AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Save New Tube Run / Getting Error Message
Nov 19, 2013
I'm getting this message after creating a new tube run: "H6705-51.ipt can only be saved in the context of H6705.Tube and Pipe Runs.iam"
I've never had this error come up. I added a tube run to an assembly and just couldn't save the new run. I tried opening the main tube run file and also the individual tube run but I get the same kind of error message.
When I enter a Run File Name in the "Create Tube & Pipe Run dialog box I get the message "The path is too long. Try a shorter name." The name I entered is "Kappa 55 Suction Line", I also tried the Run File Name of "1" as a test and get the same warning message "The path is too long. Try a shorter name."
I noticed in the tree of my tube and pipe runs, two of the run names are red. All others are black. Is this indicating an error in these runs? I'm not getting any error messages and everything seems to run fine. I'm just curious I guess. I've attached a picture of the tree.
HP Z400 Workstation Intel Xeon @ 3.33GHz 12.0 GB RAM Windows 7 64-bit Inventor Pro 2014
I attached two external DWG using the add source drawings in map, then I queried a single drawing into my current drawing. Which I must admit was pretty cool. However know every time I save, autosave, or Publish I get the message below.
Basically a 2.5" id tube with a .06 wall thickness - 16ga exhaust tubing. Once I finaly got the drawing right, I cannot rip the part. The part has both ends cut. If one of the ends is left un cut I can create a sketch and put a point where I want to rip, and successully rip the part. If both ends has a cut end has a cut, there is a RIP error. How to overcome this headache? I am trying to make a template which If i can rip the part, I will be able to do so.
After the latest patch installation, Photoshop CS5 ext. (12.1 x64 on windows7 64bit) don't save the files on the PDF format. The message: "the file is already open on other application"
When I go to import a clip into videostudio, I get this message: "no storage to save BB" I click ok, then I get the "load from stream error" message.
Here is my info:Windows XP, videostudio 12, Dell Dimension E520. I'm importing an uncompressed AVI (I've done this loads of times with not problems) and I get the message while it's importing.
I get this message when trying to save files in Photoshop CS2. This happens about 90% of the time when I try to save or save as. I have to save to the desktop or another folder for it to work.
Message I get: "Could not save "Name.tif" because of a disk error."
I have an ai file that I can not save with out getting the File I/O error message. One person suggested that this file may be corrupted since I've been bouncing back and forth between 2 different Illustrator programs. I use CS-4 at work, save as CS-3 format then continue working on it at home. I tried copying each layer to a new fresh doc. but still get the error code. Is there a way to fix this file? Both back-up files I have behave the same way.
I have a question about calculating the maximum tube length. Why do i ask this, because you can just measure it on drawing?
I'm building a parametric model for building simple storage tanks, and the goal is to get a complete BOM out of the model without any difficulties.
I have 4 possibilities of tube positioning on the tank. (see image)
1. A tube that stands in the center of the axis of the main tank.
2. A tube that stands in the center of the axis of the main tank, but under an angle
3. A tube that doesn't stand in the center of the axis of the main tank.
4. A tube that doesn't stand in the center of the axis of the main tank, but under an angle
These 4 possibilities can be flush with the inside of the tank or not.
Is there a easy way to determinate the longest point from the front of the tube? This longest measurement will be the length i need to get into my description for the BOM.
I use tubing in inventor, I always attached tube to whatever fittings I am using and everything is fine but if something gets moved that the end of the tube loses its contraint I'm ready to jump off a cliff!
Is there any way to get the end of the 3D sketch contrained to the fitting again?
Up until now I have always had to deleted the route and started over. Inventor Pro 2014
I am using PS 5.5. Has been working fine for years and suddenly now upon clicking save for web, i get the error message; could not support the export command because Photoshop 5.0 does not supply the services required by the plug-in module and then crashes.
Yahoo mail is my default mail program. Works fine with everything except photoshop elements 10 photo sharing facility!
Tried everything to get it working. This is my last resort. My email address has been verified by Adobe.
The mail client that opens look nothing like I've seen before. I assume it is an Adobe interface. Clicking SEND gives the error message in the subject heading.
I am unable to save an image as a jpg file!!! every time I try, I get the following error: "Not A Regular File"
I can save as png, but not jpg!!! the original format was psd, that error message came up when saving as jpg... when I saved as png, I closed Gimp and reopened the png file, but I STILL get that error message when saving as jpg!!
Trying to edit and save this file fails silently, because Photo-PAINT does get confused by a file name like this: "filename.morename.extension". Nothing gets saved.
The actual file name taken from my example file is: "Flag_of_Germany.svg.png".
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
I am trying to convert my AutoCAD inventor 2013 file to a standard 2007 file by going "Save As" "Save Copy As" and then "Autocad DWG File" but i keep getting up a message "problems encountered while saving the document" How do i repair this?
Why isn't there a way to disable these messages? Or is there a way?
I cannot be bothered to fix the trivialities of my assembly, and each time I update anything, that's one more click. I don't care about the cross part associations, as the parts exist as they need to.
Messages such as:
Cross Part Association has failed
This is the reason why my departments at work are considering Solidworks - Inventor is simply clunky - and it doesn't matter if the assembly has errors because of the modeling "mistakes" I make in this regard - I just need to supress these messages and get the work done.
afterthought - I know how to break links and clear associativity - but I just need a way to supress the error message. This would be very ideal, as it takes a while to go and break links and clear adaptivity. Often times, these errors crop up as engineering makes change orders to the part and it just crops up after revisions.
if there is no such cell of "llg_arm_lgth", the error message appears as in attached file.
Right now I want to use "try...catch... end try" in the iLogic code. I can duplicate the first line of the warning message using VB.NET code, but I can not reach the second line. Does the iLogic expose this error message through some function? or which VB.NET code does this job?
I make a change to the effected parts/assemblies. Save them. Close them. Then open the .idw drawing, it begins updating the views. Then I get this message:
"The attempted operation did not produce a meaningful result. Try with different inputs."
It doesn't effect all the views, only one view. The other five views get updated without issue. The one view that doesn't is the parent view to two of the other views that update just fine.
I've tried rebooting my machine. Checked in all the files and opened them fresh after a reboot.
I used this command all the time in previous releases (when it was in the SDK tools). In 2011 Win 7 64bit, the dialog always says "cannot place at origin" or something similar yet it does place the component there but does not apply the constraints. (Also my "make components" command puts a slight offset to my parts which could be a related bug of some sort.) The only non-autodesk addins I have loaded are the trial kwikinsertnfix addin loaded and Brian Ekin's Sheetmetalextents addin loaded.
I have a text parameter "ARM_TYPE" that kicks out a numaric parameter "ARM_ANGLE" through an ilogic rule. My problem is i need to have the rule kickout an error when (ARM_TYPE= "none"). I can do this by changing the "ARM_ANGLE" parameter from a Numaric to Text format (see below). The problem here is that "ARM_ANGLE" is used in several more ilogic rule calculations generating other parameter values which also need to kick out an "error"
I am looking to batch convert my IDWs to AutoCad DWGs without having to go through and manually open each file and save as etc. Right now I am using the export files task to do this. I have saved an *.ini file with all the settings I want and successfully create the task. After running the task it fails to convert all the files giving me an error message that says "File has unresolved references". This shouldn't be the case though because the IDW's open and reference the part/assembly files fine.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2010 32bit edition SP3
I recently installed Inventor Premium 2012 and I am not able to make a bolted connection or creat a tapped hole. I get this error message: Invalid thread data table. Please check Thread.xls file.".
When I suppress a part or a sub-assembly in Inventor 2013 and then right click on the suppressed item in the browser window I always get an cadabundus error message (see attachment), after I press OK I get the normal right click menu hovering over the item.
I have Inventor 2013 RTM 64 bit Build 138, and running on Vista 64bit.