AutoCAD Inventor :: Error Message / Class Not Registered
May 22, 2012Error Message: "Class Not Registered." appears when opening an assembly.
Generally, the errors appears to stop the model from opening.
Error Message: "Class Not Registered." appears when opening an assembly.
Generally, the errors appears to stop the model from opening.
When i attempt to open a dxf file in autocad it comes up with error messages;
Class not registered
So i have managed to get my VBA apps working up to version 2010 (with the AcFocusCtrl). I just upgraded to AutoCAD 2012. For some reason I cannot get the ACFocusCtrl on my VBA userform. When I try to drag it onto the userform, I get an error "Class Not Registered". how I can load that control?
View 4 Replies View RelatedEvery time I try to run a tool from the tool palette like dragging an AEC block into my drawing I get a pop out window saying: "Unable to execute the tool - Class not registered" why this is happening on Autocad Architecture 2010?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm getting a "Class Not Registered" message when I try to use the section tool.
(AutoCAD Archtecture 2013)
I've been using X3 for about 5 years.Today, I can't open the program.... a message appears
"Unable to create a DOM document.Class not registered Verify that MSXML4 is installed."
I have no idea what this message means. I uninstalled the program and reinstalled, rebooted and still the same message comes up. I use this program almost everyday, so, of course, now I'm unable to produce art for clients.
My PC is Dell Studio XPS 8100, 64 bit and Windows 7.
I created a new version of DaylightBench subassembly with a different class library application on .net for c3d 2009.
I added the tool data to C3D Metric Transportation Subassembly Catalog.atc. Tool is listed on Subassembly catalog and i can copy-paste the tool to Tool palette.
But on tool palette when i try to drag it to drawing it gives the error "tool is not registered". error msg is attached.
can it be about the resource fileds on ATC file eg: resource="1302" or the new GUID values?
This error message (see attached) pop up, when I open more than 2 or 3 dwg files in autocad.
I am not sure how to correct it. I have a Windows 7 pro x64 system running Inventor 2012
I am trying to convert my AutoCAD inventor 2013 file to a standard 2007 file by going "Save As" "Save Copy As" and then "Autocad DWG File" but i keep getting up a message "problems encountered while saving the document" How do i repair this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy isn't there a way to disable these messages? Or is there a way?
I cannot be bothered to fix the trivialities of my assembly, and each time I update anything, that's one more click. I don't care about the cross part associations, as the parts exist as they need to.
Messages such as:
Cross Part Association has failed
This is the reason why my departments at work are considering Solidworks - Inventor is simply clunky - and it doesn't matter if the assembly has errors because of the modeling "mistakes" I make in this regard - I just need to supress these messages and get the work done.
afterthought - I know how to break links and clear associativity - but I just need a way to supress the error message. This would be very ideal, as it takes a while to go and break links and clear adaptivity. Often times, these errors crop up as engineering makes change orders to the part and it just crops up after revisions.
Just wondering whether there is a way to integrate iLogic error message into VB.NET code.
For example, if use following sentence to read the data from spread sheet.
LengthFloat=GoExcel.CellValue("tank_data.xls", "Gauges", "llg_arm_lgth")
if there is no such cell of "llg_arm_lgth", the error message appears as in attached file.
Right now I want to use "try...catch... end try" in the iLogic code. I can duplicate the first line of the warning message using VB.NET code, but I can not reach the second line. Does the iLogic expose this error message through some function? or which VB.NET code does this job?
I make a change to the effected parts/assemblies. Save them. Close them. Then open the .idw drawing, it begins updating the views. Then I get this message:
"The attempted operation did not produce a meaningful result. Try with different inputs."
It doesn't effect all the views, only one view. The other five views get updated without issue. The one view that doesn't is the parent view to two of the other views that update just fine.
I've tried rebooting my machine. Checked in all the files and opened them fresh after a reboot.
I'm getting this message after creating a new tube run: "H6705-51.ipt can only be saved in the context of H6705.Tube and Pipe Runs.iam"
I've never had this error come up. I added a tube run to an assembly and just couldn't save the new run. I tried opening the main tube run file and also the individual tube run but I get the same kind of error message.
I used this command all the time in previous releases (when it was in the SDK tools). In 2011 Win 7 64bit, the dialog always says "cannot place at origin" or something similar yet it does place the component there but does not apply the constraints. (Also my "make components" command puts a slight offset to my parts which could be a related bug of some sort.) The only non-autodesk addins I have loaded are the trial kwikinsertnfix addin loaded and Brian Ekin's Sheetmetalextents addin loaded.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhat this error message means and how to fix it?
View 2 Replies View Relatedinfo on the following error message when saving to the style library.
View 5 Replies View RelatedOK then update. I select never show this message agian ever (my favorite ) - but guess what a it pops back up. Nothing is wrong with the assembly
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a text parameter "ARM_TYPE" that kicks out a numaric parameter "ARM_ANGLE" through an ilogic rule. My problem is i need to have the rule kickout an error when (ARM_TYPE= "none"). I can do this by changing the "ARM_ANGLE" parameter from a Numaric to Text format (see below). The problem here is that "ARM_ANGLE" is used in several more ilogic rule calculations generating other parameter values which also need to kick out an "error"
If Parameter("ARM_TYPE") = "A995" ThenParameter("ARM_ANGLE") = -12ElseIf Parameter("ARM_TYPE") = "A1023" ThenParameter("ARM_ANGLE") = -3.7ElseIf Parameter("ARM_TYPE") = "A1081" ThenParameter("ARM_ANGLE") = -44.1ElseIf Parameter("ARM_TYPE") = "NONE" ThenParameter("ARM_ANGLE") = "####"End If
I am looking to batch convert my IDWs to AutoCad DWGs without having to go through and manually open each file and save as etc. Right now I am using the export files task to do this. I have saved an *.ini file with all the settings I want and successfully create the task. After running the task it fails to convert all the files giving me an error message that says "File has unresolved references". This shouldn't be the case though because the IDW's open and reference the part/assembly files fine.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2010 32bit edition SP3
I recently installed Inventor Premium 2012 and I am not able to make a bolted connection or creat a tapped hole. I get this error message: Invalid thread data table. Please check Thread.xls file.".
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhat this error message means. I cant find any reference to it in the help files.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I suppress a part or a sub-assembly in Inventor 2013 and then right click on the suppressed item in the browser window I always get an cadabundus error message (see attachment), after I press OK I get the normal right click menu hovering over the item.
I have Inventor 2013 RTM 64 bit Build 138, and running on Vista 64bit.
We use several different classes of steel such as A572-65 or A572-50 etc. Any way to add those values in Inventor 2014 without having to reinvent the wheel?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to import my MDT 2009 (SP3) files into Inventor 2012 (SP1) but I get the error in the subject line.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI can't tell if this is a bug or a "feature."
I have created a custom thread.xls table so that thread callouts are in decimal format per ASME B1.1.
When I use the Hole / Thread feature note in an .idw, the thread class will not show on an external thread. If I change the format to not use Custom Thread Designation, the thread class appears. If I use the Custom Thread Designation on a threaded hole, everything works fine.
In Elements 9 I now get an error message "Cannot use Clone Stamp due to program error".
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The message is saying - Error in reading preview cache.
I have a new box version of PantShop Photo Pro X3. Using the CD to install, I am getting a 1935 error message.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm using AutoCAD 2012 LT and have having problems inserting/updating/editing fields. This is the error that appears
"There are no registered modules to edit fields or demand loading is currently disabled". When I click OK the Field pop-up appears empty! (see attached)
The BEDIT command is also not working. It was all working up until a few days ago! I have downloaded the most recent Service Pack and it's still not working.
A user is having issues with plotting from AutoCAD LT, when trying attempting a normal plot to PDF the program crashes and he is forced to close it, also when changing the way he plots to plot to DWG PDF it starts to work correctly but brings up a fatal error message as below and attached:
FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x0014 Exception at 778e224dh
When i try to convert my .dwg to a pdf on my laptop (second computer) i get an error message that the drawing might be password protected. it happens on all my autocad drawings
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