AutoCAD Inventor :: PDF Files Automatically Opening After Creation
Dec 11, 2011Is it possible to disable PDF files from being automatically opened by adobe reader after they have been created from inventor drawings?
View 2 RepliesIs it possible to disable PDF files from being automatically opened by adobe reader after they have been created from inventor drawings?
View 2 Repliesis there a way i can save idw to autocad dwg automatically without opening idw from inventor one by one and saving it as autocad dwg?
View 8 Replies View RelatedJust started elements up and all my files appeared, most of which i didnt want to open.
View 3 Replies View RelatedEvery time I open a RAW file into Photoshop CS5 from LR3, it automatically creates and saves a PSD or TIFF file. Is there a way to stop lightroom from doing this? When I used LR2, I saved these files only if I choose to. I always convert my files to jpg after I'm done editing in PS and don't need these huge files hanging around.
View 13 Replies View RelatedWe have lots of legacy files from older projects (R1/R2/R3)? and need to view the IDWs. Inventor will not open them. Inventor View states we need to migrate them. So how do we view these old files?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI just started an internship at an engineering firm, and they are interested in using a few of my drawings that I have done on Inventor Pro 2013. They currently use AutoCAD2011. I am thinking that it is not a possibility, but, is there any way that I can open one of my .ipn files from Inventor into a file that AutoCAD recognizes and can open?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm having issues with opening some Unigraphics/NX8 files. The "drawing" is converted just to a solid model. Is there a specific translator I should be looking at from Autodesk
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to open help in Inventor 2013, I get the error shown below about internet access.So I downloaded the offline files and saved them to C:program filesautodeskinventor 2013 and double clicked on the tutorial_files.ipj file to open Inventor as instructed in the installation notes, but still get the error. I opened the HelpIds.xml file in the Inventor Bin folder and set Use Online="0" and also copied another set of files into c: programs autodesk inventor2013local help and double clicked the tutorial_files.ipj file located there.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy school uses Inventor 2013 but I have 2014 at home. I dont have any complicated files but I cannot open 2014 files in 2013. How do I do that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedVersion: Autodesk Inventor 2013 , Vault Pro 2013
I am trying to open/checkout files from windows explorer and vault but they are being opened in a new inventor window instead of the same client that I had running beforehand. This problem just started today and I have not made any updates or changes.
I had a crash on exiting Inventor 2012 (fully up to date, service packs installed etc.) and since that crash I can't open any drawing (.idw) file in Inventor: it appears to hang, with no processor activity etc.
The same files open, view and print fine with Inventor View.
This error message (see attached) pop up, when I open more than 2 or 3 dwg files in autocad.
I am not sure how to correct it. I have a Windows 7 pro x64 system running Inventor 2012
One of our customer has inventor 2013 and I am working with inventor 2014.
I would like to know if there is anyway for my customer once my job is done to be able to load the Sub assembly with his software and be able to work with it ?
They told me Inventor fusion is not an easy tool and would prefered to use inventor files.
I am having an odd issue with the windows default for opening files for Inventor. I previously had the full Autodesk 2013 software suite. A couple of months ago I did the upgrade and installed the Autodesk 2014 software suite.
My issue is now when attempting to open files the default is to open them in Inventor 2013 (still installed on my machine).
I went through the windows default programs options and browsed/selected the Inventor 2014 .exe application. However, this does not add the 2014 application to the list as it seems 2013 over rides it.
I tried to manually changing .ipt/.iam/.stp etc. file types from Inventor 2013 to Inventor 2014, yet am still unable to have the 2014 application added to the potential list of default programs to open with.
One solution would appear to be to un-install the 2013 suite, is there any other way to fix this problem? It is nothing crucial, yet very annoying.
another way that I can get the default program altered to use Inventor 2014? I have attached pictures showing my steps of attemping to change the file association for a .stp file. However, this does not work. I even brought this issue to my company's IT perssonnel and they were unsure.
I click the Inventor icon on the desktop to open Inventor, I click the Vault tab and then click "Go to Vault", the vault opens. I open a file to look/modify it. I then click another file to open it also and it opens in a new Inventor window. The same as windows explorer does when you open another web page and it opens in a new window instead of a new tab if you dont have the "Tabbed Browsing: set in options.
I am running Inventor Professional 2012.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
It freezes when I try to open a STEP file, even one I just created.
Is it possible to add an architrave to a door opening automatically.
