civil 3D
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Jun 10, 2011
Basically I got a process which is quite long , let's say 30 seconds.
I want put a counter at command line showing to
user how many objects has been processed so far. But I don't want to use New Line Feed to change the line and keep each new number at same line and same location of command line.
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Oct 17, 2012
I have a pressure vessel which I am trying to analyse. Whenever I convert the solid into 'thin bodies', it loses some of the data. For example, a fillet and a supporting ring (refer to pic attached). I haven't been able to find any 'shell element' settings to adjust.
Also, I need to manually add contacts otherwise the vessel seperates into multiple bodies.
Even though the solid model is in contact, the 'midsurface' shell seperates it. Refer to part file attached.
I briefly tried to run the analysis as a solid model, but gave up as it was taking forever just to mesh.
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Sep 27, 2012
how I can find where the thin areas might be?
File attached....
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