AutoCAD Inventor :: New Template Styles Library Error Message
Mar 7, 2012what this error message means and how to fix it?
View 2 Replieswhat this error message means and how to fix it?
View 2 RepliesHow do update the styles library to keep from getting the Styles Conflict error box. I have used the Standard.dwg file that loaded with Inventor 2012 but everytime I change styles and save the changes in a new template in reverts back to the library definitions.
I used to be able to select 'NO' in the LIbrary option of the Projects Folder but that optiion no longer exists.
info on the following error message when saving to the style library.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been using my LR3 for a few months but this is the first time that I got an error message when I was switching from the Library module to the the Develop module. I have a macbook pro with 500 GB HD. I am currently using 450 GB already.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have updated our Company TB and Border and was now working with the Line weights of our layers. I placed our TB into the directory so when we do File -> New, we can select our TB. My problem is when I open it up, I get an error dialog box about a Conflict Styles (error shown below). Where exactly do I save our Library styles so that when I open up our TB, my pre-selected lineweights, layers, etc... load up?
I am using IV 2012 Pro on a Windows 7 Computer.
I have made up templates with design styles (line thicknesses etc.).
However, when I try and load these templates up, the design styles do not load with the template as an error messgae appears. This has been attached.
I want to open a template up and for it to open with these design styles automatically loaded as default.
I am using Inventor 2012 LT.
I am in the middle of an upgrade from 2009 to 2012 and have a styles use question. I am running three flavors of Inventor: Inventor, Inventor Professional, Inventor Factory (based on Pro). The styles library that I am starting with was migrated from 2009 to 2012 and was running both IV series and Pro Seats. Although no real Pro functionality was ever used so any associated styles were still as delivered for the most part. My working environment is a single Vault project setup where all the styles and libraries are local copies on each workstations drive. All the standard content (styles and libraries) stay checked out to myself on my machine for protection.
So here is what I did to make an all inclusive styles library that all flavors of products will use. pick this apart if you see something wrong with the method.
1) I started with the migrated styles library from 2009
2) As I installed the different flavors I copied the new styles libraries over the existing migrated one without allowing it to "overwrite" any existing styles files. This only populated the styles libraries with any thing I was missing from any of the flavors.
3) I use this combined library on all station regardless of the flavor installed. So some stations have styles on them that are not in use by the installed software.
I have been using PS for about 2 moinths. The program has developed a fault that reads
The procedure entry point ister WindowMessage could not be located in the dynamic link library USER32.dll.
I have tried uninstalling and re-installing but to no avail,
Using PS CS on XP with SP2 installed. Program was working fine.
I make an idw template at home and at work i get this message that says style library will override the listed styles, and enables me to choose if i want to impose the style library or the styles in the template.
I want to impose the styles in the template and the message says that in order to achieve that i have to delete the styles.
Which styles to delete and how?
When i use the purge styles command it's empty.
I understand that duplicate names of styles make the problem, but at home i checked 2 of the styles and found them the same as at work, but maybe i don't remember all the changes.
Is the solution simply to make new styles with new names?
We have three divisions in my company. Each division uses a different set of drawing templates.
With all of that said, in my division we are trying to setup a certain said standard that was copied from the out of the box standard ANSI one as a starting point. We were hoping to have this standard reside only in our drawing templates, but the way the styles is handling it, it would appear that this standard has to be updated/added to the global styles library.
Is this a true statement that this has to be a global styles update or is there a way to have a said standard be the default setting within just certain drawing templates without being seen or affecting other drawing templates?
My program is missing a few material styles from the content library, whenever I use them on a part they just stay the default color. How do I replace them without having to re download the whole program?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to implement our new Styles Library for our Dimension styles. I keep getting this error (see attached).
I have done everything I can think of, I have mapped the default library to the new styles library location on the server. I have tried everything.
I have custom material, appearance, and sheet metal libraries. I exported all my sheet metal styles. When I try to import them, I get this message:
Error loading file 'file:///M:/00_Styles/SheetMetalStyles.styxml'.
Cannot find reference to Colors style named 'Stainless - 2B' in file:///M:/00_Styles/SheetMetalStyles.styxml.
Style 'Materialstainless Steel, 304 2B' has not been loaded from file:///M:/00_Styles/SheetMetalStyles.styxml.
The color and material it is looking for are both in the active style library.
Inventor 2013
Win 7 Pro SP1 (x64)
Why do I have to select edit hole note each time I use the hole feature tool? It will not keep my settings to show qty.
It seems that I should be able to save it to my library and make it the default. I have saved library,templates all with zero luck.
See 2 screen shots in the attachment.
ilogic function to update local styles to match Style Library?
I have a snippet of code that, on a drawings, deletes the current parts list (if one exists), then inserts a new parts list which I want to be up to date with the Style Library.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit
We have, as our standard library default dimension style, a 1/32 fractional style, called "1/32-FRACTION". Various Object Types, like Linear Dimension are set to this Object Style. When I create a drawing, then these Object Defaults are in effect.
This means that, doing nothing while executing a dimension command, I get fractional dimensions by default. This works good.
However, sometimes I want to create a drawing where the default dimension style is "X.XXX-DECIMAL" without changing the Object Defaults found in the style library. I've tried to make the changes from within the style library and then save this as a template. However, when I try to make a drawing based on this template, Inventor states that the styles in the template differ from the styles in the library" and then busily goes about undoing what I careful did.
So I'm hoping there is something in the API I can call on to do this with a macro. Is it possible to write a macro that after you start a drawing, flips all the various Object Styles from "1/32-FRACTION" to "X.XXX-DECIMAL"?
Is there a way that we can set the view label in the style library to show custom/user Properties?
We have set our iam/ipt templates to have some custom properties which we wish to display in the view label when the view is created however there this no way to add these properties to the label.
I find this a little strange as you can add these user Properties to the parts list in the style library? (I've added some screen caps to show what I am talking about)
I am running LR4 ver4.3. All of a sudden I receied an error message stating cannnot switch to module. I have tried all the usual stuff before going out to the web to look for fixes. On adobe's site they recommended 6 things which I did exactly as instructed and still nothing..I am running iMac mountain lion and everything on my computer is up to date.
View 1 Replies View RelatedError Message: "Class Not Registered." appears when opening an assembly.
Generally, the errors appears to stop the model from opening.
This error message (see attached) pop up, when I open more than 2 or 3 dwg files in autocad.
I am not sure how to correct it. I have a Windows 7 pro x64 system running Inventor 2012
I am trying to convert my AutoCAD inventor 2013 file to a standard 2007 file by going "Save As" "Save Copy As" and then "Autocad DWG File" but i keep getting up a message "problems encountered while saving the document" How do i repair this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy isn't there a way to disable these messages? Or is there a way?
I cannot be bothered to fix the trivialities of my assembly, and each time I update anything, that's one more click. I don't care about the cross part associations, as the parts exist as they need to.
Messages such as:
Cross Part Association has failed
This is the reason why my departments at work are considering Solidworks - Inventor is simply clunky - and it doesn't matter if the assembly has errors because of the modeling "mistakes" I make in this regard - I just need to supress these messages and get the work done.
afterthought - I know how to break links and clear associativity - but I just need a way to supress the error message. This would be very ideal, as it takes a while to go and break links and clear adaptivity. Often times, these errors crop up as engineering makes change orders to the part and it just crops up after revisions.
Just wondering whether there is a way to integrate iLogic error message into VB.NET code.
For example, if use following sentence to read the data from spread sheet.
LengthFloat=GoExcel.CellValue("tank_data.xls", "Gauges", "llg_arm_lgth")
if there is no such cell of "llg_arm_lgth", the error message appears as in attached file.
Right now I want to use "try...catch... end try" in the iLogic code. I can duplicate the first line of the warning message using VB.NET code, but I can not reach the second line. Does the iLogic expose this error message through some function? or which VB.NET code does this job?
I make a change to the effected parts/assemblies. Save them. Close them. Then open the .idw drawing, it begins updating the views. Then I get this message:
"The attempted operation did not produce a meaningful result. Try with different inputs."
It doesn't effect all the views, only one view. The other five views get updated without issue. The one view that doesn't is the parent view to two of the other views that update just fine.
I've tried rebooting my machine. Checked in all the files and opened them fresh after a reboot.
I'm getting this message after creating a new tube run: "H6705-51.ipt can only be saved in the context of H6705.Tube and Pipe Runs.iam"
I've never had this error come up. I added a tube run to an assembly and just couldn't save the new run. I tried opening the main tube run file and also the individual tube run but I get the same kind of error message.
I used this command all the time in previous releases (when it was in the SDK tools). In 2011 Win 7 64bit, the dialog always says "cannot place at origin" or something similar yet it does place the component there but does not apply the constraints. (Also my "make components" command puts a slight offset to my parts which could be a related bug of some sort.) The only non-autodesk addins I have loaded are the trial kwikinsertnfix addin loaded and Brian Ekin's Sheetmetalextents addin loaded.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just recently received error from one of our customers regarding this kind of error (see attachment).
They are trying to reuse their own customized template to other PCs, they are copying these files to the template folder of Inventor. This method is successfully done in all of their pcs except for the two.
When opening one custom Content Center iPart from Inventor I get an Styles Conflict error for some Lights, Materials and Sheet Metal rules.
The Library is created in Inventor 2010 and migrated to 2012. All templates an Design Data are migrated as well. How are these styles are updated in a certain Part?
See the image
I've installed Inventor 2012 with local (desktop) content libraries.Everything installs OK except the ANSI content library which throws an install error and stops the install.
I had to uncheck the ANSI library prior to install to get everything else to install.Occurs on both of my machines (Win7 32-bit & 64-bit).I think the ANSI install file is corrupted.
How/where can I get the "installed" ANSI content library file that gets installed into C:ProgramDataInventorContent ?
OK then update. I select never show this message agian ever (my favorite ) - but guess what a it pops back up. Nothing is wrong with the assembly
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a text parameter "ARM_TYPE" that kicks out a numaric parameter "ARM_ANGLE" through an ilogic rule. My problem is i need to have the rule kickout an error when (ARM_TYPE= "none"). I can do this by changing the "ARM_ANGLE" parameter from a Numaric to Text format (see below). The problem here is that "ARM_ANGLE" is used in several more ilogic rule calculations generating other parameter values which also need to kick out an "error"
If Parameter("ARM_TYPE") = "A995" ThenParameter("ARM_ANGLE") = -12ElseIf Parameter("ARM_TYPE") = "A1023" ThenParameter("ARM_ANGLE") = -3.7ElseIf Parameter("ARM_TYPE") = "A1081" ThenParameter("ARM_ANGLE") = -44.1ElseIf Parameter("ARM_TYPE") = "NONE" ThenParameter("ARM_ANGLE") = "####"End If