I.e wall is 150mm thick and door is 1010mm wide and 2100 high. can the architrave go round the edge of the opening and adjust if the door shrinks to 910mm
I have succesfully installed Autodesk Inventor 2011 (Student License) on my Windows 7 (64-bit) operating system without any errors. I can open Inventor 2011, but when I try to open a new or existing file, Inventor suddenly closes and the 'Autodesk Inventor Error Report'-window opens, giving the following error:
Error: Unhandled Exception
When I go to my project folders and try to open any inventor file, the following message appears:
"Inventor.exe needs to register with he operating system and the following programs (Explorer) are running and may
prevent registration from succesfully completing. Autodesk recommends terminating the offending processes to ensure proper registration. Terminate these processes before continuing with the registration?"
If i cick 'Yes', the problem remains.
I've tried reinstalling, following the instructions carefully (installed as administrator), without success. I installed both service packs. I keep having the same problems, while in the past, it has been working perfectly, but I lost it because of hardware problems, which are now resolved.
Technical Info:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M430 @ 2.27GHz
4,00 GB RAM
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650
We are currently using a networked Autocad 2012 Deployment. As each person opens the Autocad session, several "tmp" files are created in the "G:AutoCAD Support2012SupportToolPalette" directory. They remain when the session is closed and then several MORE are created. The directory itself is write protected for most users (engineers, etc) but open for the Drafstmen to be able to create new entries. I can see why they arent deleted becasue of this, but why are they thrown in there in the first place?
We had over 65,000 tmp listings this AM after examining all the directories associated with Autocad because ALL users were having problems opening and closing Autocad such as 3-4 minutes to open the app, and several minutes to close. Once they were deleted, Acad ran normally and no lags were detected.
I have started a new project and would like to use the database table from a previous project with this one. Basically what I want to do is create a new shape file using the a previous database table so I do not have to create a whole new data base.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to turn off the automatic creation of log files in my drawing folder?
I have unchecked the <Options> <Open and Save> <Maintain a log file> but they just keep on appearing and manually cleaning them out is a real pain...
I have loads of dwgs made by a former employee at another site that have our company logo in the tile block. I need to replace the company logo with a new one. If it were not made from a dwt, I could change the .dwg file and just reinsert the block and let it redefine the block, done. But since all of the text in each drawing was input using a template, I cannot do this without losing all of that data. We are not permitted to explode the title block, delete the old logo & add a new one as the drawing format needs to remain as one entity. Is there a way to automatically update these dwgs without re-entering all of the title/revision block text on every drawing?
View 2 Replies View Relatedacad 2012 is creating ghost files on my desktop. How do I stop the creation of them?The files are greyed out and are titled "Drawing2.dwl2".
I remember having this annoyance, for me at least, a year or so ago but don't remember how I made them disappear.
There is an image that keeps opening automatically when I open CS6 Photoshop? Why is this happening for only that one image? How do I stop it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded from CS4 to CS5. I imported some of the actions I had created without problem.
I use one for sharpening with the following steps:
1. Convert to Lab Mode
2. Select Lightness Channel
3. Open Unsharp Mask Dialogue Box
4. Convert back to RGB Mode
The "Dialogue" box is correctly toggled to "on" in Step # 3
However when I execute the Action, the Dialogue Box for USM doesn't automatically pop up, as it did in CS4 - but if I click anywhere on the screen, it then does.
I tried recreating the same action in CS5, but it has the same problem - the Dialogue Box for USM doesn't open by itself, and only does so after I click anywhere on the screen.
This happens both on my Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit Desktop, and a new Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Laptop.
In PS CS3 there was a preference setting to automatically open Bridge when Photoshop was launched.
This setting seems to be absent in CS5.
Is there any way to get both apps to launch simultaneously?
In CS6 Illustrator, when I click on fill or stroke color, the color panel opens automatically. How do I turn off this "feature"?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt was working perfectly fine over the weekend and then Monday I open illustrator and try to open a drawing I was working on and it closes on me everytime. Now I can't open or save files without it closing itself. I would uninstall and reinstall it but i lost my code. I have to make vector images for a couple of clients of mine!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have upgraded my Elements 9 to Elements 12. I used to be able to open a raw file directly into the raw editor in Elements 9. With Elements 12 I click to open the raw file with Elements 12 but Elements opens into the basic editor with no picture opening. I then have to select Open Camera Raw from the file menu and select the photo again. The photo then opens. Is there a setting i can change so that elements 12 opens directly into the raw editor?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I open a newly imported RAW for the first time my computer thinks for about a second and transforms the colours. On some picutres it can hardly be seen, but on others the chance is huge and I have not found a way to bring it back to more or less the colours of the neighbouring Jpegs. It also seems to be irreversible within Lightroom. I hope this is not normal, as the colours usually look much less pleasant after the transformation.
- I work with LR 4.4
- I have already disactivated the automatic Levels in the import settings
- I shoot RAW with a Pentax K-7, having set the RAW in Adobe standards
How can I stop Lightroom 3 opening automatically whenever I insert an SD card?
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