AutoCAD Inventor :: Message With Regenerate IAssemblies

Oct 10, 2012

With the iAssembly I created I now have a message when I open the drawing informing me that i need to regenerate the factory. This terminology is new to me and I have not been able to accomplish this task. I have opened the assembly, selected manage, and updated the assembly with each of the iAssemblies active.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Text Emboss Feature Does Not Regenerate (iLogic)

Jul 21, 2013

I amrying to create embedding of a text entered through dialog box. The sketch regenerates fine but the Emboss doesn't. Cannot figure it out, tried a lot of different approaches...the text has to be configured this way  - need to control it's height.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mark IAssembly Or IPart Dirty So That Members Regenerate?

Jul 7, 2013

Inventor does not think an update is required for iAssembly members after changes to attributes on a client feature are saved. In our workflow we avoid rebuild all because it causes subassemblies to change, so we force an update by changing a parameter. Through the API is there a good way to indicate that our change was significant enough for members to need updating?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IAssemblies And Drawings

Sep 28, 2012

With iAssemblies is it possible to somehow also generate a dwg from it as well? Or would you have to use copy design?

So... depending on the configuration, I would need a main assembly drawing, and a few detail dwgs.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IAssemblies In Vault

Sep 3, 2008

We have a product line that relies heavily on iAssemblies. The main assembly and several layers of subassemblies are all iAssemblies. All the children that needed to be generated so far were added to the vault.

If I activate a different member in the main assembly factory, Inventor wants to update some of the various children. For some reason, vault won't prompt me to check out the children. I get a variety of errors, unless I manually check out the children.

There are at least 20 iAssemblies involved at different levels of this thing, not to mention all the iParts thrown in as well.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Migrating Iparts And Iassemblies

Oct 23, 2013

I have a large library of standard parts and assemblies that I will be migrating from Inventor 2009 to Inventor 2013

Residing in this library are iparts and iassemblies. Both the factory and the members.

Question is how to migrate these iparts and iassemblies,.

 option 1   migrate the factory first THEN the members

 option 2 migrate the members then the factory (pretty sure this will not work)

option 3 migrate both factory and members at the same time

option 4 migrate the factory and generate new members (not my favorite option)

option 5 ?????

I should add that I intend to use task scheduler to migrate the files

Inventor 2010

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using ILogic With IParts And IAssemblies

Apr 13, 2012

I am finding it difficult to find good through examples of how to use iLogic with iParts and iAssemblies. I have been through several of  tutorials, but can't seem to find examples for what I need. Here is a link to a video to give you a bit of an idea of what I am trying to do. How/when and what snippets to use in order to get the iParts and iAssemblies to function properly. 

See Video : [URL].....

First video went to long here is the rest.. [URL].......

One thing I think I mentioned in the last video, but not sure I explained it well, is that instead of having the main file name show up in the browser..the part name shows up.  When I go to change parts using a form I created it keeps telling me it can't find the current part.  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2010 Crashes While Using IAssemblies

Mar 20, 2012

We are currently still using Inventor2010. I realize that we are using a later version (trying to get boss to allow us to upgrade). I was wondering if that is where our issues stem from. At times when we create iAssemblies we have issues in which objects disappear and/or inventor crashes whenever we switch the tree to a different part number. If we try to place a sub-assembly file into an assembly file some parts seem to disappear. As a work around we have tried to place all components separately (omitting the sub-assembly file), and the file will still crash or objects disappear. Some of our files get a little large, but aren't really to complex. We have been having issues with this one file in particular and it has been redone several times by different users, on different work stations.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Save Copy As For IPart And IAssemblies

Apr 18, 2013

It has to do with iparts and iassemblies and “save copy as”.  My concern is that during the concept stage an engineer may be working on a design and will create an ipart, as many of our designs have multiple versions.  They now want to keep a copy of that ipart, and try something new so they “save copy as” and create a new file.  The new ipart members all have the name reference to the first design.  Does renaming those members redirect the path to the new ipart, or should we avoid designing like this all together?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IAssemblies And Parts List Only Option In BOM

Apr 6, 2011

So I've got an iAssembly and I made a drawing and I want to show all the parts.  I have read in other threads that it will not let you show a Parts Only list from an iAssembly. Why do iAssemblies not let you do this?  Seems like a bit of an oversight to me but I'm sure there's some technical reason.

Windows XP SP3 32-bit
Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 @ 2.13 GHz
Nvidia Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI 256MB Vram
2 GB Ram

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Vault With IParts / IAssemblies Workflow

Sep 2, 2011

Is there any good documentation/workflows/suggestions,etc.. about using and implementing Vault with iparts/iassemblies?

We are finally going to move to using Vault (finally got a drafter to do the "dirty work") and I keep seeing/hearing horror stories/issues about using Vault with iparts/iassemblies.

Typically all of my top level products that we sell are iassemblies (we always each make products in 3 different flavors/3 different voltages). Each of those iassemblies includes at least 1 sub that is also an iassembly. Each of those sub-iassemblies contains at least 1 ipart.

I'm just can't find enough information about the proper way to handle/check in/migrate/manage,etc... this stuff when we move to Vault.  But I do find lots of posts about how Vault can't handle iparts/iassemblies correctly but I assume thats just improper setup/workflows.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IAssemblies - Assembly Hole Features Not Updating?

Dec 17, 2013

I have made an iAssembly with a main body and flanges attached to the body.

Assembly feature holes have been created act on the main body, and these holes are relative to the position of the flange.

When I change the factory member - the position of the flange changes, but the holes stay in the last location and so the model is wrong.

The only way to overcome this error, is if I go to the Manage tab and manually select 'Rebuild All'.

I need this to work automatically as drawings are generated wrong when changing model state. 

My intention is that this will be used in an iLogic routine, linked to an external sales package.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Nested IAssemblies And Multi-item Parts

Feb 3, 2012

Nesting phantom iAssemblies within another iAssembly? We are having a problem with the BOM not generating the correct multi-item parts lists. Even though the individual iAssemblies act correctly when viewing there individual BOMs, when these parts are nested inside another iAssembly and switched (Table Replace) between individual items, the BOM shows all dash numbers as the current active one.

Any unresolved issues within iAssemblies and the BOM?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Controlling Weld Visibility In IAssemblies

Nov 30, 2012

I have made a family of weldments.  I am having trouble controlling the visibility of the weld symbols when I place one of these members. On some members the welds are shown and on others they are not.  I know that I can turn off all the welds (View>Object Visibility> Weld Symbols) but there are other weld symbols in the assembly that I need/want to leave visible. In the image below all three weldments have the same welds, but the weld symbol of only the one is shown when I place it in an iam.

In each member of the iassembly, I have unchecked the visibility under the Welds node, but some are still visible when i place them, so that must not be controlling it. Sure would be good if visibility of welds were controlled by view representation.

Windows 7 x64 -12 GB Ram
Intel i7-930 @ 3.60ghz
nVidia GTS 250 -1GB (Driver 301.42)
INV Pro R2013, SP1.1
Vault Basic 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating ILogic Code That Uses IParts / IAssemblies

Mar 21, 2012

I am venturing into a new area with my iLogic coding. Looking for some good examples or How-To of how to use iLogic with iParts and iAssemblies.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IDW Part List Item Numbering For IAssemblies

Jan 30, 2013

I have created an iAssembly which contains 4 assembly variations. I now want to create an assembly drawing for these variations.

In this case all my assembly variations will have the same assembly part number as essentially they are all the same assembly except for a few "change over parts".

I intend to have one drawing with multiple sheets. Each sheet will have one variation of the assembly on it with a BOM for that specific variation. The problem I am having though is that the drawing BOM for each variation are linked and as a result each drawing has an inconsistant item numbering (for someone in the workshop who doesnt understand the CAD package and iAssemblies - They ask the question: Why are you skipping item numbers in the BOM's)

Is there any way I can get each BOM to show the item numbers sequentially? I tried editing the drawing BOM item number but the problem is that method propogates the item number changes to all the other BOM's as well.... (It is also tedious AND in my opinion it is generally bad practice to edit the BOM at the drawing level)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Auto-Update Parts List From IAssemblies?

Apr 10, 2012

Using Inventor 2012.  I have created a parts list in my .idw that is tied to a .iam Assembly file.  In the .iam file I have two instances of the assembly, where one hides certain parts, the other hides others.  I can manually tell the parts list which instance I want it to read (see attached image), however, is there a way to have it update automatically?  I.e. when I go in to my .iam file and activate one or the other, save the file, then the parts list will auto update itself to include the correct items?  Everything else from part names to iProperties auto update in the list, so I'm curious if it can read the correct assembly instance.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 SP1 - No Option To Edit IParts / IAssemblies Via Excel

Nov 16, 2011

See attached.

I no longer have the option to edit iparts or iassemblies via speadsheet (excel). I'm using Excel 2007. (INV 2012 Sp1)

Is excel functionality part of an addin that I might have turned off accidentally?

I believe it was working in 2012 but haven't really noticed it not working till after Sp1 install till now..

Running 2014 Product Design Suite Ultimate
Windows 7 64 bit
Core I7 920 processor, ATI HD6970 graphics card, 12G Corsair RAM

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AutoCAD .NET :: MEP - Regenerate Only Single Catalog?

Oct 16, 2013

In Autocad MEP i can regenerate the catalogs with something like:

CatalogManager catalog = new CatalogManager();catalog.RegenerateCatalog(Domain.Multi-ViewPartComponent, true):
but this will regenerate every catalog that i have loaded for the multi-view part domain.  How can i regenerate a single catalog like the bubble popup does when Autocad MEP detects a catalog change?

Using the link will only regenerate the specified catalog and not all catalogs.  I would like to perform the same with code.

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AutoCAD LT :: Why Does System Regenerate After Selecting Multileaders For Aligning

Jan 6, 2012

Why does my system regenerate after selecting multileaders for aligning? To regen it zooms to extents

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Saving Makes Model Regenerate

Aug 15, 2007

Every time I save my drawing or it does an Autosave I get the message "Regenerating model" and have to wait 30 seconds for everything to regenerate. There is no reason it needs to do this, is there some way I can turn it off?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Lines And Object Regenerate While Moving Them Across Screen

Jun 11, 2013

I have upgraded to 2014 and since then I get this annoiying thing that happens when I am moving selected objects/lines across the screen during a copy and move. It's not a computer perfomrance thing. I have two monitors and I have called up both 2014 and 2013 side by side. When O copy or move and drag across the screen everything is wonderful. No regen while dragging, I can see the lines/objects 100% solid while dragging. In 2014, as I'm dragging and can't see the objects/lines because it's trying to regeneratate (slowly) while I'm dragging.

I have checked all my setting in tools>options and they are identical to what I ahve in 2013.

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AutoCad :: Properties Window Slow To Regenerate After Selecting Entity?

Oct 2, 2012

I'm using Mechanical 2010. I keep my "Properties" window docked on the right side of my screen. I've run like this for several years, but recently when I click on an entity, it takes a few seconds to regenerate the window..

I running XP on a 16 bit machine with 4 gig of ram.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Message Box Without (OK) Button?

Mar 8, 2012

Is there a way to put a message box in an ilogic rule that gives information to the user but does not require interation to turn it off. Say on for a few seconds then dissappears?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Message Box (More Than One Line)

Jul 1, 2012

How to get more than one line of text into a Message Box if this is possible.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Resolve Link Message

Dec 7, 2012

I don't use content center parts very often but on one particular file I have some screws that are coming up unresolved each time I open the file.  How would I resolve this?

Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving IPT File Message

Mar 8, 2012

I get this every time i try to close an .ipt.

The current operation requires data from docuemt {location on my network{ but it cannot be found.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hide / Show Message Box?

Sep 11, 2012

In inventor it's possible to hide "for ever" a message box by a clic on  "never show this message again ".

How is it possible to show this message again?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error Message / Class Not Registered

May 22, 2012

Error Message: "Class Not Registered." appears when opening an assembly.

Generally, the errors appears to stop the model from opening.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error Message On Opening More Than 2 Or 3 DWG Files

Dec 30, 2011

This error message (see attached) pop up, when I open more than 2 or 3 dwg files in autocad.

I am not sure how to correct it.  I have a Windows 7 pro x64 system running Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error Message When Converting Drawing?

Nov 30, 2012

  I am trying to convert my AutoCAD inventor 2013 file to a standard 2007 file by going "Save As" "Save Copy As" and then "Autocad DWG File" but i keep getting up a message "problems encountered while saving the document" How do i repair this?

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