Photoshop :: Disk Error Message When Trying To Save
Mar 14, 2008
I get this message when trying to save files in Photoshop CS2. This happens about 90% of the time when I try to save or save as. I have to save to the desktop or another folder for it to work.
Message I get: "Could not save "Name.tif" because of a disk error."
Recently I have been receieving the following error message when Photoshop CS6 x64 srtarts up on my Windows 7 machine. Ps resides on my SSD. Â I don't always get the message but when I press X, Cancel, Try Again, or Continue the message repeats until finally Ps starts. I'm not sure what drive DeviceHarddisk3Dr3 is supposed to mean.
When selecting SAVE AS in Photoshop CS5, I received a message saying that the disk is full. This is this first time I have seen this message from CS2 on. I don't understand what disk is being mentioned here. Of course I understand what disk full means, but I don't understand what disk is being discussed or refered to.
We're getting an error message while trying to save to central- "Disk full while accessing filename_central.rvt"..I figure it's a space error, but the project is on a server which should have plenty of room.Â
I am trying to save a rgb tif file (file size is 31mb) with a single layer that was applied since opening, the only way I am being allowed to save it is if i flatten the image, which i do not want to do. When I try to save it I get "Could not save "leeo083.TIF" because of disk error.
I am on a Dual 2 GHz G5 with 3 gigs of ram OS 10.3.5 There is 40 gigs of open space on the harddrive. Photoshop CS the file is located on the desktop and I am attempting to save it in the same folder.
I have tried save, save as and get the same error.
Everytime I try to save a file in PS it tells me I can't because the disk is full.I have to save it to the desktop and then cut/paste it into the folder I want.So annoying and time consuming! been doing this for months. How can I correct this?
I scanned an image at 1200 dpi (Windows reports the file size as 165 MB) and tried to open it in Photoshop and got this message: Disk error –36 while reading or writing virtual memory file. Sorry, but this error is fatal. I've tried changing the paging file size. I've set both my C drive and a partition (F) to 4096 MB. I also went into "Preferences/Plug-ins and Scratch Disks" and set the Primary and Secondary to the drives mentioned above, and still get the same error message. What am I doing wrong? The only thing I can think of is that my computer is an older one (only a 500 mhz processor) but I don't think that should matter - then again I've never scanned at this high a resolution before either.....
After the latest patch installation, Photoshop CS5 ext. (12.1 x64 on windows7 64bit) don't save the files on the PDF format. The message: "the file is already open on other application"
I am using PS 5.5. Has been working fine for years and suddenly now upon clicking save for web, i get the error message; could not support the export command because Photoshop 5.0 does not supply the services required by the plug-in module and then crashes.
Yahoo mail is my default mail program. Works fine with everything except photoshop elements 10 photo sharing facility! Â Tried everything to get it working. This is my last resort. My email address has been verified by Adobe. Â The mail client that opens look nothing like I've seen before. I assume it is an Adobe interface. Clicking SEND gives the error message in the subject heading.
I've been using Gimp 2.6 for some months now and beginning to get to grips with it. I load photos into Picasa and then process jpegs with Gimp. Upgraded to 2.8.0 a few days ago and hit a problem.
Using the new 2.8 system to to 'export' out to a jpeg file, when I go back to Picasa and make any change at all, which then needs a 'save' I get a Windows error message: "Unable to save all files due to a disk error. The disk may be full or read only".Files not Gimp 2.8 processed are fine.
2.6 no problem - 2.8 problem. I don't think it will be Gimp bug, but there is an associated change which has 'upset' my computer.
When I go to import a clip into videostudio, I get this message: "no storage to save BB" I click ok, then I get the "load from stream error" message.
Here is my info:Windows XP, videostudio 12, Dell Dimension E520. I'm importing an uncompressed AVI (I've done this loads of times with not problems) and I get the message while it's importing.
I have an ai file that I can not save with out getting the File I/O error message. One person suggested that this file may be corrupted since I've been bouncing back and forth between 2 different Illustrator programs. I use CS-4 at work, save as CS-3 format then continue working on it at home. I tried copying each layer to a new fresh doc. but still get the error code. Is there a way to fix this file? Both back-up files I have behave the same way.
I'm getting this message after creating a new tube run: "H6705-51.ipt can only be saved in the context of H6705.Tube and Pipe Runs.iam"
I've never had this error come up. I added a tube run to an assembly and just couldn't save the new run. I tried opening the main tube run file and also the individual tube run but I get the same kind of error message.
I attached two external DWG using the add source drawings in map, then I queried a single drawing into my current drawing. Which I must admit was pretty cool. However know every time I save, autosave, or Publish I get the message below.
I am unable to save an image as a jpg file!!! every time I try, I get the following error: "Not A Regular File"
I can save as png, but not jpg!!! the original format was psd, that error message came up when saving as jpg... when I saved as png, I closed Gimp and reopened the png file, but I STILL get that error message when saving as jpg!!
Windows 7, had everything working fine. Added SSD and installed system from scratch on SSD. Old drive is now my second drive. Â Trying to put the scratch disk on the second (old) drive to reduce wear on the SSD. But every time I do, I get the disk error message and it erases all my settings (so annoying!) Â I figure it's a permissions thing since I've had to deal with that already to some degree, but I don't know how to fix it since I don't know where adobe is trying to save the scratch file.
Trying to edit and save this file fails silently, because Photo-PAINT does get confused by a file name like this: "filename.morename.extension". Nothing gets saved.
The actual file name taken from my example file is: "Flag_of_Germany.svg.png".
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4Â @Â Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
I have not subscribed to the extended version and it ran out today now when I boot up cs6 the message is could not open a scratch file because the disk is not available.I can't get into adobe cs6 now
so i recently restored my computer back to factory settings .. so my computer doesnt even have any new downloaded app .. i download photoshop cs6 now im getting scratch disk errors ..which i dont see possible if my computer doesnt have anything on it (besides what it came with) my hard drive has 276 gb i only used 33 . i made an external hard drive and that has 8 gb ... also its moving very slow .. also its telling me i cant make an new canvas size 1920 x 1020 with an resloution of 300 .. im using windows 7 Toshiba
When doing catalog backup get message " your system is low on disk space, and elements organizer cannot perform the operation. If create a catalog with 20 pictures backup works OK. backing up to a 1TB external drive. Have 16705 pictures in catalog. Total disk space for pictures is 192 MB. Why am I getting message?
This document has been damaged by a disk error. The most likely causes of this error are: a defective disk drive, a defective disk drive cable, or incorrect peripheral cable termination. Some of the pixels in this document may be invalid.
System specs: MacPro3,1 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon OS 10.6.8 18 GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT graphics card Photoshop 12.1 x 64 Â So I just purchased and installed my first copy of an Adobe Suite and now I can't print. Back story: I had CS4 on my machine from my last job and it printed fine. When I lost my job, I went the legit route and installed the demo for CS 6 until I was able to aquire my own copy. CS 6 also printed fine.
I found a version on eBay of CS 5.5 and was eager to install. Yes, it is a full legit version with original disc and packaging; the seller even went so far as to have the liscence transfered over to me. I used the "AdobeCreativeSuiteCleanerTool" to remove all previous versions before doing a clean install of CS 5.5. Everything else in the suite seems to be running normally except printing. Â I've looked on the forums and tried several of their suggestions to no avail: 1) I tried changing the "Color Handling" in the print options box. 2) I tired running it in 32 bit mode. 3) I tried fixing permissions. 4) I trashed my preferences and tried the Shift-Option-Command trick 5) I updated the Adobe software (no updates for Photoshop) 6) I reinstalled my printer drivers. Â I just printed last night from CS 6 and now no luck today.
Lately when I try to crop an image in Photoshop CS2 (9.0.1) I get the message that the function could not be completed because the scratch disk was full.
I only have a "C" drive and I have over 15 gig free. I have optimized the hard drive and that didn't do anything . Can someone help me with this problem?
What does it mean when I try to open a file in photoshop and get a scratch disk error. And how do I stop it from keep hapening again. I try to solve it by purging out stuff.
I have had Photoshop CS5 installed on my system for over a year, and it worked fine all this time under Snow Leopard. Now that I've upgraded to Lion, Photoshop will not open due to these messages: Â -Could not open a scratch file because the disk is unavailable. -Could not initialize Photoshop because the disk is unavailable. Â The scratch disk in question is an 80gb partition of a 1tb internal hard drive. If I delete the preferences file (by holding down cmd-shift-opt when starting PS) then it starts up just fine. If I go into preferences and reset it to use the scratch disk, then next time I try to reopen the program I get the same 2 error messages and I have to ditch the preferences again. Â There is nothing wrong with the disks, I verified them. And anyway, I've been using that scratch disk with Photoshop for the last year with no issues. It was only after I switched to Lion that this started happening.I need to be able to take advantage of the performance increase that a scratch disk offers